摘要: If I did..., I would... 如果我--.我会--. If I knew his number, I would phone him. 如果我知道他的电话号码.我会打电话给他的.


I live in a very over populated beach area in the Los Angeles, and I love the beautiful scenery! But because of many people, lots of things are easy to be out of order, and sometimes it’s also easy to lose your cool. Today was a day I wish I did not get out of bed. I mean that if I did not have to wake up and deal with all the things that I deal with on a daily basis, it would have been wonderful.

I had a cup of coffee this morning and that was my meal for breakfast, not healthy I know. Anyway, my stomach was sounding like a truck. So, I jumped in my car and decided to buy some food.

I was in line at Taco Bell (一家墨西哥速食店) and the line was like a long snake! Finally I got to place my order, but a young girl in nice clothes pulled in and was stuck in such a way that unless I moved for her, she wouldn’t be able to get out. So I backed up and waved her into my place in the front of the line.

To my surprise, this young girl did not say thanks. I was cool with it because I thought that I had done something nice for a change. After the girl received her food and pulled away, I pulled into the ordering spot, not mad, but hungry, and the employee said, “Hi, that girl just paid for your food.”

That food was the most satisfying nourishment (营养品) my body had ever taken! If just by chance you are that person who bought my food, I should say “Thank you!”

1.The underlined part in the first paragraph probably means “_____”.

A.be friendly to others                     B.become angry

C.get warmer                            D.remain calm

2.What happened to the author according to the passage?

A.He remained lying in bed all the morning.

B.He didn’t feel well after drinking a cup of coffee.

C.He made room for a girl who jumped the queue.

D.He had a quarrel with a girl who didn’t stand in line.

3.How did the young girl show her thanks to the author?

A.She got out of her car and said thanks.

B.She drove away with her own food.

C.She received her food and waved goodbye.

D.She paid for the author’s food without him knowing.

4.The best title for the passage might be _____.

A.Kindness is spreading

B.Being patient wins respect

C.Being calm is important in accidents

D.Being polite can change the world



Being confident for me as a foreign instructor means calmly asking the student to repeat what he or she has said if I did not get it. Pretending to understand what you actually did not may just bring yourself embarrassment or even disgrace. But the time I most need to be confident is when my students come to my office and bargain about the grades I have given for their speeches. (The course I'm teaching here is Public speaking). Modesty is a trait highly valued in China, but it won't be of much help here if you want to survive and succeed in a good American graduate program.

  1. 1.

    To compete with American students it's very important to     .

    1. A.
      be quite confident
    2. B.
      be polite and friendly
    3. C.
      have more discussions with them
    4. D.
      understand what they think about
  2. 2.

    A professor will have the worst opinion of a student who     .

    1. A.
      gives a silly or simple answer
    2. B.
      tries to seize any chance to speak in class
    3. C.
      shows no interest in the course
    4. D.
      is considered to have no opinion of his own
  3. 3.

    The author is most likely to feel embarrassed if       .

    1. A.
      he asks a student to repeat what he has said
    2. B.
      the students bargain with him
    3. C.
      he pretends to know what he doesn't
    4. D.
      he has to give a speech
  4. 4.

    We learn from the second paragraph that       .

    1. A.
      we should also remain modest in America
    2. B.
      modesty doesn't help you much in America
    3. C.
      Americans also like modest people
    4. D.
      modesty can help you through an American graduate program
  5. 5.

    What can we infer from the passage?

    1. A.
      American students are ready to accept the grades from the teacher.
    2. B.
      The writer teaches in Europe for a living.
    3. C.
      Students are encouraged to present simple questions.
    4. D.
      One’s ignorance will give away in time.

In 1987, while serving as the public affairs officer at Fort Bragg, I would frequently visit the local high schools to speak to the students about the Army. As a lieutenant colonel(中校), I found it particularly rewarding to talk with the teenagers about the benefits of military service, if only for a few years of their lives.

During one of these visits, I reported to the secretary in the principal’s office to let her know that I was here for the third-period class. I was a little surprised when she told me. “The principal would like to see you before you go to the class.”

