摘要: the population of china? 1.300.000.000. What’s



  Chinese cities and towns are expected to absorb about 300 million people from rural areas in 20 years if the urbanization(城市化)drive maintains a growth of l per cent annually.

  The massive migration of rural labourers will contribute greatly to the development of cities Liu He.Vice.minister of the office of the Central Leading Group of Financial and Economic Affairs, said yesterday.

  The urbanization rate currently stands at 1.4 percent, which means.that about 20 million farmers become urban residents each year.

  Statistics from Liu’s office indicate that nearly 40 percent of farmers’ annual per capital income last year,about 3,200yuat2(US$395), was earned in cities.

  But China faces many problems i11 its urbanization drive, such as low wages and lack of social security for migrant labourers.Liu told the 2006 China Development Forum organized by the State Council Development and Research Centre.

  To protect the fights of migrant workers。barriers such as the household registration system(or hukou)must be removed, suggested Yifu Lin, an economics professor at Peking University.

  Liu said China would adopt a step-by-step reform of its decades-old hukou system but suggested that the“green card”system practised in Shanghai and some other cities——which enables long-term inhabitants to obtain urban hukou——be adopted in more cities.

  In 2003, about l10 million surplus labourers left the farming sector and 61 per cent of the migrant of workers.or 69.1 million, worked in cities, Liu said.

  In Wuxi of East China’s Jiangsu Province, for example, about 1.5 million 0f its 6 million population are from elsewhere.And 100,000-l 50,000 newcomers down in the city each year.He said.

  The maximum population the city can accommodate is 8 million,Liu said.“It faces huge pressures on environment, resources, especially water in the next 10 years.”


Which can be the best title for the news?

[  ]


Cities to absorb 300 million farmers in 20 years.


Rural labourers contribute greatly the development of cities.


Barriers must be removed to protect the rights of migrant workers.


China would adopt a step-by-step reform of its decades-old hukou system.


If the urbanization rate stands at 1.6%,then how many farmers become urban residents each year?

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About 24 million.


About 22.9 million.


About 32 million.


About 23.9million.


According to the expert, what is the biggest barrier in China's urbanization?

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Low wages.


Lack of social security.


Household registration system.


Poor education.


When will Wuxi reach its maximum population?

[  ]


At least 20 years.


At most 14 years.


At least 10 years.


Less than 10 years.


Donation Proposal

      Caring for disadvantaged school-age children and making donations to build the China Daily Readers Hope School

    Located in a poor remote mountainous area in central Gansu Province,Dongxiang Autonomous County(自治县)has a population of 266,900,of which 83.97 per cent are of Dongxiang ethnic community.Harsh natural conditions and dry weather have left the Dongxiang people living in poverty.To solve all these needs and offer caring and selfless support,China Daily is teaming up with the China Youth Development Foundation to offer the following proposal to China Daily readers:caring for disadvantaged school-age children in a poor mountainous area and make donations to build China Daily Readers Hope School.

    The donations will be managed by the China Youth Development Foundation.The donations will be strictly used for building a Hope School in the area-the China Daily Readers Hope Sch001.According to local situation,about 200,000 yuan(US$26,315) can help enlarge a school and about 300,000 yuan(US$39,500)can help build a new one.

    The names 0f donors whose personal donations are more than 1,000 yuan(US$132) and group donations that are more than 10,000 yuan(US$1,320)will be carved on a monument at the school to mark the contributions.China Daily will also open a special column to follow the development of the China Daily Readers Hope School and give timely reports on the loving and caring stories of the donors.

    Since the start of the China Daily Readers Hope School project in 2002,three schools-the No.1 China Daily Readers Hope Primary School,the Nutuping Hope Primary School and the No.2 China Daily Readers Hope Primary School—have been established and one,Yangling Township Dayang Village Project Hope School,has been expanded thanks to the donations.

    We, on behalf of China Daily,China Youth Development Foundation and the People's Government of Dongxiang County,express our heartfelt thanks and respect to the readers of China Daily,who have been showing care and support for the project.

Donation Address:                          Foreign currency account Numbers:

China Youth Development Foundation              00023608091014(US$)

A一1 Houyuan’ensi Hutong,Jiaodaokou          00023608091013(HK$)

Nandajie,Beijing 100009,China                00038408091027(JPY)

Name of Banking Institution:                    Name on Account:

Agricultural Bank of China,Belling               China Youth Development Foundation

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RMB Account Number:                        China Daily Readers Hope School

11—191301040003296 Tel:(86—10)84030206,64918366

Name of Banking Institution:                    E-mail:yanshi@cydf.org.cn

Headquarter Office。Bank of China(Foreign Currencies)

1.Anyone can donate money in the following currencies except        

      A.US$                    B.JPY                     C.EURO                   D.RMB

2.What’s the main purpose of writing the passage?

      A.To inform readers of the China Daily Readers Hope Sch001.

      B.To call on readers to donate money for the disadvantaged school—age children.

      C.To introduce the condition of Dongxiang Autonomous County.

      D.To express thanks to the donors.

3.What organization is responsible for managing the donations?

      A.China Daily.                                             B.China Youth Development Foundation.

      C.China Daily Readers Hope School.             D.Dongxiang Autonomous County.

4.What can we infer after reading the passage?

      A.Dongxiang ethnic community makes up about half of the population of the county.

      B.China Daily has covered some loving stories about donors.

      C.Donors of a large sum of money will be remembered forever.

      D.About 700,000 yuan has been raised since 2002.




1.Where did the conversation probably take place?

A.In a restaurant.

B.In a bookshop.

C.In a classroom.

2.What time is Jim supposed to arrive?




3.How much is the green one?




4.How old is the woman?

A.Thirty years old.

B.Thirty-three old.

C.Twenty-seven years old.

5.What is the hardest thing the man thinks in learning English?






6.What is the two speakers' common hobby?

A.Performing on a concert.

B.Playing a musical instrument.

C.Studying the theory of music.

7.How often does the man take part in a concert?



C.Every day.

8.Why does the man suggest going to his uncle's?

A.Because he can practice under the direction of his uncle.

B.Because he is not good at the theory of music, either.

C.Because he wants to help the woman with her lessons.


9.Where may the man come from?




10.What was the weather like in California last winter?

A.It was as cold as in Paris.

B.It snowed as much as in Paris.

C.It snowed less than in Paris.

11.Which season is the most beautiful in California?





12.How long has the man been in America?

A.About 5 years.

B.About 10 years.

C.About 1 year.

13.Which country does the man belong to now?




14.Why did the man come back?

A.He couldn't make any money.

B.He felt lonely there.

C.He had nothing to do there.


15.What does the man ask the woman to do?

A.To cut off a little hair over his ear and on top.

B.To cut off a bit of hair just over ear.

C.To cut off a little hair only on top.

16.What kind of hair cream does the man prefer?

A.Quite oily.

B.Not too oily.


17.How much does the man pay for his haircut?





18.Where exactly is Brighton?

A.15 miles from London.

B.50 miles from London.

C.50 miles from Paris.

19.What's the population of Brighton?

A.30, 000.

B.130, 000.

C.300, 000.

20.Why are there a lot of hotels in Brighton?

A.Because there are a lot of workers.

B.Because there are a lot of students.

C.Because there are a lot of travelers.


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