摘要: We’ll the matter, but it will take some time, so you’d better be patient. A. look though B. look over C. look after D. look into


Active vacations are often the most relaxing of all. But Wait! It's all in defining what an active vacation is. We don't expect you to take up jogging, backpacking, or hang gliding. we ask the sedentary(爱坐的)vacationers to spend two to four hours a day doing things, such as walking the city streets, exploring a nature preserve, or taking a leisurely rowboat ride.

These kinds of activities aren't just good for your physical health. They improve your mental health, even your spiritual health. And they make vacations memorable and worthwhile. Here are some fresh ideas for active and healthy vacation.

Make the morning your activity time. At that time it is most likely that the weather will be friendlier, your energy level higher, and your schedule emptier than later in the day.

Have a walk at dawn or dusk. Such activity is called rejuvenation(恢复活力). Try to make this a daily routine of life away from home, and you will guarantee yourself both physical and spiritual youth.

Get into the water as much as you can. Don't allow yourself to spend your entire time sitting in front of the water. Whether it is the ocean, a swimming pool, or a tree-lined lake, make sure you get into the water for swimming or games or even walking. Merely standing in waist-high water is a good workout, thanks to the action of the water. And you'll feel so much more alive!

Choose a cruise for your trip. It's amazing how active you can be being stuck on a boat in the middle of the Atlantic. Most cruise ships offer numerous options for seaworthy exercise. During your sea and land trips you can burn calories as you swim, hike, dive, and horseback ride.

Get out of the car every two hours. Many of us spend a large part of our vacations on the road, either getting to and from our destinations, or using the car for sightseeing. But no matter how beautiful the scenery is, great and memorable vacations don't happen in a car seat. Don't wait for tiredness or nature's call to get you to pull over. Frequently get out and stretch, walk, picnic, shop, visit, and have fun. It's important for your health and energy, and it makes traveling a lot more active and interesting.

The first paragraph mainly tells us ____________.

       A.that active vacations are very relaxing

       B.the activities we should join in

       C.how many hours we should exercise every day

       D.what an active vacations is

How many tips does the writer give in the passage?

       A.Three       B.Four  C.Five  D.Six

Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?

       A.Usually the weather in the morning is better.

       B.You can have a memorable vacation in a car.

       C.Swimming can make you feel much more alive.

       D.Don’t drive your car very often to go sightseeing.

Which of the following is probably the best title for this passage?

       A.Driving Tips           B.How to Relax Without cars

       C.Give up Your Car and Walk    D.Make your Vacation Healthy


Active vacations are often the most relaxing of all. But Wait! It's all in defining what an active vacation is. We don't expect you to take up jogging, backpacking, or hang gliding. we ask the sedentary(爱坐的)vacationers to spend two to four hours a day doing things, such as walking the city streets, exploring a nature preserve, or taking a leisurely rowboat ride.
These kinds of activities aren't just good for your physical health. They improve your mental health, even your spiritual health. And they make vacations memorable and worthwhile. Here are some fresh ideas for active and healthy vacation.
Make the morning your activity time. At that time it is most likely that the weather will be friendlier, your energy level higher, and your schedule emptier than later in the day.
Have a walk at dawn or dusk. Such activity is called rejuvenation(恢复活力). Try to make this a daily routine of life away from home, and you will guarantee yourself both physical and spiritual youth.
Get into the water as much as you can. Don't allow yourself to spend your entire time sitting in front of the water. Whether it is the ocean, a swimming pool, or a tree-lined lake, make sure you get into the water for swimming or games or even walking. Merely standing in waist-high water is a good workout, thanks to the action of the water. And you'll feel so much more alive!
Choose a cruise for your trip. It's amazing how active you can be being stuck on a boat in the middle of the Atlantic. Most cruise ships offer numerous options for seaworthy exercise. During your sea and land trips you can burn calories as you swim, hike, dive, and horseback ride.
Get out of the car every two hours. Many of us spend a large part of our vacations on the road, either getting to and from our destinations, or using the car for sightseeing. But no matter how beautiful the scenery is, great and memorable vacations don't happen in a car seat. Don't wait for tiredness or nature's call to get you to pull over. Frequently get out and stretch, walk, picnic, shop, visit, and have fun. It's important for your health and energy, and it makes traveling a lot more active and interesting.

