摘要:2.KEY:1-5 CABDB 6-10 CDABD 11-15 BBACD 16-20 BAACD



I was an introvert(内向的人) by  36 . For as long as I remember, putting on a sincere smile when meeting someone had  37   been easy. The key to a sincere smile,  38  , is simple. It’s to be  39 . But that’s the source of the problem. When meeting people,  40  being excited, I often felt upset.

But we all know  41  are important. The more friends you have, the more opportunities you get,  42  it’s job opportunities, a romantic relationship, or business partners. So a smile is important to make others feel  43 . Mother Teresa said, “Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a(an)  44  to that person, a beautiful thing.”

The smile I’m now talking about is not to make a face to cashiers or waiters. I’m talking about those  45  smiles you make when meeting old friends. So I’ve discovered a  46 . And I call this technique “Oh, it’s Jamie!” When I meet someone, I imagine an old friend of mine called Jamie who was my first friend when we were  47  kids. It’s  48  why my smile is as wide as I can possibly make. And it’s not just the smile, but my tone and attitude that turn warm as well.

And the best part, whenever you’re friendly to others, they turn friendly  49 . You’re not hearing this from me. Some research done by scientists actually  50  this claim. So do remember to give it a try.

Three years ago at the age of 23, I took a long hard look at my life and decided that I was  51 .  52  of my life, I set about  53  dramatic changes and now I have become a popular writer. My  54  reflects that nothing is too difficult if you  55  bravely.

A. born           B. nature       C. myself       D. me

A. always             B. often            C. never            D. sometimes

A. therefore      B. thus             C. but          D. however

A. excited        B. interested       C. happy        D. worried

A. rather than         B. instead of       C. other than       D. apart from

A. parents        B. classmates       C. friends      D. lovers

A. what           B. how          C. why          D. whether

A. comfortable        B. excited      C. anxious      D. frightened

A. injury             B. gift             C. damage       D. mercy

A. voluntary      B. hesitant         C. wide             D. unwilling

A. method         B. treat            C. behavior         D. trick

A. still          B. again            C. no longer        D. even

A. no doubt       B. no secret        C. no reason        D. no wonder

A. in return      B. in turn      C. in time      D. in case

A. opposes        B. disproves        C. suggests         D. backs

A. wrong          B. nothing      C. something        D. right

A. Afraid             B. Tired            C. Reminded         D. Informed

A. to make        B. make             C. making       D. made

A. career             B. changes      C. decision         D. success

A. try            B. do           C. change       D. smile




     A young man was ready to graduate from college. For months he had  16  a sports car in a  17   showroom, and knowing his father  18  afford it, he told him that was  19  he wanted.  20  Graduation Day approached, he waited for the news     21  that his father had bought the car. On the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his   22  study. He handed him a beautiful box.   23  , but somewhat disappointed, the young man opened it  24  found a lovely Bible, with the young man’s name on it.  25  , he shouted to his father and said, “ With all your  26  you give me a Bible?” He then stormed out of the house, leaving the  27  ,

Many years passed. The young man was successful in both business and his family, but  28  his father was old, he intended to go back see him. He  29  him since that graduation day.  30  he could make the arrangements, he received a telegram telling his father had passed away, and he needed to take  31  possessions from his father. When he arrived at his father’s house, sudden sadness and  32  filled his heart. He saw the still new Bible, just as he had left it years ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and a car key dropped from the back of the Bible. It had a tag(标签)with the dealer’s name,  33  dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the  34  “PAID IN FULL.”

How many time do we miss blessing because they are not packaged as we  35  ?  Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.     

