摘要: We tried all sorts of medicine but they were all (use).



Enduring Storms

Several more rounds of severe storms, tornadoes and flash flooding struck many parts of the American Midwest and Northeast as bad weather continued across the US for a second month.   

Monsoon Storms

A south-west monsoon has caused havoc in parts of Sri Lanka. Government meteorologists said that unexpected monsoonal winds blew directly across the country from the Southern Hemisphere at about 100km/h, producing several rounds of stormy weather. Nearly 250 houses in the capital Colombo were damaged.

Mt. Etna Erupts

   Sicily’s Mount Etna volcano erupted shortly after midnight on July 1, shooting “bombs” of lava nearly 1.5 meters in diameter on the eastern side of the mountain. The 30-minute eruption could be seen for several miles, but did not threaten any nearby villages.


   Hurricane Blas lost strength as it moved over cooler waters in the Pacific Ocean to the west of Mexico. Blas formed off southwest Mexico during the previous week, but squalls on the outer fringes of the storm lashed western Michoacan State, killing four people when their wood and cardboard home collapsed.

Monkey Repellent

   After years of unsuccessful attempts to keep crop-eating monkeys out of Japanese fields, a Tokyo research team believes that it may have finally found a way to prevent the damage caused by the monkeys. Animal raids on crops were successfully prevented by shooting chilli powder into the air, irritating the eyes and noses of monkeys that passed in front of carefully-placed warning sensors. “We’ve tried al kinds of preventive measures, but the monkeys are smart enough to outwit the tricks, “said Toshiaki Wada, Director of the Tokyo Forestry Experiment Station in western Tokyo.


. According to the information, which of the following statements is TURE?

A. The eruption of Mt. Etna lasted thirty days.

B. Hurricane Blas was formed off the coast of Italy.

C. The American Midwest had fine weather throughout July 1998.

 The eruption of Mt. Etna did not destroy local villages.


. According to the information, the monkeys in the Japanese fields ________.

A. destroy crops                  B. kill unsuspecting humans

C. spread eye diseases to humans    D. stop farmers from working


. The information in the “Earth Week” diary _______.

A.       predicts future weather patterns

B.        gives advice on dealing with monsoons

C.        shows that weather can be unpredictable

D.       shows the effects that storms have on animals



Enduring Storms
Several more rounds of severe storms, tornadoes and flash flooding struck many parts of the American Midwest and Northeast as bad weather continued across the US for a second month.   

Monsoon Storms
A south-west monsoon has caused havoc in parts of Sri Lanka. Government meteorologists said that unexpected monsoonal winds blew directly across the country from the Southern Hemisphere at about 100km/h, producing several rounds of stormy weather. Nearly 250 houses in the capital Colombo were damaged.
Mt. Etna Erupts
Sicily’s Mount Etna volcano erupted shortly after midnight on July 1, shooting “bombs” of lava nearly 1.5 meters in diameter on the eastern side of the mountain. The 30-minute eruption could be seen for several miles, but did not threaten any nearby villages.
Hurricane Blas lost strength as it moved over cooler waters in the Pacific Ocean to the west of Mexico. Blas formed off southwest Mexico during the previous week, but squalls on the outer fringes of the storm lashed western Michoacan State, killing four people when their wood and cardboard home collapsed.
Monkey Repellent
After years of unsuccessful attempts to keep crop-eating monkeys out of Japanese fields, a Tokyo research team believes that it may have finally found a way to prevent the damage caused by the monkeys. Animal raids on crops were successfully prevented by shooting chilli powder into the air, irritating the eyes and noses of monkeys that passed in front of carefully-placed warning sensors. “We’ve tried al kinds of preventive measures, but the monkeys are smart enough to outwit the tricks, “said Toshiaki Wada, Director of the Tokyo Forestry Experiment Station in western Tokyo.
. According to the information, which of the following statements is TURE?
A. The eruption of Mt. Etna lasted thirty days.
B. Hurricane Blas was formed off the coast of Italy.
C. The American Midwest had fine weather throughout July 1998.
The eruption of Mt. Etna did not destroy local villages.
. According to the information, the monkeys in the Japanese fields ________.

A.destroy cropsB.kill unsuspecting humans
C.spread eye diseases to humansD.stop farmers from working
. The information in the “Earth Week” diary _______.
A.predicts future weather patterns
B.gives advice on dealing with monsoons
C.shows that weather can be unpredictable
D.shows the effects that storms have on animals


It was my birthday last Thursday and I decided to   26   by inviting a few friends out to supper. I 27   a restaurant in a quiet part of town. It is one of my favorite restaurants because the food is good and the waiters are friendly. It is hardly ever crowded, because  28   people know about it, so it is not usually necessary to book a table. In any case, Thursday is not a busy evening 29 .
When we entered the restaurant, I was surprised to find it completely  30  . I looked around but not a  31    table was free. One of the waiters recognized me. He came across and explained the situation. “A party of tourists came in about   32   ago.” he said. “It was like an invasion! 33    the place was full! We can hardly manage.”
The waiter then  34   a table in the corner. “The people there  35  . ” he said, “Just hold on and you will  36    a place there.” He was right. Fifteen minutes later, the people 37   the corner table paid their bill, got up and left. I led my friends across and we all sat down.
Unfortunately our table was almost out of sight. We tried to attract the attention of the waiter who sent us there, but he, like 38    waiters, 39    the party of tourists. They ordered lots of food. But at last, an hour later, the tourists were finishing their meal and looking very  40    with their service. The waiter now very tired, appeared at our table. I advised (建议) my friends about the best dishes and finally the waiter went off with our 41 .
A few moments later he 42   to our table. We could tell from his face that he had 43   for us. 44   a little embarrassed (尴尬的) he informed us that there was  45    left. “All we can offer you” he said, “is an omelet!(煎蛋卷)”

A.chose  B.selectedC.picked upD.elected
A.a fewB.a littleC.few  D.little
A.as a rule   B.as a matter of fact    
C.as usual     D.as is known to all
A.empty   B.fullC.free    D.quiet
A.one    B.anyC.singleD.other
A.a half hour  B.half a hour   
C.half an hourD.an hour half
A.suddenly B.soonC.quicklyD.certainly
A.pointed out  B.pointed over
C.pointed onD.pointed to
A.will leaveB.are about to leave
C.are to leaveD.will be leaving
A.findB.find outC.looked for  D.searched
A.by     B.besideC.at    D.near
A.all the other   B.all an other   
C.all the others   D.all other
A.were kept busy B.was busy with
C.kept busy with  D.were busy with
A.dishes   B.food    C.menu    D.order
A.wentB.came   C.wasD.returned
A.a good news   B.good news   
C.bad news   D.a bad news
A.Looking   B.Look  C.Looked  D.Looks
A.meat or fish  B.no meat and fish 
C.meat and fish D.no meat or fish


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