  1. 1.

    The first paragraph mainly tells us ____________.

    1. A.
      that active vacations are very relaxing
    2. B.
      the activities we should join in
    3. C.
      how many hours we should exercise every day
    4. D.
      what an active vacations is
  2. 2.

    How many tips does the writer give in the passage?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.

    Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?

    1. A.
      Usually the weather in the morning is better.
    2. B.
      You can have a memorable vacation in a car.
    3. C.
      Swimming can make you feel much more alive.
    4. D.
      Don’t drive your car very often to go sightseeing.
  4. 4.

    Which of the following is probably the best title for this passage?

    1. A.
      Driving Tips
    2. B.
      How to Relax Without cars
    3. C.
      Give up Your Car and Walk
    4. D.
      Make your Vacation Healthy

      Gadgets (小装置) can be wildly expensive and quickly out-of-date, but Steven Poole is still the
first to buy them. Technological innovations (创新) are often quite stupid. The idea that you might
want to walk down the street holding a mobile phone in front of your face, just to experience the
wonders of video calling, is clearly ridiculous. Luckily for the tech companies, however, there are
some people who jump at the chance to buy into new gadgets before they are fully ready and cheap
enough for the mass-market. They are called early adopters, and their fate is a terrible one. I should
know, since I am one myself.
      Early adopters have a Mecca: it’s Tokyo’s Akihabara district, also known as “Electric City”.
There, in 1999, I bought a digital camera, a gizmo that few people in Britain had heard of. Over the
next few years I watched in great sadness as digital cameras became more popular, cheaper and more
powerful, until better models could be had for a quarter of the price I had paid. Did I feel stupid? What
I actually did was this: I splashed out more money last year for a new one, one that let me feel pleasantly
ahead of the curve once again. But I know that cannot last, and I’ll probably have to buy another in a
few years.
      Thus early adopters are betting on other people eventually feeling the same desires. And it’s worse
if that future never arrives. Early adopters of the Betamax home-video format in the 1970s could only
look on in sadness when their investment was nullified(使无效)by the success of VHS. All sorts of
apparently splendid inventions, such as videogame consoles like the Atari Jaguar have been abandoned
to the dustbin of history right after a few early adopters bought in. Those who invested thousands in a
Segway motorized scooter on the wave of ridiculous advertising campaigns that accompanied its launch
a couple of years ago can join the club.
      You might think we should just stop being so silly, save our money, and wait to see what really
catches on. But the logic of the industry is such that, if everyone did that, no innovation would become
popular. Imagine the third person to buy an ordinary telephone soon after Alexander Graham Bell had
invented it. Who was he going to call? Maybe he simply bought two phones, one for a special friend.
But still, the usefulness and eventual popularity of the device wasn’t clear at the time. Nobody dreamed
of the possibility of being able to speak to any one of millions of people. And yet if he, and the hundreds
and thousands of early adopters after him, had not bought into the idea, the vast communication networks
that we all take for granted today would never have been built.
     The same goes, indeed, for all new technologies. Those guys holding bricks to their ears that we
laughed at in the 1980s made the current mobile phone possible. People who bought DVD players
when they still cost a fortune, instead of today’s cheap one at the local supermarket, made sure that
the new format succeeded. Early adopters’ desire for desires supported the future financially. And
what did they get for their pains? They got a hole in their bank accounts and inferior, unperfected
technology. But still, they got it first. And today they are still at work, buying overpriced digital radios,
DVD recorders and LCD televisions, and even 3G phones, so that you will be eventually be able to
buy better and less expensive ones.
      So next time you see a gadget-festooned geek (满身新潮玩意的土包子) and feel tempted to
sneer (讥笑), think for a minute. Without early adopters, there would be no cheap mobile phones or
DVD players; there would be no telephone or television either. We are the tragic, unsung foot soldiers
of the technology revolution. We’re the desire-addicted pioneers, pure in heart, dreaming of a better
future. We make expensive mistakes so you don’t have to. Really, we are heroes.


