摘要:18.KEY:1-5 BAADB 6-10 CABCC 11-15 BDADB 16-20 DDACC


第三节:完形填空(共20小题,每题1.5分, 满分30分)

Everybody gets unhappy. That’s why people eat a lot of  21  or spend lots of money on clothes—they think that these things will make them  22  !   23  , it is easy to create happiness, if you just have learned to be a  24  .

Giving  25  and resources to others who need them is a good thing to do. It will possibly contribute more to your happiness and to maintaining(保持) a   26   attitude than anything else. The key to successful family   27  is spending time staying with other family members. Give your time to your husband or wife,  28  time and resources to your children, and  29   they are the most valuable to you in the world.

Imagine this: a boy has  30  ,and you give him something of great  31  to him, such as by reading him a book. There is no  32  that you’ll see a big simile on his face. Maybe you’ll find that this is the happiest  33  of your life. You can also volunteer for a rescue service. There you will learn the meaning of“I cried  34  I had no shoes and then I saw a man who had no legs”.

Isn’t it true that the happiest people are typically those we consider foolish because they are  35  ready to give you the  36  off their back? It is also  37  that the most discontent(不满足的) people are the ones who are always making demands and never  38  others. Form the  39  of being a Big Giver, and then you will know one of the secrets to living a  40  and happy life.

21.A.junk food               B.meals                        C.fruits                        D.vegetables

22.A unhappy                 B.disappointed               C.happy                       D.satisfied

23.A.Mostly                   B.Actually                    C.Finally                      D.Naturally

24A.winner                    B.reminder                    C.receiver                    D.giver

25.A time                       B.money                      C.clothes                     D.food


27.A.communication     B.negative

B.relationships       C.rude

C.hobbies       D.equal


28.A. take                      B. bring                        C. devote                     D. lead

29.A.believe                   B.recognize                   C.understand                D.dream

30.A.something              B.nothing                      C.everything                 D.anything

31.A.value                     B.help                          C.use                           D.importance

32.A.wonder                  B.need                          C.doubt                        D.good

33.A.view                      B.person                       C.day                           D.moment

34.A.but                        B.because                      C.though                      D.if

35.A. never                    B.yet                            C.seldom                      D.always

36.A. clothes                  B. hat                           C. money                     D. life

37.A.true                       B.certain                       C.sure                          D.real

38.A.take in                   B.pay for                      C.care about                 D.worry about

39.A.culture                   B.custom                      C.look                         D.habit

40.A.healthy                   B.unforgettable              C.successful                  D.simple



阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D )中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
An Act of Kindness
Mother was making a dish for Mrs. Smith next door ,   36  six-year-old Susie came up and   37   why Mommy was doing so .
“Because Mrs. Smith is very sad: she lost her daughter and she has a broken heart. We need to take care of her   38   .And when someone is very , very sad , they have trouble doing the   39  things like making dinner or other housework . Because we’re part of a   40   and Mrs Smith is our neighbor , we need to do some thing to help her. Mrs Smith won’t   41   be able to talk with  or hug her daughter or do all those wonderful things that mommies and daughters do together. You’re a very smart girl , Susie ; maybe you’ll think of some way to help take care of Mrs. Smith.”
Susie thought seriously about this  42   and how she could do her part in   43  Mrs. Smith. A few minutes later , Susie knocked on her door. After a few moments , Mrs Smith   44   the knock with a “Hi , Susie”.
Susie noticed that Mrs. Smith didn’t have that   45   musical quality about her voice when she greeted someone, and she also looked as though having been   46   because her eyes were weary and swollen(肿胀). “What can I do for you , Susie ?” asked Mrs. Smith.
“My mommy says that you lost your daughter and you’re very , very sad with a broken heart.” Susie   47  her hand out shyly. In it was a   48  . “This is for your  49  . Mrs. Smith knelt down and hugged Susie , choking back her tears.   50  her tears she said ,”thank you , darling girl, this will help a lot.”
Mrs. Smith accepted Susie’s act of kindness and took it one step   51   . She bought a small key ring with a picture frame ----  52   designed to carry keys and proudly display a family portrait at the same time. Mrs. Smith placed Susie’s Band –Aid in the frame to   53  herself to heal a little every time she sees it. She wisely knows that healing takes time and support . It has become her  54   for healing ,    55  forgetting the joy and love she experienced with her laughter.
36. A. when          B. then             C. as                   D. while
37. A. stated           B. wandered        C. claimed              D. wondered
38. A. after all         B. at present         C. from now on          D. for a little while
39. A. little            B. few             C. hard                 D. tough
40. A. family           B. community       C. world               D. race
41. A. even            B. nearly           C. ever                 D. barely
42. A. challenge        B. chance           C. incident              D. risk
43. A. attending to      B. stocking with      C. dealing with          D. getting on with
44. A. reacted          B. responded        C. answered             D. received
45. A. desperate        B. familiar           C. annoying           D. anxious
46. A. sleeping         B. reflecting         C. weeping            D. praying
47. A. brought          B. took             C. held               D. pulled
48. A. Band-Aid        B. key              C. picture             D. frame
49. A. daughter        B. eyes            C. hands             D. broken heart
50. A. Upon            B. Through          C. At               D. By
51. A. further          B. as well             C. in detail           D. once again
52. A. that             B. which             C. what              D. one
53. A. recover          B. remind            C. reward            D. repay
54. A. symbol          B. burden            C. pressure           D. ambition
55. A. rather than       B. in case of          C. yet not             D. regardless of                 





