86. 钓鱼岛属于中国。
The Diaoyu Islands _____ ______ China.
87. 写这部小说你用了多长时间?
How long does ____ ____ you to write this novel?
88. 她父母太忙了,很少有时间陪她。
Her parents were ______ busy _______ they spent little time with her.
89. 史密斯一家来青岛已经一年了,逐渐爱上了这座城市。
_______ is a year ________ the Smiths came to Qingdao and they are falling in love with it.
90. 研究表明五分之一的学生在11岁之前有阅读困难。
Studies show that one fifth of the pupils have difficulty ______ _______ by the age of 11.
1. 我们如何解决我们的问题呢?
do we our problems?
2. 玛丽能回答这个问题,汤姆也可以。
Mary can answer the question. .
3. 她母亲非常有耐心,没有放弃设法帮助她。
Her mother was very , and didn’t trying to help her.
4. 实践是学习一切本领的最佳途径。
Practice is to learn all skills.
5. 你去过海南吗? 海南真是太美了。
you ever Hainan?It is really beautiful.
6. 考试中学生不能使用计算器。
Students should not calculators during the exam.
7. 这些科学家们终年在实验室工作,很少有时间休假。
These scientists works in the labs and seldom have days off.
8. 他的同事告诉我们他已经不在那个公司了。
His workmates told us that he was in that company.
2. 杨叔叔经常开车送他儿子去上学.
3. 黄阿姨很少有时间外出,她要照顾很多孩子.
4. 这些天他都在跟他父亲学习如何修自行车.
5. 你学习越努力,你就越会得到更好的结果.
How are you ____________ __________ with your classmate?
The playground is ______________ ____________ to hold 2000 people.
Her parents were ______ busy _______ they spent little time with her.
Tom did not come to school yesterday _________ ___________ illness.
___________ ____________ he does not come on time?