摘要: I don't get very excited about... 我对--不怎么感兴趣. I don't get very excited about going to the concert. 我对去听演唱会不怎么感兴趣.


Michael is the kind of guy you love to hate. He is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, “If I were any better, I’d be twins!” He was a natural motivator.
One day I went up to Michael and asked him, “I don’t get it. You can’t be positive all the time. How do you do it?”
Michael replied, “Each morning I wake up and say to myself ‘Mike, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or a bad mood.’ I choose the first. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life.” Michael continued, “Life is all about choices. The bottom line is: It’s your choice how you live life.”
Several years later, Michael was involved in a serious accident, falling off 60 feet from a communications tower. I saw him about six months after the accident. I asked him what had gone through his mind as the accident took place.
He said, “I first thought of my soon-to-born daughter and then remembered I had two choices: I could choose to live or I could choose to die. I chose to live. I knew I needed to take action. So when a nurse kept shouting questions at me asking if I was allergic to anything, I took a deep breath and yelled, ‘Gravity’. Over their laughter, I told them, ‘I’m choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead’.”
Michael lived, thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude.
【小题1】Which of the following statements is true?

A.Michael is a person whom people don’t like very much.
B.Michael knows how to learn from bad things in life.
C.Doctors thought Michael was dead.
D.The author didn’t think Michael was a happy person.
【小题2】According to Michael, when someone complains to you, you should ____________.
A.share your own experiences with him
B.just listen to what the person says and feel sorry for him
C.tell the person to look at the happy side of life instead of just listening
D.discuss with the person and tell him to reflect on the complaints
【小题3】The author quotes Michael’s words “If I were any better, I’d be twins!” to tell us ____________.
A.Michael wants to have a twin brother
B.Michael is not satisfied with his present life
C.Michael is always optimistic
D.Michael likes to change his mood
【小题4】Which of the following best summarizes the main idea?
A.Accidents will happen.
B.When God shuts a door, he opens another.
C.Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
D.Attitude is everything.


I have a painfully vivid memory of my first homecoming from college, in December 1983. After three whole months away, I was back home with my brand new opinions, attitudes and tastes. How could they watch such terrible television programs? I, the English Literature major with Shakespeare and Milton and James Joyce, could hardly bear to sleep under the roof of a house whose few bookshelves held thrillers and bound editions of the Reader’s Digest. I’m sure my family was glad to see the back of me when, at the end of the holiday, I packed up my books and headed back up to university in the north of England.
But the next year must have been even more painful to my parents: I didn’t show up at all. Now, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with young people spending a little time away from their families and with their friends.  It’s part of growing up, something you need to do if you are to become properly independent. However, if you’re not going to be home for the festival, you should at least have the decency to telephone and say you’re not coming.
In English we have an expression, “wet behind the ears.” A person who is wet behind the ears is so immature, that they don’t know how to dry the back of their head after a bath. Just before the following year’s holiday I fell ill, quite seriously so. I’m sure my own behavior contributed to my getting sick: staying out too late, not eating properly—perhaps you know someone like the person I was then. I lay in bed with a fever, feeling very sorry for myself.
I’m sure you can guess who came to my rescue. My long-suffering parents got in their car and sped up the motorway to rescue their son from the consequences of his own irresponsibility.
I hope I’m a better son now; if not, it’s getting a little late in the day if I want to change. I’ve worked in China for nearly 10 years and so I don’t get to see them as often as I like, but my parents are online all the time so we talk many times each week. And this Spring Festival I will be flying back to England for a visit. 
I’m really looking forward to it.
【小题1】What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A.The author liked reading thrillers and the Reading Digest.
B.The author couldn’t fall asleep in a house with few books.
C.The author thought his parents were happy to see him back.
D.The author didn’t seem to share the same tastes with his parents.
【小题2】What can we learn from the second paragraph?
A.The next year the author’s parents were very happy to see him.
B.The author went to see his parents during the second year in college.
C.If you aren’t going to spent an important day with your family, inform them in advance.
D.To leave away from family is not a proper way if you want to gain some independency.
【小题3】If you are a person who is wet behind the ears, you are       .
A.old and experienced B.young and inexperienced
C.young and experiencedD.mature and experienced
【小题4】We can infer from the last two paragraphs that       .
A.the author thinks he has become a good son
B.the author will be with his family the next Spring Festival
C.the author will not change himself to a better one because it is too late
D.the author keeps in touch with his parents through the Internet regularly
【小题5】What would be the best title for the text?
A.Pleasant memories about Christmas
B.Horrible things happened in the past
C.Interesting memories about Christmas
D.Share with you some of my Ghosts of Christmas Past


The 30-mile road that runs through the mountains of Willie Valley makes most drivers′ hands sweat. But Andersen, a 46-year-old father of four, wasn’t expecting any trouble on the road last New Year’s Eve, when he set off for a ski trip to the Bear Mountains with nine-year-old daughter Mia, four-old son Baylor, and nine-year-old neighbor Kenya. Andersen had driven through the Valley hundreds of times over the years.

The weather was fine. But the higher they drove, the more slippery the road became. Rounding a sharp U-turn, Andersen saw a heavy truck off the road and immediately hit his brakes. In a minute, the car was going at 25 miles per hour down the mountain before falling down from a ten-foot dam into the extremely cold Logan River.

The crash had broken a few windows, and within seconds, the car was filled with water. “It was frightening that we were going fast into deep water,” remembers Andersen, a soft-spoken manager.

Having lost all sense of direction, Andersen began to search the freezing water for the kids. Mia had been right next to him in the front seat; now, in the blackness, he couldn’t find her. “I thought, if I don’t get out, maybe none of us are going to get out.” Andersen got out of his seat belt, swam through a broken window, and, deeply and quickly, breathed air at the surface. That’s when he saw a group of men, about ten in all, appear at the top of the dam. One after another, they rushed down into the water. Helping onto safety all the three children, they began to shout at the father, “Who else is in the car?”

Andersen says respectfully, “It was like the sight of angels.”

1. What might be the main cause of the car accident?

A. The bad weather.                        B. The high dam.

C. The sudden brake.                                D. The heavy truck.

2. Andersen didn’t expect any trouble on the road because _____.

A. he was familiar with the road

B. he was good at driving

C. his hands didn’t have sweat

D. the weather was fine

3. What can be learned from the last paragraph?

A. Andersen lost consciousness in the water.

B. Strangers helped Andersen out of the car.

C. Andersen liked Mia most among the children.

D. Strangers teamed together to save three children.

4.The underlined sentence is to express Andersen’s feeling of being _____.

A. tired                     B. excited                     C. doubtful                    D. thankful

5.Which of the following can be the best title of the text?

A. Stay calm when in trouble

B. Drive rounding a U-turn

C. Miracle rescue from a river

D. Mystery of the Bear Mountains



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