摘要:It can be inferred from the passage that the author was . A.a scientist as well as a naturalist B.a naturalist as well as a scientist C.no more than a born naturalist D.first of all a scientist H There is probably no field of human activity in which our values and lifestyles are shown more clearly and strongly than they are in the clothes that we choose to wear.The dress of an individual is a kind of “sign language that communicates a set of information and is usually the basis on which immediate impressions are formed.Traditionally,a concern for clothes was considered to be an affair of females,while men took pride in the fact that they were completely lacking in clothes consciousness. This type of American culture is by degrees changing as man dress takes on greater variety and color.Even as early as 1955,a researcher in Michigan said that men attached rather high importance to the value of clothing in daily life.White-collar- workers in particular viewed dress as a symbol of ability,which could be used to impress or influence others,especially in the work situation.The white-collar worker was described as extremely concerned about the impression his clothing made on his superiors.Although blue-collar workers were less aware that they might be judged on the basis of their clothing,they recognized that any difference from the accepted pattern of dress would be made fun of by fellow workers. Since that time,of course,the patterns have changed:the typical office worker may now be wearing the blue shirt,and the laborer a white shirt;but the importance of dress has not become less.Other researchers in recent years have helped to prove its importance in the lives of individuals at various age levels and in different social and economic status groups.



  Experts have long supposed that the Red Planet was once home to water some two billion years ago, but now a team of Canadian and US researchers say they've found hard evidence to support the theory-a discovery certain to heat up discussion on whether Mars once supported life.

  The researchers' study says the“ragged, kilometer-high and undulating(起伏的)”features on the Martian surface are in fact shorelines of massive ancient oceans that once covered a third of the planet's surface.

  “It shows that there were shorelines and…that Mars, at one time, had massive standing bodies of water that we would call oceans.It was a blue planet.It was a blue planet early in its history, and these were not small pools,”said Jerry Mitrovica, a University of Toronto geophysicist involved in the study.

  Because the study did not clearly involve biological issues, neither scientist wished to speculate(推测)on the implications(暗示)their findings may have regarding the existence of life-ancient or current-on Mars.But the study's lead author, Taylor Perron of Harvard University acknowledged that“liquid water does seem to be a basic requirement for life as we know it on Earth.”

  Perron said the study further shows it's mathematically impossible for the entire Martian water supply to have been lost to space, and much of it may still be underground.So the next step in terms of research will be to figure out where the water has gone.By pointing out where the bodies of water might have been located, it will give scientists a good“target”in terms of where to concentrate exploration efforts.


The underlined word“hard”in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ________.

[  ]










According to the passage, the shorelines on Mars ________

[  ]


now are still lying there with water


will bring hot discussion about life on Mars


will remain to be proved by scientists


look ragged and extend kilometers long


It can be inferred from the last paragraph that ________.

[  ]


man may find underground water on Mars


water on Mars was completely lost into space


scientists have located the position of water on Mars


scientists' main target is to analyze water on Mars


What would be the best title for the passage?

[  ]


Ancient life exists on Mars.


Small pools are found on Mars.


Another sign of life is found on Mars.


Scientists find shorelines on Mars.


       Ask most people how they define the American Dream and chances are they’ll say, “Success.” The dream of individual opportunity has been present in America since Europeans discovered “The New World” in the Western Hemisphere. Early immigrants like Hector St. Jean de Crevecoeur highly praised the freedom and opportunity to be found in this new land. His enthusiastic descriptions of a classless society where anyone could attain success through honesty and hard work fired the imaginations of many European readers. In Letters from an American Farmer (1782) he wrote, “We are all excited at the spirit of an industry which is unfettered (无拘无束的) and unrestrained, because each person works for himself … We have no princes, for whom we toil (干苦力活), starve, and bleed. We are the most perfect society now existing in the world.” The promise of a land where “the rewards of a man’s industry follow with equal steps the progress of his labor” drew poor immigrants from Europe and fueled national expansion into the western lands.

      Our national historical story is full of illustration of the American success story. For instance, Benjamin Franklin was the very model of the self-educated, self-made man, who rose from modest origins to become a well-known scientist, philosopher, and statesman. In the nineteenth century, Horatio Alger, a writer of fiction for young boys, became American’s best-selling author with his rags-to-riches tales. The idea of success impressed us: we spend millions every year reading about the rich and famous, learning how to “make a fortune in real estate(房地产) with no money down,” and “dressing for success.” The story of success has even affected our personal relationships: today it’s as important to be “successful” in marriage or parenthoods as it is to come out on top in business.

