摘要: A c college teaches things that would be useful in business.






  JSC Boggs is an artist who makes money.To be exact,he draws money.In the United States he draws dollars,in Britain pounds and in France francs.Each are almost perfect reproductions,apart from the fact that he writes "Bank of Boggs" or another humorous message on them.

  When Boggs goes shopping or for a meal,he offers "Boggs dollars" in the payment for what he wants.He also offers real money.It is up to the people selling the goods to take whichever they prefer.

  When a shopkeeper or a restaurant owner takes a "Boggs dollar",he or she gives a receipt in return for the things bought.Boggs then sells the receipt at face value to art collectors.This is how he makes actual money for the times when people will not accept his drawings.

  The collector uses the receipt to find the person holding the actual "Boggs dollar" and the two talk over what they think would be a fair price.This gives the shop or restaurant owner the chance to make another profit on the goods he or she sold to Boggs.It means Boggs actually gets paid for buying things.And it means that the collector has a unique work of art---each "Boggs dollar" is separately drawn.

  Artists like to make us think.What Boggs wants us to think about is the nature of value and money. What is money really worth? Is value of money the same as personal value? Once "Boggs dollars " have been given away by the artist,they often continuew to circulate and grow on value A "Boggs one dollar bill" may have bought the artist a cup of coffee in New York.Now it may be worth a car or an expensive meal.It all depends on that value a person chooses to give it.

  Money used to be worth a certain weight in gold or silver.Now it is just worth whatever the government or the banks.JSC Boggs is trying to start another type of money.People can choose "Boggs dolars" or not.And their value is up to whoever uses them.In a way,"Boggs dollars" are "people's money".

  56.How much will Boggs get if he buys a cup of coffee with a "Boggs one dollar bill"?

   A.One dollar. B.More than one dollar.

   C.Less than one dollar. D.Much more than one dollar.

  57.According to the text,the main difference between"value of money "and "personal value" is that ______.

   A.they rise or fall separately B.they refer to different people

   C.they are decided by different people D.they are decided by different banks

  58.What does the writer mean by saying "Boggs dollars are people's money"?

   A.They are two different types of money.

   B.In fact they are not real money.

   C.People can share them and use them among themselves.

   D.People are free to use them and deck their value.

  59.Choose the girht order in which Boggs gets paid.

    a.He buys things with his dollars.

    b.He sells the receipt to an art collector.

    c.He araws dollars.

    d.The art collector finds the shopkeeper to buy his dollars.

    e.The shopkeeper gives him a receipt.

   A.c - a - e - b - d

   B.c - e - b - d - a

   C.e - c - b - d - a

   D.e - b - c - a - d



  JSC Boggs is an artist who makes money.To be exact,he draws money.In the United States he draws dollars,in Britain pounds and in France francs.Each are almost perfect reproductions,apart from the fact that he writes "Bank of Boggs" or another humorous message on them.
  When Boggs goes shopping or for a meal,he offers "Boggs dollars" in the payment for what he wants.He also offers real money.It is up to the people selling the goods to take whichever they prefer.
  When a shopkeeper or a restaurant owner takes a "Boggs dollar",he or she gives a receipt in return for the things bought.Boggs then sells the receipt at face value to art collectors.This is how he makes actual money for the times when people will not accept his drawings.
  The collector uses the receipt to find the person holding the actual "Boggs dollar" and the two talk over what they think would be a fair price.This gives the shop or restaurant owner the chance to make another profit on the goods he or she sold to Boggs.It means Boggs actually gets paid for buying things.And it means that the collector has a unique work of art---each "Boggs dollar" is separately drawn.
  Artists like to make us think.What Boggs wants us to think about is the nature of value and money. What is money really worth? Is value of money the same as personal value? Once "Boggs dollars " have been given away by the artist,they often continuew to circulate and grow on value A "Boggs one dollar bill" may have bought the artist a cup of coffee in New York.Now it may be worth a car or an expensive meal.It all depends on that value a person chooses to give it.
  Money used to be worth a certain weight in gold or silver.Now it is just worth whatever the government or the banks.JSC Boggs is trying to start another type of money.People can choose "Boggs dolars" or not.And their value is up to whoever uses them.In a way,"Boggs dollars" are "people's money".
  56.How much will Boggs get if he buys a cup of coffee with a "Boggs one dollar bill"?
   A.One dollar. B.More than one dollar.
   C.Less than one dollar. D.Much more than one dollar.
  57.According to the text,the main difference between"value of money "and "personal value" is that ______.
   A.they rise or fall separately B.they refer to different people
   C.they are decided by different people D.they are decided by different banks
  58.What does the writer mean by saying "Boggs dollars are people's money"?
   A.They are two different types of money.
   B.In fact they are not real money.
   C.People can share them and use them among themselves.
   D.People are free to use them and deck their value.
  59.Choose the girht order in which Boggs gets paid.
    a.He buys things with his dollars.
    b.He sells the receipt to an art collector.
    c.He araws dollars.
    d.The art collector finds the shopkeeper to buy his dollars.
    e.The shopkeeper gives him a receipt.
   A.c - a - e - b - d
   B.c - e - b - d - a
   C.e - c - b - d - a
   D.e - b - c - a - d


Jan. 7, 2008 — French President Nicolas Sarkozy would marry his girl friend, former supermodel Carla Bruni on Feb. 8 or 9, media reported Monday.

The report said that in December — less than a month after Sarkozy met Bruni — he gave her a heart-shaped diamond engagement ring.

