摘要: A. gave B. took C. offered D. brought


One day, a teacher was speaking to a group of students about how to manage time. He gave such an interesting example that his students would never   26  .

He put a wide-mouth jar(罐) on the table. Then he    27  some rocks and carefully placed them into the jar, one at a time. When   28  rocks would fit inside, he   29  , “Is this jar full?”

Everyone in class shouted, “Yes.” “Really?” The teacher pulled out a bag of small stones. He put   30  small stones in and shook the jar. The small stones went   31  into the spaces between the big rocks. He then asked the group   32  , “Is this jar full?”

“Probably not,” one of them answered. “Good!” the teacher replied. He brought out a box of sand and   33  some sand on the jar and it went between the rocks and small stones. Again he asked the   34  question, “Is this jar full?

“No,” the class shouted. Once more the teacher said, “Good.” He poured a cup of water into the jar   35  it was full. The he asked, “What is the point here?” One student   36  his hand and said, “The point is that if you try really hard, you can   37  put more things in.”

“No,” the teacher replied, “that’s not the   38  . What I want to tell you is that if you don’t put the big rocks in first, you will never get others in at all.   39  are the ‘big rocks’ in your life? Time with your friends, your education or your dreams? Remember to put the   40  in first, or you’ll never get others in at all?”

1.                A.remember      B.like            C.forget    D.think


2.                A.handed out      B.took out        C.carried away   D.put away


3.                A.no more        B.not more        C.no many  D.not many


4.                A.answered       B.read           C.asked    D.said


5.                A.no            B.few            C.any  D.some


6.                A.up            B.out            C.down D.away


7.                A.no more        B.once again      C.a third time    D.a fourth time


8.                A.sent           B.put            C.bought   D.collected


9.                A.same          B.different        C.difficult   D.common


10.               A.since          B.till             C.while D.because


11.               A.offered        B.placed         C.raised D.shook


12.               A.always         B.already         C.never D.hardly


13.               A.point          B.example        C.promise   D.story


14.               A.When          B.What          C.Who  D.Why


15.               A.sand           B.small stones     C.big rocks  D.water




I had been to several doctors as a child, but I have a special place in my heart for Dr. Vincent. He was a Pediatric Cardiologist at UCLA back in 1971 who saved my life. I was eight years old at the time with a severe heart problem and I needed heart surgery. My Mom did not have the money, and without the surgery there was a real good chance I would not live to be thirteen years old. After contacting several organizations Dr. Vincent was able to get financial help for me through United Way, a Crippled Children’s Organization.

Dr. Vincent was a handsome man; he was also very gentle and caring. I remember being in the hospital for an Angiogram test, and during the procedure I was crying terribly, so the medical staff called in Dr. Vincent to calm me down, and he was able to comfort me when no one else could. Then the time came for me to have heart surgery; there was a fifty- percent chance that I would not make it through the surgery because it was experimental. At the time I was only the second or third person to have this procedure done. I was absolutely terrified, and again Dr. Vincent reassured me he would see to it that everything would be all right.

I had a lot of confidence and trust in Dr. Vincent; He came to see me after the surgery, which was extremely painful but very successful, and brought me a stuffed animal. I was so surprised to get this gift from Dr. Vincent; I gave him a hug. I guess Dr. Vincent must have known I was feeling very lonely and scared. You see, I had no family or friends visit me while I was in the hospital except for my Mom, and I am not sure why. I do know one thing; I had a wonderful doctor who took the time to help a scared little girl who felt all alone.

This was twenty eight years ago, so wherever you are Dr. Vincent, I want to thank you for not only saving my life, but you helped me live a normal productive life, and for showing me that you truly cared, for that I will be eternally grateful to you.

Why did Dr. Vincent have a special place in her heart? Because________.

A. Dr. Vincent was handsome 

B. Dr. Vincent was caring and kind

C. Dr. Vincent carried out the operation.

D. Dr. Vincent offered the money the operation needed.

Dr. Vincent was called in during my test to ________________.

A. feed her                   B. comfort her                     C. scare her           D. have the surgery.

Which of the following is true except ___________.

A. the operation was experimental.            B. she didn’t trust in Dr. Vincent

C. the operation would be extremely painful     D. she felt scared and all alone

How did Dr. Vincent get the money for the operation?

A. He collected it in the hospital.           B. He saved the money day by day

C. He got help from an organization.        D. He borrowed the money from his friends


I had been to several doctors as a child, but I have a special place in my heart for Dr. Vincent. He was a Pediatric Cardiologist at UCLA back in 1971 who saved my life. I was eight years old at the time with a severe heart problem and I needed heart surgery. My Mom did not have the money, and without the surgery there was a real good chance I would not live to be thirteen years old. After contacting several organizations Dr. Vincent was able to get financial help for me through United Way, a Crippled Children’s Organization.
Dr. Vincent was a handsome man; he was also very gentle and caring. I remember being in the hospital for an Angiogram test, and during the procedure I was crying terribly, so the medical staff called in Dr. Vincent to calm me down, and he was able to comfort me when no one else could. Then the time came for me to have heart surgery; there was a fifty- percent chance that I would not make it through the surgery because it was experimental. At the time I was only the second or third person to have this procedure done. I was absolutely terrified, and again Dr. Vincent reassured me he would see to it that everything would be all right.
I had a lot of confidence and trust in Dr. Vincent; He came to see me after the surgery, which was extremely painful but very successful, and brought me a stuffed animal. I was so surprised to get this gift from Dr. Vincent; I gave him a hug. I guess Dr. Vincent must have known I was feeling very lonely and scared. You see, I had no family or friends visit me while I was in the hospital except for my Mom, and I am not sure why. I do know one thing; I had a wonderful doctor who took the time to help a scared little girl who felt all alone.
This was twenty eight years ago, so wherever you are Dr. Vincent, I want to thank you for not only saving my life, but you helped me live a normal productive life, and for showing me that you truly cared, for that I will be eternally grateful to you.
【小题1】Why did Dr. Vincent have a special place in her heart? Because________.

