摘要: Mr. Brown is the telephone now. A. in B. on C. at D. with





1.What will the woman do?

A.Stop what she is doing at once.

B.Put her book away immediately.

C.Help the man a little later.

2.What will the weather in Arizona be like in the coming week?



C.A bit cold.

3.Why does the woman say so?

A.There is a mirror in the bathroom.

B.The man left his glasses in the bathroom.

C.The man is wearing his glasses.

4.When will the woman get her photos?

A.Late in the afternoon.

B.At about 2:00 p.m.

C.Early the next morning.

5.What does the woman think of the acting?


B.Just so so.

C.Very bad.

听力原文:(Text 1)

M:Can you help me put these things away?

W:In a minute.I am almost through with this chapter.

(Text 2)

W:Good morning, can I help you?

M:Yes, I’d like to know something about the weather in Arizona in the coming week.

W:Well, it will be fairly hot and there will be much rain.

M:I see.Thanks very much for your help.

(Text 3)

M:Have you seen my glasses?I can’t find them anywhere.

W:Go into the bathroom and look in the mirror.

(Text 4)

W:When will my photos be ready?

M:Well, it’s twelve o’clock now.I think they will be ready in a couple of hours.

(Text 5)

W:What do you think of the film?

M:I like it.I think it is great.

W:I like it, too.Do you like the acting?

M:Yes.It is excellent.Do you?

W:Not really.It is disappointing.




6.Where is Mr.Brown?

A.He is in the Sales Department.

B.He is in a meeting room.

C.He is at home.

7.What is Mr.Peterson’s telephone number?




听力原文:(Text 6)

W:ABC company.Can I help you?

M:Can you put me through to Mr.Brown in the Sales department?

W:I’m afraid Mr.Brown is at a meeting at the moment.

M:Can I leave a message?


M:Can you ask Mr.Brown to call me at 1300-621-7865?

W:Who is calling, please?

M:Alan Peterson.

W:OK, Mr.Peterson.Can you repeat the phone number?

M:That’s 1300-621-7865.

W:OK, I’ll ask Mr.Brown to call you as soon as the meeting is over.



8.Whom do you think the woman was angry with?

A.The man.

B.The repairman.

C.The shopkeeper.

9.Why couldn’t the woman find the repair shop?

A.She missed the right turn.

B.The man gave her the wrong directions.

C.She was a bad driver.

10.Why did the man tell her to turn to these television repairmen?

A.The shop was easy to find.

B.One of the repairmen was his friend.

C.They do good work and the price is reasonable.

听力原文:(Text 7)

M:Do you want your television repaired?

W:Yes, but not by the man you suggested.

M:Why not?The repairmen are very good and the charges are so reasonable.

W:That may be, but I couldn’t find the place.

M:But you couldn’t miss it.I told you it is at the first right after the railroad bridge.

W:I took that.I went to the end of the road.There is no such place.

M:Wait a minute.Perhaps it is the second right.Yes, I think it is.

W:I should have known, whenever someone says “You can’t miss it”, you can be sure that you won’t find it.


11.What’s the relationship between the man and the woman?

A.They are friends.

B.They are teacher and student.

C.They are mother and son.

12.What does the woman ask the man to do?

A.Look for a new apartment.

B.Find a job to earn $200 a month.

C.Share an apartment with one or two roommates.

13.How much does the woman want to spend on rent?

A.Less than $200 a month.

B.Somewhere about $200 a month.

C.A little more than $200 a month.

听力原文:(Text 8)

W:Hello, Roger?This is Ann.

M:Hi, Ann.How have you been?And how’s your new apartment working out?

W:Well, that’s what I’m calling about.You see, I’ve decided to look for a new place.

M:Oh, what’s the problem with your place now?I thought you liked the apartment.

W:I do, but it’s a little far from the campus.Do you think you could help?

M:All right.So, what kind of place is you looking for?

W:Well, I’d like to share an apartment with one or two roommates within walking distance of school.

M:Okay, how much do you want to spend on rent?

W:Uh, somewhere under $200 a month.

M:Hmm.And anything else?

W:Yeah, I need a parking space.

M:Well, I know there’s an apartment nearby.I’ll drop by there on my way to class today.

W:Hey, thanks a lot.

M:No problem.


14.Why did the man want to buy the records?

A.The man wanted to buy them for his cousin.

B.The man liked popular songs.

C.The man wanted to keep the same records given by his father.

15.Who broke the man’s records?

A.The man himself.

B.The man’s father.

C.The man’s cousin.

16.How much did each record cost the man?

A.2 pounds.

B.1.5 pounds.

C.1 pound.

听力原文:(Text 9)

W:Good afternoon.

M:Good afternoon.Have you got any records of modern guitar music?

W:We’ve got a lot of them.Which ones are you looking for?

