摘要: The firm’s major c are all in France.



  France’s Health Minister called on Thursday for the Justice Ministry (司法部) to act immediately against a major advertising campaign by the U. S. Tobacco from Philip Morris.

  The ads which have run for weeks in French newspapers compare the dangers of breathing in second-hand smoke to eating biscuits, drinking milk and putting pepper on food.

  Health Minister Herve Gaymard has written to justice Minister Toubon for an early ruling on the ads, the Health Minister said in a statement. Gaymard scolded the campaign after a Paris court on Tuesday banned part of the advertising after a complaint (投诉) by French biscuit makers. 'The law of 10 January, 1991 bans all direct or indirect advertising for tobacco. “This advertising is no good at all to public health because it carries a message tending to deny the harmful effects of passive smoking, ”the Health Minister said.

  Philip Morris said on Wednesday it would appeal (上诉) against the court's decision. “We were surprised and shocked by the decision in France”, said David Grenbergfrom Philip Morris on Wednesday.

  The Paris court said it would fine the company one million francs (200, 000 US dollars) for being against the ban. The court found the advertisements“very harmful”to the interests of biscuit makers in France. The court also held that the campaign promoted tobacco in being against the public health law.

  Comparative advertising and advertising for tobacco are illegal in France. In its statement on Wednesday, Philip Morris said the biscuit makers misunderstood their message. “Our campaign simply makes the point that too often a scientist’s study is poorly explained to exaggerate (夸张) risks, when in fact no meaningful risk may be found on the basis of the findings reported in the study, ”the statement said.

1.What does Health Minister Herve Gaymard scold?

[  ]

A.Philip Morris firm’s pollution of the environment.

B.Philip Morris firm’s appeal against the court's decision.

C.Philip Morris firm’s illegal production.

D.Philip Morris firm s advertising campaign.

2.It is ________ who brought Philip Morris to court.

[  ]

A.France's Health Minister

B.David Greenberg

C.Jacque Toubon

D.French biscuit makers

3.According to a Paris court, the main victims (受害者) of Philip Morris firm’s advertising campaign are ________ .

[  ]

A.French tobacco companies

B.biscuit makers in France

C.French smokers

D.France's Health Minister

4.According to the passage, what kind of advertising is illegal in France apart from that for tobacco?

[  ]

A.Advertising for pepper.

B.Advertising for biscuits.

C.Comparative advertising.

D.Indirect advertising for alcohol (酒精) .

5.The statement by Philip Morris on Wednesday means ________ .

[  ]

A.the company is trying to improve the quality of its tobacco

B.smoking is proper to one's health

C.the French court failed to make a fair ruling

D.smoking does no real harm to one's health



  France's Health Minister called on Thursday for the Justice Ministry(司法部) to act immediately against a major advertising campaign by the U.S. tobacco from Philip Moms.

  The ads which have run for weeks in French newspapers compare the dangers of breathing in second-hand smoke to eating biscuits, drinking milk and putting pepper on food.

  Health Minister Herve Gaymard has written to Justice Minister Toubon for an early ruling on the ads, the Health Minister said in a statement. Gaymard scolded the campaign after a Pans court on Tuesday banned put of the advertising after a complaint(投诉) by French biscuit makers. “The law of 10 January, 1991 bans all direct or indirect advertising for tobacco. This advertising is no good at all to public health because it carries a message tending to deny the harmful effects of passive smoking. ”the Health Minister said.

  Philip Morris said on Wednesday it would appeal (上诉) against the court's decision. “We were surprised and shocked by the decision in France. ”said David Grenberg from Philip Moms on Wednesday.

  The Paris court said it would fine the company one million francs ( 200,000 US dollars ) for being against the ban . The court found the advertisements “very harmful” to the interests of biscuit makers in France. The court also held that the campaign promoted tobacco in being against the public health law.

  Comparative advertising and advertising for tobacco are illegal in France.

  In its statement on Wednesday, Philip Morris said the biscuit makers misunderstood their message. “Our campaign simply makes the point that too often a scientist's study is poorly explained to exaggerate(夸张) risks, when in fact no meaningful risk may be found on the basis of the findings reported in the study. ”the statement said.

1.What does Health Minister Herve Gaymard scold?

[  ]

A.Philip Morris firm's pollution of the environment.

B.Philip Moms firm's appeal against the court's decision.

C.Philip Moms firm's illegal production.

D.Philip Moms firm's advertising campaign.

2.It is ________ who brought Philip Morris to court.

[  ]

A.France's Health Minister

B.David Greenberg

C.Jacque Toubon

D.French biscuit makers

3.According to a Paris court, the main victims(受害者) of Philip Morris firm's advertising campaign are ________________.

[  ]

A.French tobacco companies

B.biscuit makers in France

C.French smokers

D.France's Health Minister

4.According to the passage, what kind of advertising is illegal in France apart from that for tobacco?

[  ]

A.Advertising on pepper.

B.Advertising for biscuits. C: Comparative advertising.

D.Indirect advertising for alcohol(酒精) .

5.The statement by Philip Morris on Wednesday means ________.

[  ]

A.the company is trying to improve the quality of its tobacco

B.smoking is proper to one's health

C.the French court failed to make a fair ruling

D.smoking does no real harm to one's health


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