摘要:it与that的区别:两词都可代替某一特定名词.但that指同一类.并非同一个. e.g. The climate of South China is mild; I like it very much.(it指the climate of South China) The climate of South China is much better than that of Japan.




My First Days in New York

  Sunday 2nd July

  It’s amazing that I can stand on the New York City now.I can hardly believe my eyes even if I see the famous Statue of Liberty.I come from Perth, a quiet town in Scotland, and I haven’t seen much of the world.Luckily I can be one of the exchanged program students.We can stay here for 2 weeks.I am really excited about the following weeks.But before I came to New York, my instructor told me some differences between the English we and they speak.I am a little bit nervous.

  Monday 3rd July

  I’m really tired of the difference.I woke up at 2 o’clock and went out to have some food and sat at a table.Oil the pavement-or sidewalk, as they call it here.I was happy to sit and watch people.Sometimes I can overhear some American accent.I entered a small coffee shop and ordered something to eat.But the problem is that I couldn’t understand the waitress’ New York accent and she couldn’t understand mine.Later, I got a hamburger with crisps but I wanted chips.Then I walked back to my hotel and went to my room, which I knew was on the first floor.But in America, they say first floor instead of ground floor so I went into the wrong room.I felt so embarrassed! That was the worst moment for me.I felt far away from home even though Americans and British speak the same language.I was like a foreigner.But the American woman who was in the room laughed and said she had had the same problem in England.

  Sunday 16th July

  How time flies! I still remember the first day I came to New York but now I must leave her.The embarrassment was gone when I got used to the life here.I met some many friends and took Dart in lots of activities.My American friends made a fuss of me(大惊小怪)and they said my accent was so cute.Yesterday we held a goodbye party in their International Student Center-that’s “centre” where I come from.I will miss you, New York.











【小题1】He recognized the offer of a job in the factory as a chance to be grabbed at without ____(犹豫).
【小题2】Some people have a firm belief that online shopping will finally end up ____ store shopping in the future.(代替)
【小题3】Night ____, they stopped talking about some hot issues happened these days because of darkness.(临近)
【小题4】The system has been designed to give students a quick and easy ___ to the digital resources of the library.(使用的机会、通道、路径)
【小题5】I would ______ if they stopped interrupting me when I was delivering a speech.(感激)
【小题6】If it is __ to you, call me tomorrow before noon.(方便的)
A binary star is a double star, _____ two stars turning round each other.
【小题8】Parents __ much importance __ education. They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.(使-----附着于)
【小题9】The Chinese language __  __ Western languages in that it uses characters which stand for ideas, objects or deeds.(与……不同)
You are ______ to be hit by lightning than be attacked by a shark.
【小题11】 ____ physical problems, those patients also show a lot of concerns.(除了)
【小题12】He expects to ____ the business when his father retires.(接管)


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