摘要:This is my sister's coat.


I remember my first Christmas party with Grandma.I remember the day when my big sister dropped the bomb: “There is no Santa Claus,” she laughed.“Even dummies know that!”
  I fled to Grandma because I knew she always told me  21 .After I told her everything, she said “No Santa Claus? Don’t believe it. Now,  22 your coat, and let’s go.”
  “Go? Go where?” I asked.
  “Where” 23  to be the General Store.As we walked through its doors, Grandma   24 me ten dollars.That was a lot in those days.“Take this money and buy something for  25 needs it.I’ll wait for you in the car.”
  The store seemed big and  26 , full of people hurrying to finish their Christmas shopping.For a few moments I just stood there, 27  , holding that bill, wondering what to buy, and who on earth to buy it for.
  Suddenly I thought of Bobbie who sat right behind me.I remembered he didn’t have a coat.I fingered the bill with growing  28 .I would buy Bobbie a coat.
  “Is this a Christmas present for someone?” the lady behind the   29  asked me kindly, as I laid my ten dollars down
  “Yes,” I replied shyly.“It’s…for Bobbie.”
  The nice lady smiled at me.I didn’t get any  30 , but she put the coat in a bag and wished me a Merry Christmas.
  That evening, Grandma helped me  31  the coat and wrote, “To Bobby, From Santa Claus” on it.Then she  32 me over to Bobbie’s house.
  Grandma parked down the street from Bobbie’s house, and she and I crept 33 and hid in the  34 .Then Grandma gave me a sign.“All right, Santa Claus, get going.”
  I took a deep 35 , dashed for his front door, threw the present down, pounded his doorbell and flew back to the safety.Together we  36 breathlessly in the darkness for the front door to open.Finally it  37 , and there stood Bobbie.
Forty years haven’t dimmed the thrill of those  38 spent shivering, beside my grandma, in Bobbie’s bushes. 39 ,  I realized: Santa was alive and well, and we were  40  his team.

A.the reasonB.many thingsC.storiesD.the truth
A.put onB.put away C.put upD.put down
A.usedB.turned outC.found outD.turned up
A.lentB.took C.paid D.handed
A.anyoneB.whomever C.someone whoD.those who
A.crowded B.variedC.noisyD.convenient
A.counter B.desk C.shelfD.goods
A.makeB.wrap C.undo D.design
A.droveB.took C.ledD.asked
A.quickly B.painfullyC.nervouslyD.noiselessly
A.bushes B.darkness C.doorwayD.car
A.courageB.look C.step D.breath
A.waited B.whisperedC.creptD.stood
A.moments B.days C.time D.people
A.TodayB.That yearC.That nightD.Since then
A.on B.forC.atD.of


I remember my first Christmas party with Grandma.I remember the day when my big sister dropped the bomb: “There is no Santa Claus,” she laughed.“Even dummies know that!”

  I fled to Grandma because I knew she always told me  21 .After I told her everything, she said “No Santa Claus? Don’t believe it. Now,  22 your coat, and let’s go.”

  “Go? Go where?” I asked.

  “Where” 23  to be the General Store.As we walked through its doors, Grandma   24 me ten dollars.That was a lot in those days.“Take this money and buy something for  25 needs it.I’ll wait for you in the car.”

  The store seemed big and  26 , full of people hurrying to finish their Christmas shopping.For a few moments I just stood there, 27  , holding that bill, wondering what to buy, and who on earth to buy it for.

  Suddenly I thought of Bobbie who sat right behind me.I remembered he didn’t have a coat.I fingered the bill with growing  28 .I would buy Bobbie a coat.

  “Is this a Christmas present for someone?” the lady behind the   29  asked me kindly, as I laid my ten dollars down

  “Yes,” I replied shyly.“It’s…for Bobbie.”

  The nice lady smiled at me.I didn’t get any  30 , but she put the coat in a bag and wished me a Merry Christmas.

  That evening, Grandma helped me  31  the coat and wrote, “To Bobby, From Santa Claus” on it.Then she  32 me over to Bobbie’s house.

  Grandma parked down the street from Bobbie’s house, and she and I crept 33 and hid in the  34 .Then Grandma gave me a sign.“All right, Santa Claus, get going.”

  I took a deep 35 , dashed for his front door, threw the present down, pounded his doorbell and flew back to the safety.Together we  36 breathlessly in the darkness for the front door to open.Finally it  37 , and there stood Bobbie.

Forty years haven’t dimmed the thrill of those  38 spent shivering, beside my grandma, in Bobbie’s bushes. 39 ,  I realized: Santa was alive and well, and we were  40  his team.

