摘要:85.He looked back to his past, r wasting too much time playing.



At Harton College—an English boarding school for boys —there are many rules . 15-year-old Bob Sanders often breaks them .

The boys can go into the town in the afternoon after class . But they must return to the school at six o’clock . One afternoon Bob walked to the town . He looked at the shops and then went to the cinema . After the film , he looked at his watch . It was after eight o’clock . He was a little worried . He walked back to Harton College as fast as possible .

When he arrived , he ran quickly to the main entrance . It was locked . He went round the school building to another door , which was locked too . He looked up at the window of his dormitory on the third floor . The window was open . But it was quite dark , and he could not climb up the wall easily . Then he saw another open window on the ground floor . It was the window of the headmaster’s study .

He looked into the room —no one was there . Bob quickly climbed on to the window sill(窗台)and jumped into the room . Just then he heard a noise . Then someone turned on a light in the corridor(走廊). Bob looked around and then hid under the sofa . One minute later , Mr. Mannering , the headmaster , came in . He turned on the light on his desk , and sat down on the sofa . Then he opened a book and began to read .

Bob lay under the sofa as quietly as possible . He couldn’t move . The floor was cold and uncomfortable . He looked at the headmaster’s shoes and socks for an hour .

“Why doesn’t he get up and go to bed ?” Bob thought .

Mr. Mannering read his book for another hour . Finally , the headmaster closed his book and stood up .He put the book on a shelf and walked towards the door .

“Thanks heavens , he didn’t find me under the sofa ,” thought Bob .

Then Mr. Mannering stopped and spoke towards the sofa . “ Would you turn off the light when you leave ?” He said , and left the study .

1.Bob didn’t go to his dormitory because______________.

A.its door was locked

B.the window was shut

C.it was quite dark

D.the wall was too high for him to climb up

2.Who had turned on a light in the corridor ?

A.Bob himself        B.Another pupil     C.An office clerk    D.Mr. Mannering

3.When the headmaster came in , Bob______________.

A.was sitting on the sofa

B.was lying under the sofa

C.hid himself behind the bookshelf

D.hid himself under the sofa

4.It can be inferred that Mr . Mannering ______________.

A.knew that Bob was still at the cinema

B.knew that Bob was in the dormitory

C.knew exactly where Bob was

D.didn’t know clearly where Bob was



五、Cloze test(完形填空)20分

When Dave was eighteen,he bought a second-hand car for £200 so that he could travel to and from work more  1  than by bus.It worked quite well for a few years,but then it got so old,and it was costing him  2  much in repairs that he decided that he had better  3  it.

He asked among his friends to see if anyone was particularly  4  to buy a cheap car,but they all knew that it was falling to pieces,so  5  of them had any desire to buy it.

Dave's friend Sam saw that he was  6  when they met one evening,and said,“What's  7 ,Dave?” Dave told him and Sam answered,“Well,what about advertising it in the paper? You may   8  more for it that way than the cost of the advertisement!” Thinking that Sam's   9  was sensible,he put an advertisement in an evening paper,which read:“For sale:small car,  10  very little petrol,only two owners.Bargain at £50.”

For two days after the advertisement first appeared,there was no   11 .But then on Saturday evening a man rang up and said he would like to  12  him about the car.“All right,” Dave said,feeling happy.He asked the man whether ten o'clock the next morning would be   13  or not.“Fine,” the man said.“And I'll  14  my wife.We intend to go for a ride in it to   15  it.”

The next morning,at ten quarter,Dave parked the car in the square outside his front door,  16  to wait there for the person who had   17  his advertisement.Even Dave had to   18  that the car really looked like a wreck.Then soon after he had got the car as   19  as it could be,a police car stopped just behind him and a policeman got out.He looked at Dave's car and then said,“Have you reported this   20  to us yet,sir?”

1.A.directly           B.safely                 C.properly                    D.easily

2.A.so                          B.such                          C.very                          D.too

3.A.keep               B.repair                 C.sell                           D.throw

4.A.anxious                  B.lucky                        C.ashamed                    D.generous

5.A.some               B.neither               C.none                         D.no one

6.A.calm               B.upset                         C.delighted                   D.astonished

7.A.no                         B.up                            C.it                       D.that

8.A.learn               B.miss                          C.get                            D.find

9.A.message                 B.advice                C.request               D.description

10.A.uses                     B.loses                         C.has                           D.spends

11.A.doubt                   B.help                          C.trouble               D.answer

12.A.tell                B.see                            C.agree                        D.call

13.A.exact                    B.suitable                     C.early                         D.late

14.A.follow                  B.meet                         C.bring                        D.introduce   

15.A.test               B.obtain                C.admire               D.recognize

16.A.failing           B.meaning                    C.turning               D.happening

17.A.read                     B.placed                C.answered                   D.understood

18.A.forget                   B.show                         C.disagree                    D.admit

19.A.clean                    B.crowded                    C.fast                           D.light

20.A.bargain          B.sale                           C.accident                    D.result




Is there anything more important than health? I don’t think so.“  1  ” wise people say. You can’t be good at your studies or work well when you are ill. If you have a headache, toothache, backache, earache or bad pain in the stomach, if you complain of a bad cough, if you run a high temperature and have a bad cold, or if you suffer from high or low blood pressure  2   The doctor will examine your throat, feel your pulse, test your blood pressure, take your temperature, sound your heart and lungs, test your eyes, check your teeth or have your chest X-rayed. After that he will advise some treatment, or some medicine.  3  Speaking about doctor’s advice, I can’t help telling you a funny story.

