摘要: A. from B. without C. before D. like


A few years ago, when I was still in high school, I met a wonderful and warm teacher. At that time in my life, there were many changes to adjust to, apart from the usual teenage troubles. My parents had divorced, so my elder brother and I had chosen to stay with my dad. Due to the fact that he was keeping the house, we didn’t have to move.

During this time, my teacher took a special interest in me. Being my English teacher, she encouraged my mind to travel to creativity I had long given up. She brought me out of the shell I built.

She became my mother, my older sister, my friend and my teacher. The one thing she couldn’t do though was to make me more girly as growing up with only my dad and brother made me a real tomboy.

Sometimes, I would be really immature(不成熟的), especially if she was scoring me less than others on purpose. She knew I could do better than what I was handing in and so pushed me to extend further than limits.

When I finished school and then after college I was about to leave my hometowns she gifted me a watch that every second, with my pulse, should remind me of the one person who will forever wait and love me without reservation.

Time has passed and our friendship is distant, but in my heart, soul and mind, she is the closest I ever got.

The writer and her elder brother chose to live with their father simply because _________.

A. their mother was expecting to have another baby

    B. they didn’t have to move out of their house

    C. they hated their mother remarried

    D. they had a closer relationship with their father

How did the writer get along with her studies before she met her English teacher?

    A. She was hopeless and had given up her studies.

    B. She was getting along well with her studies.

    C. She had some trouble with her studies.

    D. She lacked interest in creativity.

The writer behaved herself like a boy because ________.

    A. she needed the love of mother

    B. she wanted to learn from her father and brother

    C. she lived with only men all the time

    D. her English teacher didn’t care about her

What was the writer’s attitude to the watch given by the teacher?

    A. She considered it to be very useful.

    B. She valued it very much.

    C. She kept it very well.

D. She wanted to do something later in return for it.


A classic series of experiments to determine the effects of overpopulation on communities of rats was conducted by a psychologist,John Calhoun.In each experiment,an equal number of male and female adult rats were placed in an enclosure(场地).The rat populations were allowed to increase.Calhoun knew from experience approximately how many rats could live in the enclosures without experiencing stress due to overcrowding.He allowed the population to increase to approximately twice this number Then he fixed the population by removing the children that were not dependent on their mothers.At the end of the experiments,Calhoun was able to conclude that overcrowding causes a breakdown in the normal social relationships among rats,a kind of social disease.The rats in the experiments did not follow the same patterns of behavior as rats would in a community without overcrowding.

       The females in the rat population were the most seriously affected by the high population density(密度).For example,mothers sometimes deserted their children,and,without their mothers’care,the children died.The experiments showed that in overpopulated communities,mother rats do not behave normally.Their behavior may be considered diseased and pathological(病理学的).

       The leading males in the rat population were the least affected by over population.Each of these strong males claimed an area of the enclosure as his own.Therefore,these individuals did not  experience the overcrowding in the same way as the other rats did..However leading males did behave pathologically at times.Their antisocial(反社会)behavior consisted of attacks on weaker male,female,and immature rats.This unusual behavior showed that even though the leading males had enough living space,they too were affected by the general overcrowding.

       Non-leading males in the experimental rat communities also exhibited unusual social behavior.Some withdrew(缩回) completely ,avoiding contact with other rats.Other non-leading males were too active,chasing other rats and fighting each other.

       The behavior of the rat population has similarity in human behavior.People in densely(密) populated areas exhibit unusual behavior similar to that of the rats in Calhoun’s experiments.In large urban areas,such as New York City,London,and Cairo,there are deserted children.There are cruel,powerful individuals,both men and women.There are also people who withdraw and people who become too active.Is the major cause of these disorders(混乱)overpopulation?

       Calhoun’s experiments suggest that it might be.In any case,social scientists and city planners have been influenced by the results of this series of experiments.

Which of the following inferences(推断)can NOT be made from the first paragraph?

       A.Overpopulation causes pathological behavior in rat populations.

       B.Calhoun had experimented with rats before.

       C.Calhoun’s experiment is still considered important today

       D.Stress does not occur in rat communities unless there is overcrowding.

