摘要: He has u all his secrets to me .



  Feeling hopeless and sick at heart, Tom turned away.For a quick moment his eyes met those of the cook, and he saw there a light of such hatred(憎恨)and fear that no words could describe.

  The cook moved quietly closer.He whispered to Tom in a rough voice.“Don't be too clever.Mark my words.”And he went away.

  Tom's thoughts did not delay going for long on the cook and his words.His friend was in trouble, how could he help him?He decided to slip(溜走)away as soon as possible in search of information that would clear Jay of all doubts and bring the true criminal to justice(法院).

  He has noticed a piece of old sailcloth(帆布)lying on the ship floor.With this and a length of string(绳子)he made a package which looked very much like the one the police had seized(逮捕).His plan was to step to the shore and to hand it over just as the cook had ordered Jay to, hoping in this way to learn the truth about the criminals”activities.He could then persuade the police of his friend's innocence(无罪).

  By now it was dark.Taking the blankets out of Jay's empty bed.Tom piled them up in his own in the shape of a sleeping figure.How real it looked.With the blanket pulled up high around the figure's head he could almost believe he saw it breathing.Pleased with this, Tom moved quietly to the door.

  He was about to open it when he felt it secretly turned to other way.Someone was outside and about to come in.Was his plan failed?Slipping quickly back behind the door as it opened.Tom waited.

  It was the cook who was leaning(倚靠)forward now over the figure in the bed.His arm swung(挥舞)up.For an instant(立即)a long knife cut into it.


The main cause of Tom's worry was that he ________.

[  ]


failed to save his friend out of trouble


knew the truth about the criminals


knew his friend was in trouble


felt such hatred and fear for the cook


Paragraph 5 mainly describes ________.

[  ]


Tom's hope to catch the intruder(闯入者)


the unknown sleeping figure in Jay's bed


the danger Tom faced in Jay's empty bed


what Tom did to carry out his plan


Tom's plan was to ________.

[  ]


help his friend slip away


pretend to go along with the plan of the criminal


find out Jay was the criminal


pretend to bring the true criminals to justice


If asked, Tom would probably say:“I risk danger because ________.”

[  ]


I wanted to help the police


I knew my friend was innocent


I know the cook was a murderer


I wasn't to dismiss the criminal's plan


The famous scientist Albert Einstein died in 1955.His  1   now is in the central state of Kansas of the U.S. It belongs to a retired (退休的)  2   doctor, Thomas Harvey.   3    did this happen? And why?

In the 1950s,Albert Einstein and Thomas Harvey    4   each other when they both lived in Princeton, New Jersey. Einstein was working at Princeton University    5   Doctor Harvey was working at Princeton Hospital. When Einstein died, Doctor Harvey was    6    to examine his body. It was then that he started to study   7   has become a long time examination of Einstein’s brain. His goal was to   8   some physical evidence(证据)of the scientist’s genius(才华)

Doctor Harvey,    9   ,did not tell Einstein’s family that he   10   the great man’s brain. It was only later    11   the family learned of Doctor Harvey’s work. They did not   12    the idea at first. After Doctor Harvey explained his idea to them, they agreed to   13   him to study the brain Doctor Harvey then asked    14   scientists to help. They cut the brain    15   three pieces. They marked each piece before placing it in containers   16   chemical formaldehyde(甲醛)to protect it. Doctor Harvey has been   17   Einstein’s brain since then. He has carried it with him as he moved from place to place. He has also lent parts of the brain to other scientists    18   study.

Only one researcher has found something    19    . A doctor at the University of California found that the left part of Einstein’s brain has more certain cells(细胞)than   20   .Such cells are known to feed brain. She said this may mean that the cells could affect intelligence.

1A. body      B. heart      C. brain    D. head

2.A. actual    B. chemical     C. natural   D. medical

3.A. What    B. How      C. Who      D. Which

4.A. realized   B. recognized      C. learned   D. knew

5.A. as      B. because      C. while      D. since

6.A. called on    B. called at      C. sent up     D. sent off

7.A. which     B. how      C. that      D. what

8.A. invent     B. discover      C. prove      D. examine

9.Aperhaps     B. therefore      C. thus      D. however

10 A .bought       B. sold      C. kept     D. made

11A. that        B. when      C. before      D. after

12A. hear of       B. like       C. suggest       D. offer

13A promise      B. let        C. have      D. permit

14A. other two      B. two other      C .more two   D. two another

15A. off       B. by        C. into       D. about

16A. for       B. about       C. of     D. with

17A. learning     B. studying       C. searching     D. selling

18A. for        B. on         C. into         D. about

19A. easy       B. difficult        C. particular      D. common

20A. ever        B. enough         C. usual        D. normal



Read the following three passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.

  French writer Le Clezio won the 2008 Nobel Prize in Literature, the Swedish Academy announced Thursday.

  The Academy cited Le Clezio as “author of new departures and poetic adventure, explorer of humanity beyond civilization.”