An old gentleman came to see the doctor. The man was very ill. He told the doctor about his weakness, memory loss and serious problems with his heart and lungs. The doctor examined him and said there was no medicine for his disease. He told his patient to go to a quiet place for a month and have a good-rest. He also advised him to eat a lot of meat, drink two glasses of red wine every day and take long walks.   4   : “Eat at pleasure, drink with measure and enjoy life as it is.” The doctor also said that if the man wanted to be well again, he should not smoke more than one cigarette a day.

  5    He looked cheerful and happy. He thanked the doctor and said that he had never felt a healthier man.“But you know, doctor,” he said, “it’s not easy to begin smoking at my age.”

A. A month later the gentleman came into the doctor’s office.

B. I think you should go to the doctor.

C. In other words, the doctor advised him to follow the rule.

D. Work comes first.

E. Health is the greatest wealth.

F. It is a pleasure for the doctor to give you some advice.

G. The only thing you have to do is to follow his advice.



Tom arrived at the bus station quite early for Paris bus. The bus for Paris would not leave until five to twelve. He saw a lot of people waiting in the station. Some were standing in line(排队), others were walking around. There was a group of schoolgirls. Their teacher was trying to keep them in line. Tom looked around but there was no place for him to sit.

He walked into the station cafe(咖啡馆). he looked up at the clock there. It was only twenty to twelve. He found a seat and sat down before a large mirror(镜子) on the wall. Just then, Mike, one of Tom’s workmates came in and sat with Tom.

“What time is your bus?” asked Mike.

“There’s plenty of time yet,” answered Tom.

“Well, I’ll get you some more tea then,” said Mike.

They talked while drinking. Then Tom looked at the clock again. “Oh! It’s going backward(倒行)!” he cried. “A few minutes ago it was twenty to twelve and now it’s half past eleven.”

“You’re looking at the clock in the mirror.” said Mike. Tom was so sad(难过). The next bus was not to leave for another hour. Since then Tom has never liked mirrors.

1.、Tom went into the station cafe because           .

A.Mike asked him to have a cup of tea

B.it was quite early and he could find a seat there

C.he didn’t like to stay with the schoolgirls

D.he wanted to have a drink with his workmate there

2.、What time was it in fact when Tom looked at the clock in the mirror?

A.Half past twelve

B.Twenty to twelve

C.Half past eleven

D.Half past one

3.、From the story we know that when we look at a clock in a mirror, we will find    


A.the time is right

B.it’s going slower

C.it’s going backward

D.it’s going faster

4.、Which of the following is true?

A.Tom arrived in Paris on time

B.The next bus would leave in half an hour

C.After that Tom didn’t like clocks any longer

D.Tom looked at the clock in the mirror only once

5.、Which of the following is the title(题目) of the story?

A.The Mirror of the Station

B.Not A Careful Man

C.Missing A Bus

D.The Clock In The Mirror






Today, many people are starving to death. Recently, a man who wanted to understand the conditions of such people _21_    an experiment. He only ate one meal a day for a month but continued to work as he normally did.

During the first five days he was _22   _ at his regular mealtime, but after he had drunk a glass of water, his hunger 23_   . In the morning, when he ate his one meal, he ate quickly and had a_24   _ amount. During the next few days, he was not hungry during the day, but when he _25     a food stall (a place on which food is put to be sold), the smell of food caught his 26    . During the third and the fourth weeks, he had hunger pains and lacked physical strength. He looked forward to this one meal and ate it slowly, enjoying every bite. Without it, he knew he would he would have hardly enough 27      to work.

This experiment changed his attitude about some things. Having a cup of tea was not 28    a pastime. It also gave him strength. He more frequently noticed overweight people and people who threw away leftover food. He  29     the importance of food hungry person. He could no longer easily pass by a hungry beggar on the street. But most 30     , he could now sympathize(同情) in a similar way with the hungry people of the world.

21.  A. took along        B. carried out     C. put on        D. brought in

22.  A. hungry            B. angry                      C. happy          D. excited

23.  A. came about       B. broke out          C. set off         D. went away

24.  A. small           B. ordinary         C. large         D. common

25.  A. noticed          B. watched          C. recognized     D. glanced

26.  A. interest         B. eyes             C. imagination      D. attention

27.  A. power           B. spirit             C. energy              D. feeling

28.  A. just             B. still               C. yet                    D. exactly

29.  A. admitted               B. realized          C. remember         D. valued

30.  A. seriously        B. luckily           C. necessary        D. important



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