The author implies that the behavior of the leading male rats is sometimes similar to that of

       A.people who would like to keep to themselves 

       B.people who abandon their children

       C.too active people

       D.cruel,powerful people

The main point of this passage is that _______________.

       A.although rats are affected by overcrowding,people are not

       B.overcrowding may be an important cause of social pathology

       C.the social behavior of rats is seriously affected by overcrowding

       D.Calhoun's experiments have influenced many people


A morning rarely began so perfect. I took in the fresh air and felt my heart run into an enthusiastic rhythm. Though cool, the sun warmed my back as it rose over the horse from not far from my house. The slightest wind danced on my skin. Just enough to keep a runner form overheating. My ever-faithful jogging partner, a black dog named Nika pulled my leg with her mouth, mirroring my eagerness to start our run.

We raced forward with determination, ready to leap tall buildings and race against speeding trains. We pushed harder and ran faster, demonstration our skill and impressing passing motorists and neighbors.

We kept on running until we hit the Beast, a name for a very difficult, nearly two-mile long steep climb.

Only a few paces into the Beast, I gasped for air. Far short of superhero status, my enthusiasm and active steps were lost somewhere at the base of the hill. A vision of the newspaper and a cup of coffee waiting in my kitchen appeared, attracting me to turn back toward home.

With a glance I noticed Nika wasn’t doing any better. She continued to faithfully follow me, putting one paw in front of the other, but without her former eagerness. Her tiredness touched me. And in that moment, I felt a sudden spark of renewed determination to press on. I couldn’t allow this mountain to get the better of us. To improve both our spirits, I managed to shout, “Good girl, Nika! Keep going…you can do it!”

“I’m encouraging a dog, for heaven’s sake!’’ I needed to pull myself together. With a few simple words, I changed our course. One moment we were on the edge of quitting. The next, our feet picked up the pace and we continued. Though tired and discouraged myself, with a few kind words I impacted a dog’s ability to go further. I’m sure I could have completed the opposite with ill-chosen comments and an unpleasant tone. Instead, the Beast was defeated and we flew like heroes the rest of the way home.

Life is full of beasts to conquer. For some, it is the seemingly impossible climb of cancer. For others, their beast takes the shape of parenting a child or a teenager. Uphill climbs come in all shapes and sizes, common only in their ability to defeat, discourage and tempt tired travelers to quit. Sometimes all that’s needed is a few spoken, well-timed words of encouragement from a fellow runner – someone who sees the struggle, dares to jogs alongside, and cares enough to say, “Keep going! You can do it! You’re not alone. I believe in you!”

The writer starts the text by describing________.

A. the beautiful scene of the morning  

B. his or her preparations for a jogging

C. a lively dog named Nika

D. the growth of crops at the farm

The writer mentioned the newspaper and coffee to suggest that he or she _______.

A. liked reading newspapers while drinking coffee

B. had an intention to give up running

C. would treat himself or herself to coffee after running

D. might appear on the newspaper for the long running

The writer decided to continue running _______.

A. after he or she found the dog was still energetic

B. because they came near the top of the hill

C. when he or she noticed the tired dog

D. before they arrived at the bottom of the hill

What does the writer expect to show by telling the story?

