摘要: It wasn't until-that... 直到--才--. It wasn't until yesterday that I got your letter. 我直到昨天才收到你的来信.



We had just finished thirteen miles of hiking in the snowy mountains. We were tired and our muscles  21   as we made our way back to New England.

When I heard that two seats in first class on our next flight were   22   for a small upgrade fee, I jumped at the  23  . We agreed to pay the fee to   24   our tickets. Our spirits lifted   immediately. At least we would  25  our adventure in comfort and style.

Our travel has always been arranged on a budget,  26  flying first class was a new   27  for us. As we   28   the plane, we felt as if we were part of an elite(精英)group. We took our seats and were happy to   29   the other few passengers who could fly in such luxury.

As we chatted away about hiking, waterfalls and bears, I could   30  people around us talking about busy schedules and business meetings. It wasn’t long   31  I realized that these people were   32  to flying in luxury. “They are important people,” I thought to myself.

We  33   that the stewardess(空姐) was working nonstop to ensure the comfort of the first class passengers. She could not walk by a seat without receiving an   34  .

As the stewardess walked by our   35 , I looked at her and said, “Thank you and I hope you have a great night.” She stopped at our seats with a look of   36   on her face, bent down, looked at me and said, “Excuse me?” I repeated my words and she smiled in a rather   37   way, almost as if I had asked her a question that she did not know how to answer.

“You are the only passenger here to say thank you or say something   38   to me tonight and I really appreciate your kindness.”

The   39  of belonging to an elite group of people in first class disappeared as we heard her words. Our seats in luxury offered us more than a comfortable ride. We were   40  that, without kindness, we would be flying in no class.

21. A. stretched             B. built   w(w w.ks&5 u.c*o m            C. weakened          D. ached

22. A. believable           B. available           C. active                D. visible

23. A. discount              B. opportunity              C. benefit                  D. convenience

24. A. return                 B. protect                     C. upgrade             D. check

25. A. end                    B. start               C. plan                  D. change

26. A. or                B. and                C. but                   D. so

27. A. challenge            B. load                  C. concern             D. experience

28. A. boarded                     B. left                   C. entered              D. crowded

29. A. have                   B. envy                 C. join                  D. appreciate

30. A. see                         B. hear                  C. find                  D. sound

31. A. after                   B. since                 C. before              D. until

32. A. accustomed         B. ready                C. addicted            D. likely

33. A. felt                         B. noticed              C. guessed             D. stated

34. A. advice                B. blame               C. order                D. warning

35. A. seats               B. plane             C. neighbour          D. class  

36. A. amusement          B. disbelief            C. delight                     D. fright

37. A. funny                 B. curious              C. similar                     D. confusing

38. A. impolite              B. nice                  C. interesting         D. valuable

39. A. fear                    B. willingness        C. refusal       w(w w.ks&5 u.c*o m            D. sense

40. A. persuaded           B. reminded           C. suggested          D. wished


Cannes will rock to the sound of a cancan dance this year when Moulin Rouge by the Australian director Baz Luhrmann opens the French film festival (电影节) in May. The musical stars Nicole Kidman as a singer, and John Leguizamo as the artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. It will be competing for the Palme d'Or, the festival's top prize. The festival runs to May 21.

The American actor Tommy Lee Jones, 54, has married his longtime girlfriend, Dawn Maria Laurel, 36, in a private wedding in San Antonio. "It wasn’t a big to-do, ‘said Fred Biery, a U. S. District Judge who performed the service. He refused to discuss things further. "These are very private people," he said.

Loretta Lynn is being treated for a very bed cold in Tennessee and will miss several appearances. The country singer, 65, was admitted to a hospital near her home in Hurricane Mills. "She is in good condition, but the doctors are watching her closely," a spokeswoman said.

The French-Algerian singer Enrico Macias was named a United Nations peace messenger. Enrico joins eight other people who act as goodwill envoys (使者) for the United Nations, among them are the writer Elie Wiesel and the basketball player Magic Johnson.

73. We can learn from the text that Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec is ______

       A. a figure in a film          B. a dancer in a show

       C. a country singer                    D. a prize winner

74. We know from the text that_______.

       A. Moulin Rouge won the top prize in a film festival

       B. Loretta Lynn is under the doctors’ care

       C. eight people serve as the UN goodwill envoys

       D. Fred Biery was Tommy Lee Jones’assistant

75. This text most probably appears in_____.

       A. a book on film stars         B. a film review in a magazine

       C. a newspaper              D. a notice


 A few months ago, it wasn't unusual for 47-year-old Carla Toebe to spend 15 hours per day online. She'd wake up early, turn on her laptop and chat on Internet dating sites and instant-messaging programs – leaving her bed for only brief breaks. Her household bills piled up, along with the dishes and dirty laundry, but it took constant complaints from her four daughters before she realized she had a problem.