1.                A.the reason      B.many things      C.stories   D.the truth


2.                A.put on         B.put away        C.put up    D.put down


3.                A.used           B.turned out      C.found out D.turned up


4.                A.lent           B.took           C.paid D.handed


5.                A.anyone         B.whomever       C.someone who  D.those who


6.                A.crowded        B.varied          C.noisy D.convenient


7.                A.satisfied        B.confused        C.curious   D.amazed


8.                A.worry          B.disappointment   C.happiness D.excitement


9.                A.counter        B.desk           C.shelf D.goods


10.               A.money         B.gifts           C.change    D.encouragement


11.               A.make          B.wrap           C.undo D.design


12.               A.drove          B.took           C.led   D.asked


13.               A.quickly         B.painfully        C.nervously  D.noiselessly


14.               A.bushes         B.darkness        C.doorway   D.car


15.               A.courage        B.look           C.step D.breath


16.               A.waited         B.whispered      C.crept D.stood


17.               A.came          B.sounded        C.did   D.appeared


18.               A.moments       B.days           C.time D.people


19.               A.Today          B.That year       C.That night  D.Since then


20.               A.on            B.for            C.at    D.of




I remember my first Christmas party with Grandma.I remember the day when my big sister dropped the bomb: "There is no Santa Claus," she laughed."Even dummies know that!"

I fled to Grandma because I knew she always told me  36  .After I told her everything, she said "No Santa Claus? Don't believe it.Now,   37  your coat, and let's go."

"Go? Go where?" I asked.

"Where"  38  to be the General Store.As we walked through its doors, Grandma  39  me ten dollars.That was a lot in those days."Take this money and buy something for  40  who needs it.I'll wait for you in the car."

The store seemed big and  41  , full of people hurrying to finish their Christmas Shopping.For a few moments I just stood there,  42  , holding that bill, wondering what to buy, and who on earth to buy it for.

Suddenly I thought of Bobbie who sat right behind me.I remembered he didn't have a coat.I fingered the bill with growing  43  .I would buy Bobbie a coat.

"Is this a Christmas present for someone?" the lady behind the  44  asked me kindly, as I laid my ten dollars down.

"Yes," I replied shyly."It's...for Bobbie."

The nice lady smiled at me.I didn't get any  45  , but she put the coat in a bag and wished me a Merry Christmas.

That evening, Grandma helped me  46  the coat and wrote, "To Bobby, From Santa Claus" on it.Then she   47   me over to Bobbie's house.

Grandma parked down the street from Bobbie's house, and she and I crept (爬)  48  and hid in the  49  .Then Grandma gave me a sign."All right, Santa Claus, get going."

I took a deep  50  , dashed for his front door, threw the present down, pounded his doorbell and flew back to the safety.Together we  51  breathlessly in the darkness for the front door to open.Finally it  52  , and there stood Bobbie.

Forty years haven't dimmed (使变暗淡) the thrill (强烈的兴奋) of those  53  spent shivering (颤抖) ,beside my grandma, in Bobbie's bushes. 54  , I realized: Santa was alive and well, and we were   55  his team.

36.A.the reason           B.many things        C.stories                D.the truth

37.A.put on                B.put away            C.put up                D.put down

38.A.used                   B.turned out           C.found out           D.turned up

39.A.lent                    B.took                   C.paid                   D.handed

40.A.anyone               B.one                    C.someone             D.anybody

41.A.crowded             B.varied                 C.noisy                  D.convenient

42.A.satisfied              B.confused            C.curious               D.amazed

43.A.worry                B.disappointment    C.happiness           D.excitement

44.A.counter              B.desk                   C.shelf                  D.goods

45.A.money                B.gifts                   C.change               D.encouragement

46.A.make                  B.wrap                  C.undo                  D.design

47.A.drove                 B.took                   C.led                     D.asked

48.A.quickly               B.painfully             C.nervously           D.noiselessly

49.A.bushes               B.darkness             C.doorway             D.car

50.A.courage              B.look                   C.step                   D.breath

51.A.waited                B.whispered           C.crept                  D.stood

52.A.came                  B.sounded              C.did                     D.appeared

53.A.moments            B.days                   C.time                   D.people

54.A.Today                B.That year            C.That night           D.Since then

55.A.on                      B.for                     C.at                       D.of

