摘要: They made us long time. A. work B. to work C. worked D. working


Part I Listening Comprehension(30 marks)

Section A(22.5 marks)

Directions:In this section, you'll hear six conversations between two speakers.For each conversation, there are several questions, and each question is followed by three choices marked A, B and C.Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question.You will hear each conversation TWICE.

Conversation 1

1.How long does the woman need to work every day?

A.Three hours.

B.Four hours.

C.Five hours.

2.How much can the woman earn each day?

A.5 dollars.

B.10 dollars.

C.20 dollars.

Conversation 1

M:Do you have any work experience?

W:No, I’ve never worked in a restaurant before.

M:Do you think you can get along will with customers?

W:Yes, I think so.

M:Can you make sure to be here from four to eight in the afternoon?

W:Yes, I'm always on time.

M:Then you can start tomorrow.Monday through Friday.Five dollars an hour.

W:That's fine.

Conversation 2

3.What's the possible relationship between the speakers?

A.Boss and employee.

B.Mother and son.

C.Teacher and student.

4.When will the man come back?

A.This Monday.

B.This Wednesday.

C.This Friday.

Conversation 2

M:Mrs.Sharon, I say…, I have to …

W:What's the matter, Richard?

M:Er, I'd like to take two days off.My mother's ill.I need to stay with her.

W:I'm sorry to hear that.You mean you will be back here this Wednesday?

M:Yes, I hope I can come back earlier.

W:That's all right.By the way, don't worry about your lessons.I'll certainly help you with them.

Conversation 3

5.What can we know about Nancy and Steve?

A.They will divorce soon.

B.They have two daughters.

C.They divorced last year.

6.Who will help Nancy out in the woman's opinion?

A.Her daughter.

B.Her parents.

C.Her friends.

Conversation 3

M:Kate, Nancy and Steve are breaking up.

W:It's really a shame.I’ve heard that they quarrel, but they’ve always made up afterward.

M:Things are not working out this time.They are getting a separation soon.

W:What will happen to their daughter, Bonnie?

M:Nancy is going to take her.

W:The cost of living is so high.It will be difficult for her to take te responsibility.

M:She seems to have made up her mind.She said she would rather be a single parent than cope with an unhappy marriage.

W:Well, I hope her parents will be able to help her out.

Conversation 4

7.How often does the woman pay the tax?

A.Once a month.

B.Twice a year.

C.Once a year.

8.Why does the woman have to pay more taxes?

A.The government has raised the tax rate.

B.She didn't pay taxes last year.

C.She has got extra money.

9.What can we know about the woman?

A.She is an accountant.

B.She taught in a night school.

C.She lives upon a small income.

Conversation 4

W:Henry, our income tax is due soon.Did you call our accountant?

M:He's figuring out our taxes right now.I gave him all the records on our income and expenses last week.

W:The government has taken away taxes from our paychecks all year.I hope we get some of that money back or at least that we won't have to pay more.

M:Remember the money your aunt left us when she died, and the money you made when you taught in a night school?


M:Well, that's all taxable income.That money has put us in a higher tax bracket.

W:What does that mean?

M:It means we have to pay more taxes.

W:Well, it looks like we'll have to make more money this year just to pay last year's taxes.

Conversation 5

10.What can we know about the kid from Haiti?

A.He doesn't get on well at school.

B.He is often late for school.

C.He doesn't speak much English.

11.How many countries are mentioned in the conversation?




12.How does the woman help the immigrant kids?

A.She has spent much time with them after class.

B.She gives them more lessons than other kids.

C.She pays more attention to them at class.

Conversation 5

M:Kate, how's the new student in your class doing?

W:The kid from Haiti? He's having a rough time communicating since he doesn't speak much English.However, the other kids seem to involve him pretty well.

M:Our students are used to new kids who don't speak much English since we have had so many new immigrant families moving into our school district.

W:Don't I know it! This year I have had a Vietnamese, an Ethiopian, a Cuban and the kid from Haiti in my class.I spend a lot of time with them after class so that they can catch up.

M:It must have been hard for you since you have to give them special attention in order to help them.

W:It has been.Nevertheless, it's really rewarding to see them progress and make friends.

Conversation 6

13.When will the speakers have the exams?

