摘要: A. chance B. job C. challenge D. time


Carolyn Stradley is the founder of C&S Paving Inc. (铺路公司) in Atlanta, USA. In the following account, she recalls the job that challenged her 36 and skill but left her flying high.

“When the Atlanta Airport was under 37 in 1979, we were a new company struggling to make it. National Car Rental wanted to have 2,500 square meters of dirt paved 38 the cars could be on site 39 the airport opened, and the official opening was only ten days away! 40 other local paving company wanted to do the job, 41 it couldn’t be done in such a short time.

“Because we were new and really needed the work, we were 42 to try harder. We gave National Car Rental our offer and 43 our best effort to get the job finished within ten days. We also 44 them that if we failed, they would be no worse off, 45 they had plenty to gain if we succeeded.

“We got the job and immediately went into 46 . Working at night needed lights, so I rented a machine to produce electricity for the site. Our 47 challenge was to keep the rock mixture 48 enough. All the available water wagons (洒水车) were rented out for the airport construction, and we certainly couldn’t afford to buy a new one. 49 , I got a special 50 to rent fire engine hoses (消防水龙带) and connect them to nearby hydrants (消防栓); then I 51 held one of those hoses to 52 down the rock.

“Those ten days were filled with challenges that 53 one creative idea after another. Nine days later, the night before the airport opened, National Car Rental was the 54 company that had cars on the parking lot.

“The key to our success was having the 55 to take on any job and then being creative in our approach to getting it done.”

36. A. kindness       B. patience        C. imagination     D. experience

37. A. construction     B. repair         C. control        D. development

38. A. after          B. as            C. for           D. so

39. A. while          B. since          C. where         D. when

40. A. Some          B. Any           C. No           D. Every

41. A. stating         B. reporting       C. telling         D. warning

42. A. able           B. nervous        C. afraid         D. willing

43. A. supported       B. promised       C. continued      D. improved

44. A. asked          B. surprised       C. reminded       D. demanded

45. A. though         B. but           C. as            D. unless

46. A. discussion      B. action         C. practice        D. production

47. A. next           B. first          C. past          D. previous

48. A. cold           B. wet           C. loose          D. clean

49. A. Naturally       B. Obviously      C. Meanwhile      D. Instead

50. A. excuse         B. order          C. permit         D. reason

51. A. exactly         B. personally      C. angrily        D. hardly

52. A. pull           B. knock         C. hit           D. water

53. A. required        B. mixed         C. followed       D. formed

54. A. best           B. last           C. second        D. only

55. A. courage        B. interest        C. hope          D. chance


Carolyn Stradley is the founder of C&S Paving Inc.(铺路公司) in Atlanta, USA.In the following account, she recalls the job that challenged her __1__ and skill but left her flying high.

“When the Atlanta Airport was under __2__in 1979,we were a new company struggling to make it.National Car Rental wanted to have 2,500 square meters of dirt paved __3__the cars could be on site __4__.the airport opened, and the official opening was only ten days away! __5__other local paving company wanted to do the job, __6__it couldn’t be done in such a short time.

“Because we were new and really needed the work, we were __7__to try harder.We gave National Car Rental our offer and __8__ our best effort to get the job finished within ten days.We Also __9__them that if we failed, they would be no worse off, __10__ they had plenty to gain if we succeeded.

“We got the job and immediately went into __11__.Working at night needed lights, so I rented a machine to produce electricity for the site.Our __12__ challenge was to keep the rock mixture __13__ enough.All the available water wagons (洒水车) were rented out for the airport construction, and we certainly couldn’t afford to buy a new one.__14__ , I got a special __15__ to rent fire engine hoses (消防水龙带) and connect them to nearby hydrants(消防栓);then I __16__ held one of those hoses to __17__ down the rock.

“Those ten days were filled with challenges that __18__ one creative idea after another.Nine days later, the night before the airport opened, National Car Rental was the __19__ company that had cars on the parking lot.

