摘要: We can infer from the last paragraph that . A) smokers should not expect to become airline pilots B) smoking in emergency cases causes mental illness C) no airline pilots smoke during flights D) smokers may prove unequal in handling emergency cases Passage 5 Is it possible to persuade mankind to live without war? War is an ancient custom which has existed for at least six thousand years. It was always evil and usually foolish, but in the past the human race managed to live with it. Modern skill has changed this. Either man will stop war, or war will stop man. For the present, it is nuclear weapons that cause the greatest danger, but bacteriological or chemical weapons may, before long, offer an even greater threat. If we succeeded in stopping war, there would be no danger for us. To do this, we need to persuade mankind to look upon international questions in a new way, not by contests of force, in which the victory goes to the side which is most skillful in massacre ,but by arbitration in accordance with agreed principles of law. It is not easy to change old mental habits, but this is what must be attempted. There are those who say that the adoption of this or that ideology would prevent war. I believe this to be a complete error. All ideologies are based upon beliefs without proof which are, at best, doubtful, and at worst, totally false. Those people who believe them are willing to go to war in support of them. The movement of world opinion during the past two years has changed very largely such as we can welcome. It has become a common belief that nuclear war must be avoided. Of course, very difficult problems remain in the international world, but the spirit in which they are being approached is a better one than it was some years ago. It has begun to be thought, even by the powerful men who decide whether we shall live or die, that agreements should be reached even if both sides do not find these agreements wholly satisfactory. It has begun to be understood that the important conflict nowadays is not between East and West, but between Man and the H?bomb. 1.From the first paragraph we can know that . A. we may face greater threat from weapons B. bacteriological or chemical weapons are less dangerous than nuclear weapons C. man’s idea of victory has changed D. dangerous weapons are forbidden in modern society 2. According to the author, . A. it is impossible to live without war B. the difference between East and West will lead to war C. war must be stopped if man wants to survive D. war will be stopped by modern skill 3.The author believes that the only way to stop war is to . A. stop nuclear weapons B. settle international issues through agreements C. destroy bacteriological and chemical weapons D. let the stronger side take over the world 4.The last paragraph suggests that . A. nuclear war will definitely not take place B. real agreements have been now reached C. world opinion is still divided on nuclear war D. man is beginning to realize that nuclear war is his greatest enemy 5. Which of the following words can best describe the author’s feeling in writing this passage? A. Disappointed.B. Doubtful.C. Worried.D. Hopeful. Passage 6 Age-related changed contribute toone’s ability to sleep continuously and soundly. With advancing age, some people switchto shorter nights and some to longer ones. Such a switch may be simply a normal condition of aging,or.it may result from shifts in daily patterns, retirement, or changes in physical or mental health. Common problems are sleeping too little, difficulty falling asleep(taking more than 30-45), awakening frequently during the night, or waking up early and being unable to get back to sleepy. Short-term insomnia, lasting up to three weeks, may result from anxiety, nervousness, and physical and mental tension. Typical causes are worries about money, excessivecncern about health, boredom, social isolation, or physical confinement. Long-term insomnia often stems from such health conditions as heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, asthma, chronic sinusitis, epilepsy, ulcers, and depression. Long-term impaired sleep can also be brought on by excessive use of beverages containing caffeine andimproper use of sleeping pills. Insomnia is a complex problem, not given to simple solutions. Please follow the following advice. If you still have difficulty improving sleep, discuss the problem with your physician . Regular exercise tends to benefit sleep. Exercise in the morning has little beneficial effect on sleep. The best time to exercise is in the afternoon. Skip the daytime naps tend to trouble normal night time sleep. Have a regular bedtime. Go to bed at about the same time every night, but only when you are tired. Use sleeping pills only as a temporary solution.


George Spilich at Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland, decided to find out whether, as many smokers say, smoking helps them to “think and fix their attention on (集中精力于)their work”. Spilich put young non-smokers, active smokers and smokers deprived(被剥夺)of cigarettes through a series of tests.

In the first test, each subject sat before a computer screen and pressed a key as soon as he or she recognized a certain letter among a grouping of 96. In this simple test, smokers, deprived smokers and non-smokers performed equally well. The next test was more difficult, requiring all to scan(扫描) groups of 20 letters and find the one of the letters changed into a different one. Non-smokers were faster, but under the stimulation(刺激)of nicotine, active smokers were faster than deprived smokers. In the third test of short-term memory, non-smokers made the fewest mistakes, but deprived smokers made fewer mistakes than active smokers. The fourth test required people to read a passage, then answer questions about it. Non-smokers remembered 19 percent more of the most important information than active smokers, and deprived smokers did better than those who had smoked a cigarette just before testing. Active smokers were likely not only to have poorer memories but also had trouble separating important information from unimportant details.

“As our tests became more difficult,” says Spilich, “non-smokers performed better than smokers by far.” he says, “Smokers might perform adequately(准确)at many jobs until they got very difficult. A smoking airline pilot could fly adequately if no problems arose, but if something went wrong, smoking might damage his mental capacity(思维能力).”

