摘要:第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分.满分10分) By midday the sun was very strong, Jim was so tired 86. to walk. There was no trees near the road, so he rested 87. under a big rock. After drinking some water, he took his 88. shirt, lying down on the ground and fell asleep at once. 89. He was very tired that he didn’t wake up until the evening. 90. He was just about to jump while he felt something moving 91. near his feet. He looked up and saw a long black snake. 92. Jim was so frightening that he didn’t dare to move. The 93. snake began to crawl(爬) across his legs. It crawled on and 94. on until it was disappeared under the rocks, Jim jumped 95. to his feet, picked up his shirt and ran down the road.


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