摘要: She has to be very because she hasn’t much money. A. economic B. economical C. sparing D. careful


Parents whose children show a special interest in a sport feel very difficult to make a decision about their children’s careers.Should they allow their children to train to become top sportsmen and sportswomen? For many children it means starting schoolwork very young.And going out with friends and other interests have to take a second placeIt’s very difficult to explain to a young child why he or she has to train five hours a day, even at the weekend, when most of his or her friends are playing.
Another problem is of course money, In many countries money for training is available from government for the very best young sportsmen and sportswomen.If this help can not be given, it means that it is the parents who have to find the time and the money to support their child’s development and sports clothes, transport to competitions, special equipment, etc.All can be expensive.
Many parents are worried that it is dangerous to start serious training in a sport at an early age.Some doctors agree that young muscles may be damaged by training before they are properly developed.Professional trainers, however, believe that it is only by training when young that you can reach the top as successful sports person.It is clear that very few people do reach the top, and both parents and children should be prepared for failure even after many years of training.
【小题1】Where can we most probably find this passage?

A.An advertisement.B.A diary.
C.A newspaper.D.A notice board.
【小题2】What does the underlined phrase “to take a second place ”in the first paragraph mean?
A.to become less important
B.To put it at another place
C.To happen again
D.They are the most important of all the things
【小题3】Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.It’s easy to make a decision when your children want to take up sports.
B.Most of the students may become top sports men after a long period of training.
C.Early training may damage young muscles.
D.It’s not very expensive for parents to support their children’s development in sports.


Is a recently discovered hormone the reason why folks who lose weight can’t keep it off?
Like millions of other fat people, at 530 inches high, more than 300 pounds, Carnie Wilson was not just fat. After trying all sort of diets that didn’t work, she has to go to the stomach – bypass surgery (胃部迂回手术), ie, have most of her stomach sewed up, only leaving tiny room to hold several tablespoonfuls at most. Result: she simply couldn’t eat the way she used to. In three years, Wilson is one third of her former weight.
Wilson’s experience is not all that unusual, and while doctors still aren’t exactly sure what is going on, a report in last week’s Journal of Medicine offers an explanation. The loss of appetite in bypass patients may be linked to a recently discovered hormone called ghrelin. Not only that, ghrelin may turn out to be one reason we feel hungry and it’s hare for didters to keep weight off.
Nowadays, researchers are careful to stress only what they know for sure. For the three conclusions, the leading Dr. David of the University of Washington says, “I feel very solid about two of them.” The first is that ghrelin levels in the bloodstream rise significantly before meals and drop afterward. The second conclusion is that ghrelin levels are higher on average in people who have lost weight from dieting.
Dr. David is less sure of the third conclusion, that bypass patients have only a quarter as much ghrelin as most people of normal weight. After all, ghrelin is produced by cells in the stomach. Years ago, leptin, a hormone was found as an appetite suppressant (食物抑制剂). But after years of trying, it had to be given up.
What doctors suspect is that both leptin and ghrelin are part of a complex system of brain and body chemicals that govern weight and appetite. That does not mena pharmaceutical (药物的) weight control is forever out of the question. “In the next ten years, we will be able to develop new drugs to help people lose weight healthily and effectively.”
47.What can we learn about ghrelin according to the passage?
A.After meals ghrelin levels are higher in the bloodstream.
B.People who have lost weight have less ghreilin in their body.
C.Without ghrelin, people are really difficult to lose weight.
D.Ghrelin is something produced by cells in the stomach.
48.What is Dr. David not sure?
A.pharmaceutical weight control is impossible.
       B.There is less ghrelin in the bypass patients.
C.new drugs will be developed in 10 years.
D.ghrelin levels are higher in people on diet.
49.In fact, people’s weight and appetite are controlled by        
A.ghrelin and leptin                      B.hormone and medicine
C.brain and body chemicals                  D.stomach and food
50.What can we infer from the passage?
A.People with a lower ghrelin level go hungry easily.
B.Doctors managed to use leption to control the appetite.
C.Doctors are optimistic about how to lose weight healthily.
D.The loss of appetite in bypass aptient is linked to leptin


What kind of life do you want? And what would you do if you were born with an illness like Cystic Fibrosis (囊胞性纤维症)?Charley was such a man.He was born with Cystic Fibrosis, a serious disease of the muscles.Without properly functioning muscles, eventually you’re unable to breathe.However, Charley was fortunate to have many care- givers, including his wife who helped him a lot.He became an engineer and helped plan structures that would allow streets and buildings to give better access to the disabled.Charley couldn’t live without a wheelchair, and could only use one hand to move it.His speech was also difficult to understand.However, Charley had a sharp mind.He could see, hear, use a few fingers and think, and that was enough to allow him to make an important contribution to his city.He made those around him more aware of their physical health.

In the movie JackandJillvs.theWorld, Jill is a 25-year-old girl who has just arrived in New York City.She has Cystic Fibrosis, but she doesn’t let it control her life.She’s happy, in fact! She meets a young man, Jack, and changes his life forever.One day she has to tell him about her illness.He’s angry and disappointed, but later he realizes that it’s their relationship that matters.They decide to be together, and live as happily as possible.

