摘要: A. and B. to C. but D. or



To: manager@ tastytreat.com.ca

Date: Monday, 7 October, 3:34p.m.

From: raymondyuen@ canada.net

Subject: Complaint

Dear Mr. Price,

I have eaten in your restaurant many times and have always been happy with the food and service. This makes what happened last Saturday even more disappointing.

It was my son’s birthday so we booked a no-smoking table at your restaurant for 7:30 p.m. We arrived on time but were told that our table was not yet ready. At 8:00 p.m., we were given a table in the smoking section. I asked to move but I was told that there were no other tables. A lot of people were smoking so it was uncomfortable and unhealthy.

Our first waitress, Janet, was very polite and helpful. She gave us free drinks for waiting so long. Our food also came quickly and looked fresh and tasty. When my wife had eaten most of her meal, she found a dead cockroach (蟑螂) in her vegetables. She was shocked and wanted to leave. At first, the waitress told us it was a piece of garlic(蒜). When we told her that garlic does not have legs, she apologized and took the food away.

We asked for the bill, expecting not to pay for my wife’s meal. Nobody came. After 15 minutes, I asked to see the manager. The head waiter told us that you were on holiday. I complained again about the horrible cockroach. He told me Janet had finished work. He didn’t believe my story and gave me a bill for three meals. I argued with him but was forced to pay.

The waitress, Janet, was always friendly, but I would like an apology from your impolite head waiter and a full refund (退款) for our meal. It cost $68. Until then, I will not be eating at your restaurant or recommending it to anyone.

You can contact me at 742-3254 or through e-mail if you want more information.

Thank you for your attention.

Yours sincerely,

Raymond Yuen

69. We learn from the text that last Saturday Mr. Yuen _____.

  A. was satisfied with the restaurant.          B. was disappointed with the restaurant

  C. had to wait for his food                   D. ate for the first time at the restaurant

70. The writer had to pay the bill because _______.

A. the head waiter would not believe his story 

B. the manager was on holiday

C. Janet didn’t believe there was cockroach in the vegetables

D. his wife had eaten most of her meal

71. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?

A. Mr.Yuen demanded that the head waiter apologize to him.

B. Mr.Yuen asked for a full refund for their meal.

C. Mr.Yuen will not eat at the restaurant any more.

D. The head waiter was not as polite as Janet. 




To: manager@ tastytreat.com.ca

Date: Monday, 7 October, 3:34p.m.

From: raymondyuen@ canada.net

Subject: Complaint

Dear Mr. Price,

I have eaten in your restaurant many times and have always been happy with the food and service. This makes what happened last Saturday even more disappointing.

It was my son’s birthday so we booked a no-smoking table at your restaurant for 7:30 p.m. We arrived on time but were told that our table was not yet ready. At 8:00 p.m., we were given a table in the smoking section. I asked to move but I was told that there were no other tables. A lot of people were smoking so it was uncomfortable and unhealthy.

Our first waitress, Janet, was very polite and helpful. She gave us free drinks for waiting so long. Our food also came quickly and looked fresh and tasty. When my wife had eaten most of her meal, she found a dead cockroach (蟑螂) in her vegetables. She was shocked and wanted to leave. At first, the waitress told us it was a piece of garlic(蒜). When we told her that garlic does not have legs, she apologized and took the food away.

We asked for the bill, expecting not to pay for my wife’s meal. Nobody came. After 15 minutes, I asked to see the manager. The head waiter told us that you were on holiday. I complained again about the horrible cockroach. He told me Janet had finished work. He didn’t believe my story and gave me a bill for three meals. I argued with him but was forced to pay.

The waitress, Janet, was always friendly, but I would like an apology from your impolite head waiter and a full refund (退款) for our meal. It cost $68. Until then, I will not be eating at your restaurant or recommending it to anyone.

You can contact me at 742-3254 or through e-mail if you want more information.

Thank you for your attention.

