摘要:A.When compared...是When the highest mountain is compared...的省略.


Exceptional children are different in some ways from others of the same age. For these children to   31   their full adult potential, their   32   must suit those differences.

    Although we focus on the needs of exceptional children, we   33   ourselves describing their environment as well. While the leading actor on the stage   34   our attention, we also see the importance of the   35   players and the scenery of the   36   itself. Both the family and the society in which exceptional children live are often the   37   to their growth and development. And it is in the public schools that we find the full   38   of society’s understanding—the knowledge, hopes, and fears that are   39   to the next generation.

    Education in any society is a   40   of the society. We can see in it the strengths, the weaknesses, the hopes, the prejudices, and the  41  values of the culture itself. The great  42  in exceptional children shown in public education over the past thirty years   43   the strong feeling in our society that all   44  , whatever their special conditions, have a right to get the chance to fully develop their abilities.

    “All man are created equal.” We’ve    45    it many times, but it still has an important meaning for education in a democratic society.   46   the phrase was used by this country’s founders to express equality before the   47  , it has also been explained to mean equality of education. That   48   educational chance for all children—the right of each child to  49  help in learning to the limit of his or her ability, whether that ability is small or great. Recent  50  decisions have made certain of the right of children—disabled or not—to a suitable education, and have ordered that public schools take the necessary steps to provide that education.

1.A. see           B. develop                  C. come               D. expand

2.A. education               B. potential                C. school             D. family

3.A. feel                     B. find                      C. leave              D. prevent

4.A. pays          B. loses                    C. draws              D. sees

5.A. male                   B. female                  C. supporting         D. performing

6.A. play                    B. director                 C. theater            D. actor

7.A. place                   B. fact                      C. condition          D. key

8.A. system        B. equipment               C. expression         D. support

9.A. shown                  B. passed                  C. taken                      D. changed

10.A. tool           B. way                   C. science            D. mirror

11.A. central                B. extra                    C. special              D. ordinary

12.A. interest              B. joy                       C. surprise           D. disappointment

13.A. damages              B. exists                   C. shows              D. lacks

14.A. kids           B. adults                  C. teachers           D. citizens

15.A. spoken               B. heard                    C. known             D. discussed

16.A. When          B. Although          C. If            D. Because

17.A. society                B. leader                   C. law                 D. money

18.A. means         B. needs                 C. damages           D. changes

19.A. refuse                B. offer                    C. give                D. receive

20.A. school         B. court                 C. society            D. office




My mother only had one eye . During elementary school , there was a time  36  my poor mom came to my classroom . She was such a(n)  37  that I threw her a hateful look and ran out . soon word  38  that I had a one-eye mother . Everybody  39  me . So I told myself that I would grow up and become  40  , because I hated my mom and our desperate  41  . Then I studied really hard and later became a powerful businessman . I was living happily in Seoul when my mother  42  came to see me . I felt  43  the whole sky was falling apart on me . My little daughter ran away ,  44  of my mom’s eye . I asked my mother coldly , “ Who are you ? I don’t know you !” as if she were a(n)  45  . My mother quietly answered , “ Oh , I’m sorry . I may have got the wrong  46  ,” and disappeared . Thank God ! She didn’t recognize me . I was quite  47  .

One day , a letter  48  a school reunion came to my office . I decided to take part . After the reunion , I  49  to my old home , only to find my mother falling on the cold ground with a  50  in her hand , which read :

My son ,

I think my life has been enough now . I won’t visit Seoul anymore , but would it be too much if I wanted you to visit me once in a while ? I  51  you so much . And I was so glad when I heard you were coming for the reunion . But I decided not to go to the school . I’m  52  that I was an embarrassment for you . You see , when you were very small , you got a(n)  53  , and lost your eye . As a mother , I couldn’t  54  watching you grow up with only one eye , so I gave you mine . I was so proud of my son seeing a new world for me , in my place , with that eye . You mean the world to me .

My world shattered(崩裂). Then I cried for the person who  55  for me—my mother .

36    A   when               B.     which             C.               whose                   D     as

37    A   achievement     B.     experience      C.         encouragement  Dembarrassment

38    A   showed off       B.     moved about   C.               got around             D     turned over

39    A   turned to          B.     laughed at       C.               contributed to        D     cared for

40    A   generous          B.     devoted          C.               successful              D     lucky

41    A   poverty            B.     illness            C.               desire                    D     hunger

42 A       unfortunately    B.     Unnecessariy   C.        unlikely         Dunexpectedly

43    A   even though      B.     as if               C.             in case                   D     if only

44    A   afraid               B.     proud             C.               sure                      D     full

45    A   owner              B.     beggar            C.               relative                  D     friend

46    A   number            B.     way               C.               direction                D     address

47    A   depressed         B.     worried          C.               relaxed                  D     puzzled

48    A   including          B.     considering     C.               concluding             D     regarding

49    A   returned           B.     responded       C.               replied                  D     recovered

50    A   book                B.     photo             C.               newspaper             D     letter

51    A   hate                 B.     miss               C.               like                       D     envy

52    A   glad                 B.     delighted        C.               sorry                     D     excited

53    A   incident            B.     experience      C.               affair                    D     accident

54    A   stand                B.     help               C.               appreciate              D     understand

55    A   learned             B.     cried              C.               fell                       D     lived



One of my. next-door neighbor is a sweet 92-year-old Polish lady. A few days ago, I came back from a trip. As I was  16 . my clothes in my room, I heard a(n)  17  , frantic(发疯的) knock on the door. It was 10:30 pm, and I wasn’t sure who it could be. I went downstairs and  18  the peephole, and saw that it was our sweet next-door neighbor.

