摘要: A. know B. recognize C. realize D. like


We probably all know people, either at work or in our personal lives, who are really good listeners. No matter what kind of situation we’re in, they always seem to know just what to say and how to say it so that we’re not offended(被冒犯) or upset. We probably also know people who are masters at managing their emotions(情绪). They don’t get angry in stressful situations. Instead, they have the ability to calmly look at a problem and find a solution. They take criticism(批评) well, and they know when to use it to improve their performance.

People like these who have a high degree of emotional intelligence, or EI(情商). They know themselves very well, and they’re also able to sense the emotional needs of others.

As more and more people accept that emotional intelligence is just as important to professional success as technical(专业的) ability, companies are increasingly using EI when they hire and promote(提拔) someone. For example, one large cosmetics (化妆品) company recently changed their hiring process for salespeople to choose candidates(被选的人) based on emotional intelligence. The result? Salespeople hired with the new system have sold, on average, $91,000 more than salespeople selected under the old system.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize your emotions, understand what they are telling you, and realize how your emotions affect people around you. Emotional intelligence also involves your perception (洞察力) of others: when you understand how they feel, this allows you to manage relationships more effectively.

People with high emotional intelligence are usually successful in most things they do. Why? Because they are the ones that others want on their team. When people with high EI send an email, it get answered. When they need help, they get it. Because they make others feel good, they go through life much more easily than people who are easily angered or upset.

The good news is that emotional intelligence can be taught and developed. Many books and tests are available to help you determine your current EI, and identify where you may need to do some work.

1.According to the passage, we’re all probably impressed by people who _____.

A. are ready to help others

B. are very successful in their lives

C. have high emotional intelligence

D. know how to control their temper

2.By mentioning the cosmetics company, the author tries to _____.

A. stress the importance of emotional intelligence

B. speak highly of its new salespeople

C. show its effective hiring system

D. explain what improvements it has made

3.The underlined word “they” in the fourth paragraph refers to “_____”.

A. your emotions                       B. people around you

C. effective relationships             D. your opinions of others

4.Which statement is TRUE about people with high EI?

A. They are usually good speakers. 

B. They are born to be sensitive and intelligent.

C. They don’t get angry in any situation. 

D. They can understand others’ feelings well.

5.What’s most likely to be discussed in the paragraph that follows?

A. What emotional intelligence is.

B. How emotional intelligence can be improved.

C. Many books on emotional intelligence.

D. More people with high emotional intelligence. 



By 2010, people will know that a healthy, happy, loving family is a joy, and that it is a necessary foundation for building a strong society. But for most, this will not become reality.

Too many people have already accepted the beliefs of the “me generation”, so they fail to realize that there is a time in life when they must get interested in sacrifice(奉献). At a time when adults need to care for the needs of their family, they will be influenced by other things. Some proudly sacrifice for a more powerful car or a big house. Some will be interested in taking risks, and others will recite phrases like “I must become the best I can be” or “I don’t want to be tied down”. The needs of their family will be lost in a wide set of things that must be done first.

Many people have not actually experienced a strong positive family life, so they would like to deny its worth. And unfortunately, some will even believe it doesn’t exist. Many people have always experienced family life as a struggle, so they won’t find time and energy for a workshop, and probably won’t even recognize the need.

But it is extremely important that we all have a healthy view. We need to value and enjoy what we can get from loving and truthful parents. People need a strong foundation, so it is important for our society that we encourage parents to work at creating love, joy and happiness in a pleasant atmosphere.

1. According to the author, the foundation of a strong society is ________.

A. loving and committed parents     B. me generation

C. the needs of a family         D. a healthy, happy, loving family

2. The best title for this passage is ________.

A. Strengthening our Foundation     B. Me generation

C. Worth of family life         D. A Healthy view of family



I was fifteen months old, a happy, carefree kid until the day I fell.It was a bad fall.I landed on a glass rabbit which cut my eye badly enough to blind it.Trying to save the eye, the doctors stitched the eyeball together where it was cut, leaving a big ugly scar in the middle of my eye.And as I grew, this sightless eye in so many ways controlled me.

       Yet Mama would say to me, at every turn, "Hold your head up high and face the world." It became a litany that I relied on.She had started when I was young.She would hold me in her arms and stroke my hair and say, "If you hold your head up high, it will be okay, and people will see your beautiful soul." She continued this message whenever I wanted to hide.

       Those words have meant different things to me over the years.As a little child, I thought Mama meant; "Be careful or you will fall down or bump into something because you are not looking." As an a dolescent, even though I tended to look down to hide my shame, I found that sometimes when I held my head up high and let people know me, they lilted me.My mama's words helped me begin to realize that by letting people look at my face, I let them recognize the intelligence and beauty behind both eyes even if they couldn't see it on the surface.

       In high school I was successful both academically and socially.I was even elected class president, but on the inside I still felt like a freak.Ail I really wanted was to look like everyone else.When things got really bad, I would cry to my mama and she would look at me with loving eyes and say, "Hold your head up high and face the world.Let them see the beauty that is inside."

       When I met the man who became my partner for life, we looked each other straight in the eye, and he told me I was beautiful inside and out.He meant it.My mama's love and encouragement were the spark that gave me the confidence to overcome my own doubt.I had faced adversity, encountered my problems head on, and learned not only to appreciate myself but to have deep compassion for others.

       "Hold your head up high," has been heard many times in my home.Each of my children has felt its invitation.The gift my mama gave me lives on in another generation.

How did the writer have her eyes hurt?

       A.She was attacked by a glass rabbit.          B.Her eyes were hurt by accident.

       C.The doctor made a mistake.            D.A serious illness blinded her.

