摘要: 此题考查主语与谓语的单复数.动名词短语作主语时.谓语动词用单数.故应将 are改为is.







Learn a foreign language is different from learning one’s        


mother tongue. The learning usually takes the place at school                  77 _________

and they are few chances to communicate with other speakers                 78 _________

of the language. As a result of, some students think that learning          79 _________

a foreign language are slow and difficult. However, we actually               80 _________

learn a foreign language much fast than we do our mother tongue.           81 _________

When you were learning your mother tongue, you spent all you           82 _________

waking hours communicated with the people around you. In other           83 _________

word, you were studying the language all day long. You did this for               84 _________

five years, so is an awful lot of hours.                                                85 _________


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