I quickly  19  the door, and she seemed really distressed and kept  20 , Please help me. I need your help. The fire alarm won’t go off. Please help me.” I  21  told her that everything would be okay, and  22  her to her house to see what was going on  23  the fire alarm.

She  24  that the alarm had been going on and off inconsistently(反复无常的) for the past two hours, and that her  25  to call her daughter to come and fix it was fruitless. So I took a chair from her dining room table,  26  it, and looked at the tire alarm.

After twisting the fire alarm off, I blew into it, because sometimes  27  causes it to make strange noises. She seemed  28  but was literally shaking out of fear. I asked her  29  she was okay, and she said she was  30  , so I gave her a hug. I felt her shaking in my embrace, and held her  31  for a few minutes until she stopped shaking and sighed a breath of relief.

We then  32  and talked for ten minutes, until I felt that she was okay. and safe to sleep. She was so generous with  33  for being with her, but I thanked her for  34  me that hugs are indeed good tools! So, sometimes, a(n)  35  hug is a good and powerful way to hold someone going through a difficult period.

1.A. collecting           B. designing                         C. unpacking                        D. setting

2.A. constant             B. flexible                    C. rhythmic                          D. impressive

3.A. looked through          B. made out                         C. cut off                               D. turned to

4.A. closed                          B. moved                              C. locked                              D. opened

5.A. thinking              B. repeating                         C. complaining           D. screaming

6.A. frequently                   B. briefly                               C. immediately           D. roughly

7.A. required            B. accompanied                  C. inspected                         D. observed

8.A. for                       B .to                                       C. by                             D. with

9.A. predicted                    B. warned                   C. mentioned                       D. proved

10.A. attempt            B. suggestion                       C. responsibility                  D. permission

11.A. pressed            B. revolved                          C. crashed                            D. climbed

12.A. power                         B. dust                                   C. paper                                D. switch

13.A. determined               B. terrified                           C. relieved                           D. devoted

14.A. when                          B. how                                   C. why                                   D. if

15.A. afraid                          B. tired                                  C. sleepy                               D. pleased

16.A. casually                      B. tightly                               C. automatically                   D. abruptly

17.A. broke down               B. sped up                            C. sat down                          D. turned around

18.A. suffering                   B. regret                              C. shame                    D. gratitude

19.A. advising            B. reminding                       C. encouraging                   D. advocating

20.A. simple                        B. special                             C. official                             D. sudden



A man and his family were in Europe. Once they needed to drive 3 days   36, day and night, to get to Germany. His little daughter had never  37  at night without a break before. She was  38   the first night in the car, with terrible deep darkness outside.

     “Where are we going, Daddy?” asked the daughter. “To your uncle’s house in Germany.” Father answered.

      “Have you been to his    39   before?” “No.”

      “Then, do you know the   40  ?” “Maybe, we can read the map.”

       Short pause. “Do you know how to read the map?” “Yes, we will get there  41     . Don’t worry.”

       The same dialogue  42   a few times within the first night, and also the second night.   43   on the third night, his daughter was quiet. Father thought that she might have fallen   44  , but when he looked into the mirror, he saw that she was awake and was just   45  calmly. He couldn’t help wondering   46  she was not asking the questions anymore.

       “Dear, do you know where we are going?” “Germany, uncle’s house.”

       “ Do you know how we are getting there?” “No.”

       “ Then why aren’t you asking anymore?” “Because Daddy is   47  .”

       Because Daddy is driving. This answer from a 3 years old girl has then become the   48   and help this man for many years whenever he has questions and

  49  on his journey. We may  50  the destination and sometimes we may just know it  51  the little girl-“Germany”, without understanding where or what it  52 is. We do not know the way. We do not know how to read the map. We do not know if we can find   53  along the way to eat in. But the little girl knows the most  54  thing-Daddy is driving-and so she is safe and secure. She knows that her Daddy will 55   all that she needs.

1.A. occasionally       B. suddenly         C. casually     D. continuously

2.A. travelled      B. run              C. walked       D. lived

3.A. happy          B. excited          C. scared       D. bored

4.A. farm               B. house            C. office           D. hospital

5.A. name               B. way              C. language     D. family

6.A. safely         B. dangerously      C. hurriedly        D. slowly

7.A. waited         B. broke            C. spoke        D. repeated

8.A. So             B. Because          C. But          D. When

9.A. awake          B. dead             C. asleep       D. ill

10.A. looking around B. coming about     C. getting through  D .going out

11.A. when              B. why              C. how          D. where

12.A. crying        B. laughing         C. helping      D. driving

13.A. trouble           B. labor                C. enjoyment    D. strength

14.A. fears         B. achievements     C. prizes       D. successes

15.A. guess         B. know             C. find         D. search

16.A. beyond        B. unlike           C. like         D. despite

17.A. really        B. never            C. doubtfully   D. finally

18.A. stations          B. shops            C. libraries        D. restaurants

19.A. necessary     B. important            C. general      D. normal

20.A. buy               B. lend             C. provide      D. steal



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