摘要: Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. It is forgivable to cheat unless money is involved. B. There has been an increase in cheating. C. Most cheaters are college students. D. Cheaters do not feel guilty and regretful.



You want something you can’t get by behaving within the rules, and you want it badly enough you’ll do it regardless of any guilt or deep regret, and you’re willing to run the risk of being caught.That’s how Ladd Wheeler, psychology professor at the University of Rochester in New York, defines cheating.Many experts believe cheating is on the rise.“We’re suffering a moral breakdown,”Pinkard says.“We’re seeing more of the kind of person who regards the world as a series of things to be dealt with.Whether to cheat depends on whether it’s in the person’s interest.”He does, however, see less cheating among the youngest students.Richard Dienstbier, psychology professor at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, believes that society’s attitudes explain much of the increase in cheating.“Twenty years ago if a person cheated in college, that is extremely serious, you will be dropped for a semester if not kicked out permanently,”he says.“Nowadays, at the University of Nebraska, for example, it is the stated policy of the College of Arts and Science that if a student cheats in an exam, the student must receive an ‘F’ on want he cheated in.That’s nothing.If you’re going to fail anyway, why not cheat?Cheating is most likely in situations where the interests are high and the chances of getting caught are low,”says social psychologist Lynn Kahle of the University of Oregon in Eugene.


The passage focuses on ________.

[  ]


making the reader believe that cheating is immoral


discussing the reasons for cheating


describing how students cheat in exams


suggesting how to control cheating


Cheating tends to occur in all the following situations except when ________.

[  ]


one wants something badly


one can’t get something in a right way


it is not very likely to be found out


a series of things have to be dealt with


Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

[  ]


It is forgivable to cheat unless money is involved.


There has been an increase in cheating.


Most cheaters are college students.


Cheaters do not feel guilty and regretful.


What can be inferred from the passage?

[  ]


Cheating is widespread because society is too understanding.


Cheating is the result of heavy pressure.


Cheating is cheating, whether in a test or on any other occasions.


Cheating comes together with civilization.


    City officials in South Jakarta must now cycle when performing their duties.in a move to  help combat pollution and global warming.“They can own a car and drive to work,but they must cycle when traveling to do their work”,South Jakarta city spokesman Ahmad Sotar said,“This is compulsory.Cycling will not only reduce pollution and global warming,but also promote good health.”He added,“The official can also get to know their residents better since now they call cycle through the narrow alleyways to reach their home.They can’t do so if they drive”.

 South Jakarta, the second―largest of five cities making up greater Jakarta, covers an area of 145 square kilometers and has 2.5 million residents.Over 200 officials in 10 sub.districts and 65 villages have been told about the new rule.Supporting the move,Meruyuny Village chief Selamat Aryadi said cycling would keep officials fit.“I don’t mind buying a bike.But there must be some exceptions. What will happen if there is a big fire or landslide which I need to attend urgently? I may be late for everything,”he said with a quiet laugh.“I think if it,s raining heavily it makes more sense for me to drive.I just hope 1 won’t get caught,”he added.

     Sotar said the officials do not have to cycle to attend to emergency calls.“But it is no excuse to say they are too old and sick to cycle.That means they are also too old and sick to  perform their duties so they should be replaced,”he said:“We will ask the residents to be our eyes and ears and tell us if the officials cycle or drive.”Sotar said.


61.The underlined word“combat”in the first paragraph most probably means          

    A.undertake             B.research               C.fight                      D.transform

62.we can learn from what Selamat Aryadi said that          .

      A.the rule should be followed flexibly

      B.he supports the rule completely

      C.to keep fit is the most important thing

      D.anyone who breaks the rule should be caught

63.If there is something urgent,         

      A.all official has nothing to do but cycle there

      B.the residents are asked to be the eyes and ears

      C.it is forgivable for an official to be late because of the rule

      D.driving there is probably the best way

64.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

      A.The government offers a car to each official in South Jakarta.           

      B.Greater Jakarta is made up of five cities including South Jakarta.

      C.South Jakarta is much larger than greater Jakarta.

      D.All the residents in South Jakarta are asked to cycle to work.

65.The passage mainly tells us that       

      A.officials are asked to cycle to perform their duties

      B.cycling becomes a popular sports in South Jakarta

      C.cycling is one of the best ways to keep officials healthy    .

