摘要: A. interestedly B. hurriedly C. disappointedly D. unwillingly


 I guess I should look upon it as a sweet proof of my tastes. My 17- year-old son, Alyosha, who had for so long  31 my choice of clothing,now  32 searches through my closet.Wasn’t it only yesterday that he had turned up his 33 at my clothes? When Alyosha was in middle school and  34 beginning to look at his 35 as a creature from outer space,I had once 36 to suggest buying a pair of chinos(斜纹棉布裤)while we were 37 . He said nothing but selected a pair of Jeans. He  38  it on. “Too  39  ,” I pronounced. “Just right,” was his reply, 40 he admired himself mirror, completely 41 with the image.I think that set the tone(基调)for the next four years. When it  42 to clothing,the disagreement seemed  43 . I was chinos,he was large jeans; I was neatly pressed shirts, he was loose T-shirts.
   44 began to change about a year ago.I remember the  45 day.I had gone to my 46 in search of a favorite T-shirt.I couldn't find it,  47 it appeared later in the day when Alyosha returned home from school.“That’s my shirt,”I said.“Yeah,I know,”said Alyosha as he 48 for the fridge.Since that time,he often—and  49 warning—searched for the new and different in my closet.I asked Alyosha why he wore my clothes. “I like some of them, ” he smiled.Warmed by his words,I  50 my tongue as he slipped into a pair of my trousers.
31. A. concentrated on       B. based on     C. looked down on   D. decided on

32. A. hurriedly        B. interestedly      C. unwillingly        D. disappointedly
33. A. hand            B. eyes         C. head               D. nose
34. A. yet                 B. hardly          C. just             D. almost
35. A. companion           B. fellow        C. father              D. mother
36. A. managed         B. attempted       C. longed           D. demanded
37. A. reading          B. walking      C. shopping         D. wandering
38. A. put              B. had        C.tried               D. wore
39. A. big              B. tight            C. cheap               D. expensive
40. A. before             B. after       C. until            D. as
41. A. worried          B. proud        C. nervous         D. satisfied
42. A. came            B. occurred     C. hit              D. happened
43. A. opposite         B. obvious      C. unexpected      D. unthinkable
44. A. Things           B. Times        C. Manners         D. Means
45. A. concise          B. exact        C. blank            D. single
46. A. suitcase             B. store        C. closet              D. room
47. A. and             B. but          C. for             D. so
48. A. looked              B. headed      C. searched         D. walked
49. A. about               B. with         C. beyond          D. without
50. A. took             B. got          C. held           D. moved



阅读下面短文, 从各题所给的四个选项(ABCD)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

I guess I should look upon it as a sweet proof of my tastes ,My 17-year-old son,who had for so long  1my choice of clothing,now    2searches through my closet.Wasn’t  it only yesterday  that  he had turned up his   3at my clothes? When Alyosha was in middle school and   4beginning to look at  his  5as a creature from outer space,I had once   6to suggest buying a  pair of chinos(斜纹棉布裤)while we were   7.He said nothing but selected a pair of Jeans. He   8it on. “Too  9,”I pronounced. “Just right,”was his reply,   10he admired  himself mirror,completely   11with the image.I think that set the tone(基调)for the next four years. When it  12to clothing,the divide seemed   13.I was chinos,he was outsized jeans; I was neatly pressed shirts, he was loose T’s.

14began to change about a year ago.I remember the   15day.I had gone to my     16in search of a favorite T-shirt.I couldn't find it,  17it appeared later in the day when Alyosha returned home from school.“That’my shirt,”I said.“Yeah,I know,”said  Alyosha  as  he    18for the fridge.Since that time,he often—and   19warning—searched for the new and  different in my closet.I asked Alyosha why he wore my clothes. “I like some of them,”he smiled.Warmed by his words,I     20my tongue as he slipped into a pair of my trousers.

1.A. thought highly of   B. looked down on     C.set on     D. based on

2.A. interestedly   B.hurriedly  C. disappointedly  D. unwillingly

3.A. head      B. eyes   C. hand  D. nose

4.A. also       B. soon  C.just  D.almost

5.A. classmates    B. teachers    C.father      D.mother

6.A. attempted     B.managed C.longed    D.persuaded

7.A. reading  B.walking   C. wandering D. shopping

8.A. put  B.tried C. had    D. wore

9.A. big  B.tight C. cheap       D. expensive

10.A. because      B.though     C. until   D.as

11.A. worried       B.satisfied   C. proud       D. nervous

12.A. belonged     B.talked     C.came      D. happened

13.A. opposite     B.slight       C. unbridgeable    D. unthinkable

14.A. Things  B. Times C. Manners   D. Tastes

15.A. first      B.exact       C. only   D. single

16.A. house   B.store       C.office      D. closet

17.A. and      B. unless C. but     D. so

18.A headed B. looked      C.searched D. walked

19.A. about   B.with C.on    D. without

20.A. took    B.held C.got   D. moved




第二节:完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文, 从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

I guess I should look upon it as a sweet proof of my tastes ,My 17-year-old son,who had for so long  36   my choice of clothing,now    37   searches through my closet.Wasn’t  it only yesterday  that  he had turned up his   38   at my clothes? When Alyosha was in middle school and   39   beginning to look at  his  40  as a creature from outer space,I had once   41   to suggest buying a  pair of chinos(斜纹棉布裤)while we were   42    .He said nothing but selected a pair of Jeans. He   43  it on. “Too  44 ,”I pronounced. “Just right,”was his reply,   45   he admired  himself mirror,completely   46  with the image.I think that set the tone(基调)for the next four years. When it  47 to clothing,the divide seemed   48 .I was chinos,he was outsized jeans; I was neatly pressed shirts, he was loose T’s.

       49   began to change about a year ago.I remember the   50   day.I had gone to my     51  in search of a favorite T-shirt.I couldn't find it,  52   it appeared later in the day when Alyosha returned home from school.“That’my shirt,”I said.“Yeah,I know,”said  Alyosha  as  he    53  for the fridge.Since that time,he often—and   54    warning—searched for the new and  different in my closet.I asked Alyosha why he wore my clothes. “I like some of them,”he smiled.Warmed by his words,I     55    my tongue as he slipped into a pair of my trousers.

36.   A. thought highly of      B. looked down on       C.set on       D. based on

37.   A. interestedly       B.hurriedly  C. disappointedly   D. unwillingly

38.   A. head   B. eyes    C. hand   D. nose

39.   A. also    B. soon   C.just   D.almost

40.   A. classmates  B. teachers      C.father       D.mother

41.   A. attempted   B.managed   C.longed      D.persuaded

42.   A. reading      B.walking    C. wandering  D. shopping

43.   A. put     B.tried  C. had     D. wore

44.   A. big     B.tight  C. cheap  D. expensive

45.   A. because      B.though      C. until   D.as

46.   A. worried      B.satisfied    C. proud  D. nervous

47.   A. belonged    B.talked       C.came D. happened

48.   A. opposite     B.slight C. unbridgeable      D. unthinkable

49.   A. Things       B. Times C. Manners     D. Tastes

50.   A. first    B.exact C. only    D. single

51.   A. house  B.store  C.office       D. closet

52.   A. and     B. unless C. but     D. so

53.   A headed B. looked       C.searched   D. walked

54.   A. about  B.with  C.on     D. without

55.   A. took   B.held  C.got    D. moved


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