      But dreams easily turn into nightmares. Every American who hopes to “make it” also knows the fear of failure, because the story of success implies comparison between the haves and the have-nots, the stars and the unknown crowd. Under pressure of the story, we become lost in status symbols: we try to live in the “right” neighborhoods, wear the “right” clothes, and eat the “right” foods. These symbols of distinction assure us and others that we believe strongly in the fundamental equality of all, yet try as hard as we can to separate ourselves from our fellow citizens.

1. What is the nature of the American Dream according to Crevecoeur?

   A. People are free to develop their power of imagination.

   B. People who are honest and work hard can succeed.

   C. People are free from being used and treated badly.

   D. People can fully enjoy individual freedom.

2. By saying “the rewards of a man’s industry follow with equal steps the progress of his   

   labor”, the author means __________ .

   A. the more hard-working one is, the bigger his returns are

   B. hard work ensures the growth of an industry

   C. a man’s business should be developed step by step

   D. a company’s success depends on its employees’ hard work

3. It can be inferred from the last sentence of Paragraph 2 that _________.

   A. business success often contributes to a successful marriage

   B. Americans wish to succeed in every aspect of life

   C. good personal relationships lead to business success

   D. successful business people provide good care for their children

4. What is the paradox(矛盾)of American culture according to the author of the passage?

   A. The American road to success is full of nightmares.

   B. Status symbols are not a real symbol of a person’s wealth.

   C. The American Dream is nothing but an empty dream.

   D. What Americans fight for often disagrees with their beliefs.


Think back to this time last year. What was on your mind?

Most likely, you were thinking about finals or the holidays, although in this city I’ve noticed that thinking about the holiday is a fancy way of saying how much stuff will I get.

Now reflect on your thoughts for this holiday season. Most people are still thinking about the holidays, but I say that with a grain of salt. Everybody with a functioning brain and the ability to communicate knows that this holioday season comes with a pretty large price tag: the debt of all the hardships, both domestic and foreign, that we’ve faced over the past 12months.

Let’s face it: some of us will get everything we want over the holidays. But there are others whose parents have lost their jobs or who have lost jobs themselves because of the current economic situation. As much as we try to ignore it, there is still economic unrest in the blue and gold suburb.

In this situation, we have three options. One: We ignore the situation, like we seem to do for every bad thing that happens around us, because by God, it’s the American Way! Two: We recognize that our economy is shot, feel bad about it and spend our time wishing for the good old days. Three: We recognize that our economy is shot, but instead of moping, reflect on every good thing that we have going for us. Now, which option sounds best to you?

I spent a week this summer working in and around New York City with the city’s homeless population. Or so I thought. Although a lot of the people I served were in fact homeless, a significant number of them had a job or a home or both. The truth of the importance of this situation is that they and thousands of others across the country can’t afford even the most basic things of life, even while working two jobs. Yet no one that I met complained about their hardships. Instead, they took whatever I happened to give them(which was, more often than enough, not enough) and were genuinely grateful for what they had.

Wrap your heads around that statement for a second. These people worked their butts off to stay alive with minimal results, yet were overjoyed by a flimsy(脆弱的) paper plate with donated green beans on it. Although I am ashamed to admit it( both as a girthy figure and an affluent citizen), I have taken for granted most of my meals, let alone green beans, and I know for a fact that I am not alone.

64. According to the passage when people think about holidays they care much for ____.

A. where to spend their holidays             B. how to spend their holidays 

C. what they can get for their holidays        D. who they should go to visit

65. When the author wrote the article, the economic situation in his country ____.

A. began to go bad.   B. began to improve   C. was still serious   D. was favorable for middle class.

66. The author wrote the article mainly to advise people____.

A.to be thankful in time of hardship.    B. to spend their holidays in a wise way

