摘要: adjust v. 调整,调节



  Beijing(AFP)Oct.17, 2005-China’s second manned space mission returned safely to Earth early Monday after a successful five –day flight, in the latest chapter in China’s ambitious drive to become a global space power.

  Astronauts Fei Junling and Nie Haisheng were given a clean bill of health after the re-entry capsule(返回舱)of their Shenzhou VI spacecraft landed on Earth on a parachute, ending up in Inner Mongolia, Xinhua news agency said.

  “Our journey in space was very smooth.The living and working conditions inside the cabin were very good, and our health is okay.Thanks,” Fei said on state television, with a smile.

  Appearing from the capsule, television pictures showed the two took a few seconds to adjust to the Earth’s gravity, before begin presented with flowers and waving to gathered recovery teams and ground control staff.

  Mission control declared the 115-hour space flight a success, Xinhua reported.

  A member of one of the recovery teams reported that the capsule landed upright after touching down at 4∶32 am(20∶32 GMT Sunday), just one kilometer(1,100 yards)from the intended landing site, it added.

  The flight was China’s second-ever manned space mission following the historic Shenzhou V, which in October 2003 made China the third nation after the former Soviet Union and the United States to put a man into space.

  During his 21-hour first flight in 2003, astronaut Yang Liwei never left his seat in the re-entry capsule nor took off his space suit.In contrast, Fei and Nie’s flight saw them leave the re-entry capsule and enter the orbital capsule(轨道舱), taking off their heavy suits and putting on ordinary work clothes so they could move around easily.

  To remove worries that China could use space for military purposes, Premier Wen Jiabao said the purpose of the mission was to conduct experiments “entirely for peaceful purposes.”

  The Chinese government also hopes to use the manned space program to inspire patriotism(爱国精神)and instill a curiosity in science and technology among Chinese population.


Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

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China is much lack of patriotism.


China is the third country in the world to send men into space.


Not all the people have the great interest in science and technology.


China has successfully launched manned spacecrafts into space twice.


What can you infer from the passage?

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It took Fei Junling and Nie Haisheng only two years to get prepared for the space trip.


Astronauts have to wear large and heavy space suits in pace all the time.


China wants to catch up with the United States and Russia in the field of space and controls the profitable field.


China must have had a good mastery of space technology by now.


Which of the descriptions about the astronaut(s)is TRUE?

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Yang Liwei’s health was not good enough to stay in space for more than one day.


Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng felt a little uneasy but soon got all right shortly after landing.


Yang Liwei occasionally left his seat in the re-entry capsule and took off his space suit.


Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng found the work clothes not so comfortable as their comparatively better-equipped space suits.


The report of the passage is ________.

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The best title for the news is ________.

[  ]


Competitive Taikonauts into Space


Chinese Victory on Oct.12, 2005


The Safe Return of Shenzhou VI


China Marching towards Space


DJs(disc jockeys) are the people who play and present music on the radio, or in nightclub. A VJ(video jockey) is a person who introduces music videos on television.

VJs were first seen on television in the early 1980s when MTV went on the air. As MTV became popular, and the audience for music videos expanded, a variety of other music video channels started broadcasting. In addition to rock music, there were channels for people who had a lot of interest in alternative kinds of music, such as country music, light music, and R&B(rhythm and blues节奏蓝调), and all of these channels needed VJs. By the 1990s, international music video channels like Channel V in Asia and VIVA in Europe had started.

The VJs for the new international stations had to be chosen carefully. Although some VJs did shows that focused on small audiences and showed mostly local content, other VJs presented shows for international viewers. These VJs, and the material they presented, needed to be popular in several different cultures.

One successful international VJ in Asia is Asha Gill. She is from Malaysia, but her parents and grandparents are from India, France and England. She speaks three languages and has fans across Asia, from Japan to the United Arab Emirates.

Another VJ who has made a big hit in Asia is Lili. She is actually a computer-

Animated(用计算机绘制的) VJ on MTV Asia. An actress wearing special computer equipment makes Lili move like a puppet(木偶). The actress also talks for Lili, and her shows can be seen in five languages.

   When asked what makes a good video jockey, many successful VJs have given similar answers. To be a good VJ you need to know a lot about music, you need to be funny, and you can’t be shy.


44. The passage is mainly about _____.

A. how to become a VJ       

B. the most popular VJ today

C. the differences between DJs and VJs 

D. some general information about VJs

45. What do Channel V and VIVA have in common?

A. They are both owned by MTV

B. They are music video channels in Asia

C. They have viewers in more than one country

D. They do not use VJs to introduce music

46. Which is NOT true about Asha Gill?

   A. She speaks more than one language

   B. Her family were all born in Malaysia

   C. She’s popular in quite a lot of Asian countries

   D. She is a successful VJ

47. Which of the following does the passage NOT mention as being important for someone who wants to be a VJ?

   A. Speaking many different languages  B. Listening to a lot of music

   C. Talking easily with different people  D. Being able to make people laugh


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