摘要: When you do something wrong, you should make an a to others.


When you leave school,you can breathe sigh of relief and leave learning behind,right?Wrong!Learning should last a lifetime. You exercise your body to stay strong,and you should exercise your mind to stay sharp.

An English idiom says,“You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” But scientists have discovered that isn’t true. Older people can learn,and they should,in order to keep their brain active. Now a new trend has begun in several states in the US that encourages learning. Adults can attend One Day University. They can spend a Saturday or Sunday hearing four 70-minute lectures. Each one is given by a top university professor. One of the original participants said,“It’s like a health club for the brain.” Also,universities like MIT have made all of their courses and lectures available online for free!Libraries offer learning programs too. With so much available,there is no excuse not to learn!
Learning is a habit. Don’t leave it behind after you leave school. On the website lifehack.org,author Scott Young mentions several things to help you.
Always have a book. It doesn’t matter if you read fast or slow. Just read. If you read just one book a week,you’ll read 52 over the course of a year. Think of the knowledge you’ll gain!
Practice it. As you read,do something with what you’ve learned. Don’t just enjoy the mental exercise. Use the knowledge. If you read about painting,try it!
Make a “to learn” list. Compose a “to learn” list for yourself. Maybe you want to speak better English,play the piano,or cook French food. Whatever interests you,put it on your list and then make the time to do it.
Teach others. Whatever you learn,teach someone else. You’ll not only help others but also understand what you’ve learned.
【小题1】What’s the best title for this passage?

A.Make learning last a lifetime.
B.What you should do after leaving school.
C.Several tips on learning.
D.A new trend in learning.
【小题2】What does the underlined part in Paragraph 1 mean?
A.You don’t need to consider what you have learnt after graduation.
B.You can relax as you have escaped from the hard life of studying.
C.Leaving learning behind is what you should do after a break.
D.You should have a good rest and then go on learning.
【小题3】How many ways of learning for adults in the US are mentioned in Paragraph 2?
【小题4】Which of the following is NOT a suggestion made by Scott Young in the passage?
A.Keep learning as a habit.
B.Always have a book.
C.List what you want to learn.
D.Teach others what you learn.


When you leave school,you can breathe sigh of relief and leave learning behind,right?Wrong!Learning should last a lifetime. You exercise your body to stay strong,and you should exercise your mind to stay sharp.

An English idiom says,“You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” But scientists have discovered that isn’t true. Older people can learn,and they should,in order to keep their brain active. Now a new trend has begun in several states in the US that encourages learning. Adults can attend One Day University. They can spend a Saturday or Sunday hearing four 70-minute lectures. Each one is given by a top university professor. One of the original participants said,“It’s like a health club for the brain.” Also,universities like MIT have made all of their courses and lectures available online for free!Libraries offer learning programs too. With so much available,there is no excuse not to learn!

Learning is a habit. Don’t leave it behind after you leave school. On the website lifehack.org,author Scott Young mentions several things to help you.

Always have a book. It doesn’t matter if you read fast or slow. Just read. If you read just one book a week,you’ll read 52 over the course of a year. Think of the knowledge you’ll gain!

Practice it. As you read,do something with what you’ve learned. Don’t just enjoy the mental exercise. Use the knowledge. If you read about painting,try it!

Make a “to learn” list. Compose a “to learn” list for yourself. Maybe you want to speak better English,play the piano,or cook French food. Whatever interests you,put it on your list and then make the time to do it.

Teach others. Whatever you learn,teach someone else. You’ll not only help others but also understand what you’ve learned.

1.What’s the best title for this passage?

  A.Make learning last a lifetime.

  B.What you should do after leaving school.

  C.Several tips on learning.

  D.A new trend in learning.

2.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 1 mean?

  A.You don’t need to consider what you have learnt after graduation.

  B.You can relax as you have escaped from the hard life of studying.

  C.Leaving learning behind is what you should do after a break.

  D.You should have a good rest and then go on learning.

3.How many ways of learning for adults in the US are mentioned in Paragraph 2?

  A.One.   B.Two.   C.Three.       D.Four.

4.Which of the following is NOT a suggestion made by Scott Young in the passage?

  A.Keep learning as a habit.

  B.Always have a book.

  C.List what you want to learn.

  D.Teach others what you learn.




“If you live each day as if it were your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right.” It was the quote that  36 me deeply when I was 17, and since then, for the past 34 years, I have looked  37 the mirror every morning and asked myself: “ If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” And whenever the answer has been “ 38 ” for too many days in a  39 , I know I need to change something.

Remembering that I’ll be  40 soon is the most important thing I’ve ever known to help me to make a  41 in life because almost everything falls away in the face of death, 42 only what is truly important.

About a year ago the doctor  43 my illness as cancer and he even advised me to go home and get my affairs in  44 . I lived with that diagnosis all day.  45 , at last an  46 test showed that it was a very rare cancer which was  47 with surgery. After the surgery I feel and look fine now.

Death is the destination we all  48 . no one has ever escaped it, though. And that is __49__ it should be because death is very like the single best invention of life. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will __50__ become the old and be  51 away.

