摘要: P of computers has increased double in the last few weeks.



  A new study warns that about thirty percent of the world's people may not have enough water by the year 2025.

  A private American organization called Population Action International did the new study. It says more than three-hundred-thirty-five-million people lack enough water now. The people live in twenty-eight countries. Most of the countries are in Africa or the Middle East.

  P-A-I researcher Robert Engelman says by the year 2025, about three-thousand-million people may lack water. At least 18 more countries are expected to have severe water problems. The demand for water keeps increasing. Yet the amount of water on Earth stays the same.

  Mr. Engelman says the population in countries that lack water is growing faster than in other parts of the world. He says population growth in these countries will continue to increase.

  The report says lack of water in the future may result in several problems. It may increase health problems. Lack of water often means drinking waters not safe. Mr. Engelman says there are problems all over the world because of diseases, such as cholera, which are carried in water. Lack of water may also result in more international conflict. Countries may have to compete for water in the future. Some countries now get sixty percent of their fresh water from other countries. This is true of Egypt, the Netherlands, Cambodia, Syria, Sudan, and Iraq. And the report says lack of water would affect the ability of developing to improve their economies. This is because new industries often need a large amount of water when they are beginning.

  The Population Action International study gives several solutions to the water problem. One way, it says, is to find ways to use water for more than one purpose. Another way is to teach people to be careful not to waste water. A third way is to use less water of agriculture.

  The report also says long-term solutions to the water problem must include controls on population growth. It says countries cannot provide clean water unless they slow population growth by limiting the number of children people have.

1.According to the author's opinion, the first serious problem caused by lack of water is ________.

[  ]

A.health problem

2.Robert Engelman may be ________.

[  ]

A.An Englishman
B.An American
C.A Japanese
D.An Australian

3.________ may have severe water problem among the following countries.

[  ]


4.Which of the following is not the way to solve the water problem?

[  ]

A.To control population growth.

B.To teach people not to waste water.

C.To find ways to use water for only one purpose.

D.To use less water of agriculture.

5.Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?

[  ]

A.How to get more water in the future.

B.Problems caused by water.

C.World water shortage.

D.A new study on water.


 An explosion on Thursday killed one and injured 21 in a busy street in Tongren, Southwest China’s Guizhou Province.

  The bomb was hidden in a rubbish bin in the city’s commercial hub(商业中心),where lots of shops and restaurants are concentrated.

  The ear-splitting blast was heard around 12∶50 p.m.,said a local newspaper, citing witnesses. The power of the blast shattered(使粉碎)nearby shop windows and ripped the stainless(不生锈的)steel rubbish can to pieces.

  One passer-by,identified(确认)only as Zhang,said she was shocked by the noise and saw a lot of pedestrians lying on the ground when she got to the scene.

  Thirteen of the injured were taken to a local hospital after the explosion. A doctor there said five were in serious condition but already out of danger after emergency treatment. The others were just slightly hurt.

  The cause of the explosion is still under investigation, said an officer with the Tongren police, but refused to speculate as to the cause.

 It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

  A. All the injured were taken to a hospital

  B. 8 of the injured were not taken to a hospital

  C. The rubbish bin with a bomb was in a restaurant

  D. The rubbish bin with a bomb was in a shop

 Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

  A. One passer- by, indentified only as Zhang, saw the man throwing a bomb into a bin.

  B. Some customers in restaurants were injured.

  C. The writer didn’t get to the scene.

  D. All customers in shops got hurt.

In the last paragraph the underlined word“ speculate” probably means ________.

  A. tell              B. guess

  C. discuss            D. talk

 What of the follwing can be the best title for the passage?

  A. Bomb Hidden in a Rubbish Bin

  B. The Cause of the Explosion

  C. A Terrible Thing

  D. Market Blast Kills 1 ,Injures 21



  As you are receiving my note by e-mail, it’s wise to remember how easily this wonderful technology can be misused, sometimes unintentionally, with serious consequences.

