摘要:WTO will not live up to his name it hasn't included China. A. in case B. so far as C. now that D. as long as


  The World Trade Organization(WTO), established on January 1, 1995, is an open, non-discriminatory trading system. As a successor to the GATT, established in the wake of the Second World War, it is to help world's trade flow freely, fairly and predictably.

  While the WTO is still young, the multilateral(多边的)trading system that was originally set up under GATT is already 50 years old. The system celebrated its golden jubilee(50周年纪念)in Geneva on 19 May, 1998, with many heads of states and government leaders attending.

  The past 50 years have seen an exceptional(罕见的)growth in the world trade. Merchandise exports grew on average by 6% annually(每年地). Total trade in the WTO has helped to create a strong and prosperous trading system contributing to unprecedented growth.

  China was an original member of GATT, but for historical and political reasons it was withdrawn from GATT by the government in Taibei in 1950. But over the last several years, China hopes to be seeking to resume(恢复)its contracting party status. China has become a member of the WTO before the body starts a new round of negotiations(谈判)late this year. Premier Zhu Rongji paid a nineday US visit from April 6, 1999. He is the first Chinese Premier to visit US. President Clinton agreed to have talks on China's entry into the WTO with a new round of negotiations in Beijing.

  Now China has joined the WTO. China's entry into the WTO is not only of economical but also of political importance. China has made attracting progress since its reform and opening up to the outside world. It is growing more and more powerful in economy. China cannot be without the world just as the world cannot be without China. The entry of China into WTO will further strengthen the comprehensive national power of China; it can also quicken the economic development of the world.

According to the context, the underlined word in the first paragraph can be replaced by ______.

    A. ordinary    B. fair      C. special     D. safety

GATT was founded in ______.

    A. 1948     B. 1950     C. 1995      D. 1998

 According to the passage and picture when did Shi Guangsheng, Minister of Chinese foreign economy and trade, signed the papers in Doha on China's accession to the WTO?

 A. 10,10,2001.   B. 11,11,2001.   C. 12,11,2001.   D. 11,10,2001.

Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

    A. A General Introduction of WTO

    B. How WTO Came into Being

    C. GATT and WTO

    D. WTO and China


Vienna——In spite of Iraq’s decision to stop oil deliveries, the 11- nation Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries(OPEC)will not increase production to make up the shortfall, ministers decided Tuesday in Vienna.

The 11 oil ministers decided to meet again on July 3 to discuss the effects of the Iraq temporary stop. The organization’s president, Charkid Kheria of Algeria, said after the meeting that stocks were high and prices were stable, so quota increases were not necessary.

The E.U. Commission has expressed concern about Iraq’s output stop. A speaker said OPEC had to take all possible measures to keep or lower the oil price.

Saudi Arabia’s Oil Minister Ali Al-Nuaimi had earlier said there would not be any shortfall of oil in the market. The organization had already taken steps to fill the gap, he said. OPEC Secretary General Ali Rodriguez added that the period of Iraq’s output stop was not known, so other exporters were not going to lift quotas yet. If the market was destabilized(使……动摇), a suitable response could be made.

Iraq on Monday stopped shipments of crude oil to protest against the U.N. Security Council’s decision to extend the oil-for-food programme by only a month, instead of the normal six-month renewal. Just before the Vienna meeting, oil prices had gone up, with a barrel of OPEC crude oil selling for 27.05 dollars, up from 26.81 dollars last Friday. North sea oil was at 29.26 dollars Monday evening.

OPEC wants the oil price to stay within a margin of 22 to 28 dollars and achieved that with cuts in January and March that reduced 2.5 million barrels per day off quotas(配额).