A.Dr. Vincent was handsome
B.Dr. Vincent was caring and kind
C.Dr. Vincent carried out the operation.
D.Dr. Vincent offered the money the operation needed.
【小题2】Dr. Vincent was called in during my test to ________________.
A.feed herB.comfort herC.scare herD.have the surgery.
【小题3】Which of the following is true except ___________.
A.the operation was experimental.B.she didn’t trust in Dr. Vincent
C.the operation would be extremely painfulD.she felt scared and all alone
【小题4】How did Dr. Vincent get the money for the operation?
A.He collected it in the hospital.B.He saved the money day by day
C.He got help from an organization.D.He borrowed the money from his friends


I had been to several doctors as a child, but I have a special place in my heart for Dr. Vincent. He was a Pediatric Cardiologist at UCLA back in 1971 who saved my life. I was eight years old at the time with a severe heart problem and I needed heart surgery. My Mom did not have the money, and without the surgery there was a real good chance I would not live to be thirteen years old. After contacting several organizations Dr. Vincent was able to get financial help for me through United Way, a Crippled Children’s Organization.

Dr. Vincent was a handsome man; he was also very gentle and caring. I remember being in the hospital for an Angiogram test, and during the procedure I was crying terribly, so the medical staff called in Dr. Vincent to calm me down, and he was able to comfort me when no one else could. Then the time came for me to have heart surgery; there was a fifty- percent chance that I would not make it through the surgery because it was experimental. At the time I was only the second or third person to have this procedure done. I was absolutely terrified, and again Dr. Vincent reassured me he would see to it that everything would be all right.

I had a lot of confidence and trust in Dr. Vincent; He came to see me after the surgery, which was extremely painful but very successful, and brought me a stuffed animal. I was so surprised to get this gift from Dr. Vincent; I gave him a hug. I guess Dr. Vincent must have known I was feeling very lonely and scared. You see, I had no family or friends visit me while I was in the hospital except for my Mom, and I am not sure why. I do know one thing; I had a wonderful doctor who took the time to help a scared little girl who felt all alone.

This was twenty eight years ago, so wherever you are Dr. Vincent, I want to thank you for not only saving my life, but you helped me live a normal productive life, and for showing me that you truly cared, for that I will be eternally grateful to you.

1.Why did Dr. Vincent have a special place in her heart? Because________.

A.Dr. Vincent was handsome

B.Dr. Vincent was caring and kind

C.Dr. Vincent carried out the operation.

D.Dr. Vincent offered the money the operation needed.

2.Dr. Vincent was called in during my test to ________________.

A.feed her

B.comfort her

C.scare her

D.have the surgery.

3.Which of the following is true except ___________.

A.the operation was experimental.

B.she didn’t trust in Dr. Vincent

C.the operation would be extremely painful

D.she felt scared and all alone

4.How did Dr. Vincent get the money for the operation?

A.He collected it in the hospital.

B.He saved the money day by day

C.He got help from an organization.

D.He borrowed the money from his friends



I had been to several doctors as a child,but I have a special place in my heart for Dr.Vincent.He was a Pediatric Cardiologist at UCLA back in 1971 who saved my life.I was eight years old at the time with a severe heart problem and I needed heart surgery.My Morn did not have the money,and without the surgery there was a real good chance I would not live to be thirteen years old.After contacting several organizations Dr.Vincent was able to get financial help for me through United Way,a Crippled Children’s Organization.

Dr.Vincent was a handsome man;he was also very gentle and caring.I remember being in the hospital for an Angiogram test,and during the procedure I was crying hysterically,so the medical staff called in Dr.Vincent to calm me down,and he was able to comfort me when no one else could.Then the time came for me to have heart surgery;there was a fifty—percent chance that I would not make it through the surgery because it was experimental.At the time I was only the second or third person to have this procedure done,they reconstructed the main artery by using an artery from my leg.I was absolutely terrified,and again Dr.Vincent reassured me he would see to it that everything would be all right.I had a lot of confidence and trust in Dr.Vincent.He came to see me after the surgery,which was extremely painful but very successful,and brought me a stuffed animal.I was so surprised to get this gift from Dr.Vincent;I gave him a hug.I guess Dr.Vincent must have known I was feeling very lonely and scared.You see,I had no family or friends visit me while I was in the hospital except for my Mom,and I am not sure why.I do know one thing:I had a wonderful doctor who took the time to help a scared little girl who felt all alone.

    This was twenty eight years ago,so wherever you are,Dr.Vincent,I want to thank you for not only saving my life,but you helped me live a normal productive life,and for showing me that you truly cared,for that I will be eternally grateful to you.

1.The reason why Dr.Vincent is special to the writer is that          .

   A.he was handsome

   B.he was caring and kind

   C.he carried out the operation

   D.he offered the money the operation needed

2.According to the author,Dr.Vincent was called in during her test to            .

   A.feed her                         B.comfort her                   C.examine her      D.scare her

3.We can learn from the passage all of the followings are true except that           .

   A.the operation was experimental                                   

   B.she didn’t trust Dr.Vincent

   C.the operation was extremely painful                                  

   D.she felt scared and all alone

4.How did Dr.Vincent get the money for the operation?

   A.He collected it in the hospital.

   B.He saved the money day by day.

   C.He got help from an organization.

   D.He borrowed the money from his friends.

5.What does the underlined word “eternally” in the last paragraph mean?

   A.immediately      B.gradually        C.permanently      D.presently


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