As I entered his office, I was greeted by a gentleman who appeared to be in his late thirties, and he welcomed me with a smile and a handshake. “You don’t remember me, do you?” he said.

I looked closely at the face again and could not recall where we may have met before.

“You were my company commander in basic training at Fort Jackson in 1970,” the principal said.

“Let me help you out,” he suggested. “You gave me a three-day pass to go home and see my newborn baby.” I immediately remembered the incident!

“Yes,” I said. “I remember now.” It was the only three-day pass I had issued because the soldiers were on their way to Vietnam immediately after they finished training. But I knew if I did not let him go home to see his son and something happened to him, I would regret denying the opportunity he had to be with his family.

“Come on, Colonel. I’d like to introduce you to ‘the baby’. He’s in your third-period class. By letting me go see him, you gave me a reason to stay focused and to come home safe from that war. Thank you , sir.”

It was the most rewarding class I had ever given, and I had no problem in telling the students about the bonds of friendship and the values that Army life can provide…and that can last a lifetime.

In the writer’s opinion, talking to teens about the Army is       .

A. a forced task                           B. a pleasant thing

C. an unavoidable duty         D. an embarrassing experience

Why did the principal want to see the writer?

A. He wanted to send his son to the Army.

B. He felt sorry for causing the writer trouble.

C. He was disappointed at the writer’s lecture.

D. He intended to express his thanks to the writer.

The underlined part in the text suggests that       .

  A. the son may die                          B. the son may become ill

C. the soldier may die in the war     D. the soldier may be hurt in the training

What might be the most suitable title for the text?

A. A soldier remembers.               B. A principal thinks

C. A baby grows                          D. A lecture continues


“Where would we be right now if I did not have the restaurant? How else would I be able to provide for our family? Who give me, a man without 36 ,a job?” My father 37 say these things on our car rides to the stores that supply our 38.
He would tell me stories of long, hard hours spent 39 in the hot kitchen and helping all the 40. Now I 41 late on weekends to welcome him, 42 that he will tell me something 43 .He always knows how to inspire me. I could never understand 44 he grew to be so wise without even having the opportunity to complete high school.
“Make sure you get a job 45 you have to wear a tie!” he’d always say with a smile. They were like a paintbrush(画笔) that began 46 this beautiful picture in my head that I have entitled(有资格的)my 47 in life.
My father has worked day in and day out,with few days off, for 20 years, never 48 .He would explain how this is 49 he had to do to make my 50 better. My father worked hard so that I 51 go to the best schools. He worked to supply me with 52 that would provide a job where I had to wear a tie.
My father is a 53 in which I can only hope to catch a reflection(反省)of myself. He is the one I strive to model myself after.  54 , when I make a great name for myself as a doctor, someone will ask, “Where did you get such a great work ethic (道德) ?”
“My father!” I’ ll say, adjusting(调整) my  55 and I’ ll smile.
【小题1】A work                      B success             C money        D an education
【小题2】A used to           B would              C always        D might
【小题3】A family            B kitchen             C restaurant      D hotel
【小题4】A to work           B work               C works         D working
【小题5】A friends            B cooks              C customers      D waiters
【小题6】A hold up           B keep up              C stand up        D stay up
【小题7】A wished           B wishing             C hoped         D hoping
【小题8】A wonderful         B interesting            C big            D wise
【小题9】A whether         B how               C where         D when
【小题10】A when           B where             C which         D that
【小题11】A putting           B describing           C imagining      D painting
【小题12】A job             B success             C goal           D future
【小题13】A complained       B complains          C complaining    D complaint
【小题14】A what           B that               C which          D why
【小题15】A job             B life               C days          D future
【小题16】A would          B could             C should        D must
【小题17】A opportunities     B hopes              C occasions       D possibilities
【小题18】A model          B mirror              C hero           D example
【小题19】A The other day     B Another day        C Some days      D One day
【小题20】A tie                      B suit            C dress          D shirt


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