  "I was starting to feel like my whole world was falling apart – kind of slipping into a depression," said Carla. "I knew that if I didn't get off the dating sites, I'd just keep going," detaching (使脱离) herself further from the outside world.

  Toebe's conclusion: She felt like she was "addicted" to the Internet. She's not alone.

  Concern about excessive Internet use isn't new. As far back as 1995, articles in medical journals and the establishment of a Pennsylvania treatment center for overusers aroused interest in the subject. But as reliance on the Web grows, there are signs that the question is getting more serious attention: Last month, a study published in CNS Spectrums claimed to be the first large-scale look at Internet overuse. The American Psychiatric Association may also consider listing Internet addiction in the next edition. And scores of online discussion boards have popped up, on which people discuss negative experiences tied to too much time on the Web.

    The new CNS Spectrums study was based on results of a nationwide telephone survey of more than 2,500 adults. Like the latest survey, this one was conducted by Stanford University researchers. About 6% of respondents reported that "their relationships suffered because of excessive Internet use." About 9% attempted to conceal "nonessential Internet use," and nearly 4% reported feeling " still occupied by the Internet when offline."

  "The Internet problem is still in its early stage," said Maressa Orzack, a Harvard University professor. No single online activity is to blame for excessive use, he said. "They're online in chat rooms, checking e-mail, or writing blogs. The problem is not limited to porn (色情) or gambling websites.”

  “Excessive Internet use should be defined not by the number of hours spent online but in terms of losses.”said Maressa Orzack. "If it's a loss where you're not getting to work, and family relationships are breaking down as a result, then it's too much."

  Since the early 1990s, several clinics have been established in the U. S. to treat heavy Internet users. They include the Center for Internet Addiction Recovery and the Center for Internet Behavior.

  The website for Orzack's center lists the following among the psychological symptoms of computer addiction:

  ● Having a sense of happiness or excitement while at the computer.

  ● Longing for more and more time at the computer.

  ● Neglect of family and friends.

  ● Feeling empty, depremssed or irritable when not at the computer.

  ● Lying to employers and family about activities.

  ● Inability to stop the activity.

  ● Problems with school or job.

  Physical symptoms listed include dry eyes, backaches, skipping meals, poor personal hygiene (卫生) and sleep disturbances.

  “People who struggle with Internet overuse maybe depressed or have other mood disorders.” Orzack said. When she discusses Internet habits with her patients, they often report that being online offers a "sense of belonging, and escape, excitement and fun," she said. “Some people say relief…because they find themselves so relaxed.”

  Some parts of the Internet seem to draw people in more than others. Internet gamers spend countless hours competing in games against people from all over the world. One such game, called World of Warcraft, is cited on many sites by posters complaining of a "gaming addiction."

  Andrew Heidrich, an education network administrator from Sacramento, plays World of Warcraft for about two to four hours every other night, but that's nothing compared with the 40 to 60 hours a week he spent playing online games when he was in college. He cut back only after a full-scale family intervention (干预), in which relatives told him he'd gained weight.

  “There's this whole culture of competition that sucks people in with online gaming, ”said Heidrich, now a father of two. People do it at the expense of everything that was a constant in their lives." Heidrich now visits websites that discuss gaming addiction regularly “to remind myself to keep my love for online games in check”.

  Toebe also regularly visits a site where posters discuss Internet overuse. In August, when she first realized she had a problem, she posted a message on a Yahoo Internet addiction group with the subject line:“I have an Internet Addiction.”

  “I'm self-employed and need the Internet for my work, but I'm failing to accomplish my work, to take care of my home, to give attention to my children,”she wrote in a message sent to the group. “I have no money or insurance to get professional help; I can't even pay my loan and face losing everything.”

  Since then, Toebe said, she has kept her promise to herself to cut back on her Internet use. "I have a boyfriend now, and I'm not interested in online dating," she said by phone last week. "It's a lot better now."

What eventually made Carla Toebe realize she was spending too much time on the Internet?

 A. Her daughter's repeated complaints.

 B. Tiredness resulting from lack of sleep.

 C. The poorly managed state of her house.

 D. The high financial costs adding up.

What is the main idea of para4?

A. A study claimed to be the first large-scale look at Internet overuse.

B. The American Psychiatric Association plans to list Internet addiction in its edition.

C. There are heated discussions about negative experiences over internet overuse.

D. There is a growing concern towards internet addiction.

According to Professor Maressa Orzack, Internet use would be considered excessive if ______.

 A. it seriously affected family relationships

 B. one visited porn websites frequently

 C. too much time was spent in chat rooms

 D. people got involved in online gambling

According to Orzack, people who struggle with heavy dependence on    

the Internet may feel ______.