A.In one week.

B.In two weeks.

C.In three weeks.

14.What will the woman do this summer?

A.Teach English.

B.Find a job.

C.Study Chinese.

15.How did the man learn Chinese?

A.By speaking.

B.By reading.

C.By listening.

Conversation 6

M:Well, Jenny.The school year is almost over.We just have two weeks before exams.What are you going to do this summer?

W:I'm going to teach English to some immigrants in the university's community service program.

M:That sounds interesting.Don't you need to speak a foreign language for the job?

W:No.You just have to present the language simply and give the students a chance to practice speaking.

M:But that's the way I was taught to speak Chinese.But speaking Chinese didn't help me learn to read and write Chinese.

W:My students don't want to read and write English.They are more interested in speaking.

M:You sound very knowledgeable about all this.How do you know so much?

W:I took teaching English as a second language course last year when you were in China.I’ve also talked with the program administrators quite a lot.I think I would like to be an ESL teacher when I graduate.


Directions:In this section, you'll hear a mini-talk.Listen carefully and then fill in numbered blanks with the information you’ve got.Fill each blank with NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS.

You'll hear the mini-talk TWICE.

About friendship

Section B

We often say, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” But what is the exact meaning of friendship? No one can really offer a definite concept, because different people hold various views on friendship.

Everyone has his own friendship and some have a lot of friends.But in fact, quantity is not so important as quality.Loyalty is the most important for friendship.No one wants to make friends with those who will betray them.

No matter whether you are married or not, no matter where you live and work, your friends are your friends.It is not based on bloodline.It relies on your intention.To you, some friends are fun-loving, some give encouragement, some offer knowledge, and others help you to find your own identity.Before your friends, you may act as a supervisor, a learned brother, a lovely child, a gentleman or a playmate.In a word, friendship helps you to be a full person.So friendship can benefit.



NASA’s twin Mars rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, have been exploring the Red Planet since 2004. But a little more than a year ago, NASA lost contact with Spirit. The space agency has tried several ways to make contact with the rover, but Spirit has not sent back any signals.
Spirit landed on Mars on January 4, 2004. Three weeks later, Opportunity arrived. Soon after, the rovers went to the opposite side of Mars. Spirit’s original mission was only designed to last for three months, but Spirit has worked for more than five years doing additional missions. Both rovers have made important discoveries about ancient Mars. They have taken thousands of images and found evidence in the rocks of a water, warmer past in Mars’ history.
Spirit is solar-powered. It got stuck in a sand trap in April 2009, trapped deep into the soil and with its wheels turning around and around but not able to move forwards or backwards. Spirit had to agree that there is nothing that can be done to change the situation—it’s never going to move again. However, even if it is a not moving station, it can still study the planet’s atmosphere and deep interior.
NASA has been concentrating on trying to position its solar panels to get as much energy from the sun as possible, or to get the rover leaning in a manner that will allow the most amount of sunlight falling on its solar panels, in order to keep it alive during the coming winter months. Engineers have planned to rock the vehicle back and forth to acquire a more favorable position. However, no matter how many efforts have been made, Spirit still could not get out of the soft soil and could not lean itself toward the sun as the Martian winter approached. Without enough energy reaching its solar panels and with so little energy in its batteries, it went into hibernation, just like a polar bear, and has not communicated with Earth since March 22, 2010.
Whatever the future holds for Spirit, its mission has been an outstanding success. When it landed on the Red Planet in January 2004, no one was really sure how long it would continue working in the cold and dusty environment. As a matter of fact, three months was its original goal.
After so many fruitless efforts, NASA scientists are losing hope of ever reconnecting with Spirit, but they will give it one more try. Ground controllers are contacting Spirit over a range of frequencies and at different times during the day in case its internal clock stopped working and it lost track of time. They also are commanding the rover to turn on its backup radio transmitter in case the main one is dead.
If this final effort to connect isn’t successful, NASA will shift the focus to its twin robot, Opportunity, which is in a different part of Mars. Opportunity is still on the move and continues to travel freely to this day. It has traveled 16.6 miles so far, and is currently rolling towards another crater it has yet to explore.
NASA has spent more than $900 million on the project but shows no sign of giving up on these determined and hard-working robots. The rovers are, though, experiencing gradual wear and tear, the expected damage to something caused by using it repeatedly over a period of time. Even before Spirit got trapped, one of its wheels had failed. And NASA says it’s just a matter of time before both robots break down completely.
【小题1】According to the passage, what can we know about Spirit?