A. Words are powerful than deeds.

B. Beasts in life aren’t easily to conquer.

C. Dogs are the best friend of humans.

D. Try it one more time before giving up.


A California family drives a car that could help protect the environment. When Jon and Sandy go to the store or to their daughters’ soccer games, they drive in high-tech style. They drive a $1 million, fuel-cell-powered car. It may be the world’s most expensive car and one of the most environmentally friendly cars. The FCX is the first fuel-cell-powered car to be used by a family anywhere in the world. The FCX uses hydrogen and oxygen for fuel. Car makers have been working to develop vehicles that are better for the environment. They are developing cars that use fuel other than gasoline. And then what is fuel cell technology? Fuel cell technology works by changing the chemicals hydrogen and oxygen into water. This process produces electricity, and water vapor which comes out of the exhaust pipe. Most cars release dangerous gases such as carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. Many scientists say these gases are major contributors to global warming. “The FCX is driven just like any other vehicle on the road, but without the gases which pollute the environment,” scientists say. Fuel cell technology has been around since the 1800s, but scientists have yet been to perfect it. They say it may take years before the technology is ready for widespread use. Another earth-friendly car is already on the market. Hybrid cars use both gasoline and an electric motor. They are becoming more popular with customers because they cut pollution and improve fuel efficiency.
46. Which of the following about the FCX is not true?
A. It may be the most expensive car in the world.
B. It is one of the most environmentally friendly cars.
C. It releases dangerous gases to pollute the air.
D. It uses hydrogen and oxygen for fuel other than gasoline.
47. According to the passage, what is the major cause for global warming?
A. Gases from FCX.                           B. Water vapor from cars.
C. Hydrogen and oxygen.            D. Gases from cars.
48. From the passage, we know that fuel cell technology ______.
A. works by water                       B. has a history for over two hundred years
C. works by electricity                 D. has been widely used since the 1800s
49. We can infer from the passage that ______.
A. future cars will be environmentally friendly
B. there will be no gasoline for cars
C. people can’t afford to buy cars in the future
D. global warming has been stopped
50. Hybrid cars are popular because ______.
A. they are the fuel-cell-powered cars
B. they are energy-saving and cut pollution
C. they are perfect cars in the world
D. they produce no gases to pollute the environment


A morning rarely began so perfect. I took in the fresh air and felt my heart run into an enthusiastic rhythm. Though cool, the sun warmed my back as it rose over the horse from not far from my house. The slightest wind danced on my skin. Just enough to keep a runner form overheating. My ever-faithful jogging partner, a black dog named Nika pulled my leg with her mouth, mirroring my eagerness to start our run.
We raced forward with determination, ready to leap tall buildings and race against speeding trains. We pushed harder and ran faster, demonstration our skill and impressing passing motorists and neighbors.
We kept on running until we hit the Beast, a name for a very difficult, nearly two-mile long steep climb.
Only a few paces into the Beast, I gasped for air. Far short of superhero status, my enthusiasm and active steps were lost somewhere at the base of the hill. A vision of the newspaper and a cup of coffee waiting in my kitchen appeared, attracting me to turn back toward home.
With a glance I noticed Nika wasn’t doing any better. She continued to faithfully follow me, putting one paw in front of the other, but without her former eagerness. Her tiredness touched me. And in that moment, I felt a sudden spark of renewed determination to press on. I couldn’t allow this mountain to get the better of us. To improve both our spirits, I managed to shout, “Good girl, Nika! Keep going…you can do it!”
“I’m encouraging a dog, for heaven’s sake!’’ I needed to pull myself together. With a few simple words, I changed our course. One moment we were on the edge of quitting. The next, our feet picked up the pace and we continued. Though tired and discouraged myself, with a few kind words I impacted a dog’s ability to go further. I’m sure I could have completed the opposite with ill-chosen comments and an unpleasant tone. Instead, the Beast was defeated and we flew like heroes the rest of the way home.
Life is full of beasts to conquer. For some, it is the seemingly impossible climb of cancer. For others, their beast takes the shape of parenting a child or a teenager. Uphill climbs come in all shapes and sizes, common only in their ability to defeat, discourage and tempt tired travelers to quit. Sometimes all that’s needed is a few spoken, well-timed words of encouragement from a fellow runner – someone who sees the struggle, dares to jogs alongside, and cares enough to say, “Keep going! You can do it! You’re not alone. I believe in you!”
【小题1】 The writer starts the text by describing________.

A.the beautiful scene of the morning
B.his or her preparations for a jogging
C.a lively dog named Nika
D.the growth of crops at the farm
【小题2】 The writer mentioned the newspaper and coffee to suggest that he or she _______.
A.liked reading newspapers while drinking coffee
B.had an intention to give up running
C.would treat himself or herself to coffee after running
D.might appear on the newspaper for the long running
【小题3】 The writer decided to continue running _______.
A.after he or she found the dog was still energetic
B.because they came near the top of the hill
C.when he or she noticed the tired dog
D.before they arrived at the bottom of the hill
【小题4】 What does the writer expect to show by telling the story?
A.Words are powerful than deeds.
B.Beasts in life aren’t easily to conquer.
C.Dogs are the best friend of humans.
D.Try it one more time before giving up.


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