摘要:6.C.用certain.不用sure.因为sure 常用人作主语.



第二节 读写任务(共l小题,满分25分)


Most people remember their teachers as some kind of despotic(专制的)person although it isn't always the truth. Most of them are quite nice and are always there to give us a hand when we need one. Not so long ago, you might think the teacher was The Teacher and was almighty(万能的)and the students were there to learn and nothing else. Now there is some kind of interactivity(相互活动)between the students and the teacher. To my mind, teachers are here to teach us their knowledge and to listen to what we have to say. Indeed, students aren't afraid to tell them what they think any more. However, this doesn’t mean that they don't control their troops. It is just because times and methods have changed. Our teachers are now closer to their students and have created some kind of soft climate that allows us to be in class without a feeling of obligation(责任)or what so ever. Nevertheless, we can but notice that the "power" is still in the teachers' hands. If something goes wrong it is up to him or her to react properly and to carry out punishment if it is necessary.


1. 以30个词概括文章内容要点;

2. 用约120个词就“师生关系”的话题发表你的看法,包括如下要点:





1. 在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。





Most people remember their teachers as some kind of despotic(专制的)person although it isn't always the truth. Most of them are quite nice and are always there to give us a hand when we need one. Not so long ago, you might think the teacher was The Teacher and was almighty(万能的)and the students were there to learn and nothing else. Now there is some kind of interactivity(相互活动)between the students and the teacher. To my mind, teachers are here to teach us their knowledge and to listen to what we have to say. Indeed, students aren't afraid to tell them what they think any more. However, this doesn’t mean that they don't control their troops. It is just because times and methods have changed. Our teachers are now closer to their students and have created some kind of soft climate that allows us to be in class without a feeling of obligation(责任)or what so ever. Nevertheless, we can but notice that the "power" is still in the teachers' hands. If something goes wrong it is up to him or her to react properly and to carry out punishment if it is necessary.
1. 以30个词概括文章内容要点;
2. 用约120个词就“师生关系”的话题发表你的看法,包括如下要点:
1. 在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;
2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。


“Whatever",totally tops most annoying word in the poll (民意测验).So, you know, it is what it is, but Americans are totally annoyed by the use of‘ whatever"’ in conversations. The popular term of indifference (不感兴趣)was found most annoying in conversations by 47 percent of the Americans surveyed in a Marist College poll on Wednesday.

“Whatever"easily beat out “you know",which especially annoyed a quarter of interviewers. The other annoying expressions were "anyway"(at 7 percent), “it is what it is” (11percent) and “at the end of the day(2 percent).

"Whatever" is an expression with staying power It left everyone a deep impression in the song by Nirvana (“oh well, whatever, never mind”)in 1991 and was popularized by the Valley Girls in the film “Clueless”,later that decade. It is still commonly used, often by younger people.

It can be a common argument-ender or a signal of indifference. And it can really be annoying. The poll found "whatever" to be consistently(始终地) disliked by Americans regardless of their race, sex, age, income or where they live.

“It doesn't surprise me because ‘whatever’,is in a special class, probably, said Michael Adams, author of “Slang(俚语)~The People's Poetry" and an associate professor of English at Indiana University. "It's a word that -and it depends on how a speaker uses it -can suggest being not worthy of attention or respect.” Adams, who didn't take part in the poll and is not annoyed by "whatever," points out that its use is not always negative. “It can also be used in place of other neutral(中性的)phrases that have fallen out of favor, like ‘six of one, half dozen of the other’ ” he said. However, he also noted that the negative meaning of the word might explain why “whatever” was judged more annoying than the ever-popular “you know”.

1.Which tops second among the annoying expression according to the passage?'

A. Whatever.              B. You know

C. Anyway.         D. It is what it is.

2.What can we know about the word "whatever"?

A. It became popular because of Nirvana.

B. It can be commonly used at the beginning of an agreement.

C. Old people like it while young people don't.

D. Almost half of the Americans surveyed disliked it.

3.In Adams' opinion, the reason why “whatever”, was judged more annoying may be that_____.

A. most of the people don't like it

B. it can be used in place of other neutral phrases

C. it carries certain negative meaning sometimes

D. the poor don't like it

4.Which of the following statements is true?

A.Adams is not only a writer but also a professor.

B.“Whatever” is a signal of concern.

C.Adams is angry at the word “whatever”

D."Whatever" will be replaced by "You know”



Speech—the act of uttering sounds to convey meaning—is a kind of human action. Like any other

constantly repeated action, speaking has to be learned, but once it is learned, it becomes a generally

unconscious and apparently automatic process.

   As far as we can determine, human beings do not need to be forced to speak; most babies seem to possess a

sort of instinctive drive to produce speech like noises. How to speak and what to say are another matter

altogetner. There actions are learned from the particular society into which the baby is born; so that, like all

conduct that is learned from a society—from the people around us—speech is a patterned activity.

   The meandering(漫目无地的)babble(咿呀学语)and chatter of a young child are eventually channeled by

imitation into a few orderly grooves that represent the pattern accepted as meaningful by the people around

him. Similarly, a child’s indiscriminate(不加分辨的)practice of putting things into his mouth becomes limited to putting food into his mouth in a certain way.

   The sounds that a child can make are more varied and numerous than the sounds that any particular language uses. However, a child born into a society with a pattem of language is encouraged to make a small selection of sounds and to make these few sounds over and over until it is natural for him to make these

sounds and not others.

1.For an adult, the process of speaking usually involves         .

   A. conscious selection of sounds     B. imitation of those around him

   C. a drive to make noises           D. unconscious actions

2.The selection says that most babies have an instinctive drive to        .

   A. express ideas in words          B. make speech like noise

   C. convey meaning               D. imitate sounds around them

3.Conduct that is learned from a society may be called      .

   A. instinctive drive  B. selection    C. automatic activity      D. patterned activity

4.The sounds that a child is able to make are        .

   A. not as varied as those used in language    B. more varied and numerous than those in any language

   C. far fewer than those needed to form a language   D. completely different from the sounds of language

5.We may say that a child has learned to speak if he       .

   A. makes varied sounds                 B. carefully considers each sound he makes

   C. makes only certain sounds naturally     D. imitates people around him



第二节 读写任务(共l小题,满分25分)


Most people remember their teachers as some kind of despotic(专制的)person although it isn't always the truth. Most of them are quite nice and are always there to give us a hand when we need one. Not so long ago, you might think the teacher was The Teacher and was almighty(万能的)and the students were there to learn and nothing else. Now there is some kind of interactivity(相互活动)between the students and the teacher. To my mind, teachers are here to teach us their knowledge and to listen to what we have to say. Indeed, students aren't afraid to tell them what they think any more. However, this doesn’t mean that they don't control their troops. It is just because times and methods have changed. Our teachers are now closer to their students and have created some kind of soft climate that allows us to be in class without a feeling of obligation(责任)or what so ever. Nevertheless, we can but notice that the "power" is still in the teachers' hands. If something goes wrong it is up to him or her to react properly and to carry out punishment if it is necessary.


1. 以30个词概括文章内容要点;

2. 用约120个词就“师生关系”的话题发表你的看法,包括如下要点:





1. 在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。




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