                                                                    Yours sincerely,

                                                                       Raymond Yuen

69. We learn from the text that last Saturday Mr. Yuen _____.

  A. was satisfied with the restaurant.           B. was disappointed with the restaurant

  C. had to wait for his food                    D. ate for the first time at the restaurant

70. The writer had to pay the bill because _______.

A. the head waiter would not believe his story 

B. the manager was on holiday

C. Janet didn’t believe there was cockroach in the vegetables

D. his wife had eaten most of her meal

71. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?

   A. Mr.Yuen demanded that the head waiter apologize to him.

   B. Mr.Yuen asked for a full refund for their meal.

   C. Mr.Yuen will not eat at the restaurant any more.

   D. The head waiter was not as polite as Janet. 



From E-mail to online shopping, you may think you’ve heard everything there to know about the electronic frontier (新领域).But with hundreds of thousands of Web pages being added weekly, there are plenty of surprises out there.Here are some of the most intriguing (有迷惑力的).


Put your kid on a greeting card.Here is how: simply take some pictures with a regular camera, and then ask the photo service to develop them digitally (数字化).For a small fee, you’ll receive your photos on a desk.Put that into your computer and, with a few clicks of the mouse, you can view your photos on the screen.With a few more keystrokes, you can attach the photos to email and send them to friends and relatives worldwide.

  Sign on to one or several greeting card’s Websites (http://www.cardcentral.net/ is an index of more than 1200 electronic card sites) and create an electronic birthday or holiday card.Using your digital photos, you can paste your grandchildren onto the cover.

  If you don’t want to use your own photos, go to cards.amzon.com to browse (浏览) hundreds of images in over 30 categories…all of which you can attach to an electronic greeting card for free.For a nominal fee(很低的费用)you can choose from a library of 75,000 images at http://www.phontodisc.com/.

  Call Australia for free.To have a telephone conversation over the Internet, the person you want to talk to no longer needs a computer.Now all you need to talk to someone in Sydney is one computer with speakers, a microphone, a sound card and some software (available at http://www.vocaltec.com/ or Mricrosoft.com).Typically, you’ll pay a monthly fee (usually under $20) to a service provider, but after that, the calls themselves are local.Sound quality is the same as that of a cell phone.

  Even if you don’t have a computer, you can still use the Web to reduce your long distance phone costs.Some companies offer a service that lets you use an ordinary phone to call another ordinary phone, but charge only a few cents per minute for US calls, because they send them through the Internet.

  Today 48 percent of American homes have computers…a figure that is expected to climb to 60 percent by 2003.And by the end of the next decade, Americans will likely be spending more time shopping, banking, investing and learning on the Internet than in the real world.If you can’t do or find something on the Net today, you probably can tomorrow.

60.Over the Internet, you ________.

       A.can hear everything there

       B.will meet with plenty of surprises which come out every week.

       C.will hear the things about the electronic frontier

       D.can find some things are very interesting

61.From the passage we can infer that _________.

       A.fewer people will use the Internet in the following ten years

       B.more people will study in the regular school by the end of the next decade

       C.fewer people will go to the regular school in the following ten years

       D.more money will be needed for a long-distance call by the end of the next decade

62.If you want to attach to photo to your e-mail, you have to ________ it.

       A.digitalize    B.take       C.picture          D.send

63.Which of the following is NOT true?

       A.A telephone conversation over the Internet can be carried out without computers.

       B.Over the Internet, the receiver of the phone conversation doesn’t need a computer.

       C.The phone conversations over the Internet are much cheaper.

       D.The long-distance calls are local themselves.


       A recent study, while showing a generally positive attitude toward science, also suggests a widespread worry that it may be “running out of control”.This idea is dangerous.

       Science can be a force for evil as well as for good.Its applications can be channeled either way, depending on our decisions.The decisions we make, personally or collectively, will determine the outcomes of science.But here is a real danger.Science is advancing so fast is so strongly influenced by businesses that we are likely to believe whatever decisions we come to will make little difference.And, rather than fighting for the best possible policies, we may step back and do nothing.

