摘要: A. direction B. sight C. hearing D. touch


Adult butterflies use their senses of sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste to survive in the world, find food and mates, lay eggs in an appropriate place, migrate, and avoid hungry predators.
Butterflies have large, compound (multifaceted) eyes, which allow them to see in all directions without turning their heads. Like most insects, butterflies are very nearsighted, so they are more attracted to a large stand of flowers rather than individual plants. Butterflies do not "see" colors such as red, green, and yellow, but sense polarized(偏振的) light, which indicates the direction the sun is shining, as well as ultraviolet light, which is present on many flowers and guides butterflies to nectar (花蜜)sources.
Butterflies have a very well-developed sense of smell, but it's not in their nose (since they don't have one). Sense receptors located in their antennae, feet, and many other parts of the body help butterflies find food (usually flower nectar), and mates (the female smells the male's pheromones).
Butterfly's feet have sense organs that can taste the sugar in nectar, letting the butterfly know if something is good to eat or not. Some females also taste host plants in order to find appropriate places to lay their eggs. Adult butterflies and moths feed using a proboscis, a long, coiled tube. Butterflies force blood into the tube to straighten it out, allowing them to feed. Butterflies get all their food from this tube.
Butterflies don't have ears. Instead they "hear" sounds through their wings by sensing changes in sound vibrations.
Butterflies may possess senses we don't even know about yet because their anatomy is very different than ours, and therefore difficult to understand when perceived through our own human senses.
【小题1】From the passage we can know that butterflies can see_____

A.thing behind themB.thing in the distance
C.most bright colorsD.flower nectar from a distance
【小题2】 Butterflies can easily find food resources by using their______.
A.sense organs of sight and smellB.sense organs of sight and taste
C.sense organs of smell and hearingD.sense organs of smell and taste
【小题3】 How do butterflies feed themselves?
A.by using their feetB.by using a tube.
C.by using sense receptorsD.by using their wings.
【小题4】What is the passage mainly about?
A.The food sources of butterflies.B.The habits of butterflies.
C.The unusual body of butterflies.D.the sense of butterflies.





I've always loved pigeons(鸽子).Some years ago I managed to persuade my wife to let me buy a few and start  16  them myself.They cost a lot of money and so it spoilt our _ 17  a bit, but my wife never actually stopped me so I_ 18   carried on.I learnt so much about them that I could_ 19  a good racer anywhere and I bought some beauties.My pigeons won some top races, and I even began to make a bit of _20  .You see, people are prepared to pay big prices if they get to know that your pigeons are_ 21  big prizes.

My wife had been changing her _ 22   to the pigeons over the last year or two anyway. She was quite _ 23  of all the prizes we'd won.Then there was the traveling, which she liked.You see someone has to take the pigeons a_ 24  way off and release (释放) them. Some of the _ 25  were really nice.I never traveled.I used to like to wait at home and see them come in.They've got this wonderful sense of_ 26  .which can bring them back home so quickly.They had flown hundreds of miles sometimes 27 storms or against strong winds.And there they'd come, tiny white birds against the great_ 28  .Then I'd watch them_ 29   round and come down onto the landing shelf.I'd look at my watch and think, " My goodness, that's a good _ 30   ." And I'd take off the little leg ring and push it through the machine to_ 31  what time he'd arrived.Then my wife would _32  up and say, "Has he arrived yet?" Then we would work out if we'd won _ 33 

Then last year we._ 34 a disaster! One of them died, then they all  35   .It was terrible, I had to burn them all.We lost a fortune, of course.

16.A.raising             B.feeding              C.tending              D.flying

17.A.dream               B.work            C.marriage         D.hobby

18.A.just                B.even                C.almost               D.hardly

19.A.notice              B.learn               C.imagine              D.recognize

20.A.living              B.fun               C.money              D.change

21.A.losing              B.winning            C.giving             D.making

22.A.subject             B.decision              C.relation            D.attitude

23.A.proud               B.fond              C.careful            D.sure

24.A.different            B.long               C.short                D.far

25.A.distances           B.activities             C.trips               D.movements

26.A.direction            B.sight               C.hearing            D.touch

27.A.over                B.across           C.with                                      D.through

28.A.river               B.mountain           C.cloud              D.sky

29.A.sing               B.dance             C.circle                                     D.whistle

30.A.fly                 B.time             C.day                D.look

31.A.write               B.record             C.count                                     D.memorize

32.A.come               B.show            C.phone           D.cheer

33.A.again              B.finally               C.only                D.accidentally

34.A.took                B.gave               C.managed         D.had

35.A.flew down          B.went down           C.let out           D.gave out


A friend of mine met with an accident driving in the darkness. His legs were so hurt that he couldn’t   36 .What was worse was that he found himself unable to ask for help—his mobile phone didn’t  37   . Nothing could be done but  38    in cold wilderness. It was 8 hours later that day broke, and then the   39    of the rescue.

  It is almost   40    that he could stand the horror in the darkness for so long. Even more surprising was his  41   , “First of all I checked up on my physical  42   and found myself not in fatal(致命的) danger. Finding no   43    to call for help, I leaned back to try my best to keep the wound from  44   . In this way I fell asleep.

  This  45   me of another story: A group of young men   46    to explore a mountain cave and got lost.  47  to find a way out in the dark cave they were  48    and ran anxiously without a sense of   49   . Finally they fell dead in fear and exhaustion. According to the  50     people that found them, the place where they got lost was only about 10 meters away from the   51    of the cave. If they stayed where they got lost and tried to   52   themselves, they would probably   53    a small light glimmering(闪烁) not far away.