A.It had explored Mars several times.
B.Its original mission was to work for five years.
C.It landed on Mars three weeks later than Opportunity.
D. It discovered that Mars was once a warm and wetter place.
【小题2】According to the passage, which of the following is NOT what NASA did?
A.Try to lean Spirit to make it get as much sunlight as possible.
B.Rock Spirit back and forth to make it acquire a more favorable position.
C.Make efforts to help Spirit get out of the soft soil where it is stuck.
D.Contact and order Spirit to turn on its backup radio transmitter.
【小题3】The reason why Spirit failed to communicate with the Earth is that ________.
A.it didn’t have enough energyB.it had finished its task
C.something was wrong with its wheelsD.it met an unidentified creature
【小题4】By saying “NASA will shift the focus” in Paragraph 7, the author means that ______.
A.NASA will move the center of Spirit out of the sand
B.NASA will depend on Opportunity to do the exploration
C.NASA will do nothing but wait for some opportunity
D.NASA will make opportunity help Spirit
【小题5】The last paragraph mainly informs us that _______.
A.NASA has planned to spend more money on Spirit
B.Spirit will be brought back to Earth
C.Spirit will stop operating totally in the future
D.Spirit will cause damage to Mars
【小题6】 What’s the text mainly about?
A.NASA makes the last effort to contact Spirit.
B.Spirit has made many important discoveries on Mars.
C.How Spirit got stuck and couldn’t move on Mars.
D.Why NASA tried many ways to contact Spirit.


NASA’s twin Mars rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, have been exploring the Red Planet since 2004. But a little more than a year ago, NASA lost contact with Spirit. The space agency has tried several ways to make contact with the rover, but Spirit has not sent back any signals.

Spirit landed on Mars on January 4, 2004. Three weeks later, Opportunity arrived. Soon after, the rovers went to the opposite side of Mars. Spirit’s original mission was only designed to last for three months, but Spirit has worked for more than five years doing additional missions. Both rovers have made important discoveries about ancient Mars. They have taken thousands of images and found evidence in the rocks of a water, warmer past in Mars’ history.

Spirit is solar-powered. It got stuck in a sand trap in April 2009, trapped deep into the soil and with its wheels turning around and around but not able to move forwards or backwards. Spirit had to agree that there is nothing that can be done to change the situation—it’s never going to move again. However, even if it is a not moving station, it can still study the planet’s atmosphere and deep interior.

NASA has been concentrating on trying to position its solar panels to get as much energy from the sun as possible, or to get the rover leaning in a manner that will allow the most amount of sunlight falling on its solar panels, in order to keep it alive during the coming winter months. Engineers have planned to rock the vehicle back and forth to acquire a more favorable position. However, no matter how many efforts have been made, Spirit still could not get out of the soft soil and could not lean itself toward the sun as the Martian winter approached. Without enough energy reaching its solar panels and with so little energy in its batteries, it went into hibernation, just like a polar bear, and has not communicated with Earth since March 22, 2010.

Whatever the future holds for Spirit, its mission has been an outstanding success. When it landed on the Red Planet in January 2004, no one was really sure how long it would continue working in the cold and dusty environment. As a matter of fact, three months was its original goal.

After so many fruitless efforts, NASA scientists are losing hope of ever reconnecting with Spirit, but they will give it one more try. Ground controllers are contacting Spirit over a range of frequencies and at different times during the day in case its internal clock stopped working and it lost track of time. They also are commanding the rover to turn on its backup radio transmitter in case the main one is dead.

If this final effort to connect isn’t successful, NASA will shift the focus to its twin robot, Opportunity, which is in a different part of Mars. Opportunity is still on the move and continues to travel freely to this day. It has traveled 16.6 miles so far, and is currently rolling towards another crater it has yet to explore.