      D.cycling to perform duties costs much less than driving



You want something you can’t get by behaving within the rules, and you want it badly enough you’ll do it regardless of any guilt or deep regret, and you’re willing to run the risk of being caught. That’s how Ladd Wheeler, psychology professor at the University of Rochester in New York, defines cheating. Many experts believe cheating is on the rise. "We’re suffering a moral breakdown," Pinkard says. "We’re seeing more of the kind of person who regards the world as a series of things to be dealt with. Whether to cheat depends on whether it’s in the person’s interest." He does, however, see less cheating among the youngest students. Richard Dienstbier, psychology professor at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, believes that society’s attitudes explain much of the increase in cheating. "Twenty years ago if a person cheated in college, that is extremely serious, he will be dropped for a semester if not kicked out permanently," he says. "Nowadays, at the University of Nebraska, for example, it is the stated policy of the College of Arts and Science that if a student cheats in an exam, the student must receive an "F" on what he cheated in. That’s nothing. If you’re going to fail anyway, why not cheat? Cheating is most likely in situations where the interests are high and the chances of getting caught are low," says social psychologist Lynn Kahle of the University of Oregon in Eugene.

1. The passage focuses on ________.

A. making the reader believe that cheating is immoral       

B. discussing the reasons for cheating

C. describing how students cheat in exams                       

D. suggesting how to control cheating

2. Cheating tends to occur in all the following situations except when ________.

A. one wants something badly             B. one can’t get something in a right way

C. it is not very likely to be found out       D. a series of things have to be dealt with

3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. It is forgivable to cheat unless money is involved. 

B. There has been an increase in cheating.

C. Most cheaters are college students.                       

D. Cheaters do not feel guilty and regretful.

4. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Cheating is widespread because society is too understanding.

B. Cheating is the result of heavy pressure.

C. Cheating is cheating, whether in a test or on any other occasions.

D. Cheating comes together with civilization



  City officials in South Jakarta must now cycle when performing their duties.in a move to help combat pollution and global warming.“They can own a car and drive to work, but they must cycle when traveling to do their work”, South Jakarta city spokesman Ahmad Sotar said,“This is compulsory.Cycling will not only reduce pollution and global warming, but also promote good health.”He added,“The official can also get to know their residents better since now they can cycle through the narrow alleyways to reach their home.They can’t do so if they drive”.

  South Jakarta, the second-largest of five cities making up greater Jakarta , covers an area of 145 square kilometers and has 2.5 million residents.Over 200 officials in 10 sub-districts and 65 villages have been told about the new rule.Supporting the move, Meruyuny Village chief Selamat Aryadi said cycling would keep officials fit.“I don’t mind buying a bike.But there must be some exceptions.What will happen if there is a big fire or landslide which I need to attend urgently?I may be late for everything,”he said with a quiet laugh.“I think if it is raining heavily it makes more sense for me to drive.I just hope 1 won’t get caught,”he added.

  Sotar said the officials do not have to cycle to attend to emergency calls.“But it is no excuse to say they are too old and sick to cycle.That means they are also too old and sick to perform their duties so they should be replaced,”he said:“We will ask the residents to be our eyes and ears and tell us if the officials cycle or drive.”Sotar said.


The underlined word“combat”in the first paragraph most probably means ________.

[  ]










we can learn from what Selamat Aryadi said that ________.

[  ]


the rule should be followed flexibly


he supports the rule completely


to keep fit is the most important thing


anyone who breaks the rule should be caught


If there is something urgent, ________.

[  ]


all official has nothing to do but cycle there


the residents are asked to be the eyes and ears


it is forgivable for an official to be late because of the rule


driving there is probably the best way


Which of the following is true according to the passage?

[  ]


The government offers a car to each official in South Jakarta.


Greater Jakarta is made up of five cities including South Jakarta.


South Jakarta is much larger than greater Jakarta.


All the residents in South Jakarta are asked to cycle to work.


The passage mainly tells us that ________.

[  ]


officials are asked to cycle to perform their duties


cycling becomes a popular sports in South Jakarta


cycling is one of the best ways to keep officials healthy.


cycling to perform duties costs much less than driving


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