Carla Bruni, Italian singer, former model and girlfriend of France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy, holds the hand of her son Aurelien while wearing a pink heart-shaped ring during a visit to the ancient Jordanian ruins of Petra Jan. 5, 2008. French newspapers reported that Sarkozy would marry her early in February.

Sarkozy and his wife of 11 years, Cecilia, divorced(离婚) in October. Their marital(婚姻) problems became well known in May 2005 when she appeared in public at the side of event organizer Richard Attias.

A marriage to Bruni, a one-time star of the catwalks who is now a singer, would be Sarkozy’s third: He divorced his first wife, Marie, in the late 80s — after he had met and befriended Cecilia.

Political analyst Dominique Moisi said that a Sarkozy proposal to Bruni could be part of his desire to head off any future arguments, and the speed of their visit to the ancient Jordanian ruins of Petra Jan. 5, 2008 would fit with his personality as a busy man in a hurry.

“Apparently, he’s going to marry her, so the problem will be behind him,” Moisi said. “He will increase the opportunities to travel with her, and to say to the French, ‘You see, I must remarry ... You need a first lady.’ ”

Bruni, an Italian-born French citizen, has dated famous men including Mick Jagger and Donald Trump. She has also reportedly been linked to singer Eric Clapton and actor Vincent Perez.

1. Sarkozy’s second marriage was held _____.

A. in 1996            B. in May 2005

C. once he divorced Marie        D. 11 years later than the first

2. What is the correct order of Sarkozy’s marital history?

   a. Long marriage to Cecilia.

b. Visiting ruins with Bruni

c. Getting divorced from Marie

d. Giving Bruni a diamond ring

e. To marry the former supermodel

  A. c-a-b-d-e     B. e-d-c-a-b   C. c-a-d-b-e   D. a-c-d-b-e

3. What did Moisi really intend to inform the readers?

  A. The president will spend more time staying with Bruni.

  B. Sarkozy is good at balancing state and personal affairs.

  C. It is not easy for President Sarkozy to seek a new love.

  D. It is a doubt whether the marriage would have a bright future.

4. The possible purpose of the last paragraph is _____.

A. to provide some unknown stories about Bruni’s love affairs

  B. to show uncertainty about the former supermodel’s loyalty

  C. to imply that past experiences have little effect on a person

  D. to prove Bruni one of the most popular and attractive females

5. Which would be the best title for the news?

A. Bruni, France’s first lady

B. A third marriage to fail

C. France to have first lady

D. President’s new girl friend




  So much to do, so little time. So much information, so little time to read it. In this age there is more information than ever before. There is not enough time to read everything we want to read. However, you can consume more information in shorter time through speed-reading. This article Will not make you read 3,000 words per minute, but it will show you how to increase your speed significantly. You will also learn the basic techniques of speed-reading.

  When you first learned to read, you would say the word out loud and sound it out. Then you might whisper the word out loud and sound it out. When you read aloud, the stage you are now at is saying the word in your head. Most people tend to read this way. Saying the word in your head will cut your reading speed greatly.

  How do you calculate your reading speed? The speed is measured by how many words per minute you can read. Get some reading material, preferably a book. Find out how many words are on the page. Time yourself for one minute. Start your timer and start reading. When the timer stops, stop. If you counted 500 words on the page and you read half of the page, and then you are probably reading at 250 words per minute.

  The first thing about speed-reading is looking at the word and recognizing it. Don't say the word in your mind, just look at it and recognize its importance. Later you will recognize clumps of four words or more to increase your speed. This is the first and most important step in speed-reading.

  The next step is technique. As with any other skill, speed-reading requires technique. You should first be sitting up straight with your book flat on a horizontal (水平的) surface, such as a table or a desk. Next, you should be able to see the entire page. This is necessary if you want to recognize clumps of words. Lastly, you should be focused. It is hard to read with a lot of noise. Find a quiet place to read. This will help your understanding of the text.

  You need something to guide your eyes while reading. That's right. You should use your hand. Remember when you were little, you would read using your finger. That is a great technique, only now you'll use your hand to underline each line. Move your finger smoothly across the page. No need to go rush, start out Slow. Keep your eyes focused on the words as you recognize them while using your hand as a guide. This will increase your speed.

  The third step is practice. Practice makes perfect. Set time intervals (间歇). Read using different techniques, but make sure you understand what you are reading.

(1)Which of the following statements is true according to the text?

[  ]

A. Now there is limited information than ever before.

B. Now conditions ask people to use less time to know more information.

C. Now people can read what they like.

D. The less you read, the more time you will spend.

(2)What is the subject discussed in the text?

[  ]

A. What speed-reading is.

B. Why we need speed-reading.

C. Now it is much information time.

D. People should practise speed-reading in different kinds of ways.

(3)Which of the following shows the fight way for the speed-reading from the text?

a. Ask for more techniques.

b. Look at many words and recognize them.

c. Practise more.

[  ]

A. c, a, b

B. c, b, a

C. b, a, c

D. a, c, b

(4)The underlined sentence “you should be focused” in the fifth paragraph means that.


[  ]

A. a person should devote his attention to it while reading

B. your feelings will be hurt while reading

C. a person should smooth away difficulties while he reads

D. you should pay attention to your faults while you are reading

(5)To speed up your reading, you should ________.

[  ]

A. sit up straight with your book flat and use something to guide your eyes

B. say every word out loud and sound it out

C. know it is necessary to read quickly

D. underline some important words while you say them


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