摘要:B 本题考查形容词的比较级和最高级.第一句中的“travel.music.clothes and fine food 已给出提示.此空格处要用最高级.所以我们首先排除A和D项.very和much都可以修饰最高级.但在句中的位置不同.very在定冠词the之后.而much则在the之前.



       In the last 500 years, nothing about people--not their clothes,   ideas, or languages--has changed as much as what they eat. The   original(最初) chocolate drink was made from the seeds of a certain   kind of tree by South American Indians. The Spanish introduced it to   the rest of the World during the 1500's, and although it was very   expensive, it quickly became popular. In London,shops where chocolate   drinks were served became important meeting places. Some still exist   today.

       The potato is also from the New World. Around 1600, the Spanish   brought it from Peru to Europe, where it soon was widely grown. Ireland   became so dependent on it that thousands of Irish people died from   hunger when the crop failed during the"Potato Famine"of 1845-1846.

       There are many other foods that have traveled from South America   to the Old World. But some others went in the opposite direction.Brazil   (巴西)is now the world's largest grower of coffee, and coffee is an   important crop in many other countries of South America. But it is native   to Ethiopia(埃塞俄比亚), It was first made into a drink by Arabs   during the 1400's.  

1. According to the author,which of the following has changed greatly since the 1400's?

[  ]

A. People's clothes.    

B. People's food.    

C. Chocolate drinks    

D. People's languages.  

2. What is true according to the passage?

[  ]

A. Chocolate drinks were served in shops in London during the 1500's.

B. Centuries ago, people often gathered in shops where chocolate drinks were served.

C. The best drinks sold in shops in London were chocolate drinks in the shop.

D. Some of the original chocolate drinks still exist today.

3. From the passage we learned that Peru is a country in________.

[  ]

A. the New World

B. the Old World

C. the Arab World

D. Europe

4. The word"Famine"probably means_______.

[  ]

A. fast growth

B. good harvest

C. serious need of food

D. rise in price

5. The main idea of the passage is that______.

[  ]

A. South America produces many new kinds of food.

B. shops became important meeting places in Londonafter the 1500's

C. foods travel from place to place

D. the Old World and the New World have differentkinds of food. 查看习题详情和答案>>


  Here are a few tips we’ve put together to help you learn English well.

  Tip 1 Speak, speak, speak!

  Practise speaking as often as you can-even speaking to yourself is good practice.

  Try recording yourself whenever you can.Compare your pronunciation with the master version, see how you can do better and have another go.If you do this several times, you will find that each version is better than the last.

  Tip 2 Why not learn with someone else?

  It helps if you can learn with someone else.If you can persuade a friend or family member to study with you, it will make you keep working.Agree times to meet and set goals for the week, and test each other regularly.

  Tip 3 Don’t get stuck by a word you don’t know

  Ptactise improvising(即兴的)ways of getting your meaning across when speaking spontaneously(本能地), even if you don’t know the exact words or phrases.Think of things you might want to say whenever you have spare time.A basic example is the rise of tenses.If you don’t know the past tense but want to talk about yesterday, use the verb in the present tense and use the word for “yesterday”.Use facial expression, hand movements, anything to get your meaning across.

  Tip 4 Language learning is also about intuition(直觉)

  Guesswork is an important strategy in learning a new language.When listening to recorded material, you aren’t expected to understand everything first time round.If you play the same piece several times, you will most probably understand something new each time.Learn to make maximum use of all the clues you can pick up.For example, what do the speakers sound like? Happy? Angry? Calm? etc.

  Tip 5 Build up your vocabulary

  A wide vocabulary is the key to successful language learning but don’t try to learn too much at once.It’s best to study frequently, for short periods of time.Take a maximum of six or seven items of vocabulary and learn them.Put them into sentences to fix them in your mind, then come back to them later.Much of the vocabulary in the course is presented by topic.

  And above all, have fun!


Why should one have himself recorded when practising speaking?

[  ]


To encourage others to start.


To record his own progress.


To improve his speaking.


To compare himself with others.


Which of the following is the most important in learning English?

[  ]










It is implied in the passage that ________ is helpful when you are learning English.

[  ]


body language


a good memory


a good friend


a proper dictionary


Which of the following proverbs(谚语)seems not to be always true in learning a language?

[  ]


Practice makes perfect.


A good beginning is half done.


Rome is not built in a day.


Don’t run before you can walk.


A. Goods for auction (拍卖) sales
  B. Definition of bidding
  C. Way to sell more goods by auction
  D. Auction sales in history
  E. Brief introduction to auctions
  F. Making a larger profit as an auctioneer
Auctions are public sales of goods, conducted by an officially approved auctioneer. He asks the crowd assembled in the auction-room to make offers, or “bids”, for the various items on sale. He encourages buyers to bid higher figures, and finally names the highest bidder as the buyer of the goods. This is called “knocking down” the goods, for the bidding ends when the auctioneer strikes a small hammer on a table at which he stands.
【小题2】 ______
The ancient Roman probably invented sales by auction, and the English word comes from the Latin auction, meaning “increasing”. The Romans usually sold in this way the goods taken in war. In England in the eighteenth centuries, goods were often sold “by the candle”: a short candle was lit by the auctioneer, and bids could be made while it stayed alight.
【小题3】 ______
Practically all goods whose qualities vary are sold by auction. Among these are coffee, skins, wool, tea, furs, silk and wines. Auction sales are also usual for land and property, furniture, pictures, rare books, old china and similar works of art.
【小题4】 ______
An auction is usually advertised beforehand with full particulars of the articles to be sold and where and when they can be viewed by potential buyers. If the advertisement cannot give full details, catalogues are printed, and each group of goods to be sold together, called a “lot”, is usually given a number. The auctioneer need not begin with Lot 1 and continue in the order of numbers: he may wait until he notices the fact that certain buyers are in the room and then produce the lots they are likely to be interested in.
【小题5】 ______
The auctioneer’s services are paid for in the form of a percentage of the price the goods are sold for. The auctioneer therefore has a direct interest in pushing up the bidding as high as possible. He will not waste time by starting the bidding too low. He will also play on the opponents among his buyers and succeed in getting a high price by encouraging two business competitors to bid against each other.


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