NASA has spent more than $900 million on the project but shows no sign of giving up on these determined and hard-working robots. The rovers are, though, experiencing gradual wear and tear, the expected damage to something caused by using it repeatedly over a period of time. Even before Spirit got trapped, one of its wheels had failed. And NASA says it’s just a matter of time before both robots break down completely.

1.According to the passage, what can we know about Spirit?

A. It had explored Mars several times.

B. Its original mission was to work for five years.

C. It landed on Mars three weeks later than Opportunity.

D. It discovered that Mars was once a warm and wetter place.

2.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT what NASA did?

A. Try to lean Spirit to make it get as much sunlight as possible.

B. Rock Spirit back and forth to make it acquire a more favorable position.

C. Make efforts to help Spirit get out of the soft soil where it is stuck.

D. Contact and order Spirit to turn on its backup radio transmitter.

3.The reason why Spirit failed to communicate with the Earth is that ________.

A. it didn’t have enough energy             B. it had finished its task

C. something was wrong with its wheels      D. it met an unidentified creature

4.By saying “NASA will shift the focus” in Paragraph 7, the author means that ______.

A. NASA will move the center of Spirit out of the sand

B. NASA will depend on Opportunity to do the exploration

C. NASA will do nothing but wait for some opportunity

D. NASA will make opportunity help Spirit

5.The last paragraph mainly informs us that _______.

A. NASA has planned to spend more money on Spirit

B. Spirit will be brought back to Earth

C. Spirit will stop operating totally in the future

D. Spirit will cause damage to Mars

6. What’s the text mainly about?

A. NASA makes the last effort to contact Spirit.

B. Spirit has made many important discoveries on Mars.

C. How Spirit got stuck and couldn’t move on Mars.

D. Why NASA tried many ways to contact Spirit.



NASA’s twin Mars rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, have been exploring the Red Planet since 2004. But a little more than a year ago, NASA lost contact with Spirit. The space agency has tried several ways to make contact with the rover, but Spirit has not sent back any signals.

Spirit landed on Mars on January 4, 2004. Three weeks later, Opportunity arrived. Soon after, the rovers went to the opposite side of Mars. Spirit’s original mission was only designed to last for three months, but Spirit has worked for more than five years doing additional missions. Both rovers have made important discoveries about ancient Mars. They have taken thousands of images and found evidence in the rocks of a water, warmer past in Mars’ history.

Spirit is solar-powered. It got stuck in a sand trap in April 2009, trapped deep into the soil and with its wheels turning around and around but not able to move forwards or backwards. Spirit had to agree that there is nothing that can be done to change the situation—it’s never going to move again. However, even if it is a not moving station, it can still study the planet’s atmosphere and deep interior.

NASA has been concentrating on trying to position its solar panels to get as much energy from the sun as possible, or to get the rover leaning in a manner that will allow the most amount of sunlight falling on its solar panels, in order to keep it alive during the coming winter months. Engineers have planned to rock the vehicle back and forth to acquire a more favorable position. However, no matter how many efforts have been made, Spirit still could not get out of the soft soil and could not lean itself toward the sun as the Martian winter approached. Without enough energy reaching its solar panels and with so little energy in its batteries, it went into hibernation, just like a polar bear, and has not communicated with Earth since March 22, 2010.

Whatever the future holds for Spirit, its mission has been an outstanding success. When it landed on the Red Planet in January 2004, no one was really sure how long it would continue working in the cold and dusty environment. As a matter of fact, three months was its original goal.

After so many fruitless efforts, NASA scientists are losing hope of ever reconnecting with Spirit, but they will give it one more try. Ground controllers are contacting Spirit over a range of frequencies and at different times during the day in case its internal clock stopped working and it lost track of time. They also are commanding the rover to turn on its backup radio transmitter in case the main one is dead.

If this final effort to connect isn’t successful, NASA will shift the focus to its twin robot, Opportunity, which is in a different part of Mars. Opportunity is still on the move and continues to travel freely to this day. It has traveled 16.6 miles so far, and is currently rolling towards another crater it has yet to explore.

NASA has spent more than $900 million on the project but shows no sign of giving up on these determined and hard-working robots. The rovers are, though, experiencing gradual wear and tear, the expected damage to something caused by using it repeatedly over a period of time. Even before Spirit got trapped, one of its wheels had failed. And NASA says it’s just a matter of time before both robots break down completely.

