摘要:43.If we carry goods to Chicago from Mexico, we probably go through . A.the Gulf of Mexico-Mississippi-canals-waterway-Chicago B.the Gulf of Mexico-Mississippi-the Great lakes-Chicago C.Lake Michigan-the Saint Lawrence Seaway-the Gulf of Mexico D.Waterway-canals-Mississippi-the Gulf Mexico B Styles are constantly changing. Fashions come and go. But few have had the popularity or permanence of the T-shirt. The well-known American garment shares a history of French influence and American daring. T-shirts made their entrance in the early twentieth century. But they took a bit of courage to wear. It seems the French kept their soldiers cool during World War I by giving them cotton knit undershirts. Meanwhile the Americans were hot and scratchyin their wool underwear. By World War II, the Navy and Army had learned a lesson from the French. The cotton shirt in a T shape became part of the uniform for all soldiers and sailors. After the war. T-shirts came home with the soldiers. By then, all the men were wearing them. But they remained out of sight, as underwear should in polite society. But Hollywood and rebellious young men know no rules. In 1951, actor Mralon Brando wore a T-shirt in the movie A Streetcar Named Desire. Everyone talked about it, and the T-shirt became a sort of trademark for him. Then in the mid-1950s, the young James Dean performed in Rebel Without a Cause. He wore a T-shirt too. Then Elvis Presley hit the screen in his T-shirt. It was too much for the young to ignore. Every boy in town wanted to look like James Dean and Elvis Presley. White T-shirt and baggy pants became the “cool , or stylish, thing to wear. The 1960s and another generation of rebellious youth arrived. T-shirts and blue jeans worn by both males and females were their special fashion style. They dyed T-shirts different colors and put pictures and words on them. T-shirts would never be the same again. Today, the T-shirt has made its way to every corner of the world. They’re worn by babies, teenagers, and senior citizens. They tell others what we like, where we have been, the things we’ve done, and races we’ve won. They can be old and worn, or new and fancy. They can be made of cotton or of silk. They are worn with skirts, pants, and shorts. And something that would have surprised people is that T-shirts are even worn with Tuxedo.



  Before World War Ⅱ Chicago,Illinois,standing at the southern end of huge Lake Michigan,had the reputation(名声)of being one of the toughest,most lawless and corrupt(腐败的)cities in the world.It earned its ill reputation largely from those who sold strong during the days of 1919 to 1933,when a law forbade(禁止)Americans to make or sell strong wine in any form.

  Chicagoans have a great pride in their city.They say it is of great importance to the nation than New York.It is the center of American commerce(商业)and transportation.O'Hare Airport is the busiest airport in the world.44 million passengers pass through it every year,and there are 2000 take-offs and landings every day.

  Chicago is also a great inland port(港).It can send goods by oceangoing ships all the way to Europe via the Great Lakes and the Saint Lawrence Seaway.It can send goods by barge(驳船),through water way and canals,to the Mississippi and down it to the Gulf of Mexico.

1.Which of the following diagrams(图解)gives the correct relationship between Lake Michigan,Chicago and Illinois?

[  ]


L.M=Lake Michigan  Ch=Chicago  Ⅲ=Illinois

2.According to the passage,Chicago is more important than New York because ________.

[  ]

A.Chicagoans love their city more than others

B.Chicago is the center of America

C.Chicago is an inland port has O'Hare Airport

D.Chicago lies at the southern end of Lake Michigan

3.44 million passengers each year and 2 000 take-offs and landings prove that O'Hare Airport is ________.

[  ]

A.the only one in America

B.the biggest one in the world

C.the busiest one in the world

D.the most well-known one in the world

4.If we carry goods to Chicago from Mexico,we probably go through ________.

[  ]

A.the Gulf of Mexico-Mississippi-Canals-Waterway-Chicago

B.the Gulf Mexico-Mississippi-the Great Lakes-ChicagoC.Lake Michigan-the Saint Lawrence Seaway-the Gulf of Mexico

D.Waterway-Mississippi-the Gulf of Mexico


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