摘要: D 37. D 38. C 39. C 40. A


A beggar, carrying a shabby(破旧的) old wallet, was begging alone from house to house. As he complained about his 36 , he kept wondering that people who lived in 37 houses should always be unsatisfied, 38 rich they might be, and they should go so far as to 39 all they have.

       “Here, for example,” he said, the former master of this house succeeded in trading, and made himself very rich. By then, instead of stopping, and handing over his 40 to another, and spending the rest of his years 41 peace, he took to(从事) equipping ships. He expected to get mountains of gold; but the ships were 42 , and his treasures were lost. Now they all lie at the bottom of the sea, and he has found his 43 disappeared like those in dreams. In short, examples of this are 44.

       At this moment Fortune suddenly appeared to the beggar and said, “Listen! I have long wished to 45 you. Here are a lot of gold coins I have found. Hold out your wallet, and I will fill it with them; but only on this condition: All shall be gold that falls into the wallet, but if 46 of them falls out of the wallet to the ground, it 47 become dust. Consider this well. I have warned you I shall 48 keep my word. Your wallet is old, don’t fill it 49 its power.” The beggar was almost too overjoyed to breathe. He 50 felt the ground below his feet. A stream of coins were poured 51 it. The wallet soon became rather heavy.

       “Is that 52 ?” “Not yet,” “Isn’t it 53 ?” “Never fear.” “Consider, you are a millionaire.” “Just a little more, just 54 a handful,” But at that moment the wallet broke, the gold coins 55 dust and Fortune disappeared. The beggar had nothing but his empty wallet and remained as poor as before.

A. plan            B. fate                          C. idea                         D. dream

A. dark            B. poor                        C. clean                        D. rich

A. how              B. so                   C. however                   D. whatever

A. win                B. lose                C. throw                       D. forget

A. business         B. debt                 C. money                            D. chance

A. to                     B. on                       C. with                   D. in

A. bought                B. sold                 C. missed                      D. robbed

A. luck              B. riches                       C. trade                        D. future

A. countless        B. wonderful                  C. helpless                    D. funny

A. admire             B. help                  C. encourage                 D. excite

A. little            B. much                       C. any              D. lots

A. must                   B. may                C. shall                        D. can

A. mostly          B. simply               C. possibly             D. strictly

A. beyond          B. within                      C. during             D. by

A. really           B. actually                     C. hardly                      D. nearly

A. for                  B. into                     C. on                     D. from

A. so               B. enough                     C. true                D. right

A. trembling        B. shaking           C. breaking                   D. rolling

A. try              B. put                 C. leave                        D. add

A. cleared up        B. brought up          C. fell into                  D. turned into


A friend of mine met with an accident driving in darkness. His legs were so hurt that he couldn’t move. What was the __36__ was that he found himself unable to ask for help---his mobile phone went out of __37__ as a result of exhausted battery. Nothing could be done but to _38__ in cold wilderness. It was eight hours later that day broke, and then _39_ of the rescue.

      It is almost __40__ that he could stand the horror in the darkness for so long. Even more surprising was his __41__: “First of all, I checked up my __42__, checked up my conditions and found myself not in mortal danger. As there was no __43__ to call for help, I leaned back in my seat trying my best to keep the wound from __44__. In this way I dozed off.”

      His story put an end to my regret for the __45__ of an exploration adventure that happened last year. A group of young men __46___ to explore a mountain cave and got lost. __47__to find a way out in the dark cave they were frightened and ran anxiously without a sense of __48__. Finally they feel dead in fear and exhaustion. According to the __49__ people that found them, the place where they got lost was only about 10 meters away from the __50__ of the cave. If they stayed on the spot when they lost their way and tried to __51__ themselves, they would probably sense a faint light glimmering not far away.

      Don’t you think you can compare it with __52__ itself? When you meet with difficulty in life and work, you are lost in darkness. __53__ you it’s unclear yet and you needn’t put up struggle __54__. It seems to be a negative(消极) attitude, __55__ a person who can afford to do so must have foresight(远见) as well as a great courage in the first place.