M:I’m looking for some records of Julian Bream.I saw them in your window last week.

W:Excuse me, aren’t you American?

M:No.I’m Canadian.My father gave me the same records in Canada, but I broke them.

W:What happened?

M:They were in my suitcase.I sat on my case and broke the records.My cousin told me about your shop.I came here last week and saw the records.

W:Let’s look for the records and put them on that shelf.Yes, the records are there.

M:How much are those three?

W:They are four pounds fifty pence.


17.What does the speaker like to know about a new play?

A.How much it costs.

B.Whether it is worth seeing.

C.How long it lasts.

18.Why were the speaker and his wife late for the theatre?

A.Because they missed the bus.

B.Because his wife spent too much traffic time deciding what to wear.

C.Because there was too much traffic on the way.

19.Which of the following is true according to the conversation?

A.What the newspaper said was wrong.

B.What the newspaper said was right.

C.They didn’t mind missing the first part of the play.

20.Where did they go after the play?

A.To a night club.

B.To a restaurant.

C.To their home.

听力原文:(Text 10)

  My wife and I go to the theater whenever we can.But before we buy tickets, we like to know if the play is good or bad.When a new play opens.We usually read the newspaper to get information about it.Last week a new play opened at the theater.The newspaper story said it was very interesting so we decided to go on Saturday night.

  My wife took a long time to make up her mind what to wear and we left our house a little late.By the time we got to the theater, the first act had already begun.We were sorry we missed part of the play, because the rest of it was very funny.The newspaper had been right.It was very good.

  After the play was over, we met some friends we hadn’t seen for a long time.They wanted to go to a night club.It had been many years since my wife and I had gone dancing, but I finally agreed.By the time we got home, it was about two o’clock in the morning.I’m got used to staying out so late and I was extremely tired.

  When I was younger.I didn’t have the money to go out for an evening like this.Now I can afford it.I don’t have the energy to really enjoy it.





W:I have had four colds this winter and I think I am catching another.

M:I have only had half that many, but my wife has had six.

1.How many colds has the man had?




M:Sorry.I have forgotten Mary’s address.

W:You forgot again! It’s 1646 Garden Street.

2.What’s Mary’s address?

A.1664 Garden Street.

B.1664 Guard Street.

C.1646 Garden Street.

W:Ten dollars’ worth of stamps, please.

M:With pleasure.Would you like to mail something?

W:Not now, thanks.Here is ten dollars.

3.What does the woman want to do?

A.To buy some stamps.

B.To mail something.

C.To mail some letters.

M:Hello, Della.You’re a bit late today.

W:Yes, Mr.White.I’m sorry,…er…I forgot my book and I…went…

M:You went back for it?


M:You shouldn’t have gone back for it.You could have shared one.Della, sit down now.

4.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Boss and secretary.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Librarian and borrower.

M:What did you think of Dennis?

W:Which one was Dennis? Was he the one who played the piano?

5.What do we learn from the conversation?

A.Dennis was a piano player.

B.The woman didn’t know the pianist, but she knew Dennis.

C.The woman didn’t know who Dennis was.




M:Alice, it’s almost vacation time.Have you found a summer job yet?

W:I think I can work at the boy’s camp where I worked last summer.But camp jobs don’t pay much.

M:I can get a job at the Friendship Hotel.A friend of mine was a waiter there last summer.The pay was not good, but he got lose of tips.

W:A friend of my sister’s did that one summer.

M:What I want is a job outside.After sitting in college classes all winter, I’d like a job in the open air.

W:The high school kids earn a lot of money every summer cutting grass.My brother is only fourteen, but he gets five dollars every time he cuts someone’s grass.It only takes him an hour.

M:That’s pretty good.I used to cut grass when I was in high school.But now I think I might work for a road-building company, or something like that.

W:It would be good experience.You could learn a lot.

6.What was the woman speaker?

A.A college student.

B.A middle school student.

C.A housewife.

7.What kind of job would the woman like to do?


B.Office work.

C.Work in the open air.

8.What job might the woman finally take?

A.Working for a road-building company.

B.Cutting grass.

C.Typing letters in the office.


W:Hello, 577618.

M:Hello! Could I speak to Tom?

W:I’m sorry he’s out.He’s at the cinema at the moment.

M:Is that Mrs.Brown?

W:Yes, this is Tom’s Mother.Do you have anything important to tell Tom? Can I take a message for him?

M:Sure.This is Bill.We’re going to have a picnic next Sunday.Please ask him to bring some delicious food along.

W:OK.I’ll leave the message on his desk.

M:Thanks a lot.Bye!


9.Where is Tom now?

A.In the school.

B.In a restaurant.

C.At the cinema.

10.Who answers the telephone?

A.Mrs.Brown, Tom’s sister.

B.Mrs.Brown, Tom’s mother.