  We can compare it with our   54    itself. Sometimes when we meet with difficulties in life, we feel lost in the darkness. If it is unclear, you needn’t put up a struggle    55   . Remember: CALM DOWN!

1.A. recover                B. move         C. escape               D. shout

2. A. control               B. operate      C. ring             D. work

3. A. cry                   B. lie          C. wait             D. sleep

4.A. failure                B. success          C. team             D. arrival

5.A. untrue         B. unbelievable     C. reasonable           D. strange

6.A. conclusion         B. decision         C. explanation      D. bravery

7.A. conditions         B. situations       C. signs        D. cases

8. A. method                B. way              C. road         D. approach

9.A. paining                B. spreading        C. hurting      D. bleeding

10.A. reminds               B. informs          C. demands      D. tells

11. A. had                 B. managed           C. tried            D. planned

12.A. Unwilling         B. Unable           C. Determined   D. Deciding

13.A. frightened            B. surprised        C. excited          D. disappointed

14.A. hearing               B. sight            C. touch        D. direction

15. A. rescue               B. village          C. local        D. brave

16.A. end               B. top                  C. opening          D. door

17.A. save              B. help                 C. check            D. calm

18.A. look              B. sense                C. catch            D. realize

19.A. adventure         B. accident         C. life           D. experience

20.A. really                B. immediately      C. carefully    D. certainly



In some children who go blind, certain parts of the brain that normally control vision appear to switch jobs and focus instead on sound, a new study has found.

The study, by researchers at the University of Montreal, involved 7 adults who could see and 12 adults who had lost their vision when they were children. Each participant sat in a room with 16 loudspeakers at different locations. The room was designed so that there were no echoes. During the experiment, the speakers irregularly produced sounds. Participants had to point to where the sounds were coming from. Meanwhile, the researchers monitored blood flow in the brains of the participants to see which brain structures were working during the task.

The results showed that five of the blind participants were very good at pointing to where sounds were coming from. In these people, blood flow increased in the visual cortex- an area at the back of the right side of the brain. This part of the brain is usually associated with vision.

The other seven blind participants showed no increase in activity in the visual cortex. These people didn't do very well at picking out where sounds were coming from. Now, the researchers are looking at whether these people have gained an enhanced sense of touch instead of sound to replace their lost vision.

The scientists say that their study shows how adaptable parts of the brain can be.

1.    The purpose of the experiment described in the passage is to find whether

A. blind children can regain their sight

B. blind people have a better sense of sound

C. the sense of touch is better among blind people

D. blood flow in the brains of blind people is slower

2.    The participants of the experiment were asked ___.

A. to tell the difference between 16 sounds

B. to take down the time each sound lasted

C. to identify the direction the sound came from

D. to detect the number of the loudspeakers.

3.    During the experiment, blood flow in the brains of the participants was measured in order to ___.

A. learn about the way they react to echoes

B. look for the way of enhancing hearing ability

C. find which parts of the brain were functioning

D. expose the relationship between seeing and touching

4.    Which of the following statements best summarizes the main idea of the passage?

A. Most blind people have a well - developed sense of touch.

B. People go blind because of the breakdown of their visual cortex.

C. Most blind people have a better sense of sound than normal people.

D. Human brains can adjust themselves after the loss of a certain function.

     In some children who go blind, certain parts of the brain that normally control vision appear to switch jobs
and focus instead on sound, a new study has found. 
     The study, by researchers at the University of Montreal, involved 7 adults who could see and 12 adults who had lost their vision when they were children. Each participant sat in a room with 16 loudspeakers at different
locations. The room was designed so that there were no echoes. During the experiment, the speakers irregularly produced sounds. Participants had to point to where the sounds were coming from. Meanwhile, the researchers monitored blood flow in the brains of the participants to see which brain structures were working during the
      The results showed that five of the blind participants were very good at pointing to where sounds were
coming from. In these people, blood flow increased in the visual cortex- an area at the back of the right side of
the brain. This part of the brain is usually associated with vision.
     The other seven blind participants showed no increase in activity in the visual cortex. These people didn't
do very well at picking out where sounds were coming from. Now, the researchers are looking at whether these people have gained an enhanced sense of touch instead of sound to replace their lost vision.
     The scientists say that their study shows how adaptable parts of the brain can be.
1. The purpose of the experiment described in the passage is to find whether _____.
A. blind children can regain their sight
B. blind people have a better sense of sound
C. the sense of touch is better among blind people
D. blood flow in the brains of blind people is slower
2. The participants of the experiment were asked _____.
A. to tell the difference between 16 sounds
B. to take down the time each sound lasted
C. to identify the direction the sound came from
D. to detect the number of the loudspeakers.
3. During the experiment, blood flow in the brains of the participants was measured in order to _____.
A. learn about the way they react to echoes
B. look for the way of enhancing hearing ability
C. find which parts of the brain were functioning
D. expose the relationship between seeing and touching
4. Which of the following statements best summarizes the main idea of the passage?
A. Most blind people have a well-developed sense of touch.
B. People go blind because of the breakdown of their visual cortex.
C. Most blind people have a better sense of sound than normal people.
D. Human brains can adjust themselves after the loss of a certain function.

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