摘要: Many goods have been i into China in recent years.


Shopping in Singapore is really a pleasure for tourists. The Great Singapore Sale is held every year, usually during the summer months. Singapore’s famous shopping stores welcome a great number of visitors from all over the world. Their shopping hours last till midnight. During this time, nice and cheap goods are on sale for tourists to choose from. Tourists can also try delicious foods there and experience the Singaporean nightlife.
Certain stores offer discounts (折扣) of up to 70 percent or even higher if people use their credit cards. For tourists that hold a special Tourist Card, they can enjoy a lot of benefits, such as discounts on watches, jewelry and cosmetics (化妆品). The card also gives discounts when you visit local attractions such as the Singapore Zoo.
It is well worth checking out in the different shopping districts of Singapore during this 8-week Shopping Marathon. Orchard Road is surely the best place for shopping in the city. A large number of restaurants, clubs and cafes can be found in this area. Marina Bay includes both big department stores as well as small shops, so everything you would want to buy can be found here.
Advice for tourists planning to enjoy this festival of shopping: travel light and take a comfortable pair of shoes with you for you are sure to do a lot of walking and return with your bags much heavier.
53. You probably see the Great Singapore Sale when you go to Singapore in ______.
A. January                 B. August               C. May                      D. November
54. We can learn from the passage that ______. 
A. the Great Singapore Sale is held twice each year
B. the Shopping Marathon lasts for more than two months
C. Orchard Road is Singapore’s best shopping street
D. Marina Bay is a narrow street with small shops 
55. Why are tourists advised to travel light if they intend to enjoy the shopping festival?
A. They will buy many goods and have to do lots of walking.
B. It is not safe for them to take heavy bags with them.
C. There is heavy traffic in the shopping districts of Singapore. 
D. Travelling with too many things is not allowed in Singapore.
56. The author wrote this passage mainly to ______.
A. tell readers his or her experience and impression of visiting Singapore
B. help readers find the best shopping centres in Singapore
C. explain what has made Singapore popular around the world
D. introduce shopping in Singapore and attract more readers to go shopping there


Do you know Henry Ford? He was the first person to build cars which were cheap,strong and fast.He was able to sell millions of models because he could produce them in large numbers at a time;that is,he made a great many cars of exactly the same kind.Ford’s father hoped that his son would become a farmer,but the young man did not like the idea and he went to Detroit where he worked as a mechanic(机械师).By the age of 29,in 1892,he had built his first car.However,the car made in this way,the famous “Model T” did not appear until 1908—five years after Ford had started his great motor car factory.This car showed to be well-known that it remained unchanged for twenty years.Since Ford’s time,this way of producing cars in large numbers has become common in industry and has reduced the price of many goods which would otherwise be very expensive.

1.Henry Ford was the man to built _____ cars.

A cheap and strong                      B. cheap and long

C. fast and expensive               D. strong and slow

2. Ford was able to sell millions of cars,because_____.

  A. he made many great cars               B. his cars are many

   C. he made lots of cars of the same kind     D. both A and B

3.The “Model T” was very famous_____.

A. before 1908             B. between 1982 and 1908  

C. before 1892             D. after 1908

4. Ford built his own car factory________.

  A. n 1903        B. in 1908        C. in 1913          D. in 1897



You can find language pollution whenever you open a newspaper or turn on your TV set, listen to a popular song at various advertisements. Language pollution exists almost everywhere and can be seen in the following places:
1. Chinese characters are written in the complex (复杂的 ) form. Although simplified Chinese characters were accepted for use many years ago, it seems that more and more people like Chinese characters written in the complex form.
2. Many goods are produced in China but carry foreign names, which sound strange and have no meaning at all.
3. Words and expressions being used have a bad meaning. "Ba"(霸), which means bully in Chinese, is one example. Now there are a lot of goods, restaurants, even factories or firms, with "Ba" in their names.
4. There are too many incorrect grammatical expressions. Some films have strange names and incorrect grammatical structures. "Ai ni mei shang liang', which means "I love you without consulting", is grammatically incorrect and this kind of expression is now becoming popular.
Some language experts point out that language pollution must be done away with, which is an idea shared by myself and many others.       
【小题1】The writer of the letter suggests that ______.

A.something be done to make our language pure (纯正)
B.the Chinese language not have the word "ba"
C.everything have a good name and a good meaning
D.everybody try their best to stop pollution
【小题2】What the writer wants to say is that ____.
A.great difference exists between the Chinese characters written in the complex form and simplified form
B.many people agree with the experts on language pollution in China
C.our newspapers, TV programs, pop songs and advertisements are getting polluted
D.some film writers haven't studied Chinese grammar
【小题3】What do you guess Fan Yongqian is? He or she probably is _____.
A.a readerB.a singer of pop songs
C.a language expertD.an expert of grammar


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