One day Marilla said, “Anne, your new teacher, Miss Stacy, spoke to me yesterday. She says you must study for the examinations for Queen’s College in two years’ time. Then if you do well, you can study at Queen’s in Charlottetown for a year, and after that you’ll be a teacher!”
“That doesn’t matter, Anne. When Matthew and I adopted you three years ago, we decided to look after you as well as we could. Of course we’ll pay for you to study.”So in the afternoons Anne and some of her friends stayed late at school, and Miss Stacy helped them with the special examination work. Diana didn’t want to go to Queen’s, so she went home early, but Gilbert stayed. He and Anne still never spoke and everybody knew that they were enemies, because they both wanted to be first in the examination. Secretly, Anne was sorry that she and Gilbert weren’t friends, but it was too late now.
For two years, Anne studied hard at school. She enjoyed learning, and Miss Stacy was pleased with her. But she didn’t study all the time. In the evenings and at weekends she visited her friends, or walked through the fields with Diana, or sat talking to Matthew.
“Your Anne is a big girl now. She’s taller than you,” Rachel Lynde told Marilla one day.
“You’re right, Rachel!” said Marilla in surprise.
“And she’s a very good girl now, isn’t she? She doesn’t get into trouble these days. I’m sure she helps you a lot with the housework, Marilla.”
“Yes, I don’t know what I’d do without her,” said Marilla, smiling.
“And look at her! Those beautiful grey eyes, and that red-brown hair! You know, Marilla, I thought you and Matthew made a mistake when you adopted her. But now I see I was wrong. You’ve looked after her very well.”
“Well, thank you, Rachel,” replied Marilla, pleased.
That evening, when Matthew came into the kitchen, he saw that his sister was crying.
“What’s the matter?” he asked, surprised. “You haven’t cried since… well, I can’t remember when.”
“It’s just… well, I was thinking about Anne,” said Marilla. “I’ll…I’ll miss her when she goes away.”
“When she goes to Queen’s, you mean? Yes, but she can come home at weekends, on the train.”
“I’ll still miss her,” said Marilla sadly.”
In June the Avonlea boys and girls had to go to Charlottetown to take their examinations.
“Oh, I do hope that I’ve done well,” Anne told Diana when she arrived back at Green Gables. “The examinations were very difficult. And I’ve got to wait for three weeks before I know! Three weeks! I’ll die!”
Anne wanted to do better than Gilbert. But she also wanted to do well for Matthew and Marilla. That was very important to her.
Diana was the first to hear the news, she ran into the kitchen at Green Gables and shouted, “Look, Anne! It’s in Father’s newspaper! You’re first… with Gilbert… out of all the students on the island! Oh, how wonderful!” Anne took the paper with shaking hands, and saw her name, at the top of the list of two hundred. She could not speak.
“Well, now, I knew it,” said Matthew with a warm smile.
“You’ve done well, I must say, Anne,” said Marilla, who was secretly very pleased.
For the next three weeks Anne and Marilla were very busy. Anne needs new dresses to take to Charlottetown.
【小题1】Which of the following statements is true?

A.To be a teacher was one of Annes’ dreams.
B.Both Anne and Diana studied hard for the special examination.
C.Matthew and Marilla were Anne’s parents.
D.Anne was adopted by Matthew and Marilla.
【小题2】Why are Anne and Gilbert enemies? Because _____________.
A.they were competitors in school B.they didn’t like each other
C.it wasn’t mentioned in the passage D.their parents were enemies
【小题3】The paragraph “Oh Marilla! I’d love to be a teacher! But won’t it be very expensive?” should be put between___________.
A.paragraph ③ and ④B.paragraph ⑦ and ⑧
C.paragraph ① and ②D.paragraph ⑨ and ⑩
【小题4】What will be written in the following paragraph?
A.Anne’s summer holiday.
B.What will Anne talk about her college life with Diana
C.How will Miss Stacy help Anne study.
D.What will Anne do before attending college.
【小题5】From the passage, we can learn that _____________.
A.Miss Stay liked Anne very much
B.when Anne became a teacher, she would have lived in the family for six years
C.Marilla cried because Anne would leave for ever
D.Rachel was a teacher of Anne’s


One day Marilla said, “Anne, your new teacher, Miss Stacy, spoke to me yesterday. She says you must study for the examinations for Queen’s College in two years’ time. Then if you do well, you can study at Queen’s in Charlottetown for a year, and after that you’ll be a teacher!”