71._______________(非常有可能)they failed to grasp the key points of what I said just now .(likely)

72. Our company insisted on__________ (签订一份协议) them in case there was a sudden change when cooperating. (agreement)

73. Water, which seems so simple and common, is ______________(使生命成为可能的东西.(what)

74. Martin Luther King.Jr _______________(以……而闻名)a freedom fighter for equal rights of black people in America . (know)

75. ____________(惊讶于)the beautiful scenery at the Copacabana Beach , he decided to come again the following year . (amaze)

76. How he regretted what he had wasted before, for it is impossible for lost time ____________.(弥补回来)  (make )

77. It is believed that he __________________(可能参与了)in planning the monument, or in helping transport and pull up the stones. (hand)

78.________(如果你要寻求帮助)when you are in trouble, please contact us and we are always here waiting for you.  (should)

79.The world is changing fast, and we are said __________________(正生活在) the “Information Age”, a time of new discoveries and great changes. (live)

80. Only if you show mercy yourself______________________(你可以希望得到) mercy. (hope)




A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. He had wanted a beautiful      21 in a dealer's showroom, and knowing his father could well   22  it. He told his father that was all he wanted.

As Graduation Day came near, the young man expected  23   that his father had bought the gift.   24    , on the morning of' his graduation, his father called him into his own    25   . His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much he loved him. He   26   his son a beautifully wrapped gift box.

Curious, and somewhat   27    , the young man opened the box and found a lovely leather-bound Bible (圣经) , with the young man's name written in gold. Angry, he   28   his voice to his father, and said, "With all your money you give me a Bible?" and   29   out of the house.

Many years passed and the young man was very   30   in business. He had a beautiful home and wonderful family, but  31  his father was very old, and thought perhaps he should go to see him.    32   he could make arrangements, he received a telegram   33   him his father had passed away and willed all of his    34    to his son. When he arrived at his father's, sudden sadness and regret   35    his heart, he began to  36  his father's important papers and saw the still gift-wrapped Bible, just as he had    37   it years ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages.  His father had carefully    38    a verse (诗)  , Matthew 7 - 11  , "And if you, being evil, know how to give good gifts lo your children, how much more shall your Heavenly Father which is in Heaven, give to those who ask him?"

As he read those words, a car key    39   from the back of the Bible. It had a tag (标签) with the dealer's name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the  40   of his graduation, and the words: PAlD IN FULL

A. computer          B. bike              C. car            D. recorder

A. pay               B. buy              C. support         D. afford

A. signs              B. facts             C. marks          D. results

A. However          B. Finally            C. Quietly         D. Actually

A. house             B. room             C. study           D. office

A. gave              B. handed            C. showed          D. presented

A. excited             B. nervous            C. interested        D. disappointed

A. raised             B. changed            C. improved        D. increased

A. ran               B. went               C. walked          D. stormed

A. busy             B. successful          C. comfortable       D. happy

A. remembered       B. realized            C. knew            D. considered

A. When            B.  As               C. After            D. Before

A. informing         B. announcing         C. telling           D. discovering

A. treasures          B. possessions         C. wealths          D. eagerness

A. filled             B. caught             C. attacked         D. beat

A. pick up           B. remind of           C. search through    D. refer to

A. seen             B. got                 C. left             D. thrown

A. made            B. written             C. underlined       D. designed

A. dropped           B. appeared           C. rolled           D. showed

A. year              B. date               C. moment         D. day




     A young man was ready to graduate from college. For months he had  16  a sports car in a  17   showroom, and knowing his father  18  afford it, he told him that was  19  he wanted.  20  Graduation Day approached, he waited for the news     21  that his father had bought the car. On the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his   22  study. He handed him a beautiful box.   23  , but somewhat disappointed, the young man opened it  24  found a lovely Bible, with the young man’s name on it.  25  , he shouted to his father and said, “ With all your  26  you give me a Bible?” He then stormed out of the house, leaving the  27  ,

Many years passed. The young man was successful in both business and his family, but  28  his father was old, he intended to go back see him. He  29  him since that graduation day.  30  he could make the arrangements, he received a telegram telling his father had passed away, and he needed to take  31  possessions from his father. When he arrived at his father’s house, sudden sadness and  32  filled his heart. He saw the still new Bible, just as he had left it years ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and a car key dropped from the back of the Bible. It had a tag(标签)with the dealer’s name,  33  dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the  34  “PAID IN FULL.”

How many time do we miss blessing because they are not packaged as we  35  ?  Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.     

A. owned       B. driven            C. admired        D. seen

A. model’s      B. manager’s         C. businessman’s   D. dealer’s

A. must        B. could             C. should         D. would

A. which       B. all what           C. all             D. why

A. As          B. with              C. For            D. Along           

A. quietly      B. patiently           C. politely         D. anxiously              

A. previous     B. personal           C. private         D. professional

A. Curious      B. Serious           C. Amused         D. Concerned

A  however    B. and               C. or              D. then

A. Luckily      B. Happily           C. Carefully        D. Angrily

A. money       B. cost              C. income          D. charge

A. car         B. college             C. Bible           D. box

A. to realize    B. realized            C. realizing         D. having realized

A. hadn’t seen  B. didn’t see           C. hasn’t seen       D. wasn’t seen

A. When      B. Before             C. Until            D. After

A. up         B. in                C. on               D. over  

A. regret      B. happiness          C. excitement        D. promise

A. a same     B. the same           C. same             D. the same as

A. sentences   B. words             C. talks             D. phrases

A. expected   B. respected     C. regretted          D. repeated


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