




1.What does the woman mean?

    A.She will go for the dinner.

    B.She won't go for the dinner.

    C.She will go after doing something.

2.Where is the man now?

    A.In an office.       B.In a hospital.      C.At an airport.

3.What can we know about the man?

    A.He doesn' t eat fish.

    B.He doesn't eat vegetables.

    C.He doesn't eat meat.

4.How will the man go to the park?

    A.By bus.             B.By taxi.            C.On foot.

5.What' s the man probably?

    A.A shop assistant.   B.A policeman.        C.A teacher.




6.What is the conversation mainly about?

    A.An interview.       B.A meeting.          C.A party.

7.How will the woman inform the man?

    A.By sending him an email.                         

    B.By giving him a call.                      

    C.By writing him a letter.


8.What does the man plan to do on Saturday?

    A.Help his mother clean the house.

    B.Visit his teacher with the woman.

    C.Help Mary with her English.

9.When does the woman have an appointment with her dentist?

    A.At 12:30.           B.At 2:00.            C.At 2:30.

10.How is the woman' s Saturday?                   

    A.Very interesting.   B.Very boring.        C.Quite busy.


11.What does the woman want to do?

    A.Find a bank.        B.Ask for some money.  C.Buy a map.

12.How does the man help the woman?

    A.He gives her some money.

    B.He takes her to the bank.

    C.He draws a map for her.

13.What can we learn about the woman?

    A.She urgently needs money.

    B.She is a newcomer here.

    C.She knows the shopping center.


14.What does the man like best?

    A.History and philosophy.

    B.Reading books about science.

    C.Climbing mountains.

15.In which section will the man find the woman in the library?

    A.In the medical one. B.In the history one.       C.In the novel one.

16.What can we learn from the conversation?

    A.The woman likes reading books about history.

    B.The man and the woman are talking about their hobbies.

    C.The man likes reading modern novels written by John Steinbeck.


17.Where are the high-heeled shoes for babies made?

    A.In America.         B.In Britain.         C.In Australia.

18.How much are the high-heeled shoes for babies?

    A.$18.99.              B.$19.19.              C.$19.99.

19.What can we know about the seller Mrs Taylor?

    A.She has a 6-month-old daughter.

    B.She found the shoes through newspaper.

    C.She sells the shoes through the website.

20.What kind of mums buy this kind of shoes?

    A.The wealthy ones.

    B.The fashionable ones.

    C.The open-minded ones.





86. 杂技演员走钢丝时, 观众都屏住了呼吸。

The audience ___________ its/their ____________as the acrobat walked along the tightrope.

87. 我期待暑假见到你。

I’m __________ ___________ to seeing you this summer vacation.   

88. 你会知道她是个信守诺言的女孩。

You’ ll find that she is a girl who always ___________ her ___________.

89. 他们很年轻的时候,就开始谋生了。

They began to___________ their ____________ when they were very young.


She told me she would meet me here at 8:00. But it is 9 o’clock now and she still hasn’t _____     ___    __ yet.

91. 考试作弊必予追究。

If you cheat in the exam, you'll never                       with it.

92. 这本词典不久就要出版。

The dictionary will be published _________ _________.

93. 经过长时间的讨价还价,我妻子终于把那件裙子的价钱砍了下来。

After bargaining for a long time, my wife succeeded in       ___________the price of the dress.


All those who knew him          him            his winning the Nobel Prize for chemistry.


They were all                     by that old man.



完成句子 (共10小题,满分10分)


86. 杂技演员走钢丝时, 观众都屏住了呼吸。

The audience ___________ its/their ____________as the acrobat walked along the tightrope.

87. 我期待暑假见到你。

I’m __________ ___________ to seeing you this summer vacation.   

88. 你会知道她是个信守诺言的女孩。

You’ ll find that she is a girl who always ___________ her ___________.

89. 他们很年轻的时候,就开始谋生了。

They began to___________ their ____________ when they were very young.


She told me she would meet me here at 8:00. But it is 9 o’clock now and she still hasn’t _____     ___    __ yet.

91. 考试作弊必予追究。

If you cheat in the exam, you'll never                       with it.

92. 这本词典不久就要出版。

The dictionary will be published _________ _________.

93. 经过长时间的讨价还价,我妻子终于把那件裙子的价钱砍了下来。

After bargaining for a long time, my wife succeeded in       ___________the price of the dress.


All those who knew him          him             his winning the Nobel Prize for chemistry.


They were all                      by that old man.





1.What does the man think about Mr.Black?

A.He is angry.

B.He is happy.

C.He is disappointed.

2.What is the woman going to do?

A.See a doctor.

B.Attend a party.

C.Go to work.

3.What is the man?

A.He is a safeguard.

B.He is a fireman.

C.He is a policeman.

4.What's the probable relationship between them?

A.Waiter and customer.

B.Doorkeeper and visitor.

C.Servant and hostess.

5.What is the woman doing?

A.Making a suggestion.

B.Offering advice.

C.Asking for help.




6.What are the speakers talking about?




7.Where was the woman's father born?

A.In the city.

B.In the countryside.

C.In the town.

8.Why do the people on the man's farm make the seed by themselves?

A.They have special ways of planting.

B.They have special soil.

C.They have a lab on the farm.


9.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.H usband and wife.

B.Employer and employee.

C.Teacher and student.

10.What are the kids doing?

A.They're killing animals.

B.They're playing games.

C.They're hitting each other.

11.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The kids often hurt their animals.

B.There is a car crash outside.

C.The woman is worried.


12.How does the man want to send the mail?

A.By express mail.

B.By ordinary mail.

C.By registered mail.

13.How can the man make sure whether the letter has arrived?

A.By surfing the Internet.

B.By making a call.

C.By coming to the office to inquire.

14.Where does the man want to send the cassettes?

A.To China.

B.To America.

C.To England.


15.What did the than buy at last?

A.Four pen sets.

B.Four pens.

C.A pen and a pencil.

16.What did the woman warn him not to do?

A.Not to buy four of anything for a Japanese.

B.Not to buy gifts for a Japanese.

C.Not to buy pen sets for a Japanese.

17.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man will go to Japan on business.

B.The man will go to Japan to see his relatives.

C.The man will live with a Japanese family for some time.


18.With whom do Polish people spend Christmas?


B.Their families.

C.Other relatives.

19.Why do people in Poland have to taste all the disbes on Ch ristmas Eve?

A.Because if they don't do it,the one who cooks Will be unhappy.

B.Because they have to tell what dishes are on the table.

C.Because if they don't do it,they may have bad luck in the following year.

20.Where do the children find presents?

A.In their bedroom.

B.In the dining room.

C.In the room where there is a Christmas tree.


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