摘要:A根据对话内容及上下文.在空白处填入适当的词.使对话意思完整.每空只填一词.. • (Tom-T Lin Tao-L Miss Yang-M) T "Good afternoon! L:(45) M:Good afternoon! May I (46) you? T: (47) you (48) a book on Chinese history? M,Let me see- "Ah, here it is. T:Thank you. How (49) you, Lin Tao? L,Oh, I want to (50) a book on football. M,Oh, you're lucky. We've just got a new book on football. I think you'll be (51) with it L:Thank you very much! T:How long may I (52) the book? M:Two weeks. L: Can I keep it a little longer? M: Yes, you can. But you'll have to come and renewit if you (53) finish it in time. T: Must I (54) the book back for that? M, Yes, you must. And you mustn't lend it to (55) . T: L: "All right, we won't. B.根据对话内容.从方框中选出五个合适的句子补全对话. A. What do you want, madam? B. Do you like it , dear? C. I like red better than green, D. What can I do for you, madam? E. I prefer green. F. Here are coats for girls. G. How much is it? 并将其标号填入相应的括号内. (Man-M Woman-W Girl-G) M: (56) W: I'm looking for a coat for my daughter. M, Here, madam. (57) W: The one on the right looks very nice, doesn't it? (58) G: No, Mum, I don't like red very much. (59) W, Green? What about that green one over there? How do you like that? G:It's nice, isn't it? W: Yes. (60) M:80 dollars. W: OK. We'11 take it


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