“That doesn’t matter, Anne. When Matthew and I adopted you three years ago, we decided to look after you as well as we could. Of course we’ll pay for you to study.”So in the afternoons Anne and some of her friends stayed late at school, and Miss Stacy helped them with the special examination work. Diana didn’t want to go to Queen’s, so she went home early, but Gilbert stayed. He and Anne still never spoke and everybody knew that they were enemies, because they both wanted to be first in the examination. Secretly, Anne was sorry that she and Gilbert weren’t friends, but it was too late now.

For two years, Anne studied hard at school. She enjoyed learning, and Miss Stacy was pleased with her. But she didn’t study all the time. In the evenings and at weekends she visited her friends, or walked through the fields with Diana, or sat talking to Matthew.

“Your Anne is a big girl now. She’s taller than you,” Rachel Lynde told Marilla one day.

“You’re right, Rachel!” said Marilla in surprise.

“And she’s a very good girl now, isn’t she? She doesn’t get into trouble these days. I’m sure she helps you a lot with the housework, Marilla.”

“Yes, I don’t know what I’d do without her,” said Marilla, smiling.

“And look at her! Those beautiful grey eyes, and that red-brown hair! You know, Marilla, I thought you and Matthew made a mistake when you adopted her. But now I see I was wrong. You’ve looked after her very well.”

“Well, thank you, Rachel,” replied Marilla, pleased.

That evening, when Matthew came into the kitchen, he saw that his sister was crying.

“What’s the matter?” he asked, surprised. “You haven’t cried since… well, I can’t remember when.”

“It’s just… well, I was thinking about Anne,” said Marilla. “I’ll…I’ll miss her when she goes away.”

“When she goes to Queen’s, you mean? Yes, but she can come home at weekends, on the train.”

“I’ll still miss her,” said Marilla sadly.”

In June the Avonlea boys and girls had to go to Charlottetown to take their examinations.

“Oh, I do hope that I’ve done well,” Anne told Diana when she arrived back at Green Gables. “The examinations were very difficult. And I’ve got to wait for three weeks before I know! Three weeks! I’ll die!”

Anne wanted to do better than Gilbert. But she also wanted to do well for Matthew and Marilla. That was very important to her.

Diana was the first to hear the news, she ran into the kitchen at Green Gables and shouted, “Look, Anne! It’s in Father’s newspaper! You’re first… with Gilbert… out of all the students on the island! Oh, how wonderful!” Anne took the paper with shaking hands, and saw her name, at the top of the list of two hundred. She could not speak.

“Well, now, I knew it,” said Matthew with a warm smile.

“You’ve done well, I must say, Anne,” said Marilla, who was secretly very pleased.

For the next three weeks Anne and Marilla were very busy. Anne needs new dresses to take to Charlottetown.

1.Which of the following statements is true?

A.To be a teacher was one of Annes’ dreams.

B.Both Anne and Diana studied hard for the special examination.

C.Matthew and Marilla were Anne’s parents.

D.Anne was adopted by Matthew and Marilla.

2.Why are Anne and Gilbert enemies? Because _____________.

A.they were competitors in school            B.they didn’t like each other

C.it wasn’t mentioned in the passage         D.their parents were enemies

3.The paragraph “Oh Marilla! I’d love to be a teacher! But won’t it be very expensive?” should be put between___________.

A.paragraph ③ and ④                    B.paragraph ⑦ and ⑧

C.paragraph ① and ②                    D.paragraph ⑨ and ⑩

4.What will be written in the following paragraph?

A.Anne’s summer holiday.

B.What will Anne talk about her college life with Diana

C.How will Miss Stacy help Anne study.

D.What will Anne do before attending college.

5.From the passage, we can learn that _____________.

A.Miss Stay liked Anne very much

B.when Anne became a teacher, she would have lived in the family for six years

C.Marilla cried because Anne would leave for ever

D.Rachel was a teacher of Anne’s