  Le Clezio, 48, received much attention with his first novel The Interrogation in 1963 and made the breakthrough as a novelist with Desert in 1980, for which he was rewarded a prize from the French Academy.

  This novel Desert contains magnificent images of a lost culture in the North African desert, contrast with a description of Europe seen through the eyes of unwanted immigrants, the Swedish Academy said in the statement.

  The emphasis in Le Clezio’s work has increasingly moved in the direction of an exploration of the world of childhood and of his own family history, the academy added.

  Le Clezio was born 1940 in Nice of France, but both parents had strong family connections with the former French colony Mauritius.At the age of eight, he moved to Nigeria with his family.During the month-long voyage to Nigeria, he began his literary career with two books Un long voyage and Oradi noir

  He has taught at universities in Bangkok, Mexico City, Boston, Austin and Albuquerque among other places.Since the 1990s, Le Clezio and his wife share their time between Albuquerque in New Mexico, the island of Mauritius and Nice.

  This was the fourth of the prestigious Nobel Prizes handed out this year, with awards in chemistry, physics and medicine made in the past three days.

  The Nobel Prizes have been awarded annually since 1901 to those who “conferred(给予)the greatest benefit on mankind during the preceding year.”

  The annual Nobel Prizes are usually announced in October and are handed out on Dec.10, the anniversary of the 1896 death of Alfred Nobel, a Swedish industrialist and the inventor of dynamite.

  Each prize consists of a medal, a personal diploma and a cash award of 10 million Swedish kronor(1.4 million U.S.dollars).


Which of Le Clezio’s works won him the 2008 Nobel Prize in Literature?

[  ]


The Interrogation




Un Long voyage


Oradi noir


The underlined word ‘cited’ means _________.

[  ]










According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

[  ]


Le Clezio has taught in Bangkok, Boston, Albuquerque and Nice since 1990s.


Le Clezio got a personal diploma, a medal in all for the Nobel Prize.


The Nobel Prizes are awarded yearly in October.


Le Clezio moved to Nigeria in 1948.


Which is the best title for the passage?

[  ]


A French writer wins 2008 Nobel Prize in Literature.


Four Nobel Prizes have been handed out this year.


The Nobel Prizes have been awarded annually.


Life of a French writer-Le Clezio.


Where can we probably find this article?

[  ]


In a scientific fiction.


In a history book.


In a newspaper.


In a travel leaflet



  HAVANA(Reuters)-U.S.Cuban and Mexican scientists have drawn up plans for joint research in the Gulf of Mexico, in another sign of improvement in long-unfriendly U.S.-Cuba relations.

  In a meeting in Havana this week, they agreed on collecting information about the Gulf, a body of water shared by the three countries but about which little cooperative research has been done in recent years.

  “This is a logical, low-risk area in which to begin discussions with Cuba.It is without question in our common interest to share science and ideas on our shared resources like the Gulf of Mexico,”Environmental Defense Fund senior official Dan Whittle said on Tuesday.

  Whittle was among 30 Americans, 30 Cubans and six Mexicans at the meeting, held on Sunday and Monday ahead of an international meeting on ocean science this week in the Cuban capital.

  “We're starting now to enter a new era of cooperation,”said meeting organizer David Guggenheim, American marine scientist.

  The plan assumes that U.S.-Cuba relations will continue to get better under President Barack Obama, who has said he wants to end five decades of bitterness between the two countries separated by just 90 miles of ocean.

  He has initiated talks on migration and regain of postal service with Cuba and allowed Cuban Americans to travel and send money freely to their homeland.

  But a general travel ban to Cuba for most Americans remains in effect, as does the United States' 47-year-long trade prohibition against the communist-led island.

  There are also restrictions on travel of U.S.and Cuban academics between the two countries, although it has gotten easier under Obama to obtain permission, Guggenheim said.

  Whittle said Obama needs to remove all obstacles for scientists to assure a“free flow of information”between the countries.

  The plan of action calls for shared projects to track marine animals and to study such things as the effects of pollutants and climate change on coral reefs.

  Cuba has rented out much of its offshore area for oil exploration, which when it begins will bring danger of oil spills(漏油)that computer models show would flow north to Florida.

  “We need a dialogue to talk about coordinated emergency response.Everything points to the need for cooperation and communication, not continuation of a Cold War policy,”Guggenheim said.


How is the relation between US and Cuba?

[  ]


They are getting on quite well with each other.


The citizens in both countries are free to visit each other.


The two countries' scientists cooperated well with each other.


There are some improvements in relations between the two countries.


The Gulf of Mexico ________.

[  ]


belongs to the Mexico alone


is a body of water badly polluted


has something to do with the three countries


has been explored by the three countries together


President Barack Obama ________.

[  ]


is for the present relation between US and Cuba


wants to set up a good relation between the two countries


banned the American travelers from going to Cuba for a visit


has got rid of 50 years of bitterness between the two countries


What has little effect on coral reefs?

[  ]


Marine animals.


Climate change.


Oil spills.




It is anything but ________ that can remove all obstacles for people or countries.

[  ]








Cold War policy


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