A. hopeless         B. worst             C. more                 D. best

A. service           B. way               C. control                     D. work

A. cry               B. lie                 C. wait                  D. sleep

A. delay             B. success           C. team                 D. arrival

A. untrue            B. unimaginable   C. true                  D. useless

A. plan               B. decision            C. explanation        D. excuse

A. physical          B. mental                     C. working            D. medical

A. energy            B. way                  C. tools                 D. strength

A. rotting            B. spreading          C. hurting              D. bleeding

A. loss              B. failure               C. disappointment  D. sadness

A. had                     B. managed           C. tried                 D. meant

A. Willing         B. Unable              C. Determined              D. Deciding

A. hearing         B. sight                 C. feeling                     D. direction

A. rescue           B. village                     C. local                 D. brave

A. end                  B. top                   C. opening             D. side

A. save             B. help                  C. stop                  D. calm

A. adventure      B. work                 C. life                   D. mankind

A. Mind            B. Watch               C. Imagine            D. Warn

A. really           B. immediately      C. carefully           D. hopefully

A. and                  B. so                     C. but                   D. while


A beggar, carrying a shabby(破旧的) old wallet, was begging alone from house to house. As he complained about his 36 , he kept wondering that people who lived in 37 houses should always be unsatisfied, 38 rich they might be, and they should go so far as to 39 all they have.

       “Here, for example,” he said, the former master of this house succeeded in trading, and made himself very rich. By then, instead of stopping, and handing over his 40 to another, and spending the rest of his years 41 peace, he took to(从事) equipping ships. He expected to get mountains of gold; but the ships were 42 , and his treasures were lost. Now they all lie at the bottom of the sea, and he has found his 43 disappeared like those in dreams. In short, examples of this are 44.

       At this moment Fortune suddenly appeared to the beggar and said, “Listen! I have long wished to 45 you. Here are a lot of gold coins I have found. Hold out your wallet, and I will fill it with them; but only on this condition: All shall be gold that falls into the wallet, but if 46 of them falls out of the wallet to the ground, it 47 become dust. Consider this well. I have warned you I shall 48 keep my word. Your wallet is old, don’t fill it 49 its power.” The beggar was almost too overjoyed to breathe. He 50 felt the ground below his feet. A stream of coins were poured 51 it. The wallet soon became rather heavy.

       “Is that 52 ?” “Not yet,” “Isn’t it 53 ?” “Never fear.” “Consider, you are a millionaire.” “Just a little more, just 54 a handful,” But at that moment the wallet broke, the gold coins 55 dust and Fortune disappeared. The beggar had nothing but his empty wallet and remained as poor as before.

A. plan            B. fate                          C. idea                         D. dream

A. dark            B. poor                        C. clean                        D. rich

A. how              B. so                   C. however                   D. whatever

A. win                B. lose                C. throw                       D. forget

A. business         B. debt                 C. money                            D. chance

A. to                     B. on                       C. with                   D. in

A. bought                B. sold                 C. missed                      D. robbed

A. luck              B. riches                       C. trade                        D. future

A. countless        B. wonderful                  C. helpless                    D. funny

A. admire             B. help                  C. encourage                 D. excite

A. little            B. much                       C. any              D. lots

A. must                   B. may                C. shall                        D. can

A. mostly          B. simply               C. possibly             D. strictly

A. beyond          B. within                      C. during             D. by

A. really           B. actually                     C. hardly                      D. nearly

A. for                  B. into                     C. on                     D. from

A. so               B. enough                     C. true                D. right

A. trembling        B. shaking           C. breaking                   D. rolling

A. try              B. put                 C. leave                        D. add

A. cleared up        B. brought up          C. fell into                  D. turned into


 A friend of mine was sitting in the living room one day when his cat dragged in a little “gift” in its mouth—a dead animal of some sort. Taking a closer look, he was surprised to  36  it as the bunny(小兔子) that  37  Mary, the young daughter of the family next door. My friend felt  38  , believing his cat had killed Mary’s bunny.

My quick-thinking friend came up with a plan.  39   from the cat’s mouth the dead animal, which by now was a     40  mess, he put it in the kitchen sink. With a little warm water and some shampoo, he tried to  41  the dead bunny as best he could. Then he took a hair dryer and blowdried the bunny  42  it looked pretty good.

Finally, under the cover of darkness, he crept into the next-door garden and placed it  43  in the cage. He managed to make the bunny look very  44  there in his little box.

The next morning, my friend looked out of the window and noticed a crowd of people  45  around the rabbit hutch(笼). Everyone seemed to be talking and pointing. My friend  46  to go over and act like any normal  47  neighbor and find out what was going on.