 A. discouraged   B. pressured    C. depressed    D. puzzled

Andrew Heidrich now visits websites that discuss online gaming addiction to _____.

 A. improve his online gaming skills

 B. control his desire for online gaming

 C. show how good he is at online gaming

 D. exchange online gaming experience

Which of the following best describes the tone(口吻) of the passage ?

 A. Humorous      B. Ironic       C. Objective      D. Casual


Not many people know that U.S. President Calvin Coolidge did not always live in the White House. Sometimes he lived in the nearby Willard Hotel.

Once, in the middle of a night, the President awoke to see a thief searching his clothes. Coolidge calmy spoke up from the darkness, “I wish you wouldn’t take that watch.”

“Why?” asked the shocked man.

Coolidged answered, “Take it near the window and read what is engraved on the back of it.”

The man read, “Presented to Calvin Coolidged, Speaker of the House, by the Massachusetts General Court.” He was very surprised!

“Are you President Coolidge?” he asked. He had never thought he would find the president sleeping in a hotel!

“Yes, I am” Coolidge said. Then he asked, “Why are you doing this,Son?”

The young man explained that he and a friend traveled to Washington during their college vacation. They spent all of their money and had no money to pay the hotel bill and the train tickets back to school.

Coolidge added up those fees. It came to $32.  That may not sound like much now, but it was a big sum then. “I’ll give you the $32 as a loan,” the President said, “And I expect you to pay me back.”

The youth thanked him. Coolidge left him with this warning: “Son, you are a nice boy, you are better than you are acting. You are starting down the wrong road. Just remember who you are.”

It wasn’t until after the death of Mr.Coolidge that this story was allowed to come out. It was first published in the Los Angeles Times. And the most interesting of all is that the President’s notes show that the young man was indeed better than he was acting. He repaid the $32 loan in full.

1..The president stopped the youth from stealing the watch because          

 A. It was his favorite watch.

 B. He wanted to give some money to the youth

 C. He wanted to help the young man from getting into trouble

D. He used it for work and daily life

2. It can be inferred from the passage that      

   A. the youth’s family was in financial difficulty

   B. hotel fees were rather expensive at that time

   C. the youth never connected with the president again

   D. the youth learned a lesson from his experience with the president

3. How did people first get to know the story of the president with the youth?

   A. From the president himself

   B. From a newspaper

   C. From the youth’s notes

   D. From the youth himself

4. We can learn from the passage that      

A. possessions can be given up when necessary

B. generosity should be encouraged in some cases

C. people can benefit from their unforgettable experiences

D. an act of kindness may change a person’s life




Not many people know that U.S. President Calvin Coolidge did not always live in the White House. Sometimes he lived in the nearby Willard Hotel.

Once, in the middle of a night, the President awoke to see a thief searching his clothes. Coolidge calmy spoke up from the darkness, “I wish you wouldn’t take that watch.”

“Why?” asked the shocked man.

Coolidged answered, “Take it near the window and read what is engraved on the back of it.”

The man read, “Presented to Calvin Coolidged, Speaker of the House, by the Massachusetts General Court.” He was very surprised!

“Are you President Coolidge?” he asked. He had never thought he would find the president sleeping in a hotel!

“Yes, I am” Coolidge said. Then he asked, “Why are you doing this,Son?”

The young man explained that he and a friend traveled to Washington during their college vacation. They spent all of their money and had no money to pay the hotel bill and the train tickets back to school.

Coolidge added up those fees. It came to $32.  That may not sound like much now, but it was a big sum then. “I’ll give you the $32 as a loan,” the President said, “And I expect you to pay me back.”

The youth thanked him. Coolidge left him with this warning: “Son, you are a nice boy, you are better than you are acting. You are starting down the wrong road. Just remember who you are.”

It wasn’t until after the death of Mr.Coolidge that this story was allowed to come out. It was first published in the Los Angeles Times. And the most interesting of all is that the President’s notes show that the young man was indeed better than he was acting. He repaid the $32 loan in full.

.The president stopped the youth from stealing the watch because          

 A. It was his favorite watch.

 B. He wanted to give some money to the youth

 C. He wanted to help the young man from getting into trouble

D. He used it for work and daily life

It can be inferred from the passage that      

   A. the youth’s family was in financial difficulty

   B. hotel fees were rather expensive at that time

   C. the youth never connected with the president again

   D. the youth learned a lesson from his experience with the president

How did people first get to know the story of the president with the youth?

   A. From the president himself

   B. From a newspaper

   C. From the youth’s notes

   D. From the youth himself

We can learn from the passage that      

A. possessions can be given up when necessary

B. generosity should be encouraged in some cases

C. people can benefit from their unforgettable experiences

D. an act of kindness may change a person’s life


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