摘要: These shoes look very good. I wonder . A. how much cost they are B. how much do they cost C. how much they cost D. how much are they cost



Why did I come today? I wondered. My feet ached almost as much as my head. My Christmas    36   contained several people that claimed they needed nothing but I knew their feelings would be hurt  37 I bought them something, so gift buying was   38  but fun.

Hurriedly, I finished shopping and   39  the long checkout lines. In front of me were a boy of about five and a younger girl. She carried a beautiful pair of    40  slippers. When we finally   41   the checkout register, the girl   42  placed the shoes on the counter. She treated them as though they were a    43  .

“That will be $ 6.09,” the cashier said. The boy    44  his pockets. He finally came up with $ 3.12. “I guess we will have to put them back,” he bravely said. “We will come back some other time, maybe tomorrow.” With that statement, a soft  45  broke from the little girl. “But    46   would have loved these shoes,” she cried.

 “Well, we’ll go home and work some more. Don’t cry. We’ll surely   47  ,” he said. Quickly I handed $ 3.00 to the cashier. These children had waited in line for a long time. And,   48   , it was Christmas. Suddenly a pair of arms came around me and a small voice   49    said, “Thank you, lady.” “What did you  50  when you said Jesus would like the shoes?” I asked. The boy answered, “Our mommy is sick and going to   51  . Daddy said she might go before Christmas to be with Jesus.” The girl spoke, “My Sunday school teacher said the streets in heaven are shiny gold, just like these shoes. Won’t mommy be 52   walking on those streets in these shoes?”

My eyes  53  as I looked into her tear-stained face. “Yes,” I answered, “I am  54   she will.” Silently I thanked God for using these children to   55  me of the true spirit of giving I once was familiar with.


1.A. plan                              B. list                                    C. goods                              D. purchases

2.A. unless                          B. because                         C. if                                      D. since

3.A. something                  B. nothing                           C. anything                         D. everything

4.A. waited                         B. joined                              C. attended                        D. gathered

5.A. cotton                          B. leather                            C. gold                                  D. silver

6.A. approached                B. got                                   C. checked                          D. found

7.A. immediately     B. hesitantly                      C. shyly                                D. carefully

8.A. gift                                B. treasure                         C. life                                    D. prize

9.A. opened                        B. touched                          C. reached                          D. searched

10.A. tear                      B. sob                                   C. smile                                D. sigh

11.A. mommy                    B. daddy                              C. we                                    D. Jesus

12.A. leave                          B. come                              C. return                              D. arrive

13.A. above all                   B. at last                              C. at least                            D. after all

14.A. gratefully                  B. sweetly                           C. gracefully                       D. kindly

15.A. request                     B. expect                             C. mean                              D. attempt

16.A. hospital                     B. tomb                                C. heaven                            D. sky

17.A. equal                B. comfortable                   C. convenient                     D. beautiful

18.A. pained              B. wetted                            C. shut                                 D. froze

19.A. sure                           B. afraid                               C. glad                                  D. confident

20.A. inform                       B. warn                                C. cure                                 D. remind



New York is one of the last large American cities to have some of its policemen on horseback. The New York police have 170 horses that they use in certain parts of the city. The horses are expensive to feed, but it is even more expensive to take care of them. Because the horses must walk on the streets, they need special horseshoes. In fact, they need more than 8,000 of them each year. Every police horse in New York gets new shoes every month. Keeping these shoes in good repair is the job of six blacksmiths. There are only about thirty-five of these blacksmiths in the whole Unite States.
The cost of shoeing a horse is between twenty dollars and thirty--five dollars, and it takes a good blacksmith two to three hours to do the job.  
A blacksmith’s job is not an easy one. He must be able to shape a shoe from a piece of metal and then fit it to the horse’s foot. The blacksmith must bend over all the time when he is fitting the shoe and must hold the weight of the horse’s leg while he works. But even more important, he must be able to deal with horses ------ for before the blacksmith can begin his work, he has to get the horse to lift its leg.
One of the blacksmiths in New York is James Corbin. He came to the country form Ireland in 1948.He not only makes horseshoes for the police but also works for a group of horse owners near the city. Corbin became interested in blacksmithing because his father did it, and, as he puts it, “It’s a good way to make a living.”
【小题1】According to the reading passage, a blacksmith must be likely a         man.