1. Smokers usually think that smoking ________.

A. helps them to be less nervous

B. helps them to do better work

C. helps them to think and act quickly

D. does some good to their health

2. George Spilich's experiment was organized in such a way as to ________.

A. force the subjects to separate major information from minor details

B. check the effectiveness of nicotine on smokers

C. put the subjects through increasing difficult test

D. make a written and formal record of the answers of the subjects

3. Which fact does this passage lead us to believe?

A. Active smokers generally performed better than deprived smokers.

B. Active smokers answered more quickly than the other subjects.

C. Deprived smokers gave the slowest answers to the various tasks.

D. Non-smokers were not better than other subjects in performing simple tasks.

4. We can infer from the last paragraph that ________.

A. smokers should not expect to become airline pilots

B. smokers may prove unequal to dealing with emergency (紧急) cases

C. no airline pilots smoke during flights

D. smoking in emergency cases causes mental illness

     Psychologist George Spilich and colleagues at Washington College in Chestertown,
Maryland, decided to find out whether, as many smokers say, smoking helps them to"think
and concentrate." Spilich put young non-smokers, active smokers and smokers deprived
(被剥夺) of cigarettes through a series of tests.
In the first test, each subject (试验对象) sat before a computer screen and pressed a key
as soon as he or she recognized a target letter among a grouping of 96. In this simple test,
smokers, deprived smokers and non-smokers performed equally well.
     The next test was more complex, requiring all to scan sequences of 20 identical letters
and respond the instant one of the letters transformed into a different one. Non-smokers
were faster, but under the stimulation of nicotine, active smokers were faster than deprived
     In the third test of short-term memory, non-smokers made the fewest errors, but deprived
smokers committed fewer errors than active smokers.
     The fourth test required people to read a passage, then answer questions about it.
Non-smokers remembered l9 percent more of the most important information than active
smokers, and deprived smokers bested those who had smoked a cigarette just before
testing- Active smokers tended not only to have poorer memories but also had trouble
separating important information from insignificant details.
     "As our tests became more complex." sums up Spilich," non-smokers performed better
than smokers by wider and wider margins". He predicts, 'smokers might perform adequately
at many jobs- until they got complicated. A smoking airline pilot could fly adequately if no
problems arose, but if something went wrong, smoking might damage his mental capacity."
l. The purpose of George Spilich's experiments is ._____
A. to test whether smoking has a positive effect on the mental capacity of smokers
B. to show how smoking damages people's mental capacity
C. to prove that smoking affects people's regular performance
D. to find out whether smoking helps people's short-term memory
2. George Spilich's experiment was conducted in such a way as to ._____
A. compel the subjects to separate major information from minor details
B. put the subjects through increasingly complex tests
C. check the effectiveness of nicotine on smokers
D. register the prompt responses of the subjects
3. The underlined word "bested" in Para. 5most probably means_____
A. beat
B. envied
C. caught up with
D. made the best of
4. Which of the following statements is true?_____
A. Active smokers in general performed better than deprived smokers.
B. Active smokers responded more quickly than the other subjects.
C. Non-smokers were not better than other subjects in performing simple tasks.
D. Deprived smokers gave the slowest responses to the various tasks.
5. We can infer from the last paragraph that ._____
A. smokers should not expect to become airline pilots
B. smoking in emergency cases causes mental illness
C. no airline pilots smoke during flights
D. smokers may prove unequal to handing emergency cases


  Psychologist George Spilich and colleagues at Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland, decided to find out whether, as many smokers say, smoking helps them to “think and concentrate”.Spilich put young non-smokers, active smokers and smokers deprived of cigarettes through a series of tests.

  In the first test, each subject sat before a computer screen and pressed a key as soon as he or she recognized a target letter among a grouping of 96.In this simple test, smokers, deprived smokers and non-smokers performed equally well.

  The next test was more complex, requiring all to scan sequences of 20 identical letters and respond the instant one of the letters transformed into a different one.Non-smokers were faster, but under the stimulation of nicotine(尼古丁), active smokers were faster than deprived smokers.

  In the third test of short-term memory, non-smokers made the fewest errors, but deprived smokers committed fewer errors than active smokers.

  The fourth test required people to read a passage, then answer questions about it.Non-smokers remembered 19 percent more of the most important information than active smokers, and deprived smokers bested those who had smoked a cigarette just before testing.Active smokers tended not only to have poorer memories but also had trouble separating important information from insignificant details.

  “As our tests became more complex,” sums up Spilich, “non-smokers performed better than smokers by wider and wider margins” He predicts, “smokers might perform adequately at many jobs-until they got complicated.A smoking airline pilot could fly adequately if no problems arose, but if something went wrong, smoking might damage his mental capacity.”


What is the purpose of Spilich’s experiment?

[  ]


To test if smoking has a positive effect on the mental capacity of smokers.


To see whether smoking helps people’s short-term memory.


To prove that smoking affects people’s regular performance.


To show how smoking damages people’s regular performance.


The underlined word “bested” mostly means ________.

[  ]






caught up with


made the best of


Which of the following statements is true?

[  ]


Active smokers in general performed better than deprived smokers.


Active smokers responded more quickly than the other subjects.


Non-smokers were not better than other subjects in performing simple tasks.


Deprived smokers gave the slowest responses to the various tasks.


What can we infer from the last paragraph?

[  ]


Smokers should not expect to become airline pilots.


Smoking in emergency cases causes mental illness.


No airline pilots smoke during flights.


Smokers may prove unequal to non-smokers in handling emergency cases.


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