C.Mrs.Black, Tom’s aunt.

11.What does Bill want Tom to do?

A.Bring some food for the picnic.

B.Bring some toys for the game.

C.Bring some toys for the trip.


W:What was the party like last night, Jack?

M:Not bad at all, thanks.Why didn’t you come?

W:Well I couldn’t get away from work early.And when I got home.I had a headache, so I had to go straight to bed, but I was over-tired because I wasn’t able to get to sleep for hours.

M:Why didn’t you take some medicine?

W:I don’t like to.I used to take medicine when I had to work overtime, you know.

M:Do you still drink coffee at night?

W:No.But now, I like to drink tea.

M:That’s bad.You must stop it.

12.How was the party like last night?

A.It was good.

B.It failed completely.

C.It was dull.

13.Why couldn’t the woman go to the party last night?

A.Because she wasn’t feeling well.

B.Because she forgot the date.

C.Because she disliked it.

14.What did she drink at night recently?





M:How do you do?

W:How do you do?

M:Would you please tell me where you are from?

W:I am from Greece.

M:It’s a beautiful place isn’t it.I hope I’ll go there some day.

W:You are welcome to our country.

M:What’s the climate like in your country?

W:It’s very pleasant.

M:What’s the weather like in spring?

W:In March, it is often windy.It’s always warm in April and May.

M:It’s very hot in summer, isn’t it?

W:Yes, in June, July and August, the sun shines every day.

M:What’s the weather like in autumn?

W:It’s always warm in September and October.It’s often cold in November and it rains sometimes.

M:Is it very cold in winter?

W:Yes, it is.It snows sometimes.

M:I see.

15.What’s the weather like in Greece?



C.Neither good nor bad.

16.What’s the weather like in spring?

A.The sun shines every day.

B.It’s often windy in March and always warm in April and May.

C.It’s always warm and never rains.

17.What’s the relationship between the man and the woman?

A.Husband and wife.


C.A Greek and a stranger.


  Not long ago, Charles White and his family decided to do some spring housecleaning.Sorting through their possessions, they came up with some 1500 old, unwanted items-chairs, warm rugs, lamps, dishes, books, used clothes and all sorts of other things they no longer needed.The Whites decided to do what a lot of other Americans are doing these days-have a “Garage sale”.They posted homemade signs throughout the neighborhood, ran an advertisement in the local newspaper, then sent out the collection of unwanted objects on the front yard of their suburban home in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, and waited to see if anyone would come.The Whites needn’t have worried, eager buyers bought all but 50 or so of the items in one weekend, leaving the family $442 richer.

  Garage sale, yard sale, basement sale-whatever they’re called and wherever they’re held, Americans are having them in ever-increasing numbers.

18.What did the Whites do before they had the garage sale?

A.They went shopping.

B.They did some housecleaning and sorted the possessions.

C.They made a wonderful picnic in their hometown.

19.Which of the following is not mentioned in the talking?

A.The Whites do not need to worry their “garage sale”.

B.American did not enjoy such sales.

C.The Whites advertised their garage sale.

20.How much money did the Whites make?








M:Nurse, I’d like to see Dr.Brown.

W:I’m sorry, but he isn’t in today.Dr.Johnson or Dr.Pepper will be happy to see you.

1.It’s possible that ________ Dr.Johnson ________ Dr.Pepper will treat the patient ________ Dr.Brown.

W:I’ve had four colds this winter and I think I’m catching another one.

M:I’ve only had half that many, but my wife has had six.

2.His wife has had ________ times more colds than he.

M:What’s the matter with you, Mrs.White?

W:I’ve had pains here just below where my heart is.

M:Do you have these pains all the time?

W:No, not all the time.

3.Mrs.White told the doctor that ________.


W:When do you think I can go home, Dr Smith?

M:Well, you came in on Monday and today is Friday.I’d say that you could probably leave tomorrow, but I don’t want you to go back to work for several weeks.

4.Where is the woman?

A.In the doctor’s office.

B.At work.

A few honest men are better than numbers.诚实的朋友不在多。

C.In her office.

M:I think I’ll go to see the movie tonight instead of working on my paper.“True Lies” is on at the capital cinema.

W:I wouldn’t do that if I were you.

5.What does the woman suggest?

A.He should go to see the movie.

B.He ought to work on his paper.

C.He shouldn’t write about the movie.

W:What’s the matter with you, Harry?

M:There’s something wrong with my stomach.I feel terrible.

6.Whom should Harry go to see?




M:I’ve been coughing for some time.Do you think it serious?

W:Your illness is caused by smoking.You’d better give it up.

7.Where does the talk probably take place?

A.In a factory.

B.In a hospital.

C.In a store.

M:I have an appointment to see Dr Green for a physical examination.

W:Please have a rest.She’s doing an operation right now.

8.Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A.In an operation room.