       Some people go even further.They say that despite the moral and legal objections (反对), whatever is scientifically possible will be done ——somewhere, sometime.They believe that science will get out of control in the end.This belief is dangerous too, because it a fuels sense of hopelessness and discourages them from making efforts to build a safer world.

       In our interconnected world, the lack of agreement in and of the world of science can lead to the failure to control the use of science.Without a common understanding, the challenges of “controlling” science in this century will be really tough.Take human cloning for example.Despite the general agreement among scientists on its possible huge impact (影响) on traditional moral values, some countries still go ahead with the research and development of its related techniques.The outcomes are hard to predict.

       Therefore, discussions on how science is applied should be extended far beyond scientific societies.Only through the united efforts of people with hope, can we be fully safe against the misuse of science and can science best serve mankind in the future.

What can we conclude from the recent study?

       A.People think highly of science.

       B.People hold mixed opinions about science.

       C.Science is getting dangerously out of control.

       D.Science is used for both good and bad purposes.

According to the passage, what will happen if we hold that science is getting beyond control?

       A.The development of science will hopelessly slow down.

       B.Businesses will have even greater influence on science.

       C.The public will lose faith in bringing about a bright future.

       D.People will work more actively to put science under control.

The discussion should reach beyond scientific societies because __________.

       A.scientists have failed to predict the outcomes

       B.the ties between different areas need strengthening

       C.united efforts are necessary for the development of science

       D.people need to work together to prevent the bad use of science

What is the main idea of the passage?

       A.Science and its applications bring us many dangers.

       B.The development of science mostly lies in people’s attitudes.

       C.Mankind can largely take control of science with their efforts.

       D.The future of science will be influenced by the dangerous ideas.



This brief book is aimed at high school students , but speaks to anyone learning at any stage of life.

   Its formal ,serious style closely matches its content ,a school-masterly book on schooling .The author , W .H . Armstrong ,starts with the basics : reading and writing . In his opinion , reading doesn’t just mean recognizing each word on the page ; it means taking in the information, digesting it and incorporating it into oneself just as one digests a sandwich and makes it a part of himself .The goal is to bring the information back to life , not just to treat it as dead facts on paper from dead trees . Reading and writing cannot be completely separated from each other ; in fact ,the aim of reading is to express the information you have got from the text .I’ve seen it again and again :someone who can’t express an idea after reading a text is just as ineffective as someone who hasn’t read it at all.

Only a third of the book remains after that discussion, which Armstrong devotes to specific tips for studying languages, math, science and history. He generally handles these topics thoroughly and equally, except for some weakness in the science and math sections and a bit too much passion regarding history. Well, he was a history teacher---if conveyed only a tenth of his passion to his students, that was a hundred times more than my history teachers ever got across .To my disappointment, in this part of the book he ignores the arts. As a matter of fact, they demand all the concentration and study that math and science do, though the study differs slightly in kind. Although it’s commonly believed that the arts can only be naturally acquired ,actually ,learning the arts is no more natural than learning French or mathematics.

My other comment is that the text aged. The first edition apparently dates to the 1960s—none of the references(参考文献)seem newer than the late 1950s. As a result, the discussion misses the entire computer age.

These are small points, though, and don’t affect the main discussion. I recommend it to any student and any teacher, including the self-taught student.

According to Armstrong, the goal of reading is to________.

A. gain knowledge and expand one’s view

B. understand the meaning between the lines

C. express ideas based on what one has read

D. get information and keep it alive in memory

The author of the passage insists that learning the arts_________.

A. requires great efforts

B. demands real passion

C. is less natural than learning math

D. is as natural as learning a language

What is a shortcoming of Armstrong’s work according to the author?

A. Some ideas are slightly contradictory.

B. There is too much discussion on studying science.

C. The style is too serious.

D. It lacks new information.

This passage can be classified as________.

A. an advertisement

B. a book review

C. a feature story

D. A news report


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