摘要:–You haven’t say a word about the design, Michael. What’s your idea? –I’m sorry, I about something else. A. was thinking B. thought C. am thinking D. had thought


If you want to learn a new languagethe very first thing to think about is why.Do you need it for a____reasonsuch as your job or your studies__2__perhaps you’re interested in the____films or music of a different country and you know how much it will help to have a____of the language.

Most people learn best using a variety of____but traditional classes are an ideal(理想的)start for many people.They____an environment where you can practice under the ____ of someone who’s good at the language.We all lead ____ lives and learning a language takes____.You will have more success if you study regularlyso try to develop a____.It doesn’t matter if you haven’t got long.Becoming fluent in a language will take yearsbut learning to get by takes____.

Many people start learning a language and soon give up.“I’m too____” they say.Yeschildren do learn languages more ___ than adultsbut research has shown that you can learn a language at any____.And learning is good for the health of your braintoo.I’ve also heard people____ about the mistakes they make when____.Wellrelax and laugh about your mistakes ____you’re much less likely to make them again.

Learning a new language is never ___.But with some work and devotionyou’ll make progress.And you’ll be ____by the positive reaction of some people when you say just a few words in ___ own language.Good luck????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? (2013·安徽)

1.A.technical? Bpolitical

Cpractical? Dphysical

2.A.After? BSo

CThough? DOr

3.A.literature? Btransport

Cagriculture? Dmedicine

4.A.view? Bknowledge

Cform? Ddatabase

5.A.paintings? Bregulations

Cmethods Dcomputers

6.A.protect? Bchange

Crespect? Dprovide

7.A.control? Bcommand

Cguidance? Dpressure

8.A.busy? Bhappy

Csimple? Dnormal

9.A.courage? Btime

Cenergy? Dplace

10.A.theory? Bbusiness

Croutine? Dproject

11.A.some risks? Ba lot less

Csome notes? Da lot more

12.A.old? Bnervous

Cweak? Dtired

13.A.closely? Bquickly

Cprivately? Dquietly

14.A.age? Bspeed

Cdistance? Dschool

15.A.worry? Bhesitate

Cthink? Dquarrel

16.A.singing? Bworking

Cbargaining? Dlearning

17.A.if? Band

Cbut? Dbefore

18.A.tiresome? Bhard

Cinteresting? Deasy

19.A.blamed Bamazed

Cinterrupted? Dinformed

20.A.their? Bhis

Cour? Dyour





It was only a few weeks after my surgery. I went to Dr. Belt’s office for a     36   . it was just after my first chemotherapy treatment(化疗). My scar was still very tender.    37   , I was taken to an examination room to have my blood    38   , again – a terrifying process for me, since I’m so frightened of    39   .

I lay down on the    40   . Then Ramina entered the room. Her   41   smile was familiar, and    42  in contrast to my fears. I’d first seen her in the office a few weeks earlier. She wasn’t my   43   on that day, but I remember her because she was laughing. What could she    44  find to laugh about at a time like this? So I decided she wasn’t   45  enough about the whole thing.

But this day was    46   . Ramona had taken my blood before. She   47  my fear of needles, and she kindly   48    the medical equipment under a magazine. As we opened the layers of bandage, the    49  scar on my chest could be seen.

She gently    50   over and ran her hand across the scar,   51  the smoothness of the healing skin. I began to cry gently and quietly. She brought her warm eyes to mine and said, “You haven’t    52  it et, have you?” And I said, “No.”

I continued to cry gently. In   53  tones she said, “This is part of your body. This is you. It’s okay to touch it.” But I couldn’t. So she touched it for me. The  54  . The healing wound. And beneath it, she touched my heart.

That night as I lay down, I gently placed my hand on my chest and I left it there  55  I fell asleep. I knew I wasn’t alone.