C. to think little about their holidays     D. to help the country to sail through the crisis

67. It can be inferred from the passage that the writer is most probably ______.

A. a homeless child    B. an old professor   C. a famous scientist  D. a young student


Think back to this time last year. What was on your mind?
Most likely, you were thinking about finals or the holidays, although in this city I’ve noticed that thinking about the holiday is a fancy way of saying how much stuff will I get.
Now reflect on your thoughts for this holiday season. Most people are still thinking about the holidays, but I say that with a grain of salt. Everybody with a functioning brain and the ability to communicate knows that this holioday season comes with a pretty large price tag: the debt of all the hardships, both domestic and foreign, that we’ve faced over the past 12months.
Let’s face it: some of us will get everything we want over the holidays. But there are others whose parents have lost their jobs or who have lost jobs themselves because of the current economic situation. As much as we try to ignore it, there is still economic unrest in the blue and gold suburb.
In this situation, we have three options. One: We ignore the situation, like we seem to do for every bad thing that happens around us, because by God, it’s the American Way! Two: We recognize that our economy is shot, feel bad about it and spend our time wishing for the good old days. Three: We recognize that our economy is shot, but instead of moping, reflect on every good thing that we have going for us. Now, which option sounds best to you?
I spent a week this summer working in and around New York City with the city’s homeless population. Or so I thought. Although a lot of the people I served were in fact homeless, a significant number of them had a job or a home or both. The truth of the importance of this situation is that they and thousands of others across the country can’t afford even the most basic things of life, even while working two jobs. Yet no one that I met complained about their hardships. Instead, they took whatever I happened to give them(which was, more often than enough, not enough) and were genuinely grateful for what they had.
Wrap your heads around that statement for a second. These people worked their butts off to stay alive with minimal results, yet were overjoyed by a flimsy(脆弱的) paper plate with donated green beans on it. Although I am ashamed to admit it( both as a girthy figure and an affluent citizen), I have taken for granted most of my meals, let alone green beans, and I know for a fact that I am not alone.
64. According to the passage when people think about holidays they care much for ____.
A. where to spend their holidays             B. how to spend their holidays 
C. what they can get for their holidays        D. who they should go to visit
65. When the author wrote the article, the economic situation in his country ____.
A. began to go bad.   B. began to improve   C. was still serious   D. was favorable for middle class.
66. The author wrote the article mainly to advise people____.
A.to be thankful in time of hardship.    B. to spend their holidays in a wise way
C. to think little about their holidays     D. to help the country to sail through the crisis
67. It can be inferred from the passage that the writer is most probably ______.
A. a homeless child    B. an old professor   C. a famous scientist  D. a young student


Think back to this time last year. What was on your mind?

Most likely, you were thinking about finals or the holidays, although in this city I’ve noticed that thinking about the holiday is a fancy way of saying how much stuff will I get.

Now reflect on your thoughts for this holiday season. Most people are still thinking about the holidays, but I say that with a grain of salt. Everybody with a functioning brain and the ability to communicate knows that this holioday season comes with a pretty large price tag: the debt of all the hardships, both domestic and foreign, that we’ve faced over the past 12months.

Let’s face it: some of us will get everything we want over the holidays. But there are others whose parents have lost their jobs or who have lost jobs themselves because of the current economic situation. As much as we try to ignore it, there is still economic unrest in the blue and gold suburb.

In this situation, we have three options. One: We ignore the situation, like we seem to do for every bad thing that happens around us, because by God, it’s the American Way! Two: We recognize that our economy is shot, feel bad about it and spend our time wishing for the good old days. Three: We recognize that our economy is shot, but instead of moping, reflect on every good thing that we have going for us. Now, which option sounds best to you?

I spent a week this summer working in and around New York City with the city’s homeless population. Or so I thought. Although a lot of the people I served were in fact homeless, a significant number of them had a job or a home or both. The truth of the importance of this situation is that they and thousands of others across the country can’t afford even the most basic things of life, even while working two jobs. Yet no one that I met complained about their hardships. Instead, they took whatever I happened to give them(which was, more often than enough, not enough) and were genuinely grateful for what they had.

Wrap your heads around that statement for a second. These people worked their butts off to stay alive with minimal results, yet were overjoyed by a flimsy(脆弱的) paper plate with donated green beans on it. Although I am ashamed to admit it( both as a girthy figure and an affluent citizen), I have taken for granted most of my meals, let alone green beans, and I know for a fact that I am not alone.

64. 1.According to the passage when people think about holidays they care much for ____.

A.where to spend their holidays

B.how to spend their holidays

C.what they can get for their holidays

D.who they should go to visit

65. 2.When the author wrote the article, the economic situation in his country ____.

A.began to go bad.

B.began to improve

C.was still serious

D.was favorable for middle class.

66. 3.The author wrote the article mainly to advise people____.

A.to be thankful in time of hardship.

B.to spend their holidays in a wise way

C.to think little about their holidays

D.to help the country to sail through the crisis

67. 4.It can be inferred from the passage that the writer is most probably ______.

A.a homeless child

B.an old professor

C.a famous scientist

D.a young student



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