“The key to our success was having the __20__ to take on many job and then being creative in our approach to getting it done.”

1.A.kindness              B.patience             C.imagination          D.experience

2.A.construction          B.repair            C.control            D.development

3.A.after                 B.as                 C.for               D.so

4.A.while                B.since               C.where               D.when

5.A.Some                B.Any               C.No                D.Every

6.A.stating               B.reporting            C.telling              D.warning

7.A.able                 B.nervous            C.afraid              D.willing

8.A.supported             B.promised           C.continued          D.improved

9.A.asked                B.surprised           C.reminded          D.demanded

10.A.though              B.but                C.as                 D.unless

11.A.discussion           B.action             C.practice           D.production

12.A.next                B.first                C.past               D.previous

13.A.cold                B.wet               C.loose              D.clean

14.A.Naturally            B.Obviously           C.Meanwhile           D.Instead

15.A.excuse              B.order              C.permit             D.reason

16.A.exactly             B.personally          C.angrily             D.hardly

17.A.pull                B.knock             C.hit                D.water

18.A.required             B.mixed              C.followed           D.formed

19.A.best               B.last               C.second            D.only

20.A.courage            B.interest            C.hope              D.chance


She was born to wealth and power in a time when money and politics were left to the men. Later, as The Washington Post’s publisher, Katharine Graham became one of America’s most powerful women.

Despite a privileged background, Katharine had to deal, while growing up, with the high demands her mother placed on her children. Katharine’s love of journalism, which she shared with her father, led to her career after college at The Washington Post, the newspaper her father bought in 1933.At the Post, Katharine met Phil Graham, a young, charming lawyer who became her husband. When, in 1945, Katharine’s father chose Phil over her to take over his struggling paper, Katharine didn’t object and stayed at home as a wife and mother of four.

While Phil’s successful efforts to restore the Post to fame made the Grahams popular members of the Washington social scene, Katharine privately suffered great pain from her husband’s increasingly harmful behavior caused by severe depression. When Phil committed suicide, the 46-year-old Katharine found herself thrown into a new job, that of newspaper publisher. But determined to save the family paper for her children, Katharine rose to the challenge of running the Post, attending meetings in every department, working endlessly to prove herself to her critics, and becoming the toast of Washington.

In 1971, Katharine ordered the Post to print a copy of the Pentagon Papers, the top-secret documents revealing the truth about the United States’ involvement in the Vietnam War. What’s more, her courageous decision and support for her journalists prepared the Post to break the most important political story in modern history: Watergate(水门事件), one of the greatest scandals(丑闻)in American political history. Katharine managed to keep control over the most disorganized situation when it was reported, all the time insisting the news stories be accurate and fair. Watergate made the Washington Post an internationally known Paper and Katharine was considered as the most powerful woman in America.

1. Katharine Graham was born in a time when __________.

A. women were not permitted to achieve their goals

B. women were not given the chance to receive education

C. women did not have equal opportunities as men in some ways

D. women could not enter any field despite their privileged backgrounds

2. When her husband was chosen to take charge of the newspaper, Katharine Graham ______.

A. was strongly against the idea

B. was not happy to be rejected

C. didn’t believe her husband would do a good job

D. was willing to take her share of responsibility

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Katharine Graham was free to do whatever she liked in her early life.

B. When Katharine Graham first took over the Post, her critics doubted her ability.

C. Katharine Graham was successful in her career but suffered severe depression.

D. It was Katharine Graham’s husband who made the greatest contributions to the Post.

4. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A. Ups and downs of The Washington Post

B. Katharine Graham's family life and career

C. Katharine Graham: from housewife to successful publisher

D. Katharine Graham: a woman who controlled American journalism



When I was l4,I was hired for an after-school job selling subscriptions(征订)to my hometown paper, the Houston Post.I was sent to some of the city’s worst neighborhoods to“beg”door to door.Even though I was often moving around with difficulty after dark in bad areas  1 for garage apartments,I was  2  for the work.