When he got there, Mary’s mother said to my friend, “You won’t believe this! It’s a(n)   48  thing! Mary’s bunny  49  a few days ago, and we buried that little bunny right over there…”

Have you ever tried to cover up one wrongdoing with another? Covering up only makes matters  50  .

When we get caught doing something  51  , for example, we may  52  to cover it up with a lie. But just like Mary’s bunny, the result is  53  what we expected. We  54  looking foolish. We would have been better off admitting we were wrong and accepting the  55  . What do you think of it?

A. treat           B. catch             C. appreciate         D. recognize

A. looked for       B. got along            C. belonged to                D. resulted from

A. pleased           B. terrible         C. confused          D. excited

A. Looking        B. Removing         C. Preventing        D. Hearing

A. dirty                  B. lovely           C. gifted           D. strange

A. dress up             B. bring up              C. clean up           D. make up

A. whenever        B. though         C. before           D. until

A. carefully         B. strangely       C. espe cially         D. wonderfully

A. serious           B. accurate          C. balanced        D. natural

A. cheered             B. gathered           C. ran             D. looked

A. wished           B. decided        C. hesitated         D. meant

A. anxious          B. discouraged      C. wise              D. curious

A. strange           B. difficult        C. committed        D. annoying

A. passed away       B. ran away             C. set out                 D. went up

A. more              B. worse          C. better           D. faster

A. exciting          B. perfect          C. strange          D. wrong

A. refuse             B. attempt         C. promise         D. pretend

A. often              B. just              C. always                 D. never

A. get down        B. end up                C. go through          D. set out

A. consequences    B. opportunities     C. expectations         D. choices


A certain good woman one day said something that hurt her best friend of many years. She regretted it immediately and would have done anything to have taken the words back. So she went to an older, wiser woman in the village and 21 advice.

Listening to her, the older woman 22 the younger woman’s distress and knew she must help her. She also knew she could 23 ease her pain, but she could teach.

Then, she said. “There are 24 things you need to do. The first is extremely difficult. Tonight, Take your best 25 pillows and open a small hole in each one. Then, 26 the sun rises, you must put a single feather on the doorstep of each house in town. When you are through, 27 to me. If you’ve done the first thing 28, I’ll tell you the second.”

The young woman hurried home to prepare for her chore, 29 the pillows were very 30 to her and very expensive.

All night long, she went from doorstep to doorstep. Her fingers were 31. The wind was so sharp that it caused her eyes to water, but she ran on through the 32 streets, 33 there was something she could do to put things 34 the way they once were. Finally she placed the last feather on the steps of the last house. Just as the sun rose, she returned to the older woman.

She was exhausted but 35 ,thinking that her efforts would be rewarded.

“Now,” said the wise woman, “Go back and 36 your pillows. Then everything will be as it was before.”

The young woman was stunned, “You know that’s impossible! The wind 37 each feather as fast as I placed them on the doorsteps! You didn’t say I had to get them back! If this is the second 38, then things will never be the same.”

“That’s true,” said the older woman. “Never forget. Each of your words is like a feather in the wind. Once 39, no amount of effort, 40 how heartfelt or sincere, can ever return them to your mouth. Choose your words well and guard them most of all in the presence of those you love.”

A. asked about        B. asked for              C. asked to         D. ask around

A. witnessed           B. touched                C. guessed         D. sensed

A. ever                  B. almost                  C. never                   D. seldom

A. one                    B. two                       C. three              D. four

A. feather               B. leather                  C. woolen          D. cotton

A. when                  B. after                     C. as                  D. before

A. come back          B. go back                 C. put back        D. draw back

A. promptly           B. absolutely             C. completely    D. unfortunately

A. so as to              B. even though          C. now that        D. in spite of

A. hard                   B. rare                      C. nice              D.

A. freezing              B. freezingly             C. froze             D. frozen

A. brightened         B. widened               C. darkened       D. broadened

A. amazing            B. lucky                          C. thankful        D. surprising

A. on                     B. up                        C. off                D. back

A. tired                  B. relieved                C. grateful         D. nervous

A. refill                 B. get                       C. purchase        D. seek

A. blew up             B. blew on                C. blew away      D. blew over

A. requirement       B. situation               C. consequence   D. circumstance

A. speak                 B. spoken                  C. speaking         D. being spoken

A. however             B. whatever                C. although        D. regardless


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