     The cashier said, " I'm sorry, but you don't have engough money to buy this doll." Then the little boy
 turned to me and asked, "Aunty, are you     1   I don't have enough money? "
      I counted his cash and      2  , " You know that you don't have enough money to buy the doll, my
 dear." The little boy was still     3   the doll in his hand. "It's the doll that my sister    4   most and wanted 
so much. I want to   5   it to her for her birthday. I want my Mommy to take it to my sister." His eyes 
were so     6   while saying this.
     "My sister has   7    to be with God. Daddy says that Mommoy is going to see God very soon too, 
so I    8   that she could take the doll with her to give it to my sister." My heart    9   stopped. The little
 boy looked at me and said, " I told Daddy to tell Mommy not to go yet. I need her to    10   until I come
 back from the   11  ."
     Then he showed me a very nice    12   of him where he was laughing. He then told me, " I want 
Mommy to take my picture with her so my sister won't   13   me. I love my Mommy and I wish she didn't have to    14  ,but Daddy says that she has to go to be with my little sister." I quickly reached for my 
   15   and said to the boy, " Shall we check again,    16   you do have enough money for the doll?"
 "OK!" he said, " I hope I do have enough." I    17   some of my money to his,    18   him seeing, and we 
started to count it. There was    19   for the doll and even some extra money. I left the place, in tears, 
feeling that my    20   had been changed forever.
(     )1. A. aware
(     )2. A. decided
(     )3. A. playing
(     )4. A. loved
(     )5. A. lend
(     )6. A. bright
(     )7. A. returned
(     )8. A. ordered
(     )9. A. nearly
(     )10. A. help
(     )11. A. hospital
(     )12. A. book
(     )13. A. forget
(     )14. A. thank
(     )15. A. coat
(     )16. A. or else
(     )17. A. selected
(     )18. A. without
(     )19. A. much
(     )20. A. money
B. sure
B. suggested
B. holding
B. missed
B. show
B. frightened
B. recovered
B. thought
B. hardly
B. sleep
B. mall
B. doll
B. hate
B. believe
B. purse
B. even though
B. raised
B. with
B. plenty
B. work
C. afraid
C. replied
C. asking
C. prepared
C. award  
C. sad
C. escaped
C. dreamed
C. really
C. wait
C. school
C. photo
C. ignore
C. cheat
C. basket
C. in case
C. passed  
C. behind  
C. little  
C. life    
D. upset      
D. bargained    
D. shaking      
D. envied      
D. give        
D. shocked      
D. gone        
D. doubted      
D. surprisingly
D. relax        
D. class        
D. toy          
D. misunderstand
D. leave        
D. jacket      
D. after all    
D. added        
D. beyond        
D. enough        
D. memory        

I have been using the Internet since I was five years old, when my dad first sat me down in front of a computer and connected me the World Wide Web.
I’ve always felt like a master of the Internet world. AOL Instant Messaging, MSN, Gmail, Facebook, Myspace -- I’ve got it all under control. I thought there was nothing more to it besides checking my e-mail and wasting my time, until I was introduced to electronic commerce(e-commerce): business on the Internet.
Some online businesses are run from one-room home offices. Others have hundreds of employees (雇员) across the world. Have you ever heard of Amazon.com, Yahoo.com?
My friends often said they got cheap textbooks off Amazon.com, or had a good deal (交易) on Steve Madden shoes that were on sale at SteveMaden.com. Unfortunately for me, I continued my “e-commerceless” Web-surfing, not knowing about all the deals I was missing out on.
That is, of course, until my sister finally sold the idea to me.
“Why are all these packages arriving in the mail for you, Katy?” I asked her one day. Strange envelopes (信封) had been put on our doorstep for weeks now, each one always addressed to my sister; and we all know little sisters should never be getting more mail than their elders!
“Oh, it’s the things I ordered online!” she answered. I watched speechlessly as she opened them. There was no way our parents were letting her spend that much money- online or off!
“How much did all of this coat?”
“Oh, only about $15 in all!” She said excitedly. “Everything on eBay is on sale! It’s a way better than going to the mall.”
I felt as if there had been a store right in my backyard that I had never walked into! That week, I ordered a used Spanish textbook for my summer course online for 10 percent of the publishing price. A few days later, I bought an iPod protector and a book or two via the wonderful eBay.com.
【小题1】From the first two paragraph we can conclude that the author        

A.had no experience using computers
B.had no idea of what e-commerce is
C.only used the Internet to check e-mail
D.thought surfing the Internet was a waste of time
【小题2】 The writer didn’t find out about e-commerce until       
A.he stopped web-surfing
B.he visited a store in his backyard
C.his sister explained the packages she got by mail
D.his friends told him about the online deals they made
【小题3】We can infer from the last paragraph that the author       .
A.never enjoyed shopping that much
B.loves the big store in her backyard
C.feels she is a true master of the Internet
D.has begun to enjoy online shopping
【小题4】What’s the purpose of the article?
A.To tell the readers how he begins online shopping.
B.To do business on the Internet.
C.To make an online shopping ad.
D.To advise people not to do online shopping


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