50. According to the passage, what can we know about Spirit?

A. It had explored Mars several times.

B. Its original mission was to work for five years.

C. It landed on Mars three weeks later than Opportunity.

D. It discovered that Mars was once a warm and water place.

51. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT what NASA did?

A. Try to lean Spirit to make it get as much sunlight as possible.

B. Rock Spirit back and forth to make it acquire a more favorable position.

C. Make efforts to help Spirit get out of the soft soil where it is stuck.

D. Contact and order Spirit to turn on its backup radio transmitter.

52. The reason why Spirit failed to communicate with the Earth is that ________.

A. it didn’t have enough energy       B. it had finished its task

C. something was wrong with its wheels   D. it met an unidentified creature

53. By saying “NASA will shift the focus” in Paragraph 7, the author means that ______.

A. NASA will move the center of Spirit out of the sand

B. NASA will depend on Opportunity to do the exploration

C. NASA will do nothing but wait for some opportunity

D. NASA will make opportunity help Spirit

54. The last paragraph mainly informs us that _______. Ks5u

A. NASA has planned to spend more money on Spirit

B. Spirit will be brought back to Earth

C. Spirit will stop operating totally in the future

D. Spirit will cause damage to Mars

55. What’s the text mainly about?

A. NASA makes the last effort to contact Spirit.

B. Spirit has made many important discoveries on Mars.

C. How Spirit got stuck and couldn’t move on Mars.

D. Why NASA tried many ways to contact Spirit.



    Paul used to live next to Clara’s family in the No12 Street in Paris (1) he was youngAnd Paul had long (2) to marry ClaraBut at the age of thirty-three when he was working in a small town near Paris, he met (3) married Alice, who was a pretty girl and (4) with him in the same workshopClara was well, perhaps there is (5) so terrible as a woman was made (6) in this way

    Paul was taken (7) a judgeAnd he had to pay Clara 6,000 francs because of the (8) promisePaul had to (9) the money from his bossHe agreed to pay back 50 francs a month to him

    Paul and Alice were (10) but not (11)They had little enough food, certainly, even before the (12) began to arriveThey worked very hard, (13) taking a holidayIn time, there were seven (14) in the familyLife was very (15) for this big familyPaul had to work day and night to (16) the family and pay back the money he had borrowed

    The years of hard work and little food changed the family (17)After 12 years of family life, Paul was alone in the worldAnd 20 years (18) Paul paid back all the money at last and left the factory

    One day it was a holiday, he went to the park near the No12 Street, where he used to play football with his friendsHe sat down on a seatA middle-aged (19) came and sat down near himIt was ClaraShe said:”The 6,000 francs has been in a bank (20) the day it was paid to me, PaulIt is now 60,000 francs, and I have kept it for (21)Will you let me (22) it with you?”

    “NO, ” said Paul, “each thousand is a (23) life in a desert between usIt can (24) bring me any happiness

     With these words, Paul(25) and walked away

1Awhich Bbecause Cwhen Dwhere
2AwishedBpromised Cplanned Dtried
3Abut Bso Cand Dor
4Alived Bdid Ctalked Dworked
5Asomething BanythingCnothing Deverything
6Ahappy Bhungry Ctired Dangry
7Abefore Bas Cfrom Dfor
8Abroken Bfirst Cwritten Dlong
9Areceive Breturn Cborrow Dlend
10Arich Byoung Cpoor Dsatisfied
11Ahappy BunhappyClucky Dprotected
12Achildren Bwinter Cdeath Dnight
13Aalways Bnever CbothDoften
14Amen Bwomen Cholidays Dmouths
15Asad Bhard Clost Dvaluable
16Asupply Breturn Cbuild Dsupport
17Aa little BslowlyCso much Dat the most
18Alater Bafter Cended Dago
19Aman Bold friendsCwoman Dpoliceman
20Aon Bsince Cafter Dbefore
21Ame BAliceCyou Dour children
22Akeep Bspend Csave Dshare
23Ahappy Bcoming Clost Dshort
24Ahardly Bnever Cquickly Dseldom
25Astood up BsmiledCcried Dthank her

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