摘要:We appreciate your and cooperation. understanding



  Recently a lot of managers complain that their employees don't work hard and what they care about is only how much money they can get.

  How does this happen?I think it is time for them to think about that seriously now.

  Shakespeare once said that “some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them”.So it is with leadership.Some persons are born with the ability of leadership.Some gain that art by watching and studying the actions of those around them.Other persons find themselves forced into special situations which require them to make the best of the resources they never realized they had and events bring out strong leadership.Most of us are never put to such tests.Most of us are not born leaders.

  We often hear people say, “He is a great fellow to work for.” We see workers try their best to do things for certain managers.We see them carry out instructions cheerfully and well or even add something to the doing of the job which was unexpected.In other words, they put themselves into the job and give it their “extra effort” which people give only when they feel that they are part of the team, that they are making a contribution to its success, and that their contributions are understood and appreciated by their managers.

  However, this is not something which happens naturally or by chance.It is built on one-to-one relationship.It is a reflection of a person's attitudes toward the job, the manager and the company.Where it exists, it has been developed over a period, as a result of three simple factors:confidence, cooperation and understanding of their manager who understands them, appreciates their efforts and tries to give them all a fair deal.


The author quotes Shakespeare's words in order to ________.

[  ]


introduce the topic of the passage


stress the importance of good leadership


help to describe three different kinds of leaders


compare the difference between greatness with leadership


According to the author, as a manager, you should ________.

[  ]


understand and appreciate your workers and their contributions


make good use of those workers born willing to work hard for you


treat different workers in different ways and different attitudes


not only control your workers but understand and appreciate them


Most people gain the art of leadership because ________.

[  ]


they are born with the ability of it


they are always put into some special tests


they are much wiser than others


they like to watch and study the actions of others


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