B.In a doctor’s office.

C.On the telephone.



W:What’s “frozen food”?

M:It’s what it says it is:after the food is picked and washed and cut in, it is put in packages and the whole thing is frozen.

W:Does it taste as good as fresh food?

M:Generally not as good, but it’s fine.It’s more expensive than fresh foods, though.

W:How long do frozen foods keep?

M:Seven months if you have a good freezer in your refrigerator.Frozen foods are also convenient.You can shop every two or three weeks instead of every day.

9.How does frozen food taste?



C.Better than fresh foods.

10.Why do we think frozen foods are convenient?

A.We can shop every day.

B.We can shop every two or three weeks.

C.We needn’t shop any more.

11.How long can frozen foods keep?

A.7 months.

B.8 months.

C.9 months.


  Your body, which has close relations with the food you eat, is the most important thing you own, so it needs proper treatment and proper nourishment.The old saying“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”is not as silly as some people think.The body needs fruit and vegetables because they contain vitamin C.Many people take extra vitamins in pill form, believing that these will make them healthy.But a good diet is made up of nourishing food and this gives all the vitamins you need.The body doesn’t need or use extra vitamins, so why waste money on them?

  In the modern Western world, many people are too busy to bother about eating properly.They throw anything into their stomachs, eating hurriedly and carelessly.The list of illnesses caused or made worse by bad eating habits is frightening.

12.What does “Your body has close relations with the food you eat” really mean?

A.All kinds of food you eat can be made into your body.

B.Your body is made up of the food you eat.

C.What you eat has great effect on your health.

13.What does the old saying tell us?

A.The apple is the best among all kinds of fruits.

B.Apples can take the place of doctors.

C.Eating apples regularly do a lot of good to our body.

14.What should we do if we want to keep healthy?

A.Only eat an apple a day.

B.Eat properly.

C.Take as many vitamin pills as possible.

听第11段材料,并判断下列陈述是否正确(True or False)。

Renting an Apartment

Mr.Wei:I saw your advertisement in this morning’s New York Times, and I’d like to take a look at the apartment.

Mrs.Jones:Come in, please.It’s on the second floor.This way, please.

Mr.Wei:How much does the apartment rent for?

Mrs.Jones:It’s three hundred dollars a month...Here we are.This is the living room.There are windows in every room.The kitchen is on your left.

Mr.Wei:There are two bathrooms.That’s great!

Mrs.Jones:By the way, we don’t allow any pets here.

Mr.Wei:I see.What about decorating?

Mrs.Jones:If you decide to move in, we will repaint the apartment on the condition that you sign a two-year lease(租约).

Mr.Wei:That means if I sign a one-year lease, there will be no redecorating at all?

Mrs.Jones:That’s right.

Mr.Wei:If I decided to take it, how soon could I move in?

Mrs.Jones:You can move in any time you like.As you can see, it’s already cleaned up.

Mr.Wei:Good.Er, Mrs…?


Mr.Wei:Mrs.Jones, I like this apartment very much, but I’d like to know my wife’s and kids’ opinions.I’ll come back this evening with them.Will that be convenient?

Mrs.Jones:That’s fine with me.

Mr.Wei:This is my business card.Thanks very much, Mrs.Jones.We’ll see you tonight.

15.The apartment is rented for three hundred dollars a year.

16.Pets are not allowed to raise in the apartment.

17.If the man wants to have the apartment decorated(装修), he will have to rent it for at least a year.

听第12段材料,并判断下列陈述是否正确(True or False)。

Checking In

Tom:I’d like to check in, please.

Reception Clerk:Awfully sorry, sir.There are no rooms available now.

Tom:But I have reserved a room the day before yesterday.

Clerk:Sorry.May I have your name?

Tom:Tom Wang.

Clerk:Please wait a minute.Let me check…Excuse me, but I can’t seem to find your name on our list.Are you sure you have a reservation for tonight?

Tom:Of course, I did it myself.

Clerk:I’m terribly sorry.There must have been some mistakes.Let me check it again…Oh, yes.There is a name listed as Tom Huang.It must be the fault of the clerk who registered your name.I apologize.

Tom:Don’t worry about that.

Clerk:According to the records, your reservation is for a single room with shower and air conditioner for two nights.The room rate will be $110 per night, including 10% tax and 4% service charge.Is it right?

Tom:Yes, that’s right.I’d like to pay my bill by credit card.

Clerk:May I take a print of your card?

Tom:Here you are.

Clerk:OK.Now could you fill out this registration card?

Tom:All right.

Clerk:Your room number is 707.Here is your key.The bellhop will help you to carry the suitcases to your room.Have a nice evening.

18.The guest’s name is Tom Huang.

19.The guest has booked a single room with shower and air conditioner for two nights.

20.The tax and service charge are not included in the $100 for the room rate per nigh.


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