Charley’s story is true.Jack and Jill’s story is made up.How do you want to live your life? Use your imagination, and enjoy your life and all its wonders.Create your picture of a happy life.

The writer uses the two questions at the beginning of the passage to _____.

     A.test the readers’ attitude about life

     B.draw the readers’ attention to the topic

     C.invite the readers to answer them

     D.tell readers how to make a living

About Charley, which of the following is TRUE?

     A.He is a father of two boys.

     B.He can live well without wheelchair.

     C.He is a lucky because many people give him care.

     D.He can speak as others do.

From the passage, we can infer that _____.

     A.health is the origin of happiness

     B.the attitude to life decides your happiness

     C.Cystic Fibrosis a serious disease of the muscles

     D.Charley’s story is made up

The film JackandJill vs.theWorld is set in _____.

     A.three young people       B.New York City

     C.Paris            D.a place that we don’t know


Parents whose children show a special interest in a sport feel very difficult to make a decision about their children’s careers. Should they allow their children to train to become top sportsmen and sportswomen? For many children it means starting schoolwork very young, and going out with friends and other interests have to take a second place. It’s very difficult to explain to a young child why he or she has to train five hours a day, even at the weekends, when most of his or her friends are playing.

Another problem is of course money. In many countries money for training is available from government for the very best young sportsmen and sportswomen. If this help cannot be given, it means that it is the parents who have to find the time and the money to support their child’s development and sports clothes, transport to competitions, special equipment, etc. Can all be very expensive?

Many parents are worried that it is dangerous to start serious training in a sport at an early age. Some doctors agree that young muscles may be damaged by training before they are properly developed. Professional trainers, however, believe that it is only by training young that you can reach the top as a successful sports person. It is clear that very few people do reach the top, and both parents and children should be prepared for failure even after many years of training.

This article is most probably taken from ________.

A. a complaint letter                         B. an advertisement

C. a personal diary                            D. a newspaper article

According to the passage, parents whose children show a special interest in sport ________.

A. feel uncertain if they should let their children train to be sportsmen or sportswomen

B. try to get financial (财政的) support from the government for their children’s training

C. have to get medical advice from doctors about training methods

D. prefer their children to be trained as young as possible

________ can become the best players after many years of training.

A. Most people   B. All                 C. Hardly any people  D. No people


What do you see from a handful of seeds? Some see green plants, some see blooming flowers, or just seeds. But one group of Shanghai students saw an opportu­nity to make money.
Eight students from No 2 Secondary School Attached to East China Normal Uni­versity started a virtual company selling different seeds and seed products. They successfully sold 28 pictures pasted with different seeds at a campus auction a week a­go. The company, which has recruited around 20 student staff members, has earned over 2000 yuan in the past three months.
"We donated part of the money to a poor school in the countryside of Anhui Province. It's great to realize our ideal of ‘spreading love and culture with seeds’ after many tests and lots of hard work," said Senior 2 Shi Chen, CEO of the compa­ny.
Just like any other company, Shi's didn't develop smoothly. Shi and her young colleagues used to sell fresh flowers and old books, and later found seeds might be something that their company could engage in. They bought seeds of various plants and flowers at low prices from a local farm and sold them in schools or on streets. The creative students also made accessories and pictures with different seeds.
With little business knowledge, the students had to learn new skills as the lead­ers of different departments, such as public relations (PR), sales and marketing. They persuaded a joint Sino-French company near their school to give them training in business management. They also asked some local businessmen to act as their consul­tants.
"They helped us overcome our shyness. We also learned quite a lot of business theory. I found communication skills and teamwork are very important for my job," said Senior 1 Qian Yifei.
The 16-year-old was elected as PR manager thanks to her talent for speaking. She is also in charge of after sales service, dealing with complaints and providing suggestions.
As the head of the company, CEO Shi has a lot more to think about. First of all, she has to learn how to make her colleagues work efficiently as the company only opens at weekends due to all their studies. So she established a system to evaluate every one's performance, in terms of punctuality, efficiency, profits knowledge and so on.
"It makes the company more formal," she said.
59. What is the purpose of opening the company?
A. To earn money for their education fees.
B. To spread love and culture with seeds.
C. To see whether they can open a company.
D. To collect money to open a Hope School.
60. At a campus auction a week ago, they ________ .
A. sold 28 green plants with different flowers
B. sold 28 seeds pasted with different pictures
C. sold 28 pictures pasted with different seeds
D. sold 28 flowers pasted with different pictures
61. According to Qian Yifei, what matters most in dealing with public relations?
A. Communication skills and teamwork.
B. Creative and critical thinking.
C. Educational background.
D. Business theories.
62. What does the word "it" (in the last paragraph) refer to?
A. Selling seeds.
B. To have a person as CEO.
C. Every colleague’s performance.
D. To make her colleagues work efficiently.
63. What can we learn from the passage?
A. The company is owned by 8 students.
B. The company is over-night successful.
C. The company gets a lot of help from others.
D. The company sells old books and fresh flowers.


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