摘要:In order for a team to function well, people of the team must . A. respect each other B. co-operate C. obey necessary rules and regulations D. all the above


What are the best ways to learn new words? Once you have learned new words, how can you remember them?
___1_____.What is your reason for wanting to improve your vocabulary—for a purpose, like the SAT, or for fun and general self-improvement?___ 2___ For example, there are books specifically written with methods for increasing one’s vocabulary for SAT test-taking.
___3____Some people need to use what they learn in order for it to stick—as in conversation and writing.Others succeed by taking quizzes. Still others are good at memorizing.
We tend to remember words more easily when we read about them in meaningful context, when we see that they are useful and worth remembering , and also when they have been fully explained._____4_____ Most word-of-the-day offerings supply the definition as well as an example sentence or two.
Studies have shown that a new word will stay in your vocabulary if it is regularly reinforced (强化)through use and reading._____5_____ It is great to have a quiz book with you when you have to wait in places like a dentist’s office.Keeping a quiz book in the car and on the bedside table is good, too.

A.If you want to learn new words, knowing new words’ meanings in your native language is in the first place.
B.Also,you can examine how you learn best, especially word-based information.
C.Taking word quizzes is a fun way to spend a few minutes learning words.
D.Getting many kinds of methods towards your learning goal by reading.
E. Knowing how to use a word is just as important as knowing its meaning.
F. If you want to learn new words, you have to take a couple of things into consideration
G. If you have a goal, it is good to read about different approaches toward achieving the goal.


Most people nowadays are persistently seeking for opportunities that will assist them in reaching their goals. Marketing yourself is when there is a demand for you and your services that will help you achieve your goals.

Marketing yourself means you are simply “selling” yourself! The common problem in marketing yourself is that most people think that it is nasty to do this.They think that marketing concerns only to a business. Of course, this is absolutely not true. People who want to attain the success they desire must promote themselves.

In every attempt you make, just think that marketing yourself is a very useful tool. The better you market yourself, the more opportunities you will have. Marketing yourself does not really mean telling every person how beautiful and wonderful you are. It simply means telling your prospective employer that you exist, that you have the possibility of generating much greater income than your prospective employer makes. Or maybe you have the chance of doing something better. There are actually several different ways of marketing yourself.But there are only two primary approaches that you implement(实施).The first is you find ways to reach out to others and the second is to construct ways in order for the people to find you and make connection with you.

In order for you to reach out and touch the lives of others, you have to be a good person and a good employee.In that way your good reputation will follow naturally. Have a brief and concise(简明) message that you can share with others.When you market yourself, you tell people who you are and what you can do for others.Plan well and practice your message.

In constructing ways for the people to notice and make connection with you, you must be open to them. Bear in mind that communication is a great opportunity to make an impact especially when you market yourself. You also communicate by what you are wearing.Know the appropriate dress code and have plenty of time to decide what you will wear. Just remember to make a great first impression!

1.According to the passage, in general people tend to think marketing yourself________.

A.is a very useful tool

B.will make you have more opportunities

C.is nasty and concerns only to a business

D.is natural

2.All of the following are true about the marketing yourself EXCEPT________.

A.if you can marketing yourself better, you will have more opportunities

B.if you want to succeed, you must learn how to market yourself

C.marketing yourself simply means making your boss know you can make more money than him

D.marketing yourself really means telling others you are beautiful and wonderful

3.In order to market yourself well, you can do these things EXCEPT________.

A.praise yourself greatly    

B.wear appropriately

C.have a brief and clear message  

D.be open to others

4.It can be concluded from the passage that________.

A.there are only two ways of marketing yourself

B.communication plays an important part in marketing yourself

C.you needn’t spent plenty of time to decide what you will wear

D.marketing yourself simply means telling your employer you must earn much greater than him

5.Which is the best title for this passage?

