摘要:He becomes fat quickly,because he eats.


Yao Ming, the centre of the Chinese National Men’s basketball team, joins the Houston Rocket in the 2002 NBA. The 2.2 m, 120kg basketball star becomes the first one to come from a foreign (外国的) team. Yao Ming was born in Shanghai in September, 1980. His mother is a leader of the Chinese National Women’s Team. His father plays basketball, too. Yao Ming is welcome in China. He becomes a very important basketball player in China Basketball Association. It’s short for CBA.
During the 2000-2001 seasons, he gets 27.1 scores for the Shanghai Oriental(东方) Sharks in every match. Yao Ming joins the Houston Rockets in November, 2002. He says this is a new start in his basketball life. He world do his best to learn from the NBA and improve(提高) himself. Sport analyst(分析家) Bill Walton says, “Yao Ming is very strong. He has the capability(能力) of changing the future(未来) of basketball.”
【小题1】The Houston Rockets is the name of a _______ team. 
【小题2】Both Yao Ming’s father and mother are ___________.
【小题3】Yao Ming ________ in CBA during the 2000-2001 seasons. 
A.doesbadlyB.isn’tgoodC.isin AmericaD.doeswell
【小题4】Yao Ming _________ the Houston Rockets in November, 2002.
A.doeshisbesttojoinB.isa teacherin
【小题5】Sport analyst Bill Walton thinks Yao Ming can __________. 
A. learn from the NBA.
B. change the future of basketball 
C. improve himself
D. becomes the captain of the Houston Rockets.

Last night Molly watched a basketball game. Her little brother, Sam, played in it. Sam did his best in the game, but his team   41   the game. Sam was very sad. Molly tried to make him   42  , but he was still unhappy with the result.

Molly thought for a long time and finally she came up with a good   43  . She decided to make his favorite cake for him though she was not good at it. She just wanted him to know that every loss has its own   44   and we can improve our performances next time. She thought it was enough if we had tried our best.

After Molly finished making the cake, she gave Sam a piece. When Sam tried a piece of it, he smiled, “No matter what others   45   the cake, I like it very much,” Sam continued, “because I know you have made it with your   46   and you have tried your best. ” Hearing this, Molly said, “This is just   47   I want to say to you.   48   your team didn’t win the game, you had tried your best. You are the greatest in my heart all the time!”

From then on, every time Sam   49   to do something, he thinks of Molly’s words. He is no longer   50   failing. Instead he becomes stronger to face all his troubles in his life.

1.A. won               B. beat             C. lost           D. missed

2.A. play              B. smile            C. come           D. cry

3.A. idea              B. manner           C. game           D. ball

4.A. lesson            B. school           C. time           D. term

5.A. point at          B. think of         C. stick to       D. take away

6.A. money             B. love             C. material       D. time

7.A. why               B. what             C. who            D. how

8.A. Since             B. So               C. Though         D. Because

9.A. helps             B. wants            C. forgets        D. fails

10.A. crazy about   B. good at  C. afraid of    D. interested in



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