【小题2】 James Corbin became a blacksmith because he        .
A.was interested in horses.B.was needed by the policemen
C.drew a picture of the horses D.had to make a living
【小题3】 In the reading passage “to shape a shoe” is to       .
A.fit it on the horse’s footB.use it for two or three hours
C.make the form of a horseshoe from a piece of metal D.draw a picture of the shoe
【小题4】The best title for the passage is          .
A.Policemen on HorsebackB.Blacksmiths and Horseshoeing
C.James Corbin, a BlacksmithD.Horseshoeing Is a Good Way to Make a Living
【小题5】 Which of the following is true?
A.Only a few large American cities have some policemen on horseback.
B.New York is the only city in America to have some policemen on horseback.
C.Policemen on horseback enjoy traveling around the United States.
D.Policemen on horseback are less expensive than those in cars.




Why did I come today? I wondered. My feet ached almost as much as my head.  My Christmas    21   contained several people that claimed they needed nothing but I knew their feelings would be hurt   22 I bought them something, so gift buying was   23  but fun.

Hurriedly, I finished shopping and   24  the long checkout lines. In front of me were a boy of about five and a younger girl. She carried a beautiful pair of    25  slippers. When we finally  _ 26  the checkout register, the girl   27  placed the shoes on the counter. She treated them as though they were a    28  .

“That will be $ 6.09,” the cashier said. The boy    29  his pockets. He finally came up with $ 3.12. “I guess we will have to put them back,” he bravely said. “We will come back some other time, maybe tomorrow.” With that statement, a soft  30  broke from the little girl. “But    31   would have loved these shoes,” she cried.

“Well, we’ll go home and work some more. Don’t cry. We’ll surely   32  ,” he said. Quickly I handed $ 3.00 to the cashier. These children had waited in line for a long time. And,   33   , it was Christmas. Suddenly a pair of arms came around me and a small voice   34    said, “Thank you, lady.” “What did you  35  when you said Jesus would like the shoes?” I asked. The boy answered, “Our mommy is sick and going to   36  . Daddy said she might go before Christmas to be with Jesus.” The girl spoke, “My Sunday school teacher said the streets in heaven are shiny gold, just like these shoes. Won’t mommy be 37  walking on those streets in these shoes?”

My eyes   38  as I looked into her tear-stained face. “Yes,” I answered, “I am   39   she will.” Silently I thanked God for using these children to   40  me of the true spirit of giving I once was familiar with.

21. A. plan                   B. list                           C. goods                       D. purchases

22. A. unless                 B. because                  C. if                           D. since

23. A. something                  B. nothing                    C. anything                   D. everything

24. A. waited                B. joined                      C. attended                   D. gathered

25. A. cotton                 B. leather                     C. gold                         D. silver

26. A. approached         B. got                          C. checked                    D. found

27. A. immediately        B. hesitantly                C. shyly                       D. carefully

28. A. gift                    B. treasure                    C. life                          D. prize

29. A. opened               B. touched                    C. reached                           D. searched

30. A. tear                           B. sob                          C. smile                       D. sigh

31. A. mommy              B. daddy                      C. we                           D. Jesus

32. A. leave                  B. come                      C. return                             D. arrive

33. A. above all             B. at last                       C. at least                     D. after all

34. A. gratefully            B. sweetly                           C. gracefully                        D. kindly

35. A. request               B. expect                      C. mean                      D. attempt

36. A. hospital              B. tomb                        C. heaven                            D. sky

37. A. equal                  B. comfortable              C. convenient                D. beautiful

38. A. pained                B. wetted                      C. shut                         D. froze

39. A. sure                    B. afraid                       C. glad                         D. confident

40. A. inform                B. warn                        C. cure                         D. remind



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