A.Achieving Your Goals 

B.Knowing the Appropriate Dress

C.Ways of Marketing Yourself


For a song to become popular, people need to hear it. In order for people to hear it, the program directors at radio stations have to play it on the air. A song’s popularity is directly related to how often it is played. That is a big responsibility for program directors. How do they decide what gets played and what doesn’t?
In the past, disc jockeys(音乐节目支持人) decided what music was played on the radio. These DJs had an ear for music and an understanding of what their audience wanted to hear. Today, that is all changing. Most major radio stations are owned by a few large national businesses. The decision of what gets played on the radio is made by executives(主管) who have little or no interest in music. They do, however, know how to run a business, and they know what sells. So, the music industry designs and creates pop entertainers, and executives in the radio industry make sure that their music is played on the radio. This explains why you do not often hear anything new and fresh on the radio. The executives do not want to give air time to music that has not been tested on the market. It is too risky. They prefer to go with music that they already know will sell. They know it will sell because it sold last week and last month and last year. They just have to change it a little.
One of the most criticized(批评)practices in the music industry is the practice of “payola”. This is when record companies pay radio stations to play the music of a given artist. This practice makes many people lose trust in the music industry and is therefore against the law. A radio station can accept money in exchange for air time of a song, but they have to make clear that the song is being played because its air time was paid for. They cannot present the song as if it were part of the normal play schedule.
Payola affects both artists and audiences. The artists who work with small record companies that cannot pay a lot of money to radio stations have a much harder time getting exposure. It creates an unfair playing field. Music lovers suffer because they are not able to hear all the music that is available.
67. According to the passage, most major radio stations belong to _______.
A. national businesses    B. program directors     C. pop entertainers        D. record companies
68. “Payola” is the practice of ________.
A. artists paying radio stations to play their songs
B. record companies buying air time for certain music
C. radio station paying record company for new songs
D. program directors deciding what music gets played
69. Who can make the largest profits from payola?
A. Disc Jockeys.    B. The given artists.     C. Business executives.      D. Program directors.
70. It can be concluded from the passage that the author _______.
A. has a positive attitude towards the practice of “payola”
B. is dissatisfied with the present situation in music industry
C. is calling for a change in the normal play schedule
D. thinks that the radio stations are doing the right thing


Every once in a while, it is necessary to take a step back in order to take a long, hard look at where we are in our lives. At this point, it is good to ask yourself a bunch of critical questions. Have you so far accomplished all of your goals in life ? If so, you have not accomplished your goals in life, then perhaps you have made the mistake of setting too many goals or trying to accomplish them at an unnaturally fast pace.
It is necessary to set reasonable, intelligent goals in order to succeed in life. Do not be unrealistic because life is not a fairy tale. But you should try to recognize what you want,when attempting to visualize(形象化) or otherwise express what your goals in life are.
In order for a goal to sufficiently motivate you, it needs to be a major one. The bigger your goals are, then the more motivated you will need to be to work towards accomplishing them. If you want, you are a beginner, then no doubt mastering those tough songs is a very intelligent and realistic goal to set. But if that is your only goal as a pianist achieved. This is why it is necessary to constantly stop and re-evaluate our goals so that we are aware of what they are, and thus stay motivated.
49. From the passage, if your goals have all been achieved, you should then ______.
A. ask yourself some serious questions    B. take a hard look at your success
C. set some other intelligent goals        D. stretch yourself to relax
50. By saying “life is not a fairy tale”, the author suggests that you should ________ .
A. set as big a goal as possible             B. try hard to realize your dream
C. make your goals practical         D. abandon all your ambitions
51. To perform several Beethoven pieces well is a goal that _______.
A. is not suitable for the pianist         B. is appropriate for a beginner
C. stops you from growing as a pianist   D. is very easy to achieve
52. What is the best title for the passage ?
A. Set Intelligent Goals for Yourself     B. Try to Accomplish Your Goals
C. Get Yourself More Motivated      D. Goals Help You to Succeed


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