摘要: A. wrote for B. cared for C. hoped for D. sent for [解析]40此处表示的是结果.so最能够说明问题. [解析]41我所得到的最好的回报就是共同经历困难.share difficulties的所以为“共同经历困难 . out of sharing difficulties 出于分摊困难. [解析]42我们也希望在我们的生活中会发生一些奇迹.terrible 可怕的,similar类似的,wonderful奇妙的,practical实用的. [解析]43短语care for的意思为“关心.照顾 .所以他们寄来大量的信件和贺卡.write for为--写,care for 关心,hope for 希望得到,send for 派人去请. [例2] “It was all his own idea, says Pat, the wife of California high school football coach Bob Peters. Bob had 36 made a “motherhood contract - declaring that for 70 days this summer he would 37 the care of their four children and all the housework. 38 he didn't even know how to make coffee when sighed, he was very confident. 36. A. only B. just C. nearly D. ever


On May 27, 1995, our life was suddenly changed. It happened a few minutes past three,

  36   my husband, Chris, fell from his horse as it  37   over a fence. Chris was paralyzed (瘫痪) from the chest down,   38   to breathe normally. As he was thrown from his horse, we entered into a life of

 39   with lots of unexpected challenges(挑战). We went from the "haves" to the “have-nots". Or so we thought.

        40   what we discovered later were all the gifts that came out of   41   difficulties. We came to learn that something  42  could happen in a disaster . All over the world people

  43  Chris so much that letters and postcards poured in every day. By the end of the third week in a

  44   center in Virginia, about 35,000 pieces of  45   had been received and sorted.

As   46  , we opened letter after letter. They gave us   47   and became a source of strength for us. We used them to  48   ourselves. I would go to the pile of letters marked with "Funny" if we needed a  49  , or to the "Disabled" box to find advice from people in wheelchairs or  50  in bed living happily and  51  .

     These letters, we realized, had to be shared. And so   52   we offer one of them to you.

Dear Chris,

     My husband and I were so sorry to hear of your  53   accident last week. No doubt your family and your friends are giving you the strength to face this   54   challenge. People everywhere are also giving you best wishes every day and we are among those who are keeping you   55  .

Yours Sincerely,

Nancy Reagan

36.A.since             B. before            C.  when         D. while

37. A. walked          B. climbed          C. pulled            D. jumped

38. A. able              B. unable           C. suitable           D. unsuitable

39. A. disability         B. possession        C. convenience       D. experience

40. A. So              B. For              C. Or               D. Yet

41. A. sharing           B. separating        C. fearing            D. exploiting

42. A. terrible          B. similar          C. wonderful         D. practical

43. A. wrote for         B. cared for        C. hoped for         D. sent for

44. A. medical          B. postal           C. experimental      D. mental

45.A. news            B. paper           C. equipment        D. mail

46. A. patients          B. a family         C. nurses            D. a group

47. A. effect            B. effort            C. comfort           D. explanation

48. A. encourage        B. express           C. control            D. treat

49. A. cry              B. laugh            C. chat              D. sigh

50. A. much             B. never            C. even              D. seldom

5l. A. bitterly          B. fairly            C. weakly            D. successfully

52. A. here             B. there            C. therefore          D. forward

53. A. driving          B. flying           C. running          D. riding

54. A. technical         B. different         C. difficult           D. valuable

55. A. nearby           B. close             C. busy              D. alive


It was silent in Mom’s hospital room. Only the sound of her heart monitor interrupted the     moments of what seemed to be a peaceful sleep. It had been several hours since her operation. I wanted her to wake up. I needed to     to her. Last night, I shouted at her because she had allowed my     sister to visit her when she had     our mom for years.

         “Shame on you!” she had said firmly. “Moms don’t stop     their children just because one of them chose to leave her. A mother always loves more than she’s loved      .”

         I thought, “Shame on you! When I do something wrong or when a friend is     to her, that’s all she will ever say. How about standing up for you     for once, Mom?”

         My mom’s groaning(呻吟)broke my     . she couldn’t speak,     her eyes were moving, looking for something. She     her notebook and pen next to her bed. I gently handed them to her. She     slowly, and then turned the notebook around for me to read.

         “I forgive you,” it     .

         Tears ran down my face. I felt     . As I began to speak, I was     by the loud arguing of two seemingly angry nurses on the opposite side of the room. My mom suddenly began writing on her notebook, and then stopped to      the piece of paper. She handed it to me, signaling me to give it to the nurses. They read it, looked      at my mom and quietly left the room.

         “What did you write, Mom?” I asked.

         She smiled sweetly but said nothing.     , I knew what she had written on that piece of paper. How     those three little words are!

         I kissed my mom goodbye and     to find my sister.

