摘要: Each of the footballers over 150 pounds. A. weigh B. weighs C. weights D. were weighing


One afternoon,my son Adam asked me, "Are all people the same even if they are different in color?"
I thought for a minute, and then I said, "I'll explain,26 you can just wait until we make a quick  27  at the grocery store. I have something  28  to show you.”
At the grocery store, we  29  some apples --- red, green and yellow ones. Back home, I told Adam, "It's time to  30  your question. " I put one apple of each  31  on the table. Then I looked at Adam, who had a  32  look on his face.
"People are like apples. They come in all  33  colors, shapes and sizes. On the  34  , some of the apples may not  35  look as delicious as the others." As I was talking, Adam was  36  each one carefully.
Then, I took each of the apples and peeled (削皮) them,  37  them back on the table, but  38 different place.
"Okay, Adam, tell me which is which. "
He said, "I   39   tell. They all look the same now. " "Take a bite of   40  . See if that helps you  41  which one is which.”
He took  42  , and then a huge smile came across his face. "People are  43  like apples! They are all different, but once you  44   the outside,  they're pretty much the same on the inside. "
He totally  45  it. I didn't' need to say or do anything else.

A.although B.so C.because D.if
【小题2】A. stop         B. start           C. turn         D stay
【小题3】A. expressive    B. encouraging     C informative   D. interesting
A.bought B.counted C.saw D.collected
A.checkB.mention C.answer D.improve
【小题6】A. size          B. type            C: shape       D. class
A.worried B.satisfied C.proud D.curious
A.ordinaryB.normal C.different D.regular
A.outside B.wholeC.table D.inside
A.still B.even C.onlyD.ever
【小题11】A. examining    B. measuring       C: drawing     D. packing
A.keeping B.placing C.pulling D.giving
A.on B.sward C.forD.in
【小题14】A. mustn't       B. can't           C shouldn't     D. needn't
A.each one B.each other C.the other D.one another
A.admit B.consider C.decide D.believe
【小题17】A. big bites     B. deep breaths     C a firm hold   D. a close look
A.just B.always C.merely D.seldom
【小题19】A. put away     B. get down       C hand out      D. take off    
A.madeB.took C.got D.did


第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
  Learners report two main difficulties in reading, which may be linked. There are too many unknown words and as a result reading is simply not a pleasure. For some students, even reading in their own language is a chore.
  Having a wide vocabulary is essential to making sense of written language. Of course, this is a circular argument, because the more you read the more vocabulary you learn and the more words you know the more easily you can read. Don’t make the mistake of reading with your dictionary beside you, looking up every single new or doubtful word. This is laborious and prevents you from practicing the skill of prediction.
  Sometimes in reading you find a word you know but the sense doesn’t seem to fit in. This is not surprising because words have so many meanings and degrees of meaning. What is more, part of their meaning is shaped by the words around them. Keep looking at the surrounding words and asking yourself “what sort of meaning would make sense here?”
  The more that people study the reading process, the better they can pass on to language learners a range of advice to choose from. People have learned to read in all kinds of ways. Here is some information that could help you plan to be a better reader in the foreign language you are studying.
  1)Work out the general meaning first
  When people read in a new language they often feel they must take a detailed approach, focusing in every word, particularly those they don’t know. They read as if they were using a microscope, looking carefully at each of the small pieces(the individual words), but not necessarily seeing the whole picture at first. This is called the “bottom-up” approach. Other readers try to look first at the big picture(the “top-down” approach), attending to individual bricks only as necessary, a process that involves some intelligent guesswork. Generally this second approach is recommended by successful learners.
  2)Interactive reading
  Another way of thinking about reading is to describe it as an interactive process, where the text brings something to you and you bring something to the text. Readers bring together all their knowledge of the world with what they see on the page in front of them. That is why, when reading in our own language, we don’t need to read every word. We add meaning which is not actually stated.
  3)From supported reading to independent reading
  Language learners start by needing considerable support as they read. Textbooks supply this support in the form of introductions that summaries the contents, glossaries, pictures, explanations of new grammar points. In your reading you need to move gradually from this support to reading more the text itself.
51.According to the author, ________.
A.looking up the dictionary is of great help for the understanding
B.reading more promotes the gaining of vocabulary
C.the more you read,the clearer the meaning is
D.the amount of vocabulary is the key to reading
52.Successful learners recommend ________.
A.trying to look first at the big picture
B.looking carefully at each of the small pieces
C.focusing on every word
53.The word “chore” in the first paragraph maybe means ________.
A.an important aspect
B.a difficult and tiring thing
C.an easy question
D.something special
54.You come across a new or doubtful word when you are reading, you can ________.
A.just miss it and let it be
B.keep looking at the surrounding words
C.look it up in the dictionary each time
D.make sense of it with the help of dictionary


A group of happy, high-performing individuals is not a team. Even if each of the people is highly motivated and wants to do great work, you will still need to spend time actively developing a sense of unity and cooperation to create a truly team-oriented(团队精神的)environment. 【小题1】
Building a team takes time. 【小题2】 We will review the building blocks of a team environment, so you can work on this aspect of your role over time.
Successful teams have some common attributes(品质) you can encourage and develop as you work with the members of your group.【小题3】Making them clear to every member of your group is a great first step toward developing a team-oriented culture.
All effective teams operate on the basis of trust. 【小题4】Each member on your team needs to see consistent(一致的)behavior patterns from you and their colleagues over time to be able to believe a certain person will act in a certain way.
【小题5】  While having these discussions can be great for your team’s creativity, you want to ensure they remain within respectful communication. Challenging another team member’s view can help refine an idea and make it more perfect. You should encourage everyone to contribute to the discussion.

