摘要: Dickens wrote Oliver Twist in the year 1837 - 1838.



Win a week in England!

You still don’t know what to do this summer? Well, here’s your chance to win a one-week language course in Kent, England! Free4Fun and ETC (English Travel Connections) are giving  away two trips to Rochester. This historic city is less than an hour’s drive from London and close  to the sea resort of Herne Bay. It is also the home of one of England’s most famous writers,  Charles Dickens. The town of Rochester is in Southeast England. Charles Dickens often wrote  about it in his books. His home, Gad’s Hill, is there, too. A popular attraction is Rochester Castle, a large Norman fortress(堡垒). It was built in the 11th century and rebuilt during the 14th century. Other attractions are Rochester Cathedral, which was built during the 13th century, and Dickens Centre. It has got its name in honour of Dickens himself.

The trip to England includes:

*  travel by train (via the Eurotunnel) to and from any railway station in Germany

*  room and full board with a guest family for one week

*  language course in small groups

*  two trips to London

*  large choice of sports and entertainment

*  German-speaking advisors available 24 hours a day

Interested? All you have to do is to answer the following question:  When was Charles Dickens born?

So, take the chance and send your answer by 1 May to:

Free4Fun "Rochester"

Free4Fun, 24 Elphinstone Road, Hastings, 2FQ6VJ

fax: 089 / 85 763-103    e-mail: free4fun@netlight.com

The two winners will be contacted directly before 5 May. They will also be announced in the June issue of Free4Fun. Good luck!

For further information, contact:

phone: (03212) 144 43    fax: (03212) 144 42       e-mail: info@etc. com

1.What activities can you participate in during the trip?

A. Working as a language advisor.                         B. Learning the German language.

C. Traveling by train with a guest family.              D. Enjoying sports and entertainment.

2.If you want to win a prize you have to send your answer to          .

A. the June issue of Free4fun                                       B. free4fun@netlight. com

C. info@etc. com                                                             D. ETC

3.The persons         are likely to win the free trip.

A. who know the birth date of Charles Dickens     B. who are attracted by Rochester Castle

C. who are contacted and announced by Free4Fun and ETC

D. who know more about Charles Dickens’ works

4.This ad was probably designed to target            .

A. Italians                                B. Europeans                 C. Germans                    D. Americans




  THE names of William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, and Jane Austen are probably not new to you.They are stars of the literary landscape and their works add to the charm of their British homeland.This week, we take you to the places where these literary masters grew up, lived or got their inspiration from.


  Located on the banks of the river Avon in the north of England, Stratford-upon-Avon provides a beautiful glimpse into Britain’s rural life.Every year, thousands of tourists flock to the town to see the land that produced Britain’s greatest playwright.They visit the house where Shakespeare lived and go to the Royal Shakespeare Theatre to enjoy his plays.

  William Shakespeare(1564-1616)

  Stratford-upon-Avon would be on an ordinary small city in Britain if it was not the birthplace of William Shakespeare.Shakespeare left the town when he was 18, but even at the height of his career in London, Shakespeare returned here regularly to visit his family.Shakespeare thought of it as his real home, even though London brought him fame.


  UNESCO World Heritage city.Bath has the country’s only natural hot springs.The city is named after its most popular sight:the Roman Baths, which were built by the Romans in the first century as a public bath house.For centuries, people went there to bathe in the natural mineral water.

  Jane Austen(1775-1817)

  Bath was one of Austen’s favorite places.It appears in her novels ?Persuasion and Northanger Abbey. In the latter she wrote:“I do like it very much.If I could have papa and mamma, and the rest of them here, I suppose I should be too happy!”


  LONDON is the cultural centre of Britain.Its historical attractions draw numerous visitors.Treasures such as Westminster Abbey, Big Ben and Buckingham Palace are among the world’s top tourist attractions.Museums like the British Museum and the National Gallery, all free, make London a favorite for art lovers.

  Charles Dickens(1812-1870)?

  Dickens spent most of his life in London and wrote extensively about this city.Born in Hampshire, south of London, Dickens moved to London when he was two years old.He depicted London as foggy, dirty, with villains everywhere, as shown in his works Oliver Twist, Great Expectations, Bleak House and A Tale of Two Cities


Which of the following doesn’t belong to the world’s top tourist attractions?

[  ]




Westminster Abbey.


Big Ben.


Buckingham Palace.


Which of the following is true?

[  ]


Stratford-upon-Avon made Shakespeare famous.


In Shakespeare’s opinion, London was his real home.


Stratford-upon-Avon was the birthplace of Shakespeare.


Shakespeare returned to London regularly to visit his family.


________ appears in the novels Persuasion and Northanger Abbey

[  ]










________ is not Charles Dickens’s works.

[  ]


Oliver Twist?