1.A. quiet                    B. long                         C. sweet                      D. important

2.A. explain                          B. agree                       C. refer                        D. apologize

3.A. selfish                           B. poor                        C. weak                        D. jealous

4.A. attacked                       B. hurt                         C. abandoned             D. criticized

5.A. helping                         B. missing           C. loving                      D. protecting

6.A. in place                         B. in turn                     C. in time                     D. in return

7.A. unkind                          B. special                     C. strange          D. new

8.A. family                            B. children                  C. rights                       D. freedom

9.A. promise                        B. sleep                       C. words                      D. concentration

10.A. and                    B. but                           C. since                        D. so

11.A. pointed    to               B. picked up               C. looked through     D. reached for

12.A. said                    B. wrote                      C. read                       D. moved

13.A. wrote                          B. said                          C. told                          D. suggested

14.A. annoyed           B. worried                   C. ashamed                 D. confused

15.A. kept                            B. frightened              C. angered                  D. interrupted

16.A. check over                B. stare at          C. tear off          D. take out

17.A. proudly                      B. gratefully                C. coldly                      D. carefully

18.A. Suddenly          B. Finally            C. Gradually                D. Clearly

19.A. easy                            B. typical                     C. exact                       D. powerful

20.A. left                              B. tried                        C. called                      D. expected



As a teenager, I didn’t get along well with my mother before . She 31 every aspect of my life, leaving me unable to have my 32 space.
About two years ago, I had a 33 with her . I just couldn’t control my bad temper that day . I said something  34  to mum . Mum was hurt, but she went away without saying anything .
When I was  35  at home, I started to recall the happy time we spent together and realized that I should 36  .But when I saw mum, the  37  moments pushed all the thoughts of saying sorry out of my head. I came back to my bedroom, feeling distracted (心烦意乱). That night I didn’t   38 well.
The next day, I got up earlier than usual. And I 39  a letter beside my bed. It was mum! In this letter, mum   40 how she loved me and how she worried about me . The 41  of mum’s love raced through my mind when I read it . I couldn’t help crying. I went out of bedroom and saw mum standing there   42 me.
“I am sorry, mum . Please 43 me !” I said with a guilty conscience(愧疚感) . Then I saw tears of 44 coming into mum’s eyes. We embraced(拥抱) emotionally. That moment was totally in my 45 forever.
From then on,   46 there is argument between us ,we will write our feelings and thoughts to each other. Then we can 47 and soon get along well.
By telling my story, I just want  48 people to know that if you have problems with your parents try to find the  49  . Never think that you have nothing to talk with them.They are the persons who always love you and stand  50  you! Maybe they’ve hurt you before , probably just because they didn’t know how to express love.
31. A. took notice of     B. took care of      C. took hold of      D. took the place of
32. A. private        B. wide   C. empty D. quiet
33. A. talk      B. conflict      C. instruction  D. decision
34. A. cheerful       B. wonderful  C. helpful       D. hurtful
35. A. asleep   B. sleepy C. alone  D. lonely
36. A. complain     B. tolerate      C. change       D. apologize
37. A. unhappy      B. uncertain    C. unfriendly  D. unfamiliar
38. A. eat       B. feel     C. sleep   D. live
39. A. wrote   B. found  C. accepted    D. read
40. A. implied B. explained   C. declared     D. promised
41. A. words   B. stories C. records       D. details
42. A. pointing at   B. staring at   C. waiting for D. looking for
43. A. forgive B. accept       C. forget D. punish
44. A. happiness     B. regret  C. sadness       D. shame
45. A. diary   B. memory    C. imagination       D. life
46. A. because       B. unless C. if       D. although
47. A. understand   B. play   C. think D. relax
48. A. unkind  B. impatient    C. adult D. young
49. A. answers       B. difficulties  C. solutions    D. suggestions
50. A. for      B. by      C. in      D. against


Michelle is blind, but she makes such good use of her other senses that guests rarely realize that she is blind.

When my daughter Kayla came back from her home, she was very  1   about her day. She told me that she had baked cookies, played games and done art projects. But she was especially excited about her finger-painting project. “I learned how to   2   colors today! Blue and red make purple, and yellow and blue make green! Michelle   3  with us too. She said she liked how the paint feels through her fingers,” said Kayla.

Something about my child’s excitement caught my   4  . this made me sit down and take a look at my child and at myself.

Then Kayla said, “Michelle told me my picture showed joy,   5   and a sense of accomplishment. She   6  saw what I was doing!” Kayla said she had never felt how good finger-painting felt until Michelle showed her how to paint without looking at her paper.

This is when I realized Kayla didn’t know that Michelle was blind. It had just never   7   in conversation. When I told her, she was quiet for a moment. At first, she didn’t   8   me. “ But mommy, Michelle understood exactly what was in my picture!” Kayla insisted. I knew my child was   9  because Michelle had listened to Kayla when she  10   her artwork. Michelle had listened to Kayla’s pride in her work, and her wonder at her discovery of the way colors blend.

1. A. satisfied             B. moved                     C. excited              D. affected

A. mix                   B. combine              C. connect             D. join

A. wrote                B. dealt                   C. contacted           D. painted

A. attention             B. sight                 C. note                  D. observation

A. discovery        B. understanding      C. pride                 D. achievement

A. apparently         B. really                  C. obviously          D. carefully

A. come around      B. com across          C. come through    D. come up

A. doubt                B. refuse                 C. believe              D. approve

A. right                     B. polite                 C. real                   D. wrong

A. described          B. created              C. designed            D. invented


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