    It was a  3 because people didn’t like a stranger knocking on their door,a kid trying to get them to buy something.Once a man shut his door heavily in my face and  5  ,“I don’t want your dawn paper!”I  6  myself to knock again and was able to tell him howthe paper was.I ended up selling him a subscription.I was soon among the 8  subscription sellers and,like other successful  9  ,was given the chance to train newcomers.

     10  this time I started playing the harmonica and guitar.Before long I was playing in a  11 at barbecues and other events.When I  12  18, I fixed my  13  on becoming a professional musician.I never lost  14  of this dream.I’m sure my determination came from what I  15 knocking on strangers’ doors.

    That  16  helped me in many ways.Early in my music life I was  17  in a legal disagreement with a former manager.He  18  me to back off, but I refused.

    Having all those:doors shut in my face as a kid gave me the  19  to stand up to this frightening figure.Except this time there was one  20 ,I was the one saying no.And I won.

1.A.leaving                  B.searching             C.caring                    D.reaching

2.A.sorry                     B.ready                    C.doubtful                  D.thankful

3.A.challenge              B.puzzle                  C.surprise                 D.failure

4.A.certainly                B.obviously             C.especially             D.usually

5.A.screamed               B.agreed                 C.begged                   D.announced

6.A.allowed                   B.forced                    C.wished                   D.reminded

7.A.expensive              B.worthless             C.soft                      D.great   

8.A.rich.                   B.large                    C.fast                       D.top

9.A.reporters               B.managers             C.salesmen                D.secretaries

10.A.For                     B.Since                   C.Around                D.Until

11.A.kitchen                B.band                    C.concert                  D.press

12.A.seemed                B.grew                      C.appeared               D.turned

13.A.attention              B.attraction             C.service                   D.trust

14.A.sight                    B.use                      C.ability                     D.fortune

15.A.accepted              B.decided                C.expected                D.learned

16.A.experience           B.accident               C.problem                 D.introduction

17.A.sentenced            B.treated                C.locked                   D.reasoned

18.A.invited                 B.pressed                C.excused                  D.charged

19.A.pain                     B.right                    C.strength                 D.imagination

20.A.conclusion           B.difference            C.chance                   D.decision



  Carolyn Stradley is the founder of C&S Paving Inc. (铺路公司) in Atlanta, US. In the following account, she recalls the job that challenged her 1 and skill but left her flying high.

   "When the Atlanta Airport was under 2 in 1979, we were a new company struggling to make it. National Car Rental wanted to have 2 500 square meters of dirt paved 3 the cars could be on site 4 the airport opened, and the official opening was only ten days away! 5 other local paving company wanted to do the job, 6 it couldn't be done in such a short time.

  Because we were new and really needed the work, we were 7 to try harder. We gave National Car Rental our offer and 8 our best effort to get the job finished within ten days. We also 9 them that if we failed, they would be no worse off, 10 they had plenty to gain if we succeeded.

  We got the job and immediately went into 11 .

  Working at night needed lights, so I rented a machine to produce electricity for the site. Our 12 challenge was to keep the rock mixture 13 enough. All the available water wagons (洒水车) were rented out for the airport construction, and we certainly couldn't afford to buy a new one. 14 , I got a special 15 to rent fire engine hoses (消防水龙带) and connect them to nearby hydrants (消防栓) ; then I 16 held one of those hoses to 17 down the rock.

  Those ten days were filled with challenges that 18 one creative idea after another. Nine days later, the night before the airport opened, National Car Rental was the 19 company that had cars on the parking lot.

  The key to our success was having the 20 to take on any job and then being creative in our approach to getting it done."

(1) A.kindness
(2) A.construction
(3) A.after
(4) A.while
(5) A.Some
(6) A.stating
(7) A.able
(8) A.supported
(9) A.asked
(10) A.though
(11) A.discussion
(12) A.next
(13) A.cold
(14) A.Naturally
(15) A.excuse
(16) A.exactly
(17) A.pull
(18) A.required
(19) A.best
(20) A.courage

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