Great Expectation?


Bleak House?


Northanger Abbey?


What’s the main idea of the passage?

[  ]


Introduce the places where three literary masters grew up and lived.


Introduce the works of three literary masters.


Compare the three literary masters.


Describe the three literary masters.


首先请阅读下列William J. Bennett家庭教育系列读物的封面及基本信息:


A .Bennett gives this thrilling account of the virtues of America

and the many brave men and women who have made

it the powerful nation it is today. The tale of human struggle

and victory captures what is unique about America.


B.Filled with stories of the heroes and virtues, this book presents stories and poems that show children what it means to be an American, so this book is a national popular one and the best seller of the year.

C.The book intends to inspire children to find heroes in their lives,

such as Jackie Robinson, Abraham Lincoln and this book also includes tales about everyday people, such as a young boy who goes in search of an angel to watch over him, only to find that he has one—his mother.

D.This collection of stories will help children develop their most important quality, character and includes stories from the Bible, and from sources

as diverse as well-known fairy tales, the philosophy of Plato,

the poetry of Robert Frost and Aesop’s fables.

E.This book is a treasury of timeless stories which teach young

people the importance of showing virtues in one’s daily life.

It is a perfect gift for graduation or other special occasions.

Well-known works from Aesop, Dickens and Shakespeare are

presented to teach virtues.


F.This inspiring book offers examples of good and bad, right

and wrong in great works from literature and in stories from

history. Organized by stages along life journey, these stories

serve as reference on moral compass, guiding the readers

through challenges in their life.


1.This great book by Bennett guides the kids to find heroes in their lives through a collection of stories. Also it just tells us stories about common people as heroes, which is very instructive. So it is very popular among the kids.

2.Drawn from familiar western history as well as a wide selection of tales from Asia, Africa, and Latin America, the stories are great, designed to inspire as well as instructive. This book is a good guide that will help family members meet the challenges of life at any age.

3.Bennett will make you feel terrific about America. The big topic of politics and war reclaim the place they used to enjoy in the old histories. He never misses the chance to tell a good story. He has an eye for the strange and the surprising about America.

4.This book is well-received for children in America, because it is full of stories and poems to tell our kids how to be a hero and what virtues they should have, which can be their moral compass to their life and that will mean a lot to be American kids.

5.Bennett selected stories and poems to teach young people the importance of virtues in their daily life, which is really a perfect gift for graduation or other special occasions. This book belongs on every young person’s bookshelf.



My mother-in-law, Dorothy, is showing me the red notebook that’s almost as precious to her as my husband’s baby pictures. Inside the notebook is a list of the books she has read since 2007. For some people waking up in the middle of the night is a terrible thing. But for my mother-in-law, that time is a gift. At 87, she is getting the education she never had by working her way through great literature. She has now read close to 100 books, including every single novel by Anthony Trollope, Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, Edith Wharton, Henry James and Thomas Mann.

My mother-in-law discusses her passion with the enthusiasm of a young girl, although she can also be a very tough critic, writing “VG’ for “ very good” in the margins next to her favorites. So far, only a handful of books have received the top prize.

Born in Ridgefield, Conn, Dorothy was the youngest daughter of an Italian gardener. She taught herself English by reading The New York Times. Eager to come to Manhattan, she became a nurse, married a dentist and spent the next several decades keeping the house and raising a family. In her later years, she put her nursing skills to good use by taking care of my father-in-law, who had lung cancer. There were many trips to the emergency room in the middle of the night and then a long hospital stay. She stayed awake to watch over him for 15 hours a day. Always a light sleeper, she developed sleeplessness as a result of the stress.

It worsened after he died. Deeply sad and lonely for the first time in her life, she began waking up around 2am. Julian and Sylvia, the elderly couple next door suggest she read literature. And so Julian, a great lover of literature, became her “professor”, providing books from his large library. Suddenly the terrifying hole turned onto a world of amazing characters.

Why is Dorothy considered a tough critic?

   A. Because no books are inspiring enough in her eyes.                        

B. Because only a few books are thought highly of by her.

   C. Because she only reads books by famous writers.                         

D. Because she finds fault with every book she reads.

It can be inferred from the passage that _____.

   A. the books Dorothy has read were bought by her husband.                   

B. the couple next door are college professors.

   C. the author loves literature too.                                         

D. Dorothy was a great wife.

The underlined part “the terrifying hole” in the last paragraph refers to _____.

   A. the frightening death                                                    

B. Dorothy’s lack of education

   C. waking up in the middle of the night                                    

D. a hole in a book that Dorothy read

What helped Dorothy get over the sadness and loneliness of losing her husband?

   A. Living with her son.                                                  

B. Reading literature.

   C. Seeing her son’s baby pictures.                                         

 D. Talking with neighbors.


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