56. Iraq made the decision to stop oil deliveries because ___________.

A. oil price is too low in international market.

B. The U.N. Secretary Council has decided to shorten the time of extension of the oil-for-food programme

C. Many oil wells were destroyed during the war in the late 1980s

D. It couldn’t get enough money to develop its economy

57. The attitude the E.U. Commission took towards Iraq’s output stop is ________.

A. active           B. concerned                  C. cold             D. surprised

58. The underlined words“The organization”here refers to ________.

A. OPEC        B. the E.U. Commission          C. Vienna        D. WTO

59. The main idea of the passage is ________.

A. the oil prices in the world were stable though Iraq has stopped oil deliveries

B. OPEC has controlled the oil price to stay within a margin of 22 to 28 dollars

C. OPEC will not increase oil production to make up the shortfall that caused by Iraq

D. Oil is connected with people’s daily life

60. The 11 oil ministers decided to meet on July 3 so that _________.

A. they can persuade Iraq to continue oil production

B. they can have a talk with the U.N. Security Council

C. they can have a discussion about the effects of Iraq’s temporary output stop

D. they can make up their minds to increase oil production



Starting from April, 2010, you won’t be hearing the word “NBA” on sports programs on CCTV. Instead, sport host will give the full Chinese name when they refer to the NBA – National Basketball Association. You also won’t hear any other English abbreviations (缩略词) on CCTV’s Chinese programs, such as GDP (gross domestic product), or WTO (World Trade Organization). You will hear their Chinese translations.
CCTV received a notice from the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television telling it to avoid using English-language abbreviations in their reports to protect the “purity” of the Chinese language. A few other TV stations also received the notice.
Fu Zhenguo, an editor of People’s Daily, is one of the people who suggested the change. “Firstly, using English in a Chinese-speaking environment is against Chinese law,” he said. “Then, using English on Chinese TV programs is unfair to people who don’t understand English. What’s worse, it will have a bad language influence on kids and teenagers.”
A lot of netizens have criticized the move, saying that it will cause problems for them.
“I understand what CD, VCD and DVD mean when I hear them. But I won’t know what the TV programs are talking about if I hear those products’ full Chinese names,” a netizen wrote in a BBS post. Following the same post, another netizen wrote jokingly: “I’m not listening to my MP3 now. I’m listening to my Moving Picture Experts Group-1 Audio Layer 3 (动态影像专家压缩标准音频第三层面).”
【小题1】What does the underlined word “purity” in the second paragraph mean?

【小题2】How many reasons did Fu Zhenguo list to show his support for the change?
【小题3】Some netizens went against the change because_______________.
A.the application of abbreviations will make Chinese popular.
B.the application of abbreviations will attract the youth.
C.the application of abbreviations will not simplify the understanding.
D.the application of abbreviations will not bring Chinese to an end.
【小题4】What can be the full name of CCTV mentioned in the text?
A.Close Closet Top VideoB.China Central Television
C.China Common Time VoiceD.Closed-Circuit Television


Starting from April, 2010, you won’t be hearing the word “NBA” on sports programs on CCTV. Instead, sport host will give the full Chinese name when they refer to the NBA – National Basketball Association. You also won’t hear any other English abbreviations (缩略词) on CCTV’s Chinese programs, such as GDP (gross domestic product), or WTO (World Trade Organization). You will hear their Chinese translations.

CCTV received a notice from the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television telling it to avoid using English-language abbreviations in their reports to protect the “purity” of the Chinese language. A few other TV stations also received the notice.

Fu Zhenguo, an editor of People’s Daily, is one of the people who suggested the change. “Firstly, using English in a Chinese-speaking environment is against Chinese law,” he said. “Then, using English on Chinese TV programs is unfair to people who don’t understand English. What’s worse, it will have a bad language influence on kids and teenagers.”

A lot of netizens have criticized the move, saying that it will cause problems for them.

“I understand what CD, VCD and DVD mean when I hear them. But I won’t know what the TV programs are talking about if I hear those products’ full Chinese names,” a netizen wrote in a BBS post. Following the same post, another netizen wrote jokingly: “I’m not listening to my MP3 now. I’m listening to my Moving Picture Experts Group-1 Audio Layer 3 (动态影像专家压缩标准音频第三层面).”

1.What does the underlined word “purity” in the second paragraph mean?

A. 纯正                        B. 高贵                       C. 时髦                       D. 潮流

2.How many reasons did Fu Zhenguo list to show his support for the change?

A. 1                             B. 2                             C. 3                             D. 4

3.Some netizens went against the change because_______________.

A. the application of abbreviations will make Chinese popular.                              

B. the application of abbreviations will attract the youth.

C. the application of abbreviations will not simplify the understanding.                  

D. the application of abbreviations will not bring Chinese to an end.

4.What can be the full name of CCTV mentioned in the text?

A. Close Closet Top Video                                 B. China Central Television

C. China Common Time Voice                           D. Closed-Circuit Television



Starting from April, 2010, you won’t be hearing the word “NBA” on sports programs on CCTV. Instead, sport host will give the full Chinese name when they refer to the NBA – National Basketball Association. You also won’t hear any other English abbreviations (缩略词) on CCTV’s Chinese programs, such as GDP (gross domestic product), or WTO (World Trade Organization). You will hear their Chinese translations.

CCTV received a notice from the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television telling it to avoid using English-language abbreviations in their reports to protect the “purity” of the Chinese language. A few other TV stations also received the notice.

Fu Zhenguo, an editor of People’s Daily, is one of the people who suggested the change. “Firstly, using English in a Chinese-speaking environment is against Chinese law,” he said. “Then, using English on Chinese TV programs is unfair to people who don’t understand English. What’s worse, it will have a bad language influence on kids and teenagers.”

A lot of netizens have criticized the move, saying that it will cause problems for them.

“I understand what CD, VCD and DVD mean when I hear them. But I won’t know what the TV programs are talking about if I hear those products’ full Chinese names,” a netizen wrote in a BBS post. Following the same post, another netizen wrote jokingly: “I’m not listening to my MP3 now. I’m listening to my Moving Picture Experts Group-1 Audio Layer 3 (动态影像专家压缩标准音频第三层面).”

What does the underlined word “purity” in the second paragraph mean?

A. 纯正                       B. 高贵                       C. 时髦                       D. 潮流

How many reasons did Fu Zhenguo list to show his support for the change?

A. 1                             B. 2                             C. 3                             D. 4

Some netizens went against the change because_______________.

A. the application of abbreviations will make Chinese popular.                              

B. the application of abbreviations will attract the youth.

C. the application of abbreviations will not simplify the understanding.                         

D. the application of abbreviations will not bring Chinese to an end.

What can be the full name of CCTV mentioned in the text?

A. Close Closet Top Video                                 B. China Central Television

C. China Common Time Voice                           D. Closed-Circuit Television


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