When she heard her mother told her to hold her head up high for the first time, she_____.

       A.didn't fully understand these words

       B.was greatly encouraged and moved

       C.was puzzled by these words

       D.was surprised by these words

Why did the writer still feel unhappy when she was successful both academically and socially?

       A.Because she was not satisfied with what she has.

       B.Because she thought she could have done better.

       C.Because she wanted to live a normal life.

       D.Because she really wanted to be different.

What is the point of the story?

       A.A mother's love for a daughter is a treasure.

       B.One should not be controlled by others.

       C.The real beauty is inside out.

       D.Where there is a will.there is a way.


I was fifteen months old, a happy, carefree kid until the day I fell.It was a bad fall.I landed on a glass rabbit which cut my eye badly enough to blind it.Trying to save the eye, the doctors stitched the eyeball together where it was cut, leaving a big ugly scar in the middle of my eye.And as I grew, this sightless eye in so many ways controlled me.
Yet Mama would say to me, at every turn, "Hold your head up high and face the world." It became a litany that I relied on.She had started when I was young.She would hold me in her arms and stroke my hair and say, "If you hold your head up high, it will be okay, and people will see your beautiful soul." She continued this message whenever I wanted to hide.
Those words have meant different things to me over the years.As a little child, I thought Mama meant; "Be careful or you will fall down or bump into something because you are not looking." As an a dolescent, even though I tended to look down to hide my shame, I found that sometimes when I held my head up high and let people know me, they lilted me.My mama’s words helped me begin to realize that by letting people look at my face, I let them recognize the intelligence and beauty behind both eyes even if they couldn’t see it on the surface.
In high school I was successful both academically and socially.I was even elected class president, but on the inside I still felt like a freak.Ail I really wanted was to look like everyone else.When things got really bad, I would cry to my mama and she would look at me with loving eyes and say, "Hold your head up high and face the world.Let them see the beauty that is inside."
When I met the man who became my partner for life, we looked each other straight in the eye, and he told me I was beautiful inside and out.He meant it.My mama’s love and encouragement were the spark that gave me the confidence to overcome my own doubt.I had faced adversity, encountered my problems head on, and learned not only to appreciate myself but to have deep compassion for others.
"Hold your head up high," has been heard many times in my home.Each of my children has felt its invitation.The gift my mama gave me lives on in another generation.
【小题1】How did the writer have her eyes hurt?

A.She was attacked by a glass rabbit.B.Her eyes were hurt by accident.
C.The doctor made a mistake.D.A serious illness blinded her.
【小题2】When she heard her mother told her to hold her head up high for the first time, she_____.
A.didn’t fully understand these words
B.was greatly encouraged and moved
C.was puzzled by these words
D.was surprised by these words
【小题3】Why did the writer still feel unhappy when she was successful both academically and socially?
A.Because she was not satisfied with what she has.
B.Because she thought she could have done better.
C.Because she wanted to live a normal life.
D.Because she really wanted to be different.
【小题4】What is the point of the story?
A.A mother’s love for a daughter is a treasure.
B.One should not be controlled by others.
C.The real beauty is inside out.
D.Where there is a will.there is a way.


I was fifteen months old, a happy, carefree kid until the day I fell.It was a bad fall.I landed on a glass rabbit which cut my eye badly enough to blind it.Trying to save the eye, the doctors stitched the eyeball together where it was cut, leaving a big ugly scar in the middle of my eye.And as I grew, this sightless eye in so many ways controlled me.

         Yet Mama would say to me, at every turn, "Hold your head up high and face the world." It became a litany that I relied on.She had started when I was young.She would hold me in her arms and stroke my hair and say, "If you hold your head up high, it will be okay, and people will see your beautiful soul." She continued this message whenever I wanted to hide.

         Those words have meant different things to me over the years.As a little child, I thought Mama meant; "Be careful or you will fall down or bump into something because you are not looking." As an a dolescent, even though I tended to look down to hide my shame, I found that sometimes when I held my head up high and let people know me, they lilted me.My mama's words helped me begin to realize that by letting people look at my face, I let them recognize the intelligence and beauty behind both eyes even if they couldn't see it on the surface.

         In high school I was successful both academically and socially.I was even elected class president, but on the inside I still felt like a freak.Ail I really wanted was to look like everyone else.When things got really bad, I would cry to my mama and she would look at me with loving eyes and say, "Hold your head up high and face the world.Let them see the beauty that is inside."

         When I met the man who became my partner for life, we looked each other straight in the eye, and he told me I was beautiful inside and out.He meant it.My mama's love and encouragement were the spark that gave me the confidence to overcome my own doubt.I had faced adversity, encountered my problems head on, and learned not only to appreciate myself but to have deep compassion for others.

         "Hold your head up high," has been heard many times in my home.Each of my children has felt its invitation.The gift my mama gave me lives on in another generation.

1.How did the writer have her eyes hurt?

         A.She was attacked by a glass rabbit.             B.Her eyes were hurt by accident.

         C.The doctor made a mistake.              D.A serious illness blinded her.

2.When she heard her mother told her to hold her head up high for the first time, she_____.

         A.didn't fully understand these words

         B.was greatly encouraged and moved

         C.was puzzled by these words

         D.was surprised by these words

3.Why did the writer still feel unhappy when she was successful both academically and socially?

         A.Because she was not satisfied with what she has.

         B.Because she thought she could have done better.

         C.Because she wanted to live a normal life.

         D.Because she really wanted to be different.

4.What is the point of the story?

         A.A mother's love for a daughter is a treasure.

         B.One should not be controlled by others.

         C.The real beauty is inside out.

         D.Where there is a will.there is a way.



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