A.prescription    B.discussion   C. conversation    D.checkup

A.At once B.As usual C. In fact D.In addition

A.drawn   B.mixed    C. corrected   D.chcaned

A.doctors B.nurses   C. blood   D.needles

A.operation table B.office floor C. examining bed   D.test bed

A.warm    B.bitter   C. shy D.weak

A.worked out  B.stood out    C. found out   D.gave out

A.girl    B.partner  C. nurse   D.companion

A.accidentally    B.particularly C. possibly    D.actually

A.serious B.curious  C. worried D.nervous

A.difficult   B.different    C. pleasant    D.common

A.talked about    B.got around   C. knew about D.put away

A.found   B.replaced C. showed  D.hid

A.old B.fresh    C. worn    D.fine

A.came    B.went C. searched    D.reached

A.examining   B.covering C. pressing    D.removing

A.watched B.discovered   C. touched D.unfolded

A.tough   B.soft C. cold    D.strict

A.bandage B.soul C.pain D.scar

A.until   B.after    C. since   D.when


February 28th, 2009 2:54 am GMT

I have to say that am shocked at just how bad the new music is. This cannot be the same band that produced great albums such as HTDAAB and ATYCLB! This is awful! They either do not care anymore, or have completely lost it. I never thought U2 would become irrelevant, but they have officially become one of those bands that you will now say, “Remember when they were great?”

----- Posted by Ronald Harris

February 28th, 2009 8:29 pm GMT

Total drivel, Mr Harris. The new album is great, far better than the safe, cynical HTDAAB and ATYCLB. U2 have become inventive again, like they were in the 1990s. thank goodness!

----- Posted by Dan

March 3rd, 2009 12:09 pm GMT

Agree, Dan. The new album is the best since Actung Baby. Magnificent is an anthem in the waiting, Breathe is unbelievable, and Stand Up Comedy is absolutely outstanding----- to name just three! Loving the new sound, pure class as usual.

----- Posted by Martin

March 4th, 2009 7:43 pm GMT

Totally agree with you guys. This album is unbelievable. Breathe is definitely a great song, same with Moment of Surrender. I bet their upcoming tour will be amazing. If you haven’t bought the CD yet, you should. I bought mine on Amozon.com for $3.99. I couldn’t believe it.

----- Posted by Josh Briggs

1.According to Ronald Harris, U2’s new album is _________.

A.pretty good

B.so bad

C.the same as before

D.completely fresh

2. whose comment is contrary to the others?



C.Josh Briggs’

D.Ronald Harris’

3.Martin and Josh Briggs both like the song _________.


B.Moment of Surrender


D.Stand Up Comedy

4. Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?

A.Most fans felt disappointed at the new album.

B.The new album is available on the Internet.

C.The people who made comments are fans of U2.

D.U2’s upcoming tour may be a great success.

5.The passage is most probably from ________.

A.a concert poster

B.a TV review

C.a newspaper

D.the Internet



Visitors to Britain may find the best place to sample local culture is in a traditional pub. But these friendly pubs can be dangerous places of potential gaffes (失礼) for the newcomers. A team of researchers have discovered some of the unknown customs of British pubs-starting with the difficulty of getting a drink. Most pubs have no waiters-you have to go to the bar to buy drinks. A group of Italian youths waiting 45 minutes before they realized they would have to fetch their own. This may sound inconvenient, but there is a hidden purpose.

Pub culture is designed to promote sociability (社交) in a society known for its reserve. Standing at the bar for service allows you to chat with others waiting to be served. The bar counter is possibly the only site in the British Isles in which friendly conversation with strangers is considered entirely suitable and really quite normal behavior. “If you haven't been to a pub, you haven't been to Britain.” This tip can be found in a booklet, Passport to the Pub: The Tourists' Guide to Pub Etiquette, a customers' rule of conduct for those wanting to sample “a central part of British life and culture”.

The trouble is that if you do not follow the local rules, the experience may fall flat. For example, if you are in a big group, it is best if only one or two people go to buy the drinks. Nothing annoys the regular customers and bar staff more than a group of strangers blocking all access to the bar while they chat and hesitate about what to order.

1. The underlined word “sample” in the first paragraph probably means “________”.




D.record .

2.The culture of pub in Britain is so developed to ______.

A.encourage people to communicate with each other

B.encourage more people to consume drinks

C.attract more tourists to the pubs

D.form its own character of culture

3.If you don't follow the local rules in a pub, ________.

A.you won't buy good local drinks

B.you may annoy the regular customers and bar staff

C.you may fail to feel the local culture

D.you might get into a dangerous place

4.What may be the best title for the passage?

A.Self-service Pubs in Britain

B.British Local Pubs: Special Chat Places

C.Local Pub Culture in Britain

D.Manners in British Local Pubs



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