Your time is  52 , so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don't be  53 by dogma(教条), otherwise that means  54 with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner  55 . And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart.

36. A. impressed    B. worried    C. discouraged     D. disappointed

37. A. out       B. into      C. after        D. over

38. A. Yes       B. No       C. Right        D. Wrong

39. A. hurry       B. moment     C. line        D. row

40. A. successful     B. right      C. missing      D. dead

41. A. will       B. fortune     C. promise      D. choice

42. A. proving      B. leaving     C. gaining      D. abandoning

43. A. diagnosed    B. confirmed   C. doubted       D. suspected

44. A. charge      B. ruins      C. order       D. control

45. A. However     B. But       C. So        D. Therefore

46. A. elementary   B. advanced    C. experienced    D. experimental

47. A. incurable     B. curable     C. fatal        D. changeable

48. A. want      B. avoid      C. share       D. hate

49. A. whoever     B. who      C. as         D. so

50. A. practically     B. actually    C. gradually      D. eventually

51. A. cleared      B. put       C. died        D. washed

52. A. limited      B. limiting     C. lacking       D. rare

53. A. followed     B. cheated     C. excited       D. trapped

54. A. fighting     B. living     C. dealing       D. playing

55. A. voice       B. sound     C. love        D. direction


Bad behavior is something that most people don’t want to tolerate. However, we have had to tolerate it more and more with each passing year. There seems to be no concern for other people’s feelings; nor do we seem to care about other people’s property. We live in an age where saying what is on our minds has priority over any harm that it might do.

There are ways to deal with bad behavior in modern times, though. Too many of us let bad behavior go because we don’t want to rock the boat. This is the time that you should rock the boat and rock it hard. Let people know that you expect it to change. That is the key to dealing with bad behavior. If it continues, take the proper action for the situation you are in. If you have developed the habit of bad behavior, take a hard look at it and then change it. You can’t expect others to behave well if you aren’t willing to look at your own bad behavior and change it.

If you don’t have control over anything in a situation, just walk away from it and move on to something that you do have control over. You needn’t feel ashamed of that. Besides, you must stand firm in what you believe. You can’t control what other people do, but you can control what you do about it. You can’t go wrong if you stand firm in what you believe. Understanding your responsibility is also important. Don’t try to take on the responsibility for other people’s behavior. Take care of what you have to and do it in the way you know it should be done. The rest will take care of itself.

Bad behavior is on the rise with more and more people behaving badly without having to pay any consequences. Worry about how you behave rather than how others behave. Pretty soon, it just may catch on.

41.It can be inferred from Paragraph 1 that _____________.

A. bad behavior is common today

B. bad behavior is sure to hurt people deeply

C. people behave badly because of carelessness

D. people are more understanding than before

42.When dealing with people’s bad behavior, you are advised to ____________.

A. fight it bravely whenever it happens

B. ignore it if it is beyond your control

C. let it go to avoid trouble

D. make people feel ashamed of their bad behavior

43.Why do many people behave badly according to the passage?

A. Because bad behavior is often ignored.

B. Because people are often influenced by others.

C. Because people aren’t punished for their bad behavior.

D. Because people haven’t realized its consequences.


Bad behavior is something that most people don’t want to tolerate. However, we have had to tolerate it more and more with each passing year. There seems to be no concern for other people’s feelings; nor do we seem to care about other people’s property. We live in an age where saying what is on our minds has priority over any harm that it might do.

There are ways to deal with bad behavior in modern times, though. Too many of us let bad behavior go because we don’t want to rock the boat. This is the time that you should rock the boat and rock it hard. Let people know that you expect it to change. That is the key to dealing with bad behavior. If it continues, take the proper action for the situation you are in. If you have developed the habit of bad behavior, take a hard look at it and then change it. You can’t expect others to behave well if you aren’t willing to look at your own bad behavior and change it.

If you don’t have control over anything in a situation, just walk away from it and move on to something that you do have control over. You needn’t feel ashamed of that. Besides, you must stand firm in what you believe. You can’t control what other people do, but you can control what you do about it. You can’t go wrong if you stand firm in what you believe. Understanding your responsibility is also important. Don’t try to take on the responsibility for other people’s behavior. Take care of what you have to and do it in the way you know it should be done. The rest will take care of itself.

Bad behavior is on the rise with more and more people behaving badly without having to pay any consequences. Worry about how you behave rather than how others behave. Pretty soon, it just may catch on.

1.It can be inferred from Paragraph 1 that _____________.

A. bad behavior is common today

B. bad behavior is sure to hurt people deeply

C. people behave badly because of carelessness

D. people are more understanding than before

2.When dealing with people’s bad behavior, you are advised to ____________.

A. fight it bravely whenever it happens

B. ignore it if it is beyond your control

C. let it go to avoid trouble

D. make people feel ashamed of their bad behavior

3.Why do many people behave badly according to the passage?

A. Because bad behavior is often ignored.

B. Because people are often influenced by others.

C. Because people aren’t punished for their bad behavior.

D. Because people haven’t realized its consequences.



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