A.Building a great team needs a lot of skills.
B.A healthy team will have debates, and sometimes even heated discussions.
C.Your aim is to encourage your team members to work together.
D.You can’t expect to achieve success quickly.
E. You will need to show these values through your actions as well as your words.
F. Therefore, working with others is not the same as being mutually(相互地) supportive and dependent on one another.
G. Trust is based on pattern recognition.


When it comes to eating smart for your heart, stop thinking about short-term solutions and simplify your life with a straightforward approach that will serve you well for years to come.
Smart eating goes beyond analyzing every bite of food you lift  36  your mouth. “In the past we used to believe that  37  amounts of individual nutrients were the 38 to good health,” Linda Van Horn, professor of the American Heart Association's Nutrition Committee. "But now we have a 39 understanding of healthy eating and the kinds of food necessary to  40  not only heart disease but disease  41  general," she adds.
Scientists now  42 on the broader picture of the balance of food eaten  43  several days or a week  44 than on the number of milligrams of this or that  45  at each meal.
Fruits, vegetables and whole grains, for example, provide nutrients and plant-based compounds 46 to good health. “The more we learn, the more  47  we are by the wealth of essential substances they  48 ," Van Horn continues, "and how they  49  with each other to keep us healthy."
You'll automatically be  50  the right heart-healthy track if vegetables, fruits and whole grains make 51  three quarters of the food on your dinner plate. 52  in the remaining one quarter with lean meat or chicken, fish or eggs.
The foods you choose to eat as well as those you choose to  53  clearly contribute to your well-being. Without a  54 , each of the small decisions you make in this can make a big 55  on your health in the years to come.
【小题1】 A between         B through           C inside                D to
【小题2】A serious          B splendid          C specific          D separate
【小题3】A key              B point             C lead              D center
【小题4】A strict           B different         C typical               D natural
【小题5】A rescue           B prevent              C forbid                D offend
【小题6】A in               B upon              C for               D by
【小题7】A turn             B put               C focus             D carry
【小题8】A over         B along             C with              D beyond
【小题9】A other            B better                C rather                D sooner
【小题10】A conveyed        B consumed          C entered               D exhausted
【小题11】A vital          B initial               C valid             D efficient
【小题12】A disturbed       B depressed         C amazed               D amused
【小题13】A preserve            B contain              C attain                D maintain
【小题14】A interfere           B interact            C occupy            D rest
【小题15】A at              B of                    C on                   D within
【小题16】A out             B into              C off              D up
【小题17】A Engage          B Fill              C Involve               D Pack
【小题18】A delete          B escape                C avoid             D spoil
【小题19】A notion          B hesitation            C reason                D doubt
【小题20】A outcome     B function          C impact                D commitment


第三节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)
We come by business naturally in our family. Each of the seven children in our family worked in our father’s store. 21  we worked and watched, we learned that work was about more than  22  and making a sale.
One lesson stands out in my 23  . It was shortly before Christmas. I was in eighth grade and was working evenings, straightening the toy section. A little boy, five or six years old, came in. He was  24   a brown torn coat with dirty sleeves. His shoes were scuffed and his one shoelace was torn. The little boy looked poor to me ---too poor to 25  to buy anything. He looked 26  the toy section, picked up this item and 27 , and carefully put them 28  in their place.
Dad came down the stairs and walked over to the boy. His blue eyes 29  and the dimple(酒窝) in his cheek stood out as he asked the boy what he could do for him. The boy said he was looking for a Christmas 30  to buy his brother. I was impressed that Dad treated him with the same respect as any adult. Dad told him to take his 31  and look around. He did.
After about 20 minutes, the little boy carefully picked up a toy 32 , walked up to my dad and said, “How much for this, Mister?”
“How much you got?” Dad asked.
The little boy held out his hand and 33  it. His hand was creased(起皱) with 34  lines of dirt from holding his 35   too tightly. In his hand  36  two dimes, a nickel and two pennies—27 cents. The price on the toy plane he’d picked out was $3.98.
“That’ll just 37  it,” Dad said as he 38  the sale. Dad’s reply still 39  in my ears. When the little boy walked out of the store, I didn’t notice the dirty, worn coat or the single torn shoelace. What I saw was a happy child with a 40  .
21. A. Because                    B. Since                C. As                    D. After
22. A. survival                     B. labor                 C. hardship            D. entertainment
23. A. way                    B. mind                 C. life                   D. time
24. A. putting on           B. dressing            C. having                 D. wearing
25. A. try                            B. attempt             C. afford            D. manage
26. A. for                            B. around                 C. up                    D. over
27. A. that                    B. one                   C. it                      D. this
28. A. up                      B. away                 C. back                 D. off
29. A. opened               B. smiled           C. shone            D. looked
30. A. tree                    B. card                  C. present              D. cake
31. A. effort                 B. word                 C. time                  D. courage
32. A. car                            B. gift                   C. plane                D. section
33. A. showed               B. opened                 C. gave                 D. turned
34. A. long                   B. straight             C. wet                   D. main
35. A. toy                            B. pocket           C. hand                 D. money
36. A. lay                            B. had                   C. held                  D. laid
37. A. work                  B. cover                C. need                 D. take
38. A. took                   B. returned           C. made             D. offered 
39. A. rings                  B. stays            C. remains             D. gets
40. A. bag              B. treasure        C. package        D. thing


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