  Consider the case of the Illinois man who left the snow-filled streets of Chicago for a vacation in Florida. His wife was on a business trip and was planning to meet him there the next day. When he reached his hotel, he decided to send his wife a quick e-mail. Unable to find the scrap of paper on which he had written her e-mail address, he did his best to type it in from memory. Unfortunately, he missed one letter and his note was directed instead to an elderly preacher’s wife whose husband had passed away only the day before. When the grieving widow checked her e-mail, she took one look at the monitor(屏幕), let out a piercing scream, and fell to the floor in a dead faint. At the sound, her family rushed into the room and saw this note on the screen:



1.From where do you think this passage comes from? It comes from ________.

[  ]

A.a magazine
B.a newspaper
C.a computer screen
D.a computer book

2.What does the underlined word in the first paragraph mean?

[  ]


3.How was the weather in Florida when the story happened? It was ________.

[  ]

A.very cold

4.Why did the old lady fall to the floor? Because ________.

[  ]

A.she was in great sorrow

B.she didn’t like to be made fun of

C.she thought the mail was from her husband who died the day before

D.she was in too poor health

5.From whom and to whom was the e-mail intended to be sent? It was intended to be sent from ________ to ________.

[  ]

A.the Illinois man…the old lady

B.the preacher…his wife

C.the Illinois man…his own wife

D.somebody unknown…the old lady


An explosion on Thursday killed one and injured 21 in a busy street in Tongren, Southwest China’s Guizhou Province.

  The bomb was hidden in a rubbish bin in the city’s commercial hub(商业中心),where lots of shops and restaurants are concentrated.

  The ear-splitting blast was heard around 12∶50 p.m.,said a local newspaper, citing witnesses. The power of the blast shattered(使粉碎)nearby shop windows and ripped the stainless(不生锈的)steel rubbish can to pieces.

  One passer-by,identified(确认)only as Zhang,said she was shocked by the noise and saw a lot of pedestrians lying on the ground when she got to the scene.

  Thirteen of the injured were taken to a local hospital after the explosion. A doctor there said five were in serious condition but already out of danger after emergency treatment. The others were just slightly hurt.

  The cause of the explosion is still under investigation, said an officer with the Tongren police, but refused to speculate as to the cause.

It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

  A. All the injured were taken to a hospital

  B. 8 of the injured were not taken to a hospital

  C. The rubbish bin with a bomb was in a restaurant

  D. The rubbish bin with a bomb was in a shop

Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

  A. One passer- by, indentified only as Zhang, saw the man throwing a bomb into a bin.

  B. Some customers in restaurants were injured.

  C. The writer didn’t get to the scene.

  D. All customers in shops got hurt.

In the last paragraph the underlined word“ speculate” probably means ________.

  A. tell              B. guess

  C. discuss            D. talk


Our school library offers learning services, books and other things that help all members of the school to become good thinkers and clever users of information. It is linked (连接) to the larger library in the city and the World Wide Web. All these services are given according to the requirements of the Public Library Manifesto (声明).
  School library services must be given to all members of the school. Students of any age, class and grade can enjoy them. Different services must be given to those who are unable to use the main library services.
   Users of the library must follow the rules made by the library workers to keep it clean and tidy. The main rules are as follows:
1. Opening and closing times:
 Monday —Friday: 9 a.m. —9 p.m. during term time.
  Saturday: 9 a.m. —1p.m. throughout the year.
2. Admission (允许进入) and borrowing:
 Only people holding a library card shall be allowed in.
 Members can borrow 5 books at a time.
3. Behavior in the library:
 Silence shall be kept as much as possible in the library. No other books can be taken into the library. Library workers can help members use the books and other things in the library.
 When the library workers and teachers work together, students will get better reading, writing, and problem-solving skills.
【小题1】 What can students do in the school library?

A.Get information from the Internet.B.Read the Public Library Manifesto.
C.Clean the library with workers.D.Work together with the teachers.
【小题2】When can students read in the library?
A.8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday.B.10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday.
C.9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Sunday.D.9 a. m. to 10 p.m. on Tuesday.
【小题3】What is the main aim of the school library services?
A.To help readers communicate with each other.
B.To help teachers work with the library workers.
C.To help students develop good behaviors in the library.
D.To help the users get more knowledge and skills.
【小题4】How many books can you borrow at a time ?


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