A. owned       B. driven            C. admired        D. seen

A. model’s      B. manager’s         C. businessman’s   D. dealer’s

A. must        B. could             C. should         D. would

A. which       B. all what           C. all             D. why

A. As          B. with              C. For            D. Along           

A. quietly      B. patiently           C. politely         D. anxiously              

A. previous     B. personal           C. private         D. professional

A. Curious      B. Serious           C. Amused         D. Concerned

A  however    B. and               C. or              D. then

A. Luckily      B. Happily           C. Carefully        D. Angrily

A. money       B. cost              C. income          D. charge

A. car         B. college             C. Bible           D. box

A. to realize    B. realized            C. realizing         D. having realized

A. hadn’t seen  B. didn’t see           C. hasn’t seen       D. wasn’t seen

A. When      B. Before             C. Until            D. After

A. up         B. in                C. on               D. over  

A. regret      B. happiness          C. excitement        D. promise

A. a same     B. the same           C. same             D. the same as

A. sentences   B. words             C. talks             D. phrases

A. expected   B. respected     C. regretted          D. repeated



Wouldn't it be great if we didn't have to remember passwords (密码) ever again?If we could just sit in front of our computers and be   21    logged in (登录? Crave mentions how NECSoft BiodeLogon system uses face recognition technology to log you on to Windows, rather than using a  22  All you need is a webcam and your pretty face to   23   your PC. No more 24   , confusing passwords to remember or change every few months.

After doing a little research, I found this type of  25   already available to consumers via a relatively   26   application called FaceCode. The  27 requires the use of a webcam to recog- nize and log PC users into their systems. You can add as many  28  as you want, provided they each have a Windows account. If the system   29   to recognize your  30  , you can recall the Windows user name and password by using a hot-key combination.

1.A. automatically B. personally        C. correctly           D. occasionally

2.A. face            B. password           C. software            D. system

3.A. access            B. connect             C. recognize          D. remember

4.A. simple            B. complicated       C. special                     D. useful

5.A. computer     B. technology        C. password           D. application

6.A. independent    B. infrequent         C. inexpensive              D. instant

7.A. account          B. consumer          C. designer            D. software

8.A. users              B. passwords          C. systems             D. computers

9.A. begins            B. tries                  C. fails                  D. stops

10.A. account        B. name                C. password           D. face




The town I live in is about to put cameras at all traffic lights to catch people who run red lights. It  1 me of how many people I’ve seen who take the yellow light as a  2 to go faster. I also can’t understand why people don’t move when the traffic light has turned green. Above all, there are those  3 situations in which someone doesn’t even  4 that the light turns red, and just keeps going. That is why so many  5 happen! All these situations make me  6 the purpose of traffic lights.

  7 ,it’s even more frightening to imagine letting people make their own decisions at  8 crossroads. Do the biggest cars get to go first? Who decides who goes next? So I guess I do like the idea of a system to  9 traffic. And I’ll do my best to  10 the traffic rules: to go, to be cautious, and to stop when I’m  11 to.

It occurs to me that my  12 have done much the same for me  13 teaching me how to live. They have given me many  14 lights: to get along well with others, to listen and talk to them, to help others, and to 15 with joy and purpose. They have also given me some red lights  16 my life goes astray(误入歧途): not to be greedy, to keep my temper, and to control my desires. And there  17 have been some yellow caution lights: to watch how much I drink, to keep control of my behavior, and to  18 school regularly and work hard.

If I obey these rules, my life will be as  19 as it can be. Just as I’m wise to pay attention to the traffic lights when I’m walking across the street, I’m wise to pay attention to the“  20 signals”given to me by my parents.

1.                A.suggests        B.robs           C.reminds  D.warns


2.                A.sight           B.signal          C.message  D.switch


3.                A.instant         B.exciting         C.dangerous D.cautious


4.                A.notice          B.sense          C.remember D.feel


5.                A.events         B.problems       C.situations D.accidents


6.                A.think of         B.wonder about    C.care for  D.worry about


7.                A.Besides         B.Anyway         C.Instead   D.However


8.                A.noisy          B.narrow         C.crowded  D.key


9.                A.control         B.direct          C.improve  D.serve


10.               A.learn          B.obey           C.protect    D.carry


11.               A.supposed       B.used           C.addicted   D.delighted


12.               A.teachers        B.friends         C.leaders    D.parents


13.               A.in charge of     B.in face of       C.in terms of D.in danger of


14.               A.safe           B.green          C.beneficial  D.helpful


15.               A.live            B.share          C.work D.communicate


16.               A.unless         B.when          C.before    D.till


17.               A.still            B.even           C.only  D.also


18.               A.start           B.attend         C.leave D.miss


19.               A.good          B.colorful        C.meaningful D